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And so you have to sort of crowd and spot the Don't fucking do that.
I clicked back into the game and an auto shop.
I'm sorry, Gamers, Gamers, gaming is forgiveness, and they react to your light too.
So what?
Careful with your light.
Being often on the basic premise here is I'm right here by this door.
This door goes into another area.
Basically, we need to explore and find a key card to access a specific area to access in the top left.
It says find hydro Stasis unit hs you 500 retrieve DNA core sample.
And when you do that and then get to the extract and get the fuck out So they're a little like computer terminals.
Okay, You look on the map at the little orange box on the bottom left over here.
I think that's just like a toolbox or something.
But there will be stuff on that on the map like that, and some of them will be computers.
You have to actually type commands into the computer.
We share a left.
Damn, it's yet it's complicated, and I'm know I'm willing to learn.
And so into it we so don't want to flight things.
That would be my number.
One thing we don't want to fight.
Okay, What's the dealio?
What's the story?
Where we headed, Big guy?
Oh, close sticks.
They're good, right?
Cause they don't react to those.
Yeah, glow sticks or chill.
Um, so basically, we have to pick a door and just explore.
We don't have any info right now.
We need to find a computer, and we need to start gathering information, so I'm ready when that door opens.
We're not running in guns.
No, no, no.
I'm gonna be asleep.
I know.
I don't wanna wake them up.
I not even lights.
I will not have an outburst.
Oh, God.
There's something very dark.
Are they in the dark?
A, uh, who doesn't have a thing?
It is a sea foam grenade.
You will see them.
When they get agitated, they will start to, like, glow and global global.
Oh, this is swearing is the same.
Okay, No, I know this level.
I know this level.
Okay, Okay, okay, okay.
You're right.
So So chill.
So this door that handles his alarm detected.
So when we when we open it.
It's gonna wake a bunch of them up.
Oh, God.
Why would you do that?
We don't want that.
Well, we have to go that way.
But I've learned a little pro tip for later in the level.
This door over here, these doors out here, I hear many noises.
Yeah, Clicking isn't there for these doors.
We do.
We don't want them to be destroyed.
The enemy is when they get attracted, will destroy doors.
So let's open these up.
Even though we don't need to be in here right now and, uh, sound like No, no, no, it'll be fine.
This is awesome.
Okay, So also, if you want to look into darkness, you don't want to disturb them.
If you just flash your light, it won't generally, like, wake them all the way up.
I feel like that would be more noticing.
Yeah, like that's more annoying.
It's Ah, it's the duration thing.
Not like, not like an attention thing.
A cz.
Long as you don't do it for too long, they will not get they look straight, has a tiny window.
So this is another alarm one.
We want to leave this bad boy.
I think this is our our final room that we get to the d n.
A sample of the key character.
That one?
So we need to get the key card for that door.
So we're gonna open this one.
There might be bad guys in here.
What door?
Right here.
Good guys.
Liquors clears.
That's bad, Guys.
I'm scared.
Way kill him is so the They'll be asleep.
You will?
That's a computer.
Don't use it yet.
Everyone, come Look.
This is a bad boy on the floor, you know, Don't don't don't Don't move.
Sees throbbing aboard thes air like the bass enemies, which is just chill.
It's fine.
It's fine.
Let's go back to sleep and just gonna, uh, give it a little, uh, read him a bedtime story with your hammer.
I'm just gonna hit him with.
Hit him.
Hit him with the whoops.
Oh, hit him with the dab so that we just matched them.
If you had shocking with a fully charged melee, there might be more Continue to chill now.
Okay, that's like the witch protocol and left for dead.
But for every enemy, he like every enemy.
Is she worse?
Some of them move.
Some of them are terrifying.
Oh, so there's three more leads back to where we were, so we're chill, But come over here.
This computer thing is what we need.
Uh, alright, So you have to use these computer terminals and you have to type in commands.
Um, someone access it and type Find space hs you underscore 500 find.
Find what?
Space hs you underscore.
That's the thing that we're looking for.
Would not recognize is a commend.
Oh, maybe you need a run.
Somebody else try.
I see I've never actually done this.
