字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 [Poki meows] [Poki 喵] [Haku chewing on curtain drawstring] Haku 在咬窗簾拉繩 [Poki meows] [Poki 喵] Haku, stop. Haku 不要再咬了 [Poki meows] [Poki 喵] [opens curtains] "拉窗簾" [Poki meows] [Poki 喵] [Poki meows] [Poki 喵] Morning. 早安 [opens curtains] [拉窗簾] [Poki meows] [Poki 喵] [Poki meows] *太亮了*! [Poki meows] 早安 *too bright!* [Poki meows] 肚子餓的孩子們 Good morning. Haku! Hungry boys! Sh*t. Haku! Haku快吃東西 Sh*t. Haku : 我還沒伸展我的爪子 Haku, what are you doing? Eat. 嘿! "But I didn't do paw trick yet!" 我們睡前都要把垃圾桶轉過去 [Poki meows] 不然Poki會鑽進去 [Poki meows] Rachel在餵貓時 我會負責清貓砂盆 Bud! 因為它超臭的 Before we go to sleep we have to turn around this trash can. 我最喜歡清理了 ~ :( Otherwise, Poki will go in. 搞定 While Rachel's feeding the cats, I normally clean the litter 掰拉 because it ~SMELLS~ 你們又交換盆子了 This is my favorite part. 別人的是有比較好吃嗎 Got it ? 偷偷告訴你還是一樣的食物喔 Bye bye. 有比較好吃嗎 Aaand you guys switched. Like always. 吃飽了嗎 The grass on the other side is always greener, huh? Poki過來吧 [whispers] IT'S THE SAME FOOD 嗨 盤子清潔工Poki Does it taste better, buddy? 真乾淨 都可以當鏡子了 You done eating? 嗨 You done eating? 這是Nagi最喜歡的飯後姿勢了 All right, bud. Get in here. 躺再一樣的地方晃著尾巴 Hi Poki. 歐 真可愛 [Poki meows] 這是Haku"我吃飽了"姿勢 Hi, Poki the dishwasher. 蛤 Mmm, so clean I can see your face. 什麼 Hi buddy. 喔 This is Nagi's favorite post-breakfast pose. 哦! Laying in exactly this position with his tail swishing down. "瞳孔放大" Aww, he's so cute. Haku真的很喜歡這個通道 This is Haku's "I'm content/full" pose. 他還發現按兩次開關可以啟動掃地機器人 Hm? 如果我們沒常常陪他玩 他就會常常來玩掃地機器人 What? 然後再跑回通道裡 Oh. 等掃地機器人過來再攻擊他 Oh? 通道內視角 真的好可愛 *dat pupil dilation* 但是只要Haku再通道裡面 掃地機器人是無法完整工作的 Haku is really obsessed with this tube. 我要來做冰沙 順便啟動掃地機器人了 He figured out how to turn on the roomba by pawing at the start button twice 這個時候Haku就會來討摸摸 順便表示他真的很無聊 and if we're not playing with him enough he'll do this multiple times a day 但是他大概需要一天30個小時的關愛 and then run back in the tube 不管怎麼樣他都覺得不夠 and wait for the roomba to come by and then attack it 嗨Haku 對了我還沒幫他理毛 from inside the tube. And it's really cute. 看看他毛茸茸的尾巴 The thing is, the roomba doesn't really get to clean around the area when Haku's in it. 可愛的尾巴 All right, I'm gonna start making smoothie and run the roomba now. 雖然脫毛季節已經過了 但是他還是會脫毛 So this is the time of day where Haku starts telling us he's really bored and needs attention. 為了防止他們把毛吃下肚 必須天天幫他們理毛 But the thing is he needs attention like 30 hours a day. 把除毛刷給他們玩就會很容易幫他們整理了 IT'S NEVER ENOUGH. 如果用除毛刷幫他們整理 它們就會想去咬 Hey Haku! Um, I don't think I brushed him yet. 所以只好用手套型的來處理了 Look at that fluffy tail. 他在自己整理了 Look at that tail! 他真的很忙耶 So shedding season is over, but they still shed Nagi之前都舔水喝 and unless we brush them like every day they eat their fur and then throw up. 但是 It's easier to brush them for some reason if we give them the furminator to attack. 