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always followed the more experienced did that's you into landing here and then rotating superstore after that cleanup superstore, I say, let's go in the same building.
Everyone next on top, near.
I'll go to that one.
Punish, Genocide.
Good morning.
Ninja just became an X box mixer streamer, But I'm having problems.
Well, let's hear.
What problem are you having?
You've been great on mixer.
You could dream up to 10.
Gave it great, but for every 1000 megabytes.
Thank you.
Know, one time I was in venerate that you're up.
What has to have that you have a 10 upload.
You cannot.
And you're uploading 1000 bit rate or some of those MIT, right?
There's not a lot.
You're not leaving a lot of room for cream.
And for your gaming, you're clear.
All tickets.
Thank you for letting me know.
I'm clear to engage all targets.
You know, I don't know what would have happened if I didn't get that good.
You know what?
I've been a murderer firing, sir, we didn't say that you could eliminate these other opponents yet.
Uh, yeah, your dishcloth.
I gotta have my game.
I get this bug sometimes in this game where I like.
It's just like frame Rady.
It goes on like 45 Gs in the only way to fix it.
So how long is it going is there just really happened?
Just randomly happened.
Never happened.
And it's for me.
It's like five hours in my game.
Look, I gotta be 56 hours in, and then and then I'll start lagging.
I would like the frame rate.
My game froze the first time ever.
I hitched my and before I was hitching from yesterday.
And it hasn't since I got my new PC, so I'm like, a little worried about that.
That's the worst feeling did when you just randomly start doing like technical difficulties.
And you didn't even change anything, right?
Well, special.
When I change something that I mean when I say that I upgraded everything graphics card processors, it's like and then everything's fine.
And then out of nowhere, it started because I didn't like what I changed when I download Wait with, just like I don't even think about anymore because I've just had the problem for so long.
But right when I got this BC, I've had a problem where I can't have, like one YouTube video on one minor and one on the other monitor or else it lacks out of YouTube videos.
And it's the same with, like, streams.
Basically any video 52 videos on each monitor it like like my computer.
Yeah, actually, it's like a $6000 computer.
Same understand?
I think that's what What are you using?
Yeah, I think it's grown.
I'm not even kidding.
Try and just It works for me to try, like firebox R Edge or some other shit that What were you guys gassing up the other day?
What browser?
You guys only download weird.
But it was either eggs or it was another one that wasn't thrown.
I realize that you're bounding is their only like you only get $1000 solos from completing Bony first.
Really, I I didn't play, remember?
We got two people parachuting in right here.
His armor up.
This you guys are munitions.
I got you a b and e some fries, people.
Let's see how good the shocking is.
Which one is it?
Yeah, Here.
I'll jump right in there.
Suppress the love It gotta be suppressed.
You know, this isn't actually switch this.
I'm choosing this class for the colorful little bullet.
Said it shoots.
Yeah, he's in this building.
I brought the shot just for this situation, but it's moving.
I was waiting within life later.
Rome RTP for resupply little plane.
The shot in this game has devoted one pump close to him in the head.
Man, it is incredibly valuable, like yeah, that's just like most of the time when I die.
It's like, strange fight.
So I think you're like, I can't get online.
There's two of them.
Every one good by me.
You hear me?
Help writing yourself residence we're seeing here.
I love you, baby.
I love you again.
He's lit.
No field That thinks there's still more people there.
You got no easy.
You're amazing.
I'm bleeding out.
Yep, I got you.
Okay, I'll be the bait.
Dude, dangle me.
Dangle me.
This shot is incredibly good too.
I think that was the best one, like Oh, yeah, bro.
I don't know a whole squad.
I'm dumping old squad with the scene before I'm actually grab it.
Yeah, Prez And you were right here already bought us up.
I Yeah, I found some cash you have now.
No, I didn't.
It's not my strong suit.
Not a math, Molly.
And more about it.
You know, there's a guy right here.
Can you give us no armor?
Come one, Let's go.
Let's go.
That guy's got Oh, yeah, There's, like, five gives rolling this big boy action this way.
Well, I like that oil like that.
It's got Doesn't look like he's moving either.
I let four players here and there might be someone goes, Well, you're sitting on it, all right.
The other was probably in the building.
I'm looking Harvey Sensor inside.
I'm with you.
Left, buddy.
Uh, guy?
Sure what?
His plan was there, but gas mask, ear money for you, huh?
Oh, okay.
I've suffered some gonna drive in movie.
I don't wonder about you.
Have you slapping it?
Requesting to be comfortable dropping a low.
You can drop a grand out by one of two grand, gonna push it a little bit trying to find these guys.
You shot down.
Nice shot right there.
And he was running.
Time is gonna be ready instantly.
Yeah, they just ran inside their reign in that boat.
Okay, Moving no one's about.
You want just anyone questions, right?
Got gas in down again.
My shots like nothing is vicious, bro.
It's the silent killer wrote.
Yeah, did.
It's fun.
I want This is my new, like, go to class right now.
You're gonna be able to push indoor bit like indoor fights without having to worry not to mention players that heavily rely on radar.