Uh, thing are these noises things What noises?
Oh, it's just It's just spooky.
I just hear, like, creaking and footsteps in the distance.
A h s u 7 30 locate up to taik known Oh, my God.
Get the fuck out of here.
Sorry, I It's so cool that I can actually see the screen even though you're in it.
And I'm not gonna teach us to 500.
Don't be activated.
Locations own 52 ping out of range gets his own 52 to find the item.
Zone 51 that needed a key card.
Also, I can see something through this little window.
Oh, wait.
Does it say what key car?
We need a white key.
White 77779 Ping that 779 Okay, big brains.
Querying key.
White 779 Yeah, uh, normal locations own 50.
Okay, so if the head back, So we need to get into his own 50.
Find the keycard.
Bring the key card back here.
I can't stay in the zone.
50 on the map.
I don't think we've found we have to discover it for 49 b then.
I mean, there's a lot of 49 people here.
So here's own 49 f.
Shall we explore this before we go in through the alarm door?
Why not?
See, you know you need to goto.
You know what?
I guess that's f you.
You ready, my Broz?
Oh, I'm ready.
Ready for the terror.
Oh, there's a, uh, there's a thing here.
What's in here?
Locker seven.
War to contains another sea foam grenade.
So are our light.
Has to be like on them right toe.
Agitate them yet Not in the area.
It will immediately start throbbing and clicking.
If you hit him still?
Like if you If you think you're in trouble, just lights off.
Crouch Don't move till they'll calm down A little bit.
Doors, all kinds of bone.
This is not fruitful there.
This is just a little side praying with with loot in it.
I think so.
You're turrets will only shoot at enemies, but turret bullets will hurt you.
Okay, Dom, one of them.
I'm going to put mine like she here.
I'm gonna put mine like here.
Are we pointing into the zone 49 c?
I'm pointing it this way.
So what we're gonna do is we're gonna come inside here, don't close, close this door and then trigger the alarm because they'll come from this way.
Way Put your turn in here covering the doorway on and then we have, like, a fire.
Yeah, you should turn out just like mine.
I wanna put my wallet so I don't want to shoot at us, right?
I want to shoot across the door, right way.
They're gonna shoot out the door because we need a safe place to stand.
So there's gonna be when I trigger the alarm thing.
There's like a hack.
Basically, there will be a little circles that appear on the ground.
We all have to stand in them and then Oh, yeah, But then they might split off.
Though The gimmick is you have to feel all the circles.
So they're at some way.
There will be four circles, a little hockey, the right out that the alarm doors to end it, for sure.
But anyway, we're about to do this, so don't shoot each other.
Don't get in the way.
The turrets and have fun.
Uh, I hope we live.
Oh, okay.
So come stand in my security circle.
So we have to stay here to finish the door.
Well, here they come and they come in.
Is that it?
So they're trying to breach the door right now.
Okay, this is scary.
And get the circles, get the circles.
Look at the white lines on the circles.
One more circle over here.
That is a big one.
You were right about that.
That big one focus you had trying God, Yes.
He said he's dead.
Holy fuck You shoot their heads off and they're on the ground.
They still hurt you.
I thought he was dead because he had no Haytham.
Okay, we're good.
Good job, gamers.
That's how big in first truck.
God, I'm a 30% health.
Who's got a med pack?
Oh, Ideo, how do I use to come over to me and e me?
Not him?
Not me, not me.
What are you doing in your Sorry?
My bad.
Yo, me daddy.
You feel free to touch me again, You guys, Was that like, Okay.
Was that like a baby level way?
Thatwas bars that crazy ass waves go.
That was trashed.
Here was nothing.
Good, good, great.
That's that's not the U.
So some of them shoot stuff out of their brain holds.
And you gotta watch out for that shit, because Ouch.
All right, let's do this.
This is shit.
Scared out of them some more.
This locker, right locker as well.
I'll hack this one.
Or if someone some of them just open.
This one, This one by wait'll I got it.
No, it was me.
We did it at the time.
I did.
There is a glow stick in here now.
All right?
I want to definitely get the med kit good job.
Foxtrot Delta over their glow sticks.
I'll have those yet?
