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the prime minister made an impassioned appeal to the nation on social social distancing, and the further measures that way may bring in Well, I don't think you need Thio.
Use your imagination very much to see where we might have to go, and we will think about this very, very actively in the next 24 hours.
We need to think about the kinds of measures that we've seen elsewhere.
Other countries that have bean forced to bring in restrictions on on people's movements altogether.
But he can only really be preserved in everybody acts responsibly on Dhe conforms with those principles of staying apart from one another and social distancing.
I know it's I know it's hard, but that's that's the best way forward.
We can't do that.
Then, yeah, I'm afraid we're going to have to bring forward tougher, tougher measures.
But have these words come too late?
Clearly, in parts of the country, some people have not been following the advice to social distance.
This was Columbia Flower Market in east London this afternoon, like it's several other markets and parks in the capital.
People were out in crowds socializing in close quarters despite a clear warning from the mayor.
Don't leave your home unless you really, really have to work from home.
Don't use public transport unless it's genuinely essential.
Look out for your neighbors who are elderly on vulnerable deuce and shopping for them.
Leave it on their doorstep.
But it's not just the springtime mood apparently engulfing some in the country.
That's the problem.
Witness the queues outside some supermarkets to standing this closely together goes against advice on social distancing.
But can ordinary people really be blamed when advice from government has changed so quickly on that time seemed conflicting.
On Friday, the prime minister suggested he would visit his elderly mother.
I'll certainly be sending my very best wishes and hope to get to see you today, he wrote in two newspapers, The Sunday Times on the Sun, urging People don't visit Mom today.
The Sunday Times also alleges the prime minister's chief advisor, Dominic Cummings, had initially been keen for the country to adopt a policy one observer characterized as herd immunity and let the old people die, but had been convinced shutting down the country was a better option.
After seeing what was happening in Italy, Downing Street denounced the report, saying it was a highly defamatory fabrication.
Channel four News has learned that French authorities were preparing to shut down the border with the UK on Friday afternoon.
Franz has imposed a strict locked down and President Macron is said to have been furious at Britain for not taking more stringent measures to tackle Corona virus.
We understand the plan to close the border with any dropped when France was told the UK would now be taking a tougher line.
And while questions continue to be asked about who or what is actually driving government policy already people are dealing with Corona virus At its worst.
This is actor Sophia Myles saying goodbye to her father, who died in the last 24 hours.
She posted this picture to remind people of the harsh reality.
Look, I've just come from inside Downing Street from inside that briefing and I think it's fair to say the prime minister is clearly still very reluctant to impose the kind of lock down that we've seen in France, Italy, Spain.
His tone was still very much an encouraging one, but also a warning.
They're saying Look, if you don't follow these measures, we will have to try and bring in further measures, he warned against congregation telling people stay at home if you can, but if you do go outside and it is still OK to go outside and take a walk in the park.
But you need to know congregate, stay two meters apart.
It's not that difficult, he said.
The other thing that we're hearing now is that prime minister insists very much that he is still being guided by the science and that is influencing a love, the government's decisions.
He is absolutely insistent on that point in terms of measures.
The big thing that we're hearing is that the introduction of this world policy that they're calling shielding I one and 1/2 1,000,000 people who are considered to be the most vulnerable there's with counsel, severe respiratory disease.
Is there going to be contacted by the N HS via letter or phone or texts and told to stay at home for 12 weeks?
So that's not social distancing.
That's a further measure for those who are most vulnerable, and that's the next stage in the government, our policy very consistent.
They are being guided by science on, not politics.
Jackie Thanks Specimen.
The Home Office has confirmed the first case of Corona virus in an immigration detention center after a woman being held at yards would in bed future tested positive.
Home Office officials say the person has been placed in isolation after displaying symptoms on no one else.
Amongst our for detainees has tested positive.
Campaigners are calling for the release of hundreds of detainees because of the risk that they or staff could contract the virus.
Joining me now is Professor Helen Ward, clinical professor of public health at Imperial College, London.
Thanks very much for joining us this evening.
I just wonder what you make at the latest advice coming from the prime minister.
