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Oh, my God.
Shawn, where are you?
What's going on?
Where have you been?
I got very sick.
So sick, in fact, but I thought I was gonna die last week.
I mean, that's click bait, but I did get very, very sick.
Hold on a second there, Jimbo.
Don't go into the video any further until you have heard a very special message from our sponsor today.
There's a very limited edition.
Very stylish, except the guy you two's coming out.
Look at that dance and little boy in there.
Don't you want one for yourself?
This is my own very special, very limited edition vinyl figure.
It's coming out on ST Patrick's Day as an Irish dropped the luck of the Irish sweaters that day.
So it's a very, very limited supply.
It's only a one time run to keep up really high quality in high standards, and it is very high quality.
There's more inside this guy's brain.
There is inside my own head that doesn't even make any sense.
So set your alarms, set your roosters outside.
I don't care what you say.
These air coming in ST Patrick's Day.
I'm gonna be gone very very quickly.
So if you want to get one, you're gonna have to go to YouTube.
You know, I'll just show you three to what?
Go to U two's our contact's products.
Last tracks have to got to be a Lincoln descriptions.
You don't actually have to type it in height for 0.7 inches.
Just like real life.
It's life sites.
But what I really like about this and we're gonna have some fun with it is that they've uploaded a 360 degree view off the figure.
There you go, Beautiful Jack from all angles and what I'm going to do.
It said, you guys a task.
I want you to make the best means that you can out of this figure.
It has all the angles that you gonna need to make all the high quality means that you want and go to the celebrated our slash Jax after guy.
There will also be a link to that in the description on upload your means there, and I will be picking out some of the best means for people who will get a free signed version off this figurine.
So go now.
Take the Lincoln description.
Get yourself Jax have to get you Choose on.
Make the means.
Now, back to other.
Jack was going to tell you a story about him being very sick.
And then it just came in, like, pierced right through my heart.
Okay, You're back.
So what happened?
I actually don't really know.
Let's go all the way back to, like, two and 1/2 to 3 weeks ago when I went to Vidcon UK, it was all in London.
I had never gone to a vid kind in London at all.
I barely ever go to any sort of European convention.
So I thought, Great vidcon it's in London.
It's close by.
It's only like an hour and 45 minute drive from here.
I'll go to that and I got to finally meet a lot of the European audience who normally never get to be able to afford to go to all the American Conventions.
It was very fun.
I had a great time.
I got to hang out with some of my friends there.
Aaron and Brent came over.
I got to hang out with PJ and Sophie and all those beautiful people, and I got to meet a lot of you guys.
I got to do a signing a panel.
Everything was great onto about four days after he came back.
Three days, I had to get a tooth removed.
I had a rogue tooth that used to stick out the sight of my jaw here that I thought would have to be removed years ago.
Never was.
But now I'm getting Invisalign.
So they were like, That's gotta go because it'll move all the bones and everything to try and get that in.
And it'll take probably twice as long just to get in.
And I'm like, You know what?
Take the tooth.
I don't need it.
It's stupid.
Doesn't even pay rent in my mouth.
But after I got the tooth removed, I went home.
I didn't feel great.
I started to get a bit of a cold.
I started to get stuffed up.
I started to get a runny nose, and I thought, Oh, I got sick A couple of days go by.
My throat starts to get a little scratchy because my nose is all banged up and I'm just sleeping involved.
Like my mouth is open all night.
Perfect time for spiders to get in.
And then one day I woke up.
I was floored.
I was very, very sick, just completely boned up in my head.
But at these current times in the world we're living in right now, the paranoia kind of sets in because everyone's talking about Corona virus.
Everyone's talking about Cove it 19 as it's actually called on Dhe.
I legitimately did start to get a little paranoid because going to a convention, which was not the best idea.
But back then, it wasn't as bad as it is now.
On Dhe.
I was sanitizing.
I was washing.
I was being very careful with my hands, but I did meet a lot of people, gave a lot of hogs, gave a lot of handshakes.
What have you not the smartest decision on my part?
We probably should have had everyone sanitized before they came up, but I didn't want to feel like I was being rude, even though I feel like I was well within my rights to do so, whatever water under the bridge.
But I I didn't like get a fever.
I didn't get a cough.
These are the things that people say are symptomatic off Corona virus, But it's still like a little paranoid, wondering if I really did take all the precautions.
And as someone who has asthma, I was kind of worried about it as well, because shortness of breath is also a byproduct off that are a symptom of it.
Couple of days go by, started getting a little bit of a cough, started to get a little more worried.
Then it kind of just passed like the head cold started to drift out.
It all started to like, like, drain out of my head.