I want the grenade.
Uh, we go left or straight.
We need to explore everywhere.
So you want a pure cautiously?
Explore should be opened.
A small door appears.
We hold off on the let's see what's up in this room before we get too involved.
Anything else?
If there's a computer terminal in here, I'm gonna say this.
I fucking love this game Already.
Harsh showed high.
Have you seen anything?
Me neither.
We've cleared this.
So we're good to walk around with.
This room is fine.
Flashlights on.
Do whatever you want.
That ping was the key.
If you guys hear that shit, I kind of do it again.
Opinion again.
Try and figure out what the door it's through or if it's in this room.
Her to my right.
Mingling with East Southeast.
I think it's over here kind of where I am.
Do it again.
I heard it.
Okay, one more time for more time.
One more time.
Uh, that sounds like it's everywhere.
No, I feel like it's out of me.
Do it one more time.
It's going.
It just takes a second to read fire.
I'll just keep doing it.
Uh, yeah.
Over where you are, American.
I think it's through this door.
Okay, I definitely hear it louder over here.
Yeah, let me come over to you.
So we want to try where I was also.
What zone does that door stay on it, then?
Uh, Z 50 g.
I don't hear it over here.
By where?
Mark was I here?
South way south.
It was loud.
It was loud.
Let me compare, uh, thing in there.
Oh, it's only a letter here.
You're right.
You're right.
You're right.
Maybe itself.
I think maybe the storm.
I think it's maybe 43 a up 4 34 But some things back to where we were, he could be in our room.
It could be in our room back here.
It's back through this room.
That's right.
Oh, it's a very close right here.
Okay, turn it loud.
Yeah, I think it's like over in this area.
Do you see more marked on the map?
I think if we go through this door where I think that's the right.
Okay, Yeah.
I'll come to that door where, you guys.
Is that okay?
That's such a cool mechanic.
You just gotta listen for it.
It's so simple.
Okay, where's toss, man?
I'm coming back.
I was just Yes, Ready for another breach?
Yeah, baby things game would be fucking impossible if you didn't have discord.
I know.
Don't you play this random Sze All right, Someone else open and I don't want that responsibility.
All right, Pinky?
Ah, it's not a big room.
There's a locker here.
It may also just be like sitting on a shelf.
I may also be further, I think other.
Nor think it's through this next door here.
Yeah, somewhere we were all being pulled.
Okay, Ready?
Uh, there's a resource and ammo pack here.
Door open and folks lights off.
Let's do this.
Mark, who I was tryingto How do I use it on myself?
Just get away from everyone and then holding it should self apply.
There goes.
I'm going to his locker down here.
I assume we drop hole.
You know the drop There's a staircase or like, a little path here?
Well, yeah, that's a door that opens.
Oh, are you hacking that bad boy?
Yes, you could do it.
You want me to go back in, Ping if you want to.
That might be helpful.
I think that if I remember this map, I think this room is like the last room in this 30.
Kiki, I got it.
Oh, you got it.
Key white 779 Hey, this is what you guys, this game's Ah, so easy.
I have to say, versus my first time I ever ran this, there were so few enemies in the important areas.
Yeah, we've only had one room with an enemy.
I encountered so much bullshit when I was this the first time.
Should we do or wait?
So we need to set up like we did before.
I want a close up of these doors.
So what we're gonna want to do, I think it's set up basically to hold this store.
We just walked in through, uh, so if I remember right whenever we did this, I know if it's still like this, but it was like the first circle we all had to be in, but there's like, six or eight of folks that pop up we've got Yeah, it's along the key sequences, a long sequence of the circle bullshit.
So when when shit starts going down, we want to see foam up this area right here.
See seafoam this doorway and it's not like hold it down and it'll sort of burst.
Explain the mechanics of what seafoam does it just for those who don't know and shot it shoots out lobs and it slows them down.
So you want to slow him in the turret range?
I want to get it on the floor, shooting at the floor.
You shoot it before anything happens As we're about to trigger shit, you shoot war and it lasts for, like, a couple minutes, okay?
And their feet, like you hold it down to shoot looks.
Look, man, I don't want to get me Oh, good questions together.