Well, there's a lot of public health specialist senior leaders who have been discussing this over the weekend, and I think most of them, like me, will be very disappointed.
It seems to me that they're all next messages.
I know that the prime minister said that people should reduce their social contacts outside of the home, but has not yet done anything to enforce that going back to the science, which he says is guiding everything they do the work that came out.
Imperial College said that those social contacts outside the home after reduced by 75%.
If this is going to work now, it's clear from what's been shown today that is not happening yet and therefore closures off some of the shops that are not necessary.
Some of their parks, et cetera, are going to have to be enforced.
But more importantly, I think making some restrictions on travel on unnecessarily travel the moment is all voluntary and unfortunately, people are not sure that they want to do that.
I mean, were you surprised to hear the prime minister again today?
It was gently appealing to people to do the right thing when it would seem certainly from the evidence of what we've been filming today.
People are not doing it, certainly not enough of them.
Were you surprised that he didn't take a tougher stance?
I was surprised because I think that the evidence from elsewhere in the world is that you have to take a really trust us, and you have to take it early.
You have to have the places that have actually got this under control and got numbers of cases starting to go down new cases like South Korea, they have had a major investment in testing.
Very, very widespread testing contact tracing on dhe reduction in social contacts we have if you think you're gonna put these measures in place in four days time.
If it doesn't work now, four days is a lot of extra cases.
So I think last week when we had the pub, some clubs and don't go to them, but not enforced.
We lost four days and then they enforced it.
I think we are urging the prime minister on the government to take the bold steps that it necessary now and not wait another four day.
It is, as you say, quite interesting all the way along.
The government seemed to have been reluctant to take what he said today with draconian measures.
So we saw other people leading So for example, at the same time as he was saying, mass gathering sport could go ahead.
We then had the Premier League moving in and saying We're gonna cancel games today.
He's still saying two people be responsible going out into the parks.
But we have some parks across London being closed by local authorities.
Why do you think he is so slow or in your view, he's so slow to enforce these things?
Well, he actually opposes it in terms of a joke.
Oniy in sort of crap clamp down as opposed doing people enjoying themselves.
And I think that's the wrong message to be given to people.
But it's one of the other.
I think you have to say this is an emergency.
We have to get people to comply with this and we have to do that at a local level.
And I think local authorities quite right to be taking these measures, and they need to have the backing of the government to enforce them.
But it's not just that a lot of communities and shops and other things are actually doing the right thing.
They are closing down and shifting towards supporting the most vulnerable we've got.
Hotels are saying that they're going to be available capacity for whether it's for the N.
H s or some have suggested for refuges for people suffering domestic violence, of the results of the isolation.
There's many things that could be done, but the primes, it does seem to want to be one step behind.
And do you worry that he says he's being led by the science but actually is being led by his political instinct?
It said that he hates the idea of nanny state interventions.
Do you worry that it's politics rather than science, that is leading him?
I think that the science that is informing this husband good do you think there's a lack of experienced public health leadership in helping the government make those decisions?
We do have the CMO in the scientific advisor, but there is a huge network of public health expertise around the country that I don't think of being drawn enough people.
But we're communicable.
Disease control Experts have been planning for epidemics and pendants for years.
I don't hear their voices enough influencing governments.
We are being repeatedly told that we're two weeks behind Italy and we are seeing horrific numbers of deaths coming out of Italy.
Is it too late to delay that level of fatalities here?
T do something about it.
If we want to stop things, if we're two weeks behind, then we have two weeks to stop that incense and we have to start today because It's the infections that occurring today that is spreading in Colombia flower market, for example, those the infections that in two weeks trying will be causing deaths and intensive care use.
And that's what we have to try and stop now.
And so you think enforcement has to come now?
I think that has to be clear.
A messaging.
I think that it is different in different parts of the world.
It's not just about limiting contact between individuals and spread that way.
It's also between hot spots like London on other parts of the country.
I think we need to look carefully about limiting travel between areas.
So so, for example, just very briefly in Germany today we see no gatherings of more than two people outside of home and work potential fines if social distancing measures aren't and here too, are those the sorts of measures we should at least be thinking about.