Man, that thing he was popping with silence.
I don't even see it.
Yeah, I mean, you're right next to barely hear it.
I'll be driving.
All right?
Objective is to eliminate going from here.
Okay, I'm going to get actually, if we want to get across the airport would probably need this for Oh, these guys are literally off topic.
They have to leave them.
So let's just and I have a sniper.
I got cycle.
Let's go.
We're leaving Already leaving.
They just parachuted.
Release the pounding.
Parachuted off pro.
When we get up, I'll tell your story after we kill these guys.
I'm gonna, uh here you keep going.
And the face in 321 his arm away.
I got hit by the car broke down.
But in that house down to begin with, they're both They're both down.
More players coming toward us.
More pushing in.
You just end up looking at us.
It is once in the armories down that other guy.
The guy's got cold lettuce.
Found him before kill on one.
Eliminated one still self.
Was it a small?
I didn't get a small It was.
That was in my dream.
I'm gonna push her shit.
Yummy Helicopter, bro.
Listen, I don't know, don't We definitely were playing with you.
There was a team helicopter up their stadium.
The circle was dead center inside the stadium, the team on top one because the only way to get up top was with a helicopter.
And, dude, the biggest joke I've ever seen, I I honestly is mind boggling.
I'm assuming that I'm assuming that it's just a complete random algorithm for the zone.
Every game, like there's nothing to it.
There's any logic whatsoever, but they need Thio.
They need to put something in there so it doesn't end there like a lot of line up for something.
I mean, anything like that.
What in the world look where those guys are lighting, gliding in right now, right?
Or just the whore They're doing the self, the self friends over and over again, right?
The reviving one another.
Oh, no.
Are we really Illinois?
Are we really about to die?
We're not gonna That works, right?
I don't know if they catch me yet.
How do we have?
No way, Noah.
Think user logic, bro.
How the hell do we stop these kids, dude?
Unless we want it out, do it to him and just make this game Goto 45 minutes until they get bored.
So what?
We just read each other over and over and over and over again.
You know, I don't know how to do it like because I haven't wanted to learn it.
You basically have to get the timing down that you reds over and over like, but you have to start at a certain health.
Oh, there's got to be so women.
There's gotta be someone watching us from Activision, please.
Activision There's a guy's name is cruiser, cruiser K, Are you i z e r.
He is literally right here.
Glitch ing cheating, exploiting, trying to get this dub right here.
This'd all the proof that you need.
This is where the bounty is.
He's in the zone.
Please do not let this get.
Please ban this kid or just kick him from the game or some shit.
Look at this.
There's got to be someone watching, right?
There's gotta be someone with the power in one of our streams.
Activision, please.
He's still there.
I could see a moving.
I think I know what it's gone.
I'm working on that guy.
That guy's so weak when I start shooting, giving you the finest behind it first.
And she has.
These guys are bigger.
You could drop some area.
About what?
Your push up.
They're gonna get.
All right.
How long did great?
No, you didn't.
No, you didn't either.
We just wait about we lost the bounty.
Oh, my God.
We're gonna lose to this kid.
She's close.
I thought I found him.
All right.
We could grab a healthy middle of them.
Now I'm looking.
I'm trying to look at the guilty when people leave the game to see if he gets kicked or bander people.
I mean, everyone's dead center, bro.
I think we just kind of maybe Let's just slowly push up and take this over one another.
They're pushing in the other side of it right now.
Try not to spend any of your money and let's just buy gas masks repeatedly.
If we make it to the very end, maybe we'll be able to outlive him like that.
You need really call me.
Take this.
Building The people inside?
Yes, it's about maybe for real, Another guy.
There's a bunch of guys here, dude.
Play this building.
What about what about you guy down here?
Can't get it back.
I'm arming.
I got on the guy.
He's late.
Watch one does watch one.
Does their tickets up here move into Given AIDS?
Two guys right here.
They're inside.
You're just outside?
Hits on arm around one.
You can't really get you through that.
Do you have any loot on these guys that we can use to throw him shutting our doors?
I'm gonna find nothing.
Armored him again with the name.
Those guys are gonna be out.
Armor plates, 100% but there's sunlight in my eye.
I can't see shit.
Armor armor went up to two plates broken.
I have such a good angle on him.
Look at him.
So dumb.
Probably probably just lying down.
I could bleed through people underneath.
You all right?
I'm coming.
I'm coming down.
Way to buy more gas masks.
No way.
Tell us some of these guys get finished.
We're still safe in this building.
It was you.
Nine enemies are still act.
I want hunt him down.
Get you safe.
Time's almost finished.
The mission.
He's in this building.
Have a thermite grenade is hitting them.
They're on fire.
I'm pushing this building with my shopping or someone.
Just I'm guessing there's still too many people clothes they're down to.
Yeah, there's the supplies in the neck.
Cruiser guy.
I'm getting in underneath.
You could bleed through underneath both armor.
Reboot arm ripped.
Down though, down to one guy left, we want Oh, my God.
I don't know.
They kicked her band.