So if you just tap it it, like, won't work anything out.
Where will barely shoot it all?
If you will hold it out there is like a full charge blast and you release it will be like usual.
Ju ju ju ju ju so ain't like spread it around you know you don't want one spot?
All right.
So I got an edge.
The gun a little bit early, finesse.
You gotta jolt it a little bit.
Okay, I got it.
Now, Now I understand how this functions, OK?
Your time.
I got this.
Okay, wait.
We should close the door.
We should close the door, I guess.
I think maybe you guys should do the door.
So we're ready.
Thio foam.
If we close this door, isn't there an equal chance they'll go to the other one to break in?
That we didn't.
Yeah, that sounds that's actually we're all just guessing together now.
You know, this is my safe space.
This right here is my safe, so no d'oh, no foam.
One phone boy, you're you're fomer up.
And this made.
So I use those first, let them save their phone.
We need most more phone later, So don't blow your load.
And Nate's will be useful later because it's gonna be foam over the mo foam.
I'm just saying all right, but 11 fomer man, if you want to hit this door right now and then lets trigger this bitch.
You got it shown You were born for this.
I'm just gonna watch how it works.
I'm gonna watch you.
Oh, so you charge it up and then you let go.
Thio, charge it up and then let go.
Get in the circle, motherfuckers!
Okay, Okay, Okay, Okay.
Good luck, gamers.
Dicks out!
Hold the line.
Hold the line.
Hold the wines.
One fall in line.
I got my line.
I mean, why don't l mean, that's back in the door.
Back to the door.
Back in the door.
Wait, who's not in a line over there?
Jesus Christ.
Oh, my God.
This is fucking scary on a ball boy involved one with it again and fight.
You doing it?
Keep doing security.
Gun doesn't shoot me.
We got it.
We got it.
We got it.
Next one, next 10 no, We didn't get it.
We didn't get it.
Came into my circle, beaten out of mine.
Somebody stood in the same circles.
Me may have been made.
OK, I'm going for a 41 Oh, there's people here.
Where is it?
I missed it.
Was I on it?
I don't know.
Oh, God.
What are you shooting at me?
Holy crap on down!
Okay, okay.
With fucker.
These okay?
One right at the door.
Got it.
I think we need to win that.
We need to win the fight.
Don't worry too much about the circles if weights down.
Way circles anyway.
Yeah, we're never award.
I won.
I didn't Just getting lit up.
Wait, wait up now.
Oh, there's still more Wait up.
I'm gonna try and get way.
I'm about to go down, but I'll keep shooting.
Who the hell back?
Alright, circles, circles.
I held back, but I have to use it on myself.
Oh, wow.
Oh, my God!
Fuck May so many.
I'm down.
We never got past the keycard part of Oh, she's this Yeah, Weird on the security faces Price So many things by me, and I just couldn't fight him off home.
Mike going so many My hair is pounding.
Yeah, So that's about how that went my first time, I guess.
Uh, can we go, boys?
All right, All right.
I'm just gonna say, first time through, I think we did pretty good.
I think that was OK.
And now well, Now we know we could blast through that again.
Waken run, sprinting, screaming at the top of our list.
Yeah, so the key will be in a different place and the rooms might be have different things in them.
The enemies will all be different.
You got that?
By the way, what is the lower behind this?
Are these humans that air mutated or what?
Uh, only on it.
But there they are.
This is some sort of prison, basically.
And we were trying to, like, get out of the prison.
But there's there.
There's some sort of mutating virus thing that has, like, is all those things are like people who died and then were mutated by the thingy, the virus or whatever.
They were exciting.
Collect DNA samples to, ah, cure it or get to get out.
I don't I don't honestly know, so Yeah.
Yeah, I only got it like secondhand.
I don't actually look at it anything, So Okay, Okay.
Do you guys have the thing in the middle of your screen?
So it's an inter security scan to stop alarm.
We need to get ozone.
Fifth, that's above you.
Get close enough Zone 50 to get close enough.
Okay, So?
Well, so can you ping it?
Well, it says Ping out of range.
Okay, I hear they're here.
So here's one to the right.
One to the left.