Now I think we should be and I think we will almost certainly have to bring them in, but it takes time, so we need to start that now not say I were going to think about it and maybe do it next week next week is another several tens of thousands of cases and more pressure on matches on more deaths.
Professor Helen Ward, Thank you so much for talking to us.
Thank you.
Parks, beaches and other public spaces around the country are being closed down, while the authorities in areas like Yorkshire, the Lake District and rural Wales are urging non residents to stay away, saying the numbers of people flouting orders to avoid social contact.
It's a time of crisis is simply unacceptable from Windemere are north of England, correspondent Claire Fallon reports.
We were told to stay at home, but with the sun out, not everyone did.
Despite the warnings of what's at stake, so many headed to Snowdonia.
This road became an overflow car park because the actual car park was full and in the lakes police asked visitors to stay away.
But still they came.
Many seem to think the warnings were for other people.
Not then, if start off in order.
Some signs, Yes, but no.
I'm sorry.
Oh, yeah, It'll be it.
After today, though, I'm finishing tomorrow.
Tony's been selling ice cream all his adult life.
He lives not far from here in Kendall he told me most queuing at his van seemed to think they're fine as long as they're outdoors.
I mean, I should be really So looks like we're gonna be up for months.
Thing is no longer just about at risk.
Groups were all being asked to stay in a CZ much as possible, venturing out just the exercise or to walk a dock or to do things that are essential.
According to the government, when we're out and about, we should be trying as much as possible to stay two meters.
That's roughly the length of our microphone pole away from other people.
So somewhere like this, we can do it.
And I'm at least two meters away from cameraman Neil at the moment.
But when you're walking along the pavement, for example, with other people cutting past you, if you're queuing up to buy an ice cream, not two meters and so increasingly we're being asked to just stay at home.
The N hs and social care aren't resource for day trippers.
Second, homeowners and isolation cation er's their affairs Service's could be overwhelmed by the influx, the expense of people who live in rural areas.
People like Sharon and their parents, who live in Windermere.
You have two days cooped up had ventured out cautiously.
It is Mother's Day.
Have got them in.
The car is the only part whether out trying to be as faras way with people.
It's possible and nice of robbery drinks, but for many today has been spent at a distance, whether it's miles or just a few meters on grass to stay at home to save lives, we will find new ways to care and love and live Fallon reporting them.
If you want an example of how quickly covered 19 is spreading around the globe, how about this?
It took 90 days to record the first confirmed 100,000 cases.
The 2nd 100,000 took 12 days to record the 3rd 100,000 recorded today took just four days.
Italy reported 651 more deaths today for Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel has gone into isolation after a doctor she had been in contact with tested positive.
The New York City mayor has said the lock down there could last 6 to 9 months came in serum reports Sandalow Hospital, northern Italy, where the morning Ward rounds starts with a pep talk by megaphone all over Italy.
People are thinking of you, Dr Sarah Bar Bhutto says before playing the national anthem over her mobile phone Sunday.
Innocent Peter's Square, like so many public places across the world, is deserted in the pope's weekly prayer, a dreadful reflection of our times.
More money, don't you?
Him all you know so early.
We hear of many people dying men and women who die alone, unable to say goodbye to their loved ones.
We pray for them, and we pray for their families who can't accompany those dear to them in death.
So for years, for Charlie Pretty for me, a lot of familiarity.
The overnight numbers from Italy are grim, slightly fewer than yesterday, but still another 650 dead, the lock down when it came on monitoring shoppers for fever.
Too little, too late.
European nations ignored the warnings from China Career and Singapore, by and large, failing to trace infections, failing to enforce distancing.
The Germans have now threatened to introduce huge fines, possibly thousands of euros for gatherings of more than two people, and the chancellor herself is tonight in isolation herself after being treated by a doctor who since tested positive and now Italy, epicenter of the pandemic, is the recipient of eight Cuban doctors dispatched tow Lombardi and supplies being sent from Russia.
It's not all cooperation, though, while the French ascending shipments to Iran, the U.
Has been urged by many that now is the time to drop, not increase, its sanctions.
And the Iranian supreme leader said a U.
