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  • everyone, Welcome to another video.

  • Now, in today's one, we are taking a look back at the AMG radio on our X 5 50 the two gigabyte version off the entry level graphics card.

  • Now don't confuse this GPU with the recently released our X 5500 or 5500 x t because this is certainly know that the Rx 5 50 is a card that was released by AM Day in 2000 and 17 early 2017.

  • And it was intended for audiences who were looking for something at the budget end of the spectrum, it costs less than £100 or dollars or whatever your chosen currency is off course.

  • Well, maybe not necessarily.

  • I mean, if you live somewhere where you know the exchange rate is one pound thio 100,000 of something, then it's not gonna be under 100.

  • But you get the gist of where I'm going here anyway, enough rambling because today we are taking a look specifically at the M s I Aargh I t X version of the Rx 5 51 of my favorite versions off the card.

  • It's a small card requires no six pin power connector, and because of its size, it can fit in pretty much any system out there, or at least a lot of systems out there on its ideal.

  • Even today, four pieces that have a pretty weak power supply now, although it costs less than £100 or dollars or euros brand new these days you can find one for about 50.

  • Here in the UK, it's not hard to find one for less than £50.

  • I paid 45.

  • This is the two gig version of the card.

  • There is a four gigabyte variant as well, but the two diversion tends to be a little cheaper, and I don't think the performance difference is going to be that significant.

  • In fact, they're really may not be that much difference at all when it comes to running those more demanding games.

  • Speaking of which, this was a car that was never intended to do so.

  • Just like the GT 10 30 for example, from in video, it was intended to run EA sports titles.

  • But of course, today we're going to put it up against some more demanding Triple eight games to see how it holds up in 2020.

  • Should you buy one of these?

  • Does it meet your expectations?

  • And is it enough for you if you have £50 or dollars to spend on a GPU?

  • Well, why don't we jump into some games and to find that out right now?

  • So it seems almost immediately I've been made to eat my words, so to speak, red dead redemption to wouldn't quite run it 30 f b s a 10.

  • 80 p.

  • So we had to let her things to 900 p.

  • And in fact, I couldn't turn the texture settings up because of the V Aram limitation.

  • Now I think you can Diving to the eye and I fire was perhaps override this limitation, but there really isn't much point.

  • Although, having said that, adjusting the textures doesn't tend to make that much difference performance wise.

  • So I guess you could do that if you like.

  • If you're no interval that no into messing around with the settings, you jump straight into the game, then the highest you can go is low, pretty much without exceeding Thievy Ram limits.

  • And that low with 900 p.

  • You're going to see just above 30 in terms of the average.

  • No, I didn't get anywhere near the town of Valentine here.

  • Expect the frame rate to drop if you do so, and most of the time I saw between 30 and 40.

  • Red Dead Redemption, too, can be a very graphically impressive game, though it's nice to know that it seems like it's fairly well optimized for lower end hardware, at least from what I've seen, because this could be a lot worse.

  • Put it that way, and at least it runs on this cold, despite everything looking very muddy and the textures looking rather horrendous.

  • No Empire unknowns battle grounds are actually kept things a 10 80 p and used the very low in game preset.

  • I probably could have bumped things up to either low, maybe even medium, but I found that with the lowest settings here, things ran very nicely and the game was free from hiccups or micro stater's Anything like that.

  • We saw at least 40 F B s on average at full HD resolution, though if you want to get closer to 60 then I'm afraid it's going to need a drop to 900 p or even 7 20 p with a G B.

  • You like this one.

  • I haven't had much experience with the Rx 5 50 so I wasn't too sure what to expect.

  • I remember checking out a couple of years ago, I think when it first came out, I probably compared it to the 10 30.

  • It seems to have fallen off the radar a little bit.

  • And people certainly don't talk about it as much as they do the 10 30 these days, which still remains a pretty popular choice for budget gamers.

  • If you'd like to see a comparison in the future between the 5 50 in the 10 13 2020 then please let me know, because I'd be happy to do that.

  • Now The Outer Worlds is a no go.

  • A 10 80 p will experience frequent drops, but 900 p with the low settings and the game seems to run fine on this card.

  • There were a few hiccups here in there, but I've noticed that that tends to be something all too common with the elder worlds.

  • There's no getting around that at 900 p, though.

  • Well, we are seeing at least a solid 30 f.

  • P.

  • S on average and with a card that cost me £45 Well, I can't complain too much now.

  • Metro Exodus crashed first time around at 10 80 p.

  • So we had to love things to 900 p with the low preset in order to see 30 frames per second.

