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  • So there's actually so many different fast food restaurants in Japan, and I wanted to take you around and show you my top seven.

  • The thing is, I'm not gonna actually take you guys places like Burger King, McDonald's, Wendy's, because everyone knows that.

  • But I wanted to, like, show you guys that there's actually really good fast food restaurants here in Japan that air locally born that are super delicious and portable.

  • Some of them may actually be pretty healthy, So if I miss any, you have favorites that I didn't include.

  • Believe that in the comment section, because I'd like to know.

  • Oh, and if you like my Tokyo shirt, check it out in the link below.

  • Let's get a fast food on number seven.

  • Fuji Soba de Silva is a 24 hour soba shop, but they also have other four options, like food on a hot zone, curry and rahman perfect place to get food during the day, at night or even for breakfast.

  • So you get your main food ticket near the entrance at the machine, and then you pass your food to get to the counter.

  • If you want fried toppings, you can either buy tickets at the machine or point to which topping you want.

  • Then pay the counter like me.

  • All right, let's see how long it took to get my order.

  • One minute and 31 seconds pretty fast.

  • So when you order, they ask you to choose either soba noodles.

  • But this place is food to serve us.

  • So I got the soba noodles.

  • And in fact, once I pass in that to get there, let me choose where they want a cold or warm soup.

  • I like how, like this one has all the ingredients has some seaweed, as you can see there, crab on Santa Margo, which is really nice.

  • And this is a lawsuit which is like the temper flakes that they don't use.

  • Maybe they do, but and this is keeps in a which is like a pin sheared totally.

  • And what I really like to do is I like to make it a little bit spicy, some egg in there, only one of the best shapes of a place is around.

  • And I also got dumped and put on the side just like a little over 100 yen, which is really, really affordable and delicious.

  • And then you can get this.

  • What a great meal number.

  • 6 10 years.

  • So if you guys were looking for some Deborah, that this is a spot.

  • I don't come here too often because it is a bit unhealthy for extra oil and stuff.

  • But when I do get a chance and I want to splurge, then I come here and have some temporal Oh, and a vegetable oil that they use here is actually cholesterol free.

  • Really concerned about your health.

  • But you want kind of smoke a little bit, and maybe this is the spot you want to check out.

  • Oh, anyways, let's go inside and let me show you my favorite dish.

  • So I'm gonna start the timer now.

  • Since taking machine automatically send my order to the cooks.

  • So convenient.

  • Five minutes.

  • 17 seconds, I guess.

  • Serving fresh and it takes a bit longer.

  • Check out this flavor for the light.

  • Look how much pride temporarily having this Dakota Schramm, right?

  • See, lead, white fish, some sort of fish and a huge ass Quick look.

  • Biggest squid is so crunchy, so good.

  • What do you get?

  • A fried pizza noting that, huh?

  • I love how it has been like marinated nicely.

  • It already has a sauce itself, which is kind of sweet, so you don't need to put any extra sauce now if you want.

  • But they do have, like some don't sauce and some more salt if you want to add some salt to it.

  • So 100 things that's funny, like when I came to you when I was in the US I used to put soy sauce on my rights of time, and then I came here like no one puts soy sauce on the rice.

  • For some reason, this place put sauce on the rice and I love it.

  • I think it just because they put it on the computer itself.

  • But then it drips onto the white rice and just it's so good.

  • Look at it comes that miso soup, too.

  • Tea and water are self service, and how nice they also provide kidneys.

  • Gentles number five freshness, Burger freshness Burger is known for its precious, and it doesn't disappoint.

  • What's really cool about this place is that it doesn't even give you that fast food kind of vibe.

  • It's more like a cafe, and maybe you can see that in the pricing because it's a little bit more expensive, but it's just so good, and it's worth the additional price.

  • Usually, freshness takes time to prepare your food, since everything is made to order, so be prepared.

  • All right, let's see.

  • Our freshest does three minutes and 35 seconds.

  • Not bad for freshness.

  • So what I got today is the classic burger with bacon, egg and cheese.

  • I'm not actually a fries kind of person, but I love onion rings, and they actually offer the onion rings as the same price as a fried set.

  • Sizing and the portions of the onion rings is not the biggest thing in the world, but still, it's pretty delicious onion rings.

  • I also love the fact that you can get all different sauces may have spicy hot sauce truffle sauce that a lot of other places don't give you the sauces in Japan really stingy on giving sauces.

  • But here they're just, like let you just take the bottles and goto that fresh egg they just made.

  • You have like bits of bacon inside their smothered with cheese.

  • Just take a bite that is so good.

  • I really like the main is comes special sauce here is, like, really tangy and nice and gives it a nice punch.

  • The bun is actually pretty good as well for those of you who are like a diet and you can actually get a low carb bread.

  • And that's what actually Michael gets all the time and it's pretty good.

  • And also my other go Tuesdays, the spicy fried chicken and the tea's up.

  • The cheese dog is so cheesy, and as for onions, it's really good.