自從他發現Haku用腳沾水起來舔後 If we try to brush them with the furminator they try to eat it. 就開始學他 So we give them that in advance and then we can brush them with the hand brush. Nagi常常學Haku And now grooming. Poki大多都躺在窗戶旁邊 He is a busy cat. 曬著太陽睡覺 So, Nagi used to drink water normally. 不過今天Nagi似乎有點愛找麻煩 But now Poki就是一副我很忙 走開 after he saw Haku put his paw in the water bowl and then lick his paw Jun在跟他的小夥伴一起煮午餐 he sometimes does that, too. 近距離監督他 Nagi does a lot of things that Haku does, now. 哦 你想要玩嗎 Normally Poki spends most of his day sleeping 已經不玩拉 especially right next to the window where he can be in the sunlight 看來你找到一個舒服的姿勢惹 都不想動了 but I guess today Nagi's feeling a little feisty. 看看著個可愛的大毛球 Poki's just like "I'm busy." 可愛~~~ Jun's cooking lunch now aaaand he's got some buddies Haku... watching him very closely. 我們才離開兩分鐘而已唉 [Nagi meows] 你們做了什麼 Oh, you wanna play now, too? Haku... [Nagi meows] 你看起來像是戴著領帶 [Nagi meows] 你想要永遠帶著這個了嗎 You're just done now? Poki 快住嘴 You found a comfortable position and you're just done playing? 下來 Look at this big fluff tummy. 無法放任他們ㄝ Look at this tummy! 喔喔 Haku你成功把它拿下來了 Haku... Haku進入戰鬥模式 We walk away for two minutes. Poki,你要小心了 What did you guys do? Haku要攻擊你了 Haku 現在進入Haku霸凌他貓的片段了 It looks like you're wearing a tie 看來Haku累了 What? 該來洗澡睡覺了 No! 這個抽屜放著所有貓貓們的玩具 而且Nagi知道 所以每次我一打開.... Dangit, stop 我只是想要清理一下啦 You just gonna live with that on you forever? 裡面也包含貓貓們的雜物包 所以不能給你玩 Dammit Poki, stop 當我們開其他房門 Get down. 他們就會跟上來想去探險 I can't step away to film the cats for even a minute. 跟湊熱鬧 Oh. Oh! Haku, you did it! 特別是Haku 他是好奇寶寶 Haku's in fight mode. 嗨Poki! Nagi在這邊了 Poki, you better watch out. Haku在到處探索 Haku's gonna fight you. 之前有一隻假鳥在樹枝上 但.... Holland! This video is just turning into Haku Bullies Everyone. Holland在哪 All right, Haku's done with his bully phase. 我放在櫃子最上層了 It's time for baths and sleeps. 這裡 This is the drawer that has all the cats toys and Nagi knows, so every time I open... 它還好嗎 I just wanted to clean the litter. 它很好的 看起來真悲傷 This one also has the cat litter bags, so. Sorry, baby. 他現在很安全的 So if we open one of the other rooms 不~~ 它掛惹 of course the cats want to explore and see what's going on 我很關心他的安危 so they follow us. 所以我把他藏起來了 Especially Haku. Haku's very curious. 不~ 貓貓們要過去了 Hi Poki! Nagi's here now. 歐天哪 Poki And Haku's exploring. 還好嗎 I used to have a fake bird on the branch but now... Holland! Poki是個殺手 Where's Holland? 天生的殺手 He's on the top shelf. JUN快停手 There. Naki你在幹嘛 Is he okay?! 留下你的味道嗎 He's okay. This is really sad, Jun. 你會掉下來拉 He's just... 小心 He's in a safe place. 你會掉下來的 Nooo! He's... he's dead! 有貓在那邊待過嗎 I'm concerned for his safety. 應該沒有巴 That's why I hid him. 你確定? Oh Uh oh 對阿 他們滾過的植物都在外面 All the cats are going places. 我猜他可能被絆住了 Oh gosh 他們還再探險 NO POKI NO 真可愛 nononono 看它肥肥的臉頰 Okay 你現在很快樂齁 Ah god Okay 我該來處理影片的食譜了 Poki is a killer. 