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  • Hey, you guys.

  • Yes.

  • Welcome back to another creepy video.

  • Now I want you to think of something scarier than your childhood.

  • Childhood is scary for so many reasons, your body's going through changes that you don't understand.

  • Your parents are constantly telling you to do your chores and grounding you.

  • And then on top of that, you have to deal with the idea that there might be a monster waiting for you.

  • There's just a lot.

  • So today we're gonna be going through some of the scariest childhood myths and some of them.

  • Where have you been?

  • A test.

  • So let's start with the 1st 1 which is something that kept me up, every single bookie.

  • Now, I'm sure when you're a kid, you remember walking around the house in the dark, checking every single closet for monsters.

  • For me, I could not even go to sleep until I checked every single looking crazy.

  • My house.

  • Then you get to bed and cover your head with the blanket and you pray to God that that monster doesn't fight.

  • Now the Boogey Man is a monster.

  • That's particularly scary because it doesn't really have a face.

  • He has the outline of a man.

  • Look, you can't see any features.

  • That's what makes it the scariest, because you don't know where he's looking.

  • Now the Boogey Man likes to feast on your fears he likes to haunt you with.

  • If you're afraid of the dark, he'll become the dark.

  • If you're afraid of spiders here, really spiders all over your room and let him crawl all over you.

  • Many people believe that the Boogeyman is actually a demon on.

  • The reason he's wearing that big robe is because he's hiding his demon.

  • For now, there are thousands of people online that claim toe witnessed or heard.

  • Here is just one of the creepy stories I could find out when I was young, that was sleeping between my parents.

  • For whatever reason, I woke up and I remember the clock reading.

  • 4 a.m. There were something standing by the window looking out to the front yard.

  • It was a man in a brown rule road about six.

  • I started a stir and I sat up in bed and the thing turned and looked.

  • It was extremely pale with white skin.

  • Its face looked like it was melting.

  • They had a pointy chin almost looking like a screen mask.

  • Its mouth was hanging open and its eyes were wide.

  • I've never been more scared in my life.

  • Now listen.

  • I've talked about the Boogeyman before.

  • When I was a kid, I always had something watching you sleeping.

  • My mom always said, Oh, it's your guardian angel, but not look like any angel I've ever seen.

  • Now, the idea of the Boogeyman has been around since the 1700.

  • Now he's had many different names, many different countries.

  • But all of these figures resemble in Spain.

  • He's called Sac.

  • In Mexico.

  • He's called Robot Chico's, which translates to child stealer in Egypt, they call an album and in Canada is called you.

  • Now.

  • The stories of the Boogeyman aren't just that.

  • He watches you sleep.

  • In some cases, he kills you.

  • This is what inspired the character Freddy Krueger.

  • The killer kills kids in their sleep.

  • Theo.

  • Over the years, there have been tons of cases where kids have been taken in the middle of they've been taken with no proof of a break in no DNA anywhere, and nobody's found.

  • A lot of people think maybe because how else is there No evidence.

  • Now there's one case that happened two decades ago that a lot of people think was supernatural.

  • A young girl named Mary Lozano was taken in the middle of the night.

  • There was no ransom note, no body and no killer found.

  • The scariest part is that when she was taken, her three brothers were sleep next to her in bed.

  • So the fact that they didn't wake up is very confusing.

  • It means whatever took her was fast, Quiet did not leave any.

  • All right, let's go into something a little less terrifying.

  • We're gonna be talking about some of the myths involving food.

  • Now, I'm sure when you were a kid, you heard a lot of different minutes.

  • Pop rocks and soda will make your stomach explode.

  • Eating bananas and spring will make you vomit until you die basically a lot of minutes.

  • Just saying that if you eat too much of a certain thing, your stomach will expand.

  • It's also fucking me.

  • All right.

  • First, let's talk about the myth that if you chew gum and swallow it, it'll stay in your body for seven years and it could lead to death.

  • Now, this is something that a lot of people believe Think when you swallow your gun, it takes about seven years to be digested.

  • I'm gonna be honest.

  • This is something I've believed my whole life.

  • I think I may be swallowed gum once, and I remember looking at my poop, like every day being like, Where's that?

  • But this is just Just listen to what this nurses.

  • There is nothing bad that will happen to you as a result of swallowing the gum.

  • You won't digest it, but your stomach and your intestines will move it along and out.

  • And you'll it will just come out when you have a bowel movement in a day or two.

  • Now, this swallowing gun once in a while is not gonna kill you, but eating too much of anything.