Oh, he's here.
He's here.
So I just I just like inch my way towards him.
Yeah, you have to be pretty close.
But then just hit him with 10 hey.
Used to standing over there.
Okay, Just hit it with one fully charged Malay right in the dome, right in this dome.
Oh, this fucking sucks.
Your Children.
Do we have an indication of when is good to swing when you feel like you could hit him with the two handed hammer?
I'm about to do mine.
Oh, that one standing up, That sending you.
Nice one, Bob.
So when you charge, it'll stay charged until you're ready, right?
No, no, no.
It released this after a couple of seconds of being fully you that Okay.
You like one red flash?
All right, so I guess we just set up our turret situation.
Yeah, that was outside the door.
That's the scariest thing I've don't ever set up mine right here on this guy century again.
I've got shotgun, boy.
So what, you just did?
You just do a lattice, like right here.
Um I mean, the only thing is, we don't want them shooting too far in so that we have a safe place to be.
But however you want to set up a crossfire, go for it.
You got this.
You have space on the street.
Is you got this?
May be facing a little back into the room like you could do it.
Like here on Amos.
I could further you name it back this way.
It's not got far at us.
You got it.
Do it.
See how it looks.
Oh, that's good.
That's good.
That's good.
That's good.
Too much into the boxes weigh.
Close this door.
All right.
Let me know when I could trigger gamer.
Let's do some Let's do some terrifying bullshit.
I just want to say I love you guys.
Have a good game out there.
I peed myself.
There's got to be, like a system to like to know that goes way, get the whole circle.
We gotta, like, set up someone's far right.
Someone's far left in that having like your doors open lines to the at two.
Yet our door.
Yet you write interesting.
Very interesting.
All right, so he's He's so much easier.
That's good.
Oh, Sunday Night football, baby.
Thanks to it worked her.
It's hurt.
I'm 44.
45 the tool ammo box thing going here.
Let's off.
Okay, She'll He started up, though, so let's go back down.
Yeah, the position they're in is fine.
Oh, he's not e I I can see your insights.
Mr East.
The Robbie.
What's going on?
What are you doing?
This thing.
Okay, fine.
This is fine.
It looks like you were just like inside your hammer is like talking belly.
Oh, my God.
Okay, Okay.
So there may be a an enemy in this room that is extra terrifying that we haven't seen yet, So I would just say that eyes, eyes up, boys.
How do you know?
Because the first time I prayed it, we experienced the worst enemy that can be in this room.
And there's a med kit here, and you're talking about it once.
I have, um, a kid who wants another one?
I found my only of those sticks so I can take a med kit.
I don't have a second.
Let me let me give you am a real quick.
Uh oh.
Here's a tool refill.
Um, give me Emma for everything, all right?
I think so.
So what Century, bro's?
Who's got How much sensuality?
I got 45.
What do you got?
A bum bum Men.
I don't have a century.
You guys about sea foam?
Okay, I'm gonna give me 11 century refill, and then one for you would Okay, We clear this room yet?
Are we sure we're clear?
No, we're not clear.
We're not clear.
Repeat, not clear.
Okay, I think we are.
I can't see anything in here.
A bold claim.
Old claim, my sir.
I found the terminal.
Should I thing that shit?
Can you ping the key?
Blue 68.
Yeah, Yeah.
All right.
638 or 683383838 All right.
I think this main room is clear.
I think we're chilling.
Oh, that's close.
Heard that.
I heard that.
That's through this door.
Down by Bob, I think singing again.
I got a med kit I described.
Think it's in this thing.
It says zone 50 area C.
Is that help?
I think it's in this thinking again.
Yeah, OK, take it, folks.
Found hell Yeah, It was literally in this random, But, man, what a fucking baby.
Wimpy ass drop.
What is this bullshit?
Okay, this game's supposed to be hard.
Is this?
Jinx it.
Shut up.
We were just dancing through this.
Like it's a meadow full of love.
Are we clear?
Yeah, we're clear.
This is like, Okay, gamers, get your dicks in the air.
This is a security system door again.
So how many med packs do we have?
I have my whole life.
I've won one med Pick it for 5 to 1 med pack at 40%.