玩得愉快喔 He's a natural born killer. 他到舒服的位置了 Jun stop! 你剛好可以幫我處理影片食譜 Nagi, what are you doing? blah blah blah blah Making it smell like you? 線在下午五點了 You're gonna fall. 到了Poki開始吵著要吃飯的時後了 Careful! 一路從五點喵到七點 You're gonna fall! 每天 Is there cat nip over there? 不管你怎麼喵都沒用的 I don't think so. 要七點才能吃飯 Are you sure? 不然你就會很早起然後開始亂吃植物 Yeah... my cat nip plants are outside. 每次洗完澡洗髮精的味道就會蓋過原本身上貓貓的味道 But... I guess he's tripping? 所以它就會來纏著你 改變你的味道 They're still exploring. 你要掉下去的 Nagi... 歐不 他要拉著我的頭髮下去了 Nagi! 現在六點六分 He's so cute. 現在六點十一 Lookit his squishy little fluff face. 現在六點十四 Are you having a good time? 不行 All right. I've gotta work on the recipe for my video. 嘿 好吧算了 Enjoy. Have fun, kitties. 現在六點二十六 Ope. 過來 Haku's found a spot. 你在幹嘛呢 Okay. 你在幹嘛呀 You can help me work on my recipe for the video, baby. 過來 blah blah blah blah 還沒到晚餐時間拉 It's past 5pm now 還要33分鐘拉 which means Poki's going to keep meowing for the next two hours until dinner. 再等一下 [Poki meows] 要學其他貓一樣等 They eat at 7 but he starts meowing at 5. 對不對呀 Every day. 看看他多有耐心 [Poki meows] 6:37 No. Poki你在幹嘛 Doesn't matter how much you meow at us 現在幾點拉 [Poki meows] 是不是七點拉! you don't get to eat until 7. 吃飯飯囉 Otherwise you'll wake up really early and eat all our plants. 大家都餓了嗎 [Poki meows] Nagi I smell too much like shampoo and not enough like him. 握手 喔Haku你要先嗎 This is just something we have to deal with every time we shower. 握手 Oh god, bud. 再一次 You're gonna fall. 給我手手 Oh god he's gonna take my hair with him Haku 跳起來 It's now 6:06. Haku 跳起來 [Poki meows] 另一隻 It's 6:11. [Poki meows] 再一次 [Poki meows] 另一隻 It's 6:14. 擊掌 [Poki meows] 耶你真棒 [Poki meows] 我們都再在門邊餵Poki 不然他會去搶其他貓的食物 [Poki meows] 他再帶我們 [Poki meows] 他再跟我們說碗在哪 Excuse me. 轉呀轉 Nope. 握手 Excuse me. No- all right. 另一隻 It's 6:26. 在一次 [Poki meows] 喔真棒 Come here. 吃慢一點啦 What are you doing? 大家都吃飽了 [Poki meows] Nagi吃飽要小睡了 What're you doing? Haku [Poki meows] 你在幹嘛 Come on! 你在等Poki嗎 It's not dinnertime yet! 讓Poki回來 [Poki meows] 來吧 Still got- nope, you got 33 minutes. 你在幹嘛 Ya gotta wait. 他在搶我們的食物 Like everyone else. 你在幹嘛 你又要去垃圾桶了 Isn't that right! [Poki meows] 不要我一看你 Look who's being patient! 就假'裝你沒有要去 It' 6:37. [Poki meows] 晚了 該把窗簾拉上了 [Poki meows] 每次我睡前關燈之後.. Poki, what are you doing? 你還想玩嗎 Huh? 你想要玩哪個 PO~KI 來 [Poki meows] 你要哪個 What time is it?! 這個? Is it 7?! 好吧 Is it food time?! 遊戲時間結束 該睡囉 [Poki meows] Poki每天都這麼睡的 Are all the kitties hungry? 真忌妒他 Nagi 他是我的抱抱夥伴 Give me your paw. Oh! Haku? Okay, you go first? Poki晚安 Gimme your paw, please. Haku則是睡在這邊 Haku, one more time. Rachel的腳邊 Okay, gimme your paw. 我們用同樣的床同樣的床單 Paw 但是Haku就是喜歡睡在Rachel那一側 Haku, jump 因為我比你矮呀 所以有比較多空間 Haku, jump 喔原來如此阿 Woo! Nagi則是睡在我的枕頭邊 Okay 這邊 Other paw. 嗨寶貝 你在呼嚕嗎 One more time. 對耶你是 Other paw. 晚安 Nagi High five! 晚安 Yaaaay good boy! 感謝 Audible 贊助影片 Poki! 儘管大家說我的英文很流利 [Poki meows] 但其實並非 We feed Poki in the hallway because normally he comes back and steal other kitty's food. 