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  • North Castle is taking with 22 23 months young.

  • See?

  • Are things the 1400?

  • Welcome back, you know.

  • Good.

  • What?

  • Yet?

  • Right in there Is guy pushing me?

  • There you go.

  • No match.

  • I have a couple.

  • I have one clothes.

  • More people.

  • They're above us.

  • I was kind of face is in the building.

  • I don't know if good, but of the 2 10 I'm just bringing that just walking.

  • Just keep beast mode on.

  • Do you think you're taking a campfire?

  • Have it.

  • Who?

  • Okay, 40 feels very abrupt, but garden apartment.

  • I don't.

  • Huh?

  • Hall Just build at all.

  • Someone holding it up.

  • Here's 1/4 court launcher to Oh, what's holding it up to you?

  • I don't know.

  • Oh, this rambling on Roe, loading his card one month.

  • How therefore, guys an apartment?

  • What they like.

  • What are three guys?

  • All right, take it back up.

  • Um, I got three.

  • Bennett is very, um, proportion.

  • There's myself.

  • So no for me.

  • Like bad.

  • Yeah.

  • Clinton promise Who?

  • You got a match?

  • Because I have I know where there's better slaving, but yeah, you get that?

  • How about me?

  • Narco?

  • Dude, I got I got the guy that you knew.

  • I got a little rockets.

  • Careful.

  • That 20 Northeast.

  • You kidding me?

  • I'm mad that I would have way more kills right now if my stupid Scott That's when the zombies I'm dropping this night.

  • Yeah, okay.

  • I don't know how I have eight kills.

  • Just like money and killing people.

  • 40.

  • I have made for you like that, please.

  • Terminus.

  • What the, like, five?

  • There's our three minis north by the garden.

  • I can pick up.

  • Yeah.

  • What?

  • Uh uh uh, Good game.

  • Oh, this is This is a weird ending.

  • Yeah.

  • People treating late, you're expecting your settings.

  • I hear playing somewhere, right?

  • White, more playing different teams.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Wait, what's ahead?

  • Okay, we're good.

  • Four guys, The plane is wrecking me.

  • It's literally moving with me.

  • And I had all them down.

  • You did you love?

  • I need healing, bro.

  • I have my I have no inventory, bro.

  • What is going on?

  • Okay, we're good.

  • My guns are like disappeared on my screen.

  • We'll fix whatever I don't like.

  • My heart is gone.

  • I understand.

  • You're saying I have no idea what's happening.

  • I see this guy.

  • He's him I can't do about it.

  • I gotta go.

  • Yeah, I picked up one vantage.

  • Most nights she's I'm gonna try to pressure them so you can hear.

  • Dude, you no one bandage off already.

  • What are you doing?

  • I think he's down low, low ground.

  • Worry other guests.

  • I'm just gonna take all you know what it's like, this guy.

  • So here.

  • So Okay, I see anything.

  • No, I mean, it's fine.

  • It's just I can't see the weapons of the bottom right and stuff.

  • But I conceal never thanks to Dona Man.

  • Got my inventory.

  • Eight other players here, they're fighting.

  • You should kill us.

  • The suit guy I've been eating.

  • It's so good.

  • Bandages in this room.

  • I got him.

  • Okay, Poppies.

  • Let's take a plan, you guys.

  • Yeah, that could be northeast.

  • I see another north there, Bobby.

  • That fricking house, A single house.

  • I'm not gonna heal up a lawyer, so yeah, see them?

  • Right?

  • There were three guys on the ramp.

  • Get out Right here.

  • There's three guys north, and yeah, there's four guys guys, a lunch.

  • Careful, North.

  • I don't know.

  • He's weak.

  • How did I just not that guy.

  • That was awesome.

  • Okay, beautiful game, baby.

  • I actually just got a shock.

North Castle is taking with 22 23 months young.


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34個Elim Duo小隊與Monstcr! (34 Elim Duo Squads With Monstcr!)

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