You guys want ammo?
I got four much.
How much church you got?
I'm gonna I am OK.
I mean, I'm a 50 on ammo, but should we just go to Main Door or is it even worth trying this?
I mean, you wanna have some adventures?
Yeah, but I'm gonna give you good.
I'm making, but I'm gonna give you ammo.
I'm just gonna open this door.
I'm I'm I'm a 67 cents.
That's just to just to just to right next to each other in here.
Here, have some foam.
I'm going for the way we can.
Chill, dude.
I've got it running around at full speed.
Well, he doesn't do anything.
It stopped moving.
Going for it.
Oh, I got you.
How do you?
More warning than that?
I wasn't charged with Coke.
I thought that giving.
He's dead.
He's dead.
Came down.
Bunch of babies just hit me with the I lost 25 dude babies.
What are you doing to me?
I didn't know we had to synchronize them.
I thought it was just, like kill him.
And then the other one you could kill whenever all there they're that close together.
Pisses him off ball.
Give me the top.
You off?
Uh, yes.
But the good news is there's nothing in this room.
Yeah, worth it.
Thank you, Raid.
Oh, we'll do this one.
Sure thing.
This was gonna be waiting all damage.
There's a lot of fun.
I just feel I feel obliged toward you.
I am free from heights that do not like station.
No way.
What the fuck is that?
So don't have testicles.
Let's just close that door.
Oh, It's just like one of my Japanese anime cabinet.
What about the cabinet?
Hey, you wantto be Oh, so if you look to the left, you could see technical boy walks around he and it would be nothing but glow sticks, and he stopped switches.
And if you touch the tentacles, it alerts everyone Okay, Okay, leaving.
We don't have to do that.
I want to do that by door.
Let's go ahead.
And they just continue to exist without us.
Nice way have to go.
So that was nice, but I've seen enough hand tight and over.
That was one.
That tension could be in the main room.
We have to go through.
It's a fucking worst.
It's bad.
That is my favorite one So far.
Ho is Aaron Steen Bears?
Yeah, he was cool.
So Yeah, work.
The pattern will be or the the order of operations is seafoam outside the door.
Close the door.
Trigger the bullshit turrets.
Please, God save us.
All right, just just so we know.
Also, I am always gonna try to go for the far right circle.
I'll Pixar left.
I'll go second, Right?
I'll go next to Mark.
I'm actually gonna do the crossfire.
Like this movie.
No, no, I just I would want more exposure on stuff as it's going through the door.
I guess that makes sense.
Makes sense.
And then I can see foam in here and catch yours, Right?
Yeah, me.
I'm right.
I think so.
Okay, thinking so.
Oh, and also to specify even further.
I'm gonna go right from the spread of the white line.
Sure, this election, he's easily America.
So me and you, we're going left circles.
I go from middle left.
Yeah, he's second, right?
Middle left isn't a I got this low.
Good about it.
Doesn't go.
Oh, that's a good group.
Thank you.
Thank you, Thank you.
I probably could have done it laterally way.
Close it or just trigger that.
I think I have the key card I've got.
I'm gonna group indoor, Okay?
Just remember here after you're done, so we can do this.
I'm gonna go this way.
It's time I thought you were done.
It's time.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Okay, so me Barber left.
Middle left, middle left.
All right, on.
Good sounds.
Doors getting broken.
Spread it right.
Got it.
Go, go, go!
Could shed spread.
There's the spread of God.
No, they're through.
Oh, sweet Jesus.
So, Kat, what is that?
Back, back.
Oh, God.
Okay, I'm gonna move.
We're gonna go over there.
Got it, Got it.
Got it.
In the circles.
All right.
It's coming back this way.
Back to Main Door once going through one's coming through.
I'm gonna go up again.
Yeah, I keep that door cooped up.
I think that's a good call I got was hitting me.
I'm in middle Left.
A little sort of circle?
Something was.
Someone keeps hitting me.
What's hitting me?
They have arranged attack.
Oh, God, they do.
All right, so now we have arrived.
Oh, God, that's easy.
Where the owner, Rudo running.
I will cover you.
I think we did it.
