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  • Hello, everyone.

  • Welcome to this English course on adverbs.

  • In today's video, I'm going to talk to you about adverbs of manner.

  • Adverbs of manner tell you how something happens.

  • And they're usually placed after the main verb or after its object.

  • Let's take a look at a few sentences.

  • He swims well.’

  • The adverbwelltells you how he swims and is placed after the main verbswims’.

  • He plays the piano beautifully.’

  • The adverbbeautifullytells you how he plays the piano

  • and is placed after the piano which is the object of the verb to play.

  • Hope you get it.

  • Let's get into more detail now.

  • Adverbs of manner are usually placed after the main verb or after the objects.

  • For example, ‘He left the room quickly.’

  • The adverbquicklyis placed after the object, ‘the room’.

  • Now just so you know, some adverbs not all of them,

  • but some adverbs, can also be placed before the verb.

  • So in this case, you can also say,

  • He quickly left the room.’

  • Let's practice pronunciation.

  • Repeat after me.

  • He left the room quickly.’

  • He quickly left the room.’

  • Good guys.

  • Let's move on.

  • What's very important for you to know is that an adverb of manner cannot come between a

  • verb and its direct object.

  • Okay, so it must be placed either before the main verb,

  • or after at the end of the clause.

  • So let's take a look at a few examples.

  • He ate quickly his dinner.’

  • Now this sentence is incorrect.

  • Okay?

  • ateis the verb.

  • his dinneris the direct object of the verb.

  • So the adverbquicklycannot be placed between those two.

  • Okay?

  • So you should say, ‘He ate his dinner quickly.’

  • The adverb is at the end and that's correct.

  • OrHe quickly ate his dinner.’

  • That's also correct.

  • The adverb is placed before the main verb.

  • Another example,

  • He gave me gently a hug.’

  • Now this is incorrect.

  • You cannot separate the verbgivefrom its direct object ‘a hug’.

  • So two correct sentences would be first,

  • He gave me a hug gently.’

  • with the adverb at the end of the sentence.

  • Or

  • He gently gave me a hug.’

  • The adverb comes before the verb.

  • Hope you get it.

  • Let's now practice pronunciation.

  • Please repeat the sentence after me.

  • He ate his dinner quickly.’

  • He quickly ate his dinner.’

  • He gave me a hug gently,’

  • He gently gave me a hug.’

  • Good, guys.

  • Let's move on.

  • Time now to practice.

  • Here are a few example sentences for you to spot the adverbs of manner.

  • He swam well.’

  • As you can see, we use the adverbwell’.

  • It tells you how he swam,

  • And it's placed after the main verb, ‘swam’.

  • The rain felt hard.’

  • Again, our adverbhardtells you how the rain fell,

  • And is placed after the verb.

  • The children were playing happily.’

  • The adverb is

  • Can you find it?

  • happily’.

  • Of course.

  • She angrily slammed the door.’

  • Can you see the adverb?

  • It's ‘angrily’.

  • How did she slam the door?

  • angrily’.

  • And finally,

  • Slowly she picked up the flower.’

  • Can you spot the adverb of manner?

  • It's ‘slowly’.

  • And it's at the beginning of the sentence, Because we want to emphasize the manner.

  • And this is also something very common when you read books.

  • Okay, guys.

  • Let's now practice pronunciation.

  • Please repeat after me.

  • He swam well.’

  • The rain fell hard.’

  • The children were playing happily.’

  • She angrily slammed the door.’

  • Slowly she picked up the flower.’

  • Great job.

  • Okay, guys.

  • That's it for this video.

  • Please make sure you watch the other videos on adverbs,

  • and keep practicing.

  • Adverbs are extremely common in English.

  • And they will make you speak a lot better.

  • Thanks for watching and see you next time.

  • Thank you so much guys for watching my video.

  • If you liked it, please show me your support.

  • Clicklike’, Subscribe to the channel.

  • Put your comments below if you have some.

  • And share it with all your friends.

  • See you!

Hello, everyone.


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A2 初級 美國腔

禮貌副詞 - 基礎英語語法課程 (Adverbs of Manner | Learn Basic English Grammar Course)

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    Courtney Shih 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日