使用英文audiobooks讓我了解 [POKI MEOWING] He's guiding us 句子架構跟單字發音 [POKI MEOWING] He's letting us know where his food bowl is. 我現在在聽 意志力的科學 [POKI MEOWING] Yeep. audiobook可以幫你增強意志力 [POKI MEOWING] Marching. Marching. Yep. 讓你能完成對的事情 Poki, gimme paw. Audible每個用都可以有一本免費書 The other one. 及兩本原創書籍 One more time. /如果你是Amazon prime會員並在7/31前註冊 Oooh, good boy. 前三隔月可打3.4折 God damn bud, slow down. 大約省下30圓 All right. Everybody's done eating. 前三個月只要4.95鎂 Nagi's got the post-dinner sleepies. 之後每個月14.95鎂 Aaaand 前'往 www.audible.com/rachelandjun 或是輸入 rachelandjun to 500 500 獲得優惠 Haku Audible 很實用 What are you doing? 當你要去上班 去海邊 或是旅途上 Are you over here waiting for Poki? 隨時隨地都可以聽 Let's let Poki back in! All right, buddy! Come on! What are you doing? He's hunting for people food. What are you doing? You gonna go in the trash can? You gonna pretend like you weren't gonna go in the trash can? And wait for me to turn around? All right. It's nighttime now so let's shut the curtains. As soon as I'm ready for bed, every night when I turn out the lights [Nagi meows] [Nagi meows] What? You wanna play? What do you wanna play with? Come here. What do you want? Which one? That one? All right. Playtime is over. It's time for bed. This is how Poki sleeps every night. He's making me jealous. He's my cuddle buddy. Good night, Poki. And this is where Haku sleeps. Which is Rachel's feet area. Hi baby. We have same futon same bed but Haku always prefer on Rachel's side for some reason. I'm shorter than you. There's probably more room. Oh, he knows? Okay. And Nagi always sleeps right next to my pillow. Right here. Hi baby. Are you purring? Yes, you are. Okay. Goodnight, Nagi. Good night! Thank you to Audible for sponsoring this video. Even though sometimes people say I sound fluent in English I'm actually not. And listening to audiobooks in English helps me understand how sentences are structured and words are pronounced. I'm listening to The Willpower Instinct, and audiobook I love that helps you understand how to harness your willpower to get more things done and not do the things that are bad for you. Every month with Audible you get one free audiobook and two free Audible originals from an ever-changing list. If you're an Amazon prime member and you sign up by July 31st, you'll save 66% on your first 3 months, a total of $30 off. It's only $4.95 for the first 3 months and just $14.95 per month from then on. Visit www.audible.com/rachelandjun or text rachelandjun to 500 500 to get started today. Audible is great on the go whether you're going for a jog, hanging out at the beach, or going on a road trip. Listen any time or anywhere.
B2 中高級 中文 貓貓 吃飽 機器人 通道 尾巴 晚安 我們貓咪的一天 (A day in the life of our cats) 10 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字