  • In 2011 a UK teenager named Samantha Jake it's died because of an obsession she had with chewing and swallowing.

  • Now her death was deemed malnutrition because she had a lack of calcium and magnesium that triggered brain swelling.

  • Now, because of the amount of gum she was cheating and swallowing me almost impossible for her body to absorb nutrients when they're doing the autopsy be found, Ford.

  • Five large lumps of gum.

  • That is fucking awful.

  • And very, very heartbreaking.

  • That just proves that any type of an addiction I can't.

  • Ultimately, I know that I have about 500,000 Diet Cokes a day.

  • That's gonna kill me.

  • Now, before we move on to the next myth.

  • I was thinking maybe I would try out these.

  • So here we go.

  • Let's see what happens when I swallow too much.

  • I have hubba bubba, which I feel like will kill me.

  • This is gum that I wasn't even allowed to have when I was a kid and I was huge, but my mom was like, Nah, fam, you can at McDonald's all you want, but we have fun with help.

  • Oh, my God, that's fun.

  • Oh, the smell is very intense.

  • But honestly, if that's what my insides, it's my like it's an upgrade.

  • All right, take this.

  • That's so much worker ball bubble.

  • All right, We're swallowing it, all right?

  • Kind of scared.

  • I don't think I swallowed them since I was a kid.

  • And my boobs are already fucked.

  • Like my ass has already clogged.

  • I was do this.

  • One, 23 I'm scared.

  • Hold on.

  • Let me get a drink.

  • All right.

  • I'm just gonna, like, swallow it like it's a pale 123 Oh, it feels like it's right here.

  • I don't know how to move it.

  • What if this is what kills me?

  • Like all the crazy should not done Blowtorches, Deep frying Barbie dolls and visible can kill me.

  • All right, well, I'll let you know in seven years of a poop it out.

  • All right, this next one is about.

  • Now, I have heard this since I was a little kid.

  • And that's if you swallow the black seeds.

  • They will grow in your stomach and turn into watermelons.

  • Now, I don't have a clip of somebody growing a watermelon in their stomach because he doesn't fucking happen.

  • But I do have this clip from my movie.

  • I directed, not cool.

  • Basically, in the clip, she hides a watermelon in her stomach and, uh, well, better late than never.

  • I guess you have a nice game.

  • Yeah, very fucking disturbing.

  • Welcome.

  • If you want to see my movie not cool, shameless promotion.

  • It's on Netflix are back to the myth now.

  • Obviously, it's not possible to grow water.

  • But there is a story of a man who started growing tree.

  • Just just watch doctors in Russia performing surgery for suspected cancer.

  • Found something else inside a man.

  • Listen to this story they spotted Ah, fir tree growing inside a human lung.

  • The tree measuring nearly two inches was discovered when surgeons opened up a 28 year old man to remove what they thought was a tumor.

  • Now no one knows how that tree group.

  • Oh, uh, just imagine if that would have kept growing and then it would have blinked.

  • Busted the wrist.

  • Now, even though we know it's probably not gonna do anything, I still want to try it out.

  • Let's go swallow.

  • All right, here we go.

  • I don't think I've ever kind of watermelon in my life.

  • If the watermelon seeds don't kill me trying to cut it with his huge fucking knife.

  • Well, all right.

  • So I guess I'll just I wonder if that's what it feels like to cut open ahead.

  • Very satisfied.

  • All right.

  • Okay.

  • I see a few black seeds.

  • This is really weird.

  • I've literally never tried these just like swallow them.

  • It has a consistency of fingernails.

  • Which, by the way, don't swallow.

  • Got swallowed three seats.

  • Let's see what happens.

  • Getting on.

  • Fine.

  • Now, the last minute involving food is something that I'm sure you have heard.

  • Or if you eat, do not go swimming.

  • Wait 30 minutes.

  • The theory is that it could eat a big meal and go swimming.

  • Your whole body will cramp up and drown and die.

  • Now, doctors have said that's not true.

  • There's a chance you could get, like a minor cramps, but definitely nothing that's going to kill you.

  • But let's see if they're right.

  • Okay, let's make one of my favorite things ever, which is a rice cake.

  • What's a moment?

  • But I love pretending to be healthy.

  • All right, I'm gonna finish this, and then we're gonna go swimming.

  • All right?

  • I'm in the pool.

  • I feel fine moving around.

  • I'm not getting a crew who actually know what.

  • Actually, I'm kind of getting a stomach cramp, but that might just be because I'm out of shape, huh?

  • Yeah.

  • So I feel fine also.

  • So much judgment.