  • However, this was rather short lived, although the game started off quite well as we made our way into this Caspian level here, the frame rate soon drop to the mid twenties.

  • And even when I changed the resolution to 7 20 p, well, it didn't help on the frame rate hovered around the mid twenties sort of high teens.

  • It really wasn't a fantastic experience, but metrics that this is a very demanding game and it's the only game I really had significant trouble with today.

  • As you can tell, I was targeting 30 f p s throughout the as I mentioned before, Anyone looking for 60 F.

  • P s on a card like this is either going to have do upgrade the card or run at a lower resolution.

  • Though bear in mind, running at 60 FBs isn't going to be possible even at 7 20 p In some games kingdom come deliverance at 10.

  • A teepee with the low settings ran at 30 frames per second, at least on average, which was quite a surprising result.

  • Kingdom come looks great, no matter the graphical preset.

  • And I was glad to see it running just fine here.

  • This may very as you get towards busier towns but when you're out and about in the countryside, things are quite good Now I was probably pushing this card a little bit with far Cry five at 10.

  • 80 p 900 p would certainly have bean the way to go here.

  • But with the low, preset Onda Resolute Resolution Nice.

  • A resolution of 100% scaling that sentence didn't even make sense.

  • The game stayed.

  • How what is happening?

  • Okay, Far cry 5 10 80 p low.

  • 30 f.

  • P s, on average At least decent enough experience.

  • Next now fall out for is a slightly older title.

  • But it's one that ivory much enjoy going back to play every so often 10.

  • 80 p with the medium settings granted us at least 30 f B s.

  • On average, there will be a few drops here and there.

  • Anyone looking for closer to 60 should once again consider 900 or 7 20 p.

  • But anyone looking for a 10 80 p experience with 30 FBS plus well, medium is certainly your best bet.

  • Next up, it's Crisis three, and this was a fairly surprising result.

  • We actually averaged quite close to 60 a 10 80 p.

  • I know it's an old game, but it is very graphically impressive even today.

  • So to see close to 60 f p s well, that was pretty cool.

  • If you wanted 60 or at least 60 that 900 p would be better because we are actually running at the lowest settings with Auntie A leasing off as well here.

  • So the only thing we can do now is change the resolution.

  • Okay, so in Battlefield five, I tested out the tank level once again, a pretty demanding level that's all for five tends to me more CPU intensive, but it also requires a decent graphics card in order to hit those playable frame rates at the ultra settings.

  • These days, though, it's not as hard of a task as it was when this game first came out but a 10 80 p lo.

  • We were seeing at least 30 frames per second with the Rx 5 50 in multiplayer mode or in any other level.

  • That's not in the third person perspective.

  • Well, you're probably going to want 7 20 p to dry and hits close to 60 f p.

  • S as possible.

  • But even a 10 80 p here with the low settings, the game looks good.

  • And if you're happy with 30 then it will be a pretty enjoyable experience.

  • And I didn't really notice the frame rate drop below that which I was a little bonus.

  • Now Assassin's Creed Odyssey at 7 20 p here will have to be played at the lowest settings in order to achieve 30 F.

  • P s.

  • We were hovering closer to 40 on average.

  • I played through the opening scene because there is a lot going on on screen here, and it's a pretty demanding part off the story.

  • Now there will be some moments where the frame rate drops closer to 30 but there will also be other moments where it sits closer to 40.

  • So overall it was an okay experience, but you probably aren't going to want to bump the resolution up anymore.

  • Put it that way.

  • Assessing screen obviously is probably the most demanding off today's games.

  • Aside from Metro Exodus Off course, which didn't really make a difference as the what wait resolution we were playing at, whether it be 7 20 p 900 p or 10 80 p.

  • Anyway, it's nice to know the Rx 5 50 is still capable off gaming.

  • You know, we've chosen a few games here that have been released in different years that all up to date, the drivers are up to date.

  • The Rx 5 50 still supports the latest drivers, so that's good to know on DDE, you'll still have a pretty decent experience if you are satisfied with 30 frames per second and you don't mind turning the resolution down in some instances.

  • Ah, handful of games, though, are probably going to give you a lot more issues than you'd like to say the least, but there we have it.

  • This has been a look back at the Rx 5 50 I do hope you've enjoyed this video.

  • If you did, you know what to do.

  • Smash like life just gently tap that like button.

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  • If you'd like to see more content similar to this one or you haven't done so already and you think I'm worth a subscription, Onda, hopefully, I'll see all of you in the next one.

everyone, Welcome to another video.


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