S offer of help was in fact, a plot to spread the virus itself.
In New York, the mayor, Bill de Blasio, warned the city that never sleeps could be shut down Now for the rest of the year.
I don't get it right now.
I have asked repeatedly for the military to be mobilized for the Defense Production Act, to be used to its fullest, to get us things like ventilators.
So people who can live, who would die otherwise, Chuck, I can't be blunt enough.
If the president doesn't act, people will die.
Who could have lived otherwise?
Across the U.
Empty street, as reports emerged, the richest country in the world is preparing a $4 trillion domestic aid package.
But what on earth can governments do in countries like Kenya, where furious market traders were told today to back up by the army, the country's seen no deaths and only 15 cases so far.
But they are on the rise.
We have no choice, the trader said.
But to take our chances, how are we expected to survive if we can't work?
Life has changed beyond all recognition in just one week, as many in this country, like others, get used to the idea of spending many months at home, some of them all on their own.
A few people know what living in isolation is like better than Terry Waite, who spent almost five years as a hostage during the Lebanon Civil War.
We've been talking to him, along with experts and others who have experienced long periods alone, to hear their advice and encouraging words.
We are all in this together, Remember, you're not alone.
Wait, Andi, uh, joined the days when I was working as a hostage negotiator.
I was captured in Beirut on I spent almost five years very strict soldier consignment.
I am Augustine Fuentes.
I'm an evolutionary anthropologist at the University of Notre Dame in the United States.
My name's and, well, I'm a blogger, Emin, or for the business of an entrepreneur, and I suffer from it.
The blood disorder called sickle cell anemia anemia donated to this isolated for two weeks.
To make sure that is, Why didn't I think of any more affection?
My name is Dr Journal it.
I'm a social anthropologist at the sense fabric at the London School of Economics.
Andi I specialized in the 14 4016 the Bull outbreak in West Africa.
I love in Sierra Leone during the Ebola crisis that for ordinary people, surviving Ebola was not simply a matter of avoiding contagion or getting treatment.
Those were very important.
But it was also a matter of getting through the crisis in a meaningful way.
Nobody was the moment what the future holds.
So the way to deal with that.
Take it one day at a time.
You can't make any plans for the future, but you can live today as fully as possible.
So do that.
You have to take away your denial that this is something happening to you and start moving yourself from a sense of denying to acceptance, and I think the most absorbing enjoyment, Faisel.
The whole isolation for me is once you get to the accepted things because then you start thinking of things to do, and you could begin to find that solitude is actually something that's really quite quite remarkable.
You will discover that you have within you abilities gifts that you never do your hair.
And I started writing my book.
I said, I have all this time on my hands.
Why should I just sit back and do nothing with that size that right So I used to write in my head will only put on paper when I came out.
So I had to develop my mental capacities.
We need to really think about what are the dangers order the harms.
But also what are the patterns of resilience, where the patterns about being a human that are gonna help us cope with this and make it through and come out the other side.
Okay, Everybody needs some sort of a framework within which to work.
Now, when you're alone, you have to create your own Craig work.
No one else is ready for you.
I've made a very, very nice schedule.
for myself that I should have now looking forward to tomorrow because tomorrow is actually going to be busy again.
I think social distancing is a confusing time, but actually in many ways, during a crisis epidemic, social proximity is very important that proximity might not.
The physical we do have to keep our distance is from one another, but we actually really have to be their fridge.
Maintaining those connections is a critical part of maintaining your physical health so that should you be unfortunate and unlucky enough to catch Cove in 19 your chances of sort of keeping your body as well as possible are going to be helped by staying as social as possible crises, epidemics in particular, a kind of like holding up a mirror to society.
They show you on what's working in society and maybe what's not working and the things that maybe when ignores that one working or law, I would hope the society would come out of this for the better.
I mean, there are no guarantees.
I would hope it would show us that, uh, well, there is more to life, just the best immersing about it.
What the hope people should have is that we're all in this together.
But this is something that we should take pride and joy with knowing that I'm not suffering and low well suffering together.
Take it positively.
Take It is a constructive experience.
Don't let it get you down.
Keep hope alive.