I was like, Okay, it was just a head cold.
I'm fine.
And then one morning we didn't eat anything crazy.
We've eaten at this particular place money, money times, me and my girlfriend.
And she wasn't sick at all.
And one morning I woke up, I was boiling alive in bay JJ and I thought, Oh, I have a fever.
Now that's even scarier.
Uh, okay.
I wanted over share a little bit.
I woke up and I really had to go to the bathroom.
Not out of this end out of the other end.
I have never gotten food poisoning before in my entire life.
I had no idea what it was actually like to feel poisoned by food.
The thing that you're supposed to put in your mouth anyway.
And I was just running back and forth to the bathroom all morning.
I was boucle over in like, stomach cramps.
I felt awful.
I was really hot and bothered, and I thought, Oh, God, no, This is getting worse.
Thankfully, that passed very quickly.
It only lasted, like, two days.
And I thought, Man, that I really just get food poisoned after having a really bad cold.
And then it got even worse because I was standing around one day and suddenly I started to feel short of breath, and then it started to get even more worrisome.
Now I'm not trying to like fear monger or anything like that with this video.
I'm just trying to tell you what exactly happened to me, and I thought, process going through it, I'll get to a point eventually.
But I was getting very worried because again, I have asthma and all of these different things lining up.
I was like, it could be this thing.
It could be that thing.
Could be food poisoning.
Could be a cold, could be flu could be worse.
So I started to get short of breath and I thought, OK, it's timeto make a doctor's appointment because I'm starting to actually get worried.
And if it is an asthma thing, I should definitely go to the doctor anyway, because I've had asthma.
As a kid, I got to like my teenagers.
I used to take inhalers every morning and every night just to make sure my airways were open and they stayed open.
Um, if any of you know if any of you have taken inhalers, it took a blue one and a brown one.
Any of you in the same boat asthma gang on dhe I.
I haven't had taken inhalers in years.
When I was in my teen years, they were like, You don't really need these anymore because your husband's not bad anymore And they said that you've kind of grown out of it a little bit.
I still had kind of sports asthma when you run around and you get a little short of breast that way, but it passes really quickly, but this is not passing, and a couple of days go by before the doctor was ready in before my appointment could actually be made.
But by the time I actually got to go to the doctor, everything had finally, like, cleared out of my system.
I woke up.
That was the first morning I woke up feeling really good.
Of course, the day I'm actually going with Dr And when I went there did a bunch of checks.
Of course, they have to check to make sure okay is a Corona virus or not, because it's a It's a vory sensitive time.
Let's say I'm trying to choose my words carefully because I don't want to add to the fear and panic of things that's going on because I'm very well aware off the influence.
The words that I'm using have right now for the amount of people who are probably watching this video.
But I went in.
We did a bunch of tests.
Check my Long's.
He did a bunch of tests that way.
Andi got the all clear.
I was fine.
I got blood tests.
They all came back fine.
I'm a little low on vitamin D, but everything seemed fine.
Everything they took seemed good.
My my breath capacity or my peak flow as they call it, is a little on the lower side for someone of my age and height.
But that's again part of the asthma.
It's it's nothing.
I've done these pink flow tests and if anything, my lung capacity has gotten better than the last time I took one when I was a teenager, so gave me an inhaler.
As soon as I took that perfect, everything's back to normal.
I felt perfectly healthy once more.
But the thing the thing about it all was after doing a lot of the tests he turned and he was like In all honesty, you could have had it in regards to Corona.
But now it's gone.
And I was like, Excuse me, you don't just drop that on somebody like that.
I didn't have it.
Of course not.
I didn't have a fever.
I didn't have a cough.
I was taking my temperature very regularly.
All the symptoms that I should have gotten worse over time did not get worse.
If anything, they just went away very quickly and I don't think it would go away that quickly.
But I did have that moment where I was like, Oh, God!
Okay, Time to start thinking of game plans and same toe like work everything out and go to the doctor.
Just make sure everything's in the clear.
Thankfully, I'm perfectly healthy again.
It was just a cold.
Then I got food poisoned.
And because I went through so much, my husband was like, You know what?
I'm gonna come back because everybody else is coming back.
But I'm I'm perfectly healthy again.
But I'm taking it easy.
That's why it happened.
Any video is I actually happened?
Recorded in over a week.
The last videos that you guys saw were stuff that I had prepped in advance, and I was like, I was gearing up to do a lot more videos again, and then I got sick, so I was like, Okay, I'll just I'll just pepper these out and then whatever I don't have, I don't have a foot in this last week, I've started Thio.
Just think about things a lot more and reflect on things a bit and just kind of get my head in order of what I want to do when I come back, I'm probably still going to take a little bit off.
