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doesn't look good on this and we have a camera two guys you could I know exactly
what what before II I'm gonna get to you're not having mine you can't taste
mine - mine so we are at the studio we're gonna be shooting at the Halloween
hallow Halloween lookbook today we're going to recreate some of my favorite
characters of movies and real life some stuff or worrying me we got some wigs in
I'm worried - do do I feel like we should put sunshine yeah I push it with
the soundtrack so I can get into the character all right Rocky Taylor on
example this is an amazing Halloween costume you're in sweatpants out of 30
baby okay do this way that I'll go behind now go do you know how to clap on
me yeah yeah hope your two fingers no no like this hold on yeah my quality is
seem to follow they were way too so I wonder if we keep the braids we do the
eyes and just get Margot out of the way because you want to leave looking more
like Cher anyways actually
doesn't look good on this campaign we have a camera - guys can I cut it
because I kind of look right now like Chucky's why does one never answer when
I need for suren's to call my brother
you know who I am
serial killer Barbie have you ever watched the royal Tenenbaum so that's
why I am hello yeah I know this is the benefit why not good what are you doing
with these pillows that's the only way he's getting anywhere it's gonna thicken
max - sleepy where are you going keeping me calm put on the pillows there you
don't need the pillows upstairs for what
and then put those back no Benjamin we're going many were you going baby
Benny I love you
come on everybody so today is Maximus first birthday party
yesterday with your birthday we're obviously very excited to celebrate
today this is our third first birthday party with our three book cause of our
three boys most you don't know it's about my mother-in-law but she is a
party guru and I don't mean just attending them I mean she loves setting
them up she loves doing the planning for the event and everything is just so
regal and over-the-top actually a very good example of that would be mine in
Valeria's wedding over seven years ago you can click on one of these links here
to actually see our wedding and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about
so when we told Victoria that we're having a party she said okay we have to
get a banquet hall way to do all this stuff and we said no no we're just gonna
do it at home she was like all right flying you can do it at home about three
hours ago we got a knock on the door and there's literally a crew of people with
a truck full of stuff saying hey Victoria sent us here to set up the
party and I'm just looking at Blair saying what is going on there now
downstairs my mother-in-law I'm sure has outdone herself I can't imagine what
she's gonna do so now it'll be interesting to walk in on whatever is is
going on I'm really curious to see so let's go check it out
all right so going downstairs I'm gonna see what's going on this looks okay
alright nothing to be too worried about look at how we got some balloons from
maxi this is awesome so far okay my mother-in-law's calmed down a little
when we're done lost calm down you know because before this whole room would
have been painted in racecars nice long table and then we've got this awesome
thing how cute is this good for her she's done such a great job oh my
goodness look it's an astronaut and another astronaut and his name is on it
this is awesome my mother was the best these are actually the flowers that I
picked up for valaria yesterday on Nats mrs. birthday to thank her for all of
these beautiful children that she's given me yesterday
want to do it Jake know you've read the other one yes hey this is Maximus is
cake now if only to find Maximus I wonder where he is maximize max is he
sleeping already oh oh you got to get some rest before
the party right son you know to get some present yeah you got expressed my love
you good yeah good yes everyone's coming for the party it's gonna be great
yet doors they're gonna park outside don't worry there's plenty of parking
you worry too much son okay grandmas on the case you know she's gonna take care
of it all right you go for your nap and I'll
talk to you later okay okay see you bed
have a casual dinner mama said
why so here I am at the Apple store with Benny saying hi Ben here with Benny a
couple of weeks ago they were playing with their iPads and I tried talking to
them and they just went into zombie mode and they just didn't respond to me so I
reacted by taking their iPads and smashing those besides the fact that I
overreacted I wanted to prove a point that when you guys are on your iPad's
you can't go into the zombie mode and completely ignore when people are
talking to you they started using the iPads again so long that I smashed them
so I'm at the Apple store getting a replacement and Benny and I made a deal
right what's the deal Benny no so when I try to talk to you and you're playing
your iPad you have to you have to pause the iPad put it down and then you have
to talk to me right okay what kind of iPad do you want
I'll see okay let's go see we talked to who we talked to the it iPad how you do
it good you guys saw iPads in here we do
absolutely all right so if you just head down to a table over here is there
someone who can help you a very specific requirement yeah yeah for sure might
call the dispenser here with the guy think he'll be able talking well we're
gonna talk to the nice guy and he's gonna explain to us which is the best
iPad for you okay going to tame this beast of mine I have an event tonight a
work event my hair line my girls Morgan you steal them get this yeah this
is so nice and so clean oh yeah I love that
oh I love that okay show me your space
okay again Morgan can do no wrong okay let's go to your magical bathroom so the
thing that she set up and did here and turned the downstairs it's a smart
marketing situation she made a little bathroom yeah all you want to do is go
and take selfies in it just calling my name
oh my god so cute I see I see okay we have the purple a
I like the purple lights of quitting okay can you give me five bye
selfie privacy 346 minutes later I think it's this oh you're filming I was gonna
film I ready for you to view wait debut
you're the influence now you made them feel like you don't belong 15 the key is
acting like you're supposed to be thank you so much
should we maybe take it when we leave I don't know how does it work I don't know
I've never done this before
but we do need our table number perfect are we sitting together oh that's nice
it's all
so we went and we had a dinner at a sushi place they did the OMA Casa in
Google at you'll see what that is we had a little bit of socking a little bit of
beer so I feel good if you'll relax and we are now going through the McDonald's
drive-through to get Macquarie's why are you you're so red I'm red your
ears my ears yeah maybe it's because you're drunk I'm not the funny thing is
I'm not drunk I just feel relaxed and happy I feel
like I'm really happy about a combination of a few things one of those
things is that I'm with you you've been planning on this mixer for like since
you got home at 3:00 p.m. this McFlurry is you know what you can go to all these
gourmet places but I don't know what McDonald's does I don't know what they
put into these McFlurry I know I know exactly what what before
II I'm gonna get to I'm gonna get the vanilla one with score and like the
score bits and fudge okay that's what I'm gonna get which one you're not
having mine you can't taste mine mine is mine I don't like any good what am I
gonna get dunno I know no you know nothing about me you're gonna get a hot
fudge sundae with nuts hell no Gary why did I eat when I was pregnant with max
McLaurys with what can I please get a small McFlurry with Oreo yes and a
medium McFlurry with score and fudge thank you
I'm ready for let me flurry takes time to make it it's literally like taking
time it's a machine you press a button and
you hurry really was that a rhetorical question yeah I
know but no one else knows yeah what did you do like they really get everything
first I started at the top and they made me a cashier because they they really
believed in me and then I proved to them that I was incompetent at that and then
they moved me up to the kitchen and they put me on Big Macs cuz that's the level
down from the cashier and I failed at that then they put me it was like a very
low position they put me on the McNuggets and I did that for a while
then I failed at that how do you feel it doesn't it's literally like there's a
timer like yeah it's very like structured but I was bad at all then
they just had me doing like janitor stuff I love how they didn't just fire
you they kept like they kept demoting me you know what it's nice because when
they start people they start them at the top yeah and then you have to work
really hard to keep that position it's funny how you didn't appreciate that
look now is the opportunity where it for me all I wanted is to work at McDonald's
we should take the kids there and I should tell them the Papa used to work
here they won't believe me you'll be their hero don't know you've worked at
McDonald's I mean oh thank you sounds mine this is regular size thank
you so much look at this Cheers thank you for watching my vlog
and being part of my journey if you want to see Gary Knight crashing a party in