  • Number four Yoshinoya Yoshinoya is usually pretty fast, but today's shop is extremely packed on two floors.

  • Let's see how they do with this lunchtime rush.

  • Oh, two minutes and 15 seconds.

  • Not bad.

  • I ordered the beef green onion boat separate the yolk like this and put on chopped fresh green onions.

  • Good looking that beatable?

  • This actually, a lot of you don't places here in Tokyo.

  • So this is one is like people rank above all the best because it's just the volume that you get.

  • And the meat quality is superior to all of the other places.

  • Not to say that other places are bad, but like in general, look, if you ask a Japanese person.

  • This is like the standard.

  • This is like the gold seal from you Don't number three motor comics a man.

  • So there's actually a lot of places in Tokyo in Japan, but this is actually one of my favorites.

  • Second to that is I kind of model, which is actually pretty good itself.

  • But this one actually wins out in the taste department, at least in my opinion.

  • But definitely if you're looking for something really, really super quick to eat, then I would go here because they just make it on the spot.

  • All right, let's see how fast we can get some food.

  • I know.

  • Okay, You don't that.

  • I know this place is fast, so no need to speed up the video.

  • 25 seconds.

  • That's a world record.

  • Speed right there.

  • So after getting your bowl, you can choose some signs like fried toppings or a natty Sischy.

  • Look how long these noodles are low.

  • Big soba noodles really captured the dashi.

  • And just like a very refreshing meal, I think this is actually still pretty warm.

  • So, like it tastes like it's been especially fried.

  • That's what it's like with all the sauce on it.

  • That's the sweet fried goodness that I was looking for.

  • Love the sweetness compared with temporal.

  • What more can you ask for?

  • This is such a delightful meal number two Gin duck.

  • Oh, but if you guys have seen any of my other videos, you know the spot behind me, it has pancake Optimus malls.

  • In fact, this is the third time I'll be showing it in one of my videos because I just love it so much.

  • Let's go and check it out inside.

  • A lot of conductor shops have Onley takeout, but some shops like this one has a standing bar.

  • Conductor is generally not the fastest because they have to make the talk about fresh.

  • And that takes time.

  • Let's see.

  • Not coming in damn 11 minutes 39 seconds.

  • That's along is so far, but I guess that's how long it takes to make crispy fried Billy balls of joy.

  • So as he has noticed that it probably takes a little longer than the other fast food places but leaves the beer came here pretty fast, took it out.

  • It actually has, like these bonito flakes actually moves when it's like applies heat to it, which is really, really cool that has a main AIDS and handsome sweet sauce and like it's still hard to trust.

  • All right, let me just take a bite.

  • Just like show you what's inside extended layer like really pancake.

  • And then right there you can see the taco.

  • It's just so delicious.

  • Oh ho, I just love this place.

  • Number one.

  • Go, go, curry!

  • So go, Go!

  • Curry has the best curry in all of Tokyo.

  • Well, maybe not the best Curry, but it's the best chain curry that I've ever had.

  • So there's places like cocoa Cheat.

  • It's really, really popular here in Japan, but the thing is, I feel like the volume there is not as good as this place.

  • I feel like you get better value for what you pay for.

  • And for those of you that really want a challenge, they have, like this world champion challenges cuts, ou shrimp, sausages and all sorts of stuff.

  • Let's do this.

  • Do this.

  • I've always liked the catchy gorilla logo.

  • Makes it feel like a primal meal.

  • We got big nothing.

  • It's like three of my heads.

  • All right, get the ticket.

  • Pass it to the night server.

  • Oh, she's in the kitchen and start three minutes and 37 seconds about the Samos Freshness burger fast enough.

  • So this is like a regular curry size, like you get to have my business class in a first class.

  • This one is just like a regular size, and it's super big.

  • So I have actually added extra cheese, which is like 200 yen.

  • I got egg, which is another 100 Yen actually made it extra spicy, which is another 100 years.

  • This itself, without extra toppings, is just like 700.

  • Plus, it's not that bad.

  • It's actually a pretty good deal.

  • Look at that lovely piece.

  • Chicken katsu is so crispy and the meat inside is super tender.

  • I definitely recommend adding cheese here on adding the spicy.

  • This is actually adds a little bit of a kick to it, which is really nice because I love a spicy curry.

  • What nice is like to have a healthy portion of cabbages?

  • Well, like this is, like, difficult to finish.

  • So you guys like really, really hungry?

  • And this is probably one of the best values you can get in Tokyo.

  • So that includes my top seven Japanese fast food restaurants.

  • And as you can see, there's like some awesome options here in Japan if you guys never been definitely worth a try.

  • If you guys like this video, help me out and hit that like one and like always, if you want to see more adventures in Tokyo or Japan, that's a drive on and the bellman and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

So there's actually so many different fast food restaurants in Japan, and I wanted to take you around and show you my top seven.


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日本快餐的速度有多快? (How FAST is Japanese Fast Food | Tokyo Best 7)

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