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  • you see that?

  • You said sweet whips didn't inch of you and I holding hands happiest Tyler that he predicted the Avengers thing.

  • Oh, man, come on.

  • But the thing is like with Tina like Thantos and all that already happening, it's like, Yeah.

  • Are you serious?

  • Really?

  • Gonna take that away from me.

  • I'm proud of you.

  • You did call it first.

  • The real question is do you think you're gonna be able to play is, like Captain America or something that I absolutely think that 100% you mean obviously was Captain America Shield.

  • You got the money?

  • Yeah.

  • I have one with the chest Are in this place.

  • Maybe someone in our building in Syria.

  • I think there's someone in our building, I guess, Uh, I guess you're right.

  • You got me.

  • You need many fear, bro.

  • Yeah, shopping got in.

  • Taco.

  • Yeah, You got him.

  • It was another one on me.

  • Yeah.

  • Do you need me?

  • I'm on the outside of Dillon.

  • I just ran.

  • Someone just ran in the first floor.

  • Well, hell, back where you came from.

  • Wait a minute.

  • Are you seriously doing that right now?

  • Doing what?

  • Users The assist me so that I will farm stuff.

  • Yeah, I got two on May come in history three.

  • I booked myself and got punched.

  • Others for Sorry for you're far more people Wait for two more weeks, Animal.

  • Yeah, Okay.

  • All the work there's more.

  • Is that not like something I could do to make you guys form cars from?

  • You can do it.

  • It's just one of those things.

  • Were just like what you do yourself.

  • Well, I'm doing I'm doing it as well.

  • But it's 50 of everything or 20 cars.

  • A lot of cards.

  • A lot of Well, wouldn't you want to help your buddy out when you could e ask?

  • You mean because you and him Well, I hope No, no, no, no.

  • No way.

  • You're a party is a party.

  • You gonna at least ask the party?

  • You know, I mean, it's like it's one of the things they do you want.

  • Hey, could you help me bring in the groceries?

  • You don't just you just mind control the person to bring in the groceries for you, but it went and from living together.

  • And we both go shopping, right?

  • I expect you to carry the groceries in with me.

  • That's not a little That's what was happening that way.

  • Have a system in our household.

  • All you have, Simone puts him away.

  • You have to do with Tyler.

  • That's a class.

  • And you help me with cars and our guns?

  • I'm done.

  • I know you want because I hit him off for you.

  • Yeah, all of them.

  • And what if I do?

  • One in 20 of what?

  • If I didn't want to help, I would have one of the things you said.

  • It's like you said it wouldn't.

  • You want to be a good friend and just help, though inadvertently?

  • No, not at all.

  • Like I'm taking advantage of that is one hot instead.

  • And if it is, just have to ask you to help bring the grocery center.

  • You just do.

  • I'm usually in the basement screaming, so yeah, I do it.

  • Okay.

  • If that's what I thought you saw her get on with the stuff you do.

  • If I saw her.

  • Guess what?

  • That is a digital.

  • I would know that I need to help out my wife.

  • I'm not hearing any appearance with present, so you gotta You got a visual cue that you're helping Marcel.

  • Yeah, but he didn't ask me.

  • Dude, it's taking advantage of the situation.

  • I'm not taking advantage of anything.

  • Yes, you are.

  • Because I didn't know.

  • Dude, you're taking advantage of my farming without saying we Don't ask me how.

  • You don't know my side.

  • You're already doing something.

  • Why not get a little something extra for myself?

  • Why not?

  • Why, dude?

  • Hold my God.

  • You know what?

  • Whatever.

  • This isn't right.

  • You don't have to go out of your way to do it, That's all.

  • I want to know it, but all I want to know is leniency.

  • You know what income eyeing you.

  • Like I'm taking it bit its consent.

  • Okay, it's considered.

  • 00 here we go.

  • Okay.

  • Here we go.

  • Cheese.

  • You know, do you know what also is?

  • Take advantage of someone having someone re download league for free and in pain.

  • Jack 2500.

  • I only played him down and I regret any true hours.

  • That is true.

  • Who's carrying who was carrying that night?

  • It wasn't Jack, that's for sure.

  • So much money to reinstall League $1200.

  • Hey, are you a profit for Jack?

  • Right there.

  • He played what?

  • Three league games and left for?

  • Fuck it.

  • Listen, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you I turned on party.

  • Is this okay?

  • I won't do it again without your permission.

  • I just want you to ask, So I want.

  • Hey, Tommy went out with some rocks.

  • Sure, Marcel.

  • Hard that I don't like just randomly farming.

  • And I see party.

  • It's just basically.

  • Oh, you can do that any time you have asked me gone upon.

  • If you only you have three hours, four hours out of the day where you actually played video games.

