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Jeff said.
Is it okay?
That advice from Boris on Corona virus is squashed the sombrero?
Now I'm going to try and explain this of using this white board.
So basically what Boris Johnson said yesterday is that the pattern of most pandemics looks like this spikes and goes like that now.
He said that his government's efforts to delay ah, but basically to try and delay the peak of the virus so it won't start here will go up there.
It won't be as high.
It'll go for a bit longer and go like that.
So basically, what he said is squashed the sombrero, which is what that is coincidentally, squashed.
The sombrero is also Donald Trump's farm policy Farm one.
Let me fund Always force question.
Sombrero was a Mexican version of third base.
Is it gonna be Mexican themes?
There's an old person, the house wrap them up like a burrito.
No, you've got temperature.
If you're the same temperatures of sizzle plates, it is possible that it'll go like this and then up for a little bit and then down.
That would be more British, because that's like Ebola bars.
Couldn't say that because it sounds like Ebola.
What's what's interesting about all this is you can plot the kind of the graft that shows the amount of jokes we make compared to how serious?
Kobe, 1918.
So it kind of looks like this now.
We started off making jokes about our China's building hospitals really quickly.
And then, wow, it's getting really serious.
Makes more jokes.
And now, basically, as it tails off, it's gonna go like that for a little bit.
And then eventually we'll get to the point.
It's so serious, well, which we hadn't made quite so many jokes on.
Then we might a flat cap.
So the basic advice from yesterday is this.
If you've got a continuous coffer, a high temperature, stay at home for seven days only call one more money if your symptoms get worse.
If you're elderly, don't go on a cruise.
And no matter what, keep washing your hands.
And for the moment, that's kind of basically it.
The prime minister did say that things will definitely get much worse and added, many more families are going to lose loved ones.
But the right now this is the best way to take the strain off the N H s is How are we feeling about?
It's weird because you're expecting him to go the same way as kind of Denmark or island.
And it seems like our scientists we got some kind of maverick scientists that going the complete opposite way.
So the rest of Europe next week, they're gonna go, shall we all just for the whole population in the 02 and then sweat out together.
We'll be looking at the news this way.
I started to realize I'm not gonna be out to eat back anymore.
I think also the big advice.
That kind of what's happening at the moment is basic.
Everyone's being told that they've gotta work from home.
I'll tell you, that's got me worried about Banksy.
Mom is just gonna be turned around again.
You've been joined on the skateboard.
Okay, This'll fashion white ball fees in this in a stroke, he does.
He's gonna be going fucker.
From this we're far from 1,000,000.
Pick a hole with the issues and thanks.
Yeah, it seems so we're gonna be sent him.
And also take that ballot.
Carver, if I know you are, there have been nearly 130,000 global cases.
There now been 11 deaths in the U.
So far.
Look, a lot of events are being canceled in the moment.
All eh?
NBA games in America, all English football games here.
Even the London Marathon has been float.
Paul's gone.
Yeah, warm again.
Talk to taxi drivers about please, not immigration, I guess.
I guess the thing is, we just need to listen to the advice we've been given and most importantly, just help each other through this whole said.
Is it okay for people to be clearing shelves in the supermarkets?
Kate, come and think of others.
I think it's time for another push on.
Don't be a dick, mate.
Look, Two months ago, some people were saying a no deal breaks.
It would be good for Britain because this country needs a bit of blitz spirit.
This week, the first whiff of a lock down British people all went out and bought 38 rolls of toilet paper.
I mean, genuinely I don't know about you guys.
There isn't There was no toilet paper in my life market this week.
Interestingly, no limbs it either, and that is much harder to wipe your ass with you.
Tried, though.
Didn't you?
Gave it a shaft?
We should have kept it in the packet.
All right, moving on.
Tom said, is it okay that the first MP to test positive for the Corona virus is Health Minister?
We have reached the part in the outbreak movie where the health Minister gets it.
And in fact, if this was a movie, the health minister would be played by Tom Hanks on this week.
The actual Tom Hanks got it.
You got it.
Never show your box of tacos.
I think his nose in self isolation is what's gonna begin to.
Don't you dare start talking to that volleyball Health Minister Nadine Dorries, who once appeared on I'm a celebrity get me out of here, will now spend the next two weeks appearing in dancing on isolation.
She did say today that she's okay, but confirmed her 84 year old mother has tested positive and that this this is where it all gets serious because it's all well and good to say.
It's only the elderly and those with underlying health conditions that need to worry.
But if you replace that with my grandfather and my asthmatic mate could be a risk.
It suddenly starts to feel really You're no longer talking about fictional people You're talking about David Attenborough and Josh.
Yeah, I'm worried about my water on the first person I've ever gone on the dark Web to buy Ventolin Puffers also is David at somebody Your granddad.
I'm just using a person who's anyway, I kind of wish Iwas in a leader last way, But you're also talking about everyone in my rugby league team.
If you're talking about anyone underlying health condition, how is this going to affect the elderly?
Is a massive, massive question at the moment to Well, I think that was a The one thing old people don't need is another excuse for their kids not to visit them.
Yep, that's pretty bad, actually.
Speaking of which, if any anyone is thinking of leaving me anything, you know if I can have your loo roll.
Look, it is important to ring your nan check on any elderly people that you know just in the last couple of hours.
I've read that the Everton Football Club have been checking in on elderly members of their community on arranging access to emergency food parcels.
Like any members of the evidence football club, they're just calling them up If they're old, early or vulnerable and seeing if they need food.
Aston Villa are donating all the food that was prepared for the games this weekend to homeless charities.
So lots of people are getting out there and helping elderly people.
If you can just do what you can, maybe I don't know.
Do we need alternative programming for over 75 if they have to stay at home now?
You know Jeremy the Mast singer?
Yeah, they could do the masked doctor.
Doctor turns up there wearing a mask.
Like Who is it then?
It's Alan Johnson.
Or maybe just a TV show.
Someone that looks like your grandchild.
You know what I mean?
You just turn it on and they're just looking into the camera going?
Uh huh.
Uh, she didn't Allies turned to America this week to see what Donald Trump was going to do.
And it turned out he did what he always does.
He called the virus foreign and he shut down the borders.
The big problem for Donald Trump is Hey, can't pick a fight with Corona virus.
He can't call it names or get into a Twitter spat with it.
And if he did, he'd probably call it coffee.
IFI 19 A few hours ago tonight, Donald Trump held a press conference to announce a national emergency, which he then described as, And I quote to very big words.
Theo Men last week said it will go away.
What was really interesting was a journalist tonight.
Asked him about close.
He closed down.
His administration closed down the pandemic center, the people who would be working on this in America.
He basically said it wasn't may virtually.
He said it wasn't a spokesman.