I'm not going to come back to video is fully yet.
I'll do a little bit here and there.
I do want to do with a the you choose mean things soon before the actual YouTube's figure comes out.
But I am taking it easy.
I'm taking this time to kind of de stress and relax my body and not do anything too hectic and not record a 1,000,000,000 videos in one day on, then prep for weeks and weeks and weeks or anything like that.
I'm gonna take it easy.
Take this eyes like a nice sign to be like You know what?
Just relax a little.
In the last week, I finally got around to playing Soma for the first time frictional game that I have never fully finished and phenomenal game.
I highly recommend all of you played so goddamn good stories.
Excellent horrors, excellent sceneries.
The sound design is probably the best part of the game.
I finally got around to watching Chernobyl, which we watched one episode after coming back jet lag from somewhere, didn't like it and thought OK, everyone else loves that.
I should give it a chance finally ended up watching it.
Fucking loved it.
And now that that guy who wrote that is making a last of us HBO show I was I got to check out what this guy has done with this, to see what it's gonna be like.
I'm very, very excited.
But the point I want to make with this video again is to not instill fear in people to make everybody worried that every tiny symptom they have is Corona virus.
Because again, I don't wanna make light of what's going on.
I don't want to make a joke out of it, and I don't want to talk about it in a manner that makes me feel like I'm not taking it seriously.
I do take it very seriously.
There's a lot of stuff going on.
I'm not gonna get into the details of what it is on how to prevent it or not so much how to prevent it.
But the ins and outs of what it causes and everything because I'm not an expert on it.
I don't think you should go to a fucking YouTuber who's not educated on it.
To who get your information about it.
All I will say is please for the love of God, be safe.
Be cognizant of what you're doing.
It's very hard to change most of memory.
I'm a face toucher by nature.
I pick my nose every now and then.
When something Krusty gets up in there, my nose gets dry.
A lot of this stuff I had to kind of like, change my habits a little bit.
Just wash your hands very diligently.
Don't just run your hands under water and think you're done.
Please take this seriously.
Please go out there and be aware off other people around.
Don't you know?
Just use your head.
It's not that hard.
It's one of those things that we shouldn't have to say like a wash your hands.
It's something that everyone should be doing anyway.
I wash my hands very diligently anyway, but even now I'm being just extra careful.
Just be safe.
Look after yourselves, trying not to go out when you don't need to just follow all the information from places online that are telling you what to do and how to prepare for it and how to avoid unnecessary risks because it is.
It is Ah, difficult time we're going through right now.
A lot of events are getting canceled.
Twitch con in Europe just got canceled.
I was planning on going to that.
Um I think I'm not sure I haven't heard a single thing about it yet.
And I'm not speaking as an authority on this, but I'm I'm curious what vidcon l A is going to do because I didn't plan on going to that one next, but it seems like that might get canceled eventually.
I know nothing about it.
I'm not saying it isn't any sort of insider information, So don't go around saying, Hey, it's canceled.
I have no idea.
It's just everything else is getting canceled right now.
The n B A got canceled flights to and from Europa Council except UK to America.
It's It's a very difficult time we're going through right now.
I think that we're all gonna get through it.
I think I'm very optimistic about the outcomes and where things were going.
But that does not mean that you should be flippant with what's going on, and I think that you should be very aware of it.
Read up on it, talk to people about it.
Don't make any unnecessary trips or unnecessary social gatherings just to make sure, um, because the last thing we want is this thing to spread even more.
So I'm being I'm being a bit more responsible in that regard.
I'm trying not to go out.
And just even when I was actually sick with my cold, I didn't go out and meet friends or anything because they were all meeting up and I was like, I want to stay at home, Guys, As much as I want to go out and hang out with you guys, I'm just gonna stay at home just to make sure that I don't get you sick in any way, shape or form.
So any sort of I mean, I had no social events coming up soon anyway.
But just be careful.
Be safe out there on take care of yourselves, please.
Again, I'm being very careful with the words that I'm using cause I don't want to add to the fear and panic that's going on in the world.
That's not my intent with this video at all.
I just want people to know where I was and I wanted to do it in a story time fashion, but I'm probably gonna be on off YouTube in the next couple of days in the next week.
I don't know.
I'm just not really in the mood to record things anyway.
I don't feel like I'm at 100% in regards to my energy levels on my motivation to actually record.
I'm taking this time to actually sit back, relax, catch up on stuff that I've missed and just do some extra stuff that I don't have to sit here and yell at a camera as much.
So thank you guys for understanding that and I'll be back eventually.
Whenever I'm at full capacity again, I think that's it.