  • All right, now, this next myth we're gonna talk about is very fucking scary to me.

  • That's because it involves fucking clowns.

  • Now I'm sure you've heard of this legend.

  • It's called The Clown Sketch.

  • Here's how the story goes.

  • About 20 years ago, there was a girl baby sitting for a family.

  • In the owner's house was a creepy clown statue that was watching her the whole time.

  • She thought this was incredibly weird that she wasn't gonna judge.

  • They were paying job.

  • Well, then she felt like the clown was staring, so she decided to touch it and see if it was.

  • Then she gets a phone call from the owner and she tells them how creeped out she is that classic.

  • I love your new house, but the clown in my room No offense, but I hate it.

  • Oh, God.

  • Which one now?

  • The big one.

  • You know, they're really big one.

  • I'm not sure which one you mean?

  • Come on.

  • This isn't a chair, you know.

  • It's life size.

  • The really, really big one.

  • You haven't cropped up in that rocking chair, and then the owner tells her way.

  • Don't own anything like that.

  • You do.

  • I'm looking right at it.

  • And there's many different endings to that story.

  • Some people say that the girl dies.

  • Some people say that she just ran out of the house.

  • Either way, it involved a big fucking creepy s clown.

  • And it made people terrified of clowns for years now.

  • Supposedly, there's never been a clam statue that has killed somebody.

  • But there has been a clown statue in 1992.

  • Ronald McDonald clown statue.

  • Reportedly fell on top of a six year old girl and cut off her finger.

  • Obviously, it just fell.

  • It wasn't like the statue came a lot, but, I mean, listen, Ronnie Dunn was fucking creepy as fuck.

  • You've probably never seen these.

  • But these are some old ass commercials.

  • Ronald.

  • Ah, here they are.

  • Triple six McDonald shakes where they're empty.

  • Sure can get a lot in these bags.

  • What?

  • Listen, I know the joke is about kid ate.

  • Stop inside the bag, but him being late, there's a lot of room.

  • Don't get me started on.

  • Mom told me never to talk to strangers.

  • Wow.

  • Your brother dry as always, but I'm Ronald Battle.

  • Give me a MacDonald shape.

  • You know, stranger, you really are Ronald McDonald.

  • No, no.

  • Just what?

  • All right, this is gonna move us to our last topic, which is things hiding in shores.

  • Now.

  • I'm sure when you're a kid, you remember hearing stories about snakes or spiders, Crocodiles hiding in your toilet, waiting for the sit down.

  • So I know you're expecting me to say.

  • Well, those aren't real, but they are.

  • First, let's start with alligators who have been known to live in sewers.

  • Yeah, fucking alligator in a sewer.

  • And that's not even the scariest one.

  • Much this I know.

  • Terrifying.

  • Not technically an alligator can't, like swim up to your toilet.

  • But you know what can snakes?

  • Little Isaac was going to the restroom yesterday morning and he found something unusual.

  • Fonda's big Crump.

  • And I knew it was a snake.

  • Yeah, Fucking terrified.

  • Just watch what it looks like when a plumber tries to get this snake.

  • Oh, you speak now?

  • The snake thing happens a lot, but you know what happens?

  • Even more rats there it is.

  • Just keeps getting worse.

  • That's unbelievable.

  • Now there are tons of videos online of rats and snakes and all different types of animals crawling up the sewer system going into your fucking ass.

  • But the one video that I've seen that destroyed me is this video of a spider?

  • Bye bye.

  • Some people say that it was fake.

  • I've seen a lot of different websites played its realism claim it's fake.

  • I don't know what that is enough for me to never use a toilet in public.

  • But either way, at least we know there will be clams, snakes I can handle about Grady s clowns.

  • Later, guys, go.

  • Those were just some of the scariest child admits that I let me go down the comments which ones you remember, and if you remembered anything's also make sure to get this video thumbs up if you liked it.

  • You want more creepy videos?

  • I don't want to do teenage mints next.

  • I mean, there's ones about masturbating so much that you'll grow hair on your poems.

  • There's also a myth that if you leave a tampon in too long, it will make your hands.

  • So if you want back in, me comes up.

  • You know, also make sure to subscribe to my channel right down below the notification, because I make videos every day.

  • And if you want to see all my other creepy videos, I did one where I summoned a demon in my bathroom.

  • And I talked about a lot of TV show conspiracy theories, including 13 recent.

  • So I will leave a link to a playlist right on top of description.

  • All right, you guys keep your eyes open at night.

  • Bye.

Hey, you guys.


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