  • I'm gonna do any time watching it.

  • I could have you know I could All right.

  • You know that when you lay your head on your bed.

  • Okay?

  • Very same kids, isn't it?

  • Yeah.

  • Roger that raises yield.

  • It's a living somewhere.

  • Lizard somewhere building up somebody's.

  • No, I think.

  • Did you use one?

  • Maybe the audio.

  • I have 30 bats.

  • I can't.

  • I know this boy can't take Yeah, ourself.

  • Okay, Okay.

  • Okay.

  • We get it.

  • Are you Marcel?

  • You don't need to ask me.

  • Just so you know, I think I have that.

  • We know that we could take advantage of little Timmy not taking advantage of anyone.

  • You could if you wanted to, because you don't have to ask.

  • Listen, they would have a party.

  • Assists.

  • Do you accept?

  • Okay, Whatever.

  • I'm wrong, man.

  • I wish had parties to some for that rock you're breaking right now.

  • Hey, you guys mind if I turn on the next game?

  • Party says for for rocks.

  • You do whatever, your bro.

  • No, I don't.

  • I'm not going to you because you don't seem very comfortable with me doing that.

  • I am fine with its smile.

  • Check.

  • Okay.

  • You yourself?

  • Yeah.

  • I got a full team in vehicles pushing out of the storm over here.

  • For some reason.

  • He's got a bow.

  • He's dead.

  • Someone heard that kid buildup on your lily.

  • What are you doing?

  • Bronner's healed.

  • I just did.

  • My guy just won't jump.

  • I have 60 mats.

  • That sucks.

  • The guy's super weak.

  • What?

  • Another team on the hill.

  • What?

  • Uh, 14 match myself?

  • Yep.

  • I'm down to me.

  • Maybe.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • That.

  • Like I still cranking on you.

  • Touch.

  • Could you get him?

  • I killed him.

  • Southeast.

  • Also, another team's you for the rest of my No, I didn't ask you to resume e.

  • I appreciate it.

  • There's many I have a camper to.

  • They're pushing.

  • I have a better make it a theme.

  • The bear coming up to you, This story.

  • Oh, my history.

  • I have no angle.

  • That's why did launching.

  • I had him 31 way, but I got spread out.

  • Cracked the bear shields down there also.

  • I have no mats.

  • That guy's super weak.

  • 66 light.

  • I have three full pots in this box here.

  • Um, one another team trying to third party.

  • By the way, Whoever killed that bear now, he got away?

  • Yes, These guys.

  • 1 65 I do now.

  • They're shooting at us.

  • The guy don't know has No.

  • She'll miss you, pop.

  • Morning on top of the sniper.

  • Give you any more of those fools?

  • Or do I have?

  • Yeah, these are the guys cashed out Dead my job.

  • I love you.

  • I love you for killing that kid ourselves.

  • Thank you.

  • I was a kid from last game, right?

  • Kids definitely killed me today.

  • Cashed out like three more games.

  • This kid looks like you put him on the team right there.

  • Quite familiar.

  • A wild card Tom Brady in the head and remove your marker.

  • What did you just say?

  • This guy looks like he's that Tim.

  • Yeah, I said he looks like the tip of the group right there.

  • It's a precious faking.

  • She that is a big issue is the same one.

  • It's seriously name fake HD.

  • Really good when there's no help for Gil.

  • What a delivery.

  • No, no.

  • Uh, So that team that strange typing is the one with the fake HD passed out pineapple.

  • And okay, maybe not find out yet.

  • You have many.

  • D'oh!

  • I'm here if you want.

  • I guess I don't need one now.

  • But, Artie and give anyone half Matthew, take that 400.

  • Would you want it?

  • I want Okay.

  • Okay.

  • I want I wanted to check the map, but it's all right.

  • It's out in the storm that's not in.

  • Okay, You're right.

  • Bar motive for 100.

  • Glad again.

  • Falls for a guy named I build too much.

  • Don't you build a wall?

  • You didn't just w keep me house is thinking the same thing.

  • Are those not hating him?

  • I don't know.

  • They look pretty like a little bit like you look like a bunny.

  • Do you just hold on Easter eggs in a basket.

  • The eggs were explosive.

  • We're dealing damage.

  • Both guy in it.

  • There was a guy in a movie rolled away.

  • They think it's awesome how you totally come back with a calm scene so awesome even driving in my friends here in South Africa.

  • Grind champion, Try to qualify.

  • Good luck, man.

  • Good luck.

  • A result said I'm a failure.

  • First, that diner he's being make understands leaving 98% of people don't failure last year there.

  • Okay, that was a game.

  • That's the rub.

you see that?


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A2 初級

黨的助手是有毒的! (Party Assist Is Toxic!)

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