That guy was shot.
You could've You could've got crossfire by a turret.
Oh, my God.
You want her?
Name's this way.
Hell, yeah.
Gamers here, Mark.
Got you bro.
Thank you.
Bob told me to do it.
I'm only 20% left on this med kit.
It's fine.
Yeah, I'm hurt.
Anyone else hurt now?
I'm at 80 AM at 91.
I don't know.
Officer, we wait to get below, All right?
No, don't Don't waste extra percentage reminds.
We'll just keep it.
Get your turrets.
Get those turrets back.
Yeah, I'm just gonna say I am expert grouping.
Yeah, that was the group was from last time having that one circle right where they're running.
Nine out of 10 dentists recommend good things.
Good was not my best work, but all right, way was shot.
Lights off.
Calm down.
Whoever's out hammers out.
I feel like I was shot.
Is that Is that a man?
That's a That's a boy.
Maybe Marco, get away or a man.
Get him!
You and angry boy.
This one knows.
Looks like corpses.
That's how they get you.
That's how they get you.
Maybe we should do this door immediate to our captive.
It was corpses.
Yeah, yeah, up there.
Is it down?
Everyone Ignore Shawn.
I'll do the door.
Okay, Is this a technical rumor is that No, No.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Close that.
Let's not do that.
Yeah, There's two in there by That's fine.
That's fine.
They don't need us.
I'm gonna go up.
Sean, peep that door.
Let's see what use it with There's two of them right inside.
Your light was on the fucking was slapped me dick and call me Judy.
All right, Now, I think I think we have to do these doors.
Might wake your power over here, Bob.
I don't know what that is.
There's also another locker.
The heck, There's all kinds of ways we need to pop your cherry.
All right, I got it.
So we need to synchronize these fuckers, then.
Are they right there?
There's one right by the door.
The other ones, like, four feet away from him.
How about you open it?
We pulled Charlie right There were way ahead.
Say no immediately.
Bob, I've got if you have an empty slot, I have a tool regard tool re free feel thing.
Guys, I'm just gonna start swinging in a second.
Sean, open the door.
Let's see what we're dealing with.
They won't get understands.
Light lights off.
Dicks out.
The whole thing is one there?
Oh, stupid.
Oh, God.
I didn't do anything.
Okay, Let my to recover.
Stand back.
Don't go into target shot.
There's no enemy dare.
It's fine.
They're so scared.
What about your baby's?
So anyway, I started blast with.
They didn't We didn't do anything.
They just started killing us.
Our lights were off.
We were We were crouched.
I believe you.
I'm up to 20% now.
Feeling good?
I'm not just top off health.
I feel like that now.
We can't close that you did.
Needs to.
Anyway, life is about taking risks and having adventures.
Not about closing doors.
Yeah, there's a terminal here.
We need that.
You just you nine for nine.
It's just, you know, for night hs you for night.
Open up that door to see what people Really?
That's more like how this game's starting.
Whatever fate it was is that from in that room You just video.
I'm doing it.
I put a cup up to the window.
Oh, yeah, it's in there.
Noise in there?
No, I got Let me let me query it just to make sure we get a little.
This is Z 49 z 50 to be query.
Well, that's good.
That's good.
Is in zone 52.
This store goes right through there.
Wait, who can read here?
What does that sign say?
Z five to be?
Uh yeah, that's a bad one, Bob.
Okay, well, let's turn our lights off and just party this up, shall we?
But we don't have enough.
There's five things and four dudes.
What do we do?
It's fine.
It's fine.
We sneak attack.
We don't actually have to kill them.
Is the other thing we can sneak around them.
Oh, that's not that I trust any of you, have you?
Not very Your show about you psychopath.
We are here.
So the two in the back are far enough back.
We could kill the three and then the talking.
I'm going.
Laughter also you down to our right.
So just you guys got it.
Phil, You guys okay?
Go to sleep.
Go to see you.
Some lavender oil.
What's with ah, bubonic plague on the left.
What's with that?
That's fine.
He's just special.
Okay, so way.
So we wait robbing.
You have to stop moving completely.
We didn't want to be clear about this. 00:39:01.3