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  • Hi there.

  • My name is which of my men from the interview Training company past my interview dot com And in this tutorial, I'm gonna teach you how to pass a sales manager interview.

  • Now, it doesn't matter which organization you are applying for to become a sales manager.

  • I promise you this tutorial will make a significant difference to your preparation.

  • So please do watch it from beginning to end.

  • I'm gonna give you a number off sales manager interview questions, some tips on how to answer them effectively, but more importantly, some high scoring answers you cannot find anywhere else.

  • Now, before I get into the tips and the tutorial on those sales manager interview questions and answers a very warm welcome to this interview training tutorial.

  • My name is Richard, but one that's me there in the center.

  • I've been helping people now for about 20 years to successfully passed their interviews, and I do that specifically by giving you top scoring answers that you can't find anywhere else on the Internet or otherwise.

  • On that basis, please do subscribe by clicking the red button below the video that where you're not gonna miss out on any of the weekly interview training videos that I'm uploading.

  • And also I would very, very much appreciate it if you gave the video like thumbs up.

  • Thank you.

  • That always motivates me to create more content for you.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Now, in preparation for your sales manager interview, we need to make sure that you demonstrate the following skills and attributes.

  • These are really, really important, first and foremost, an ability to manage to motivate and lead a team off.

  • People also be responsible for achieving organization or sales targets.

  • That's really important, being able to meet the objectives off the employer.

  • Also using innovative methods for securing sales leads on prospects.

  • So we live in a different world now where the majority off people spend a lot of their time online.

  • Therefore, we have to use innovative methods to soar sails, leads and prospects, and I'll explain how to do that within the answers that coming your wife also we have to and again this is another really important element is building trust.

  • We have to make sure trust is built between yourself, the customers of prospects and also the sales team with the customers and prospects really, really important in today's modern age, the customers a far more intelligent and they understand where they are when they are being oversold to they want to feel comfortable in respect of buying on on that basis.

  • Trust is really important encouraging on implementing ethical sales practices within the sales team you are responsible for, and also using outstanding communication on interpersonal skills in order to achieve the company objective.

  • So how you respond to the sales manager interview questions is really important.

  • So the answers that are coming your way right now for yourselves manager interview will help you to achieve all of those different aspects that I believe really important in making sure you pass your interview So pretty much The first sales manager interview question that's gonna come up is is the classic one.

  • Tell me about yourself or introduce yourself to us.

  • So with this one, the question is, tell me about yourself why you want to become a sales manager.

  • So here is my suggested unique answer.

  • I am a driven, hardworking, target focused person who thrives in high pressurised environments.

  • Now I believe that toe work effectively in sales.

  • It takes a unique set of skills, and I believe the work I have put in over the years in respect of self development make me the ideal candidate to become your sales manager.

  • Now, in addition to being effective, it sails.

  • I also have the managerial and leadership qualities to be able to drive a sales team forward to achieve consistently higher results for the organization we are all working for now.

  • I want to become a sales manager because I feel most comfortable in a working environment where the responsibility for sales and sales targets rests solely on my shoulders.

  • That's a great answer.

  • Break positive.

  • First thing that you're gonna say during your interview will come across in a positive money around two in the question.

  • But you're also given a great reason why you want to become a salesman.

  • You because it's a high, highly responsible role, you know, on the responsibility for the targets and the people in the team rests on your shoulders, you know, and that, and that's a big part of the rock, the responsibility that you have to take.

  • So let's move on to the next question.

  • Before I do quickly, some of you might be thinking we're gonna download these answers will get a copy of them.

  • You could even write them down.

  • Or if you wait, I will explain where you can download a copy of these and in total 29 sales manager interview questions and high scoring answers as we progress Next wall.

  • Why have you chosen our company to work for?

  • It's a sales manager, So why'd you want to work for us?

  • Is essentially this question.

  • So we have to think from a sales manager perspective.

  • What do the interview panel want to hear?

  • So when we think about how your role is a sales manager would fit into their organization, let's take a look at this.

  • Answer to that question.

  • I've chosen to apply to become a sales manager with your company for three specific reasons.

  • The first reason is having researched your products.

  • Annual service is extensively in the buildup to the interview.

  • It's clear the time and the effort on the resource is that have gone into developing.

  • These has been extensive, and on that basis it will be easier for me to sell these to your customers on also help my sales team to do the same.

  • Secondly, the second reason you have a strong reputation within your industry, which is obviously going to help my team to overcome sales, objected objections as and when they arise now this, in turn, will help us to consistently achieve ourselves targets.

  • Now, finally, I want to become a sales manager in an organization that supports its staff to enable them to achieve their objectives.

  • And again, having researched your organization and also having spoke to current and former employees, it's clear I will be supported in Morrow to be the best sales manager possible.

  • What I like about that answer is you are giving three specific reasons, which demonstrates that you've thought about why you want to work for their company on those are great reasons to give.

  • You know you've looked to the products or the service is whatever you're gonna be responsible for selling on.

  • You know that they are good.

  • We put a lot of time and effort into them.

  • They have a strong reputation, but also people who worked at say, a lot of good things about the next question.

  • What is the most important thing you would get yourselves?

  • Time to focus on when building relationships with prospects.

  • Okay, difficult question.

  • What is the most important thing?

  • Because this demonstrates what you're like, What do you what's your cells process like, How do you approach sales?

  • So this is my suggested answer to that question.

  • The most important thing has to be trust without trust is significantly harder to close a sale.

  • Furthermore, without trust, a long term customer or client relationship would not exist, meaning your organization would miss out on potential up cells and also recurring income moving forward Now, this is one of the reasons why I want to work for your organization because your product for your service is exceptional.

  • And therefore, if we build trust with our customers and clients, they will be far more likely to stay with us long term, which would be great news for your organization and also our sales targets.

  • So that saves a lot about you as a sales manager.

  • Like I said at the beginning of the presentation, trust and ethical sales practices are really important in today's modern environment.

  • Now I've got two more questions to run through, so please do stick around but could click the link in the top right hand corner off this video.

  • When you're ready, you can download the full set of 29 sales manager interview questions and answers.

  • Now, I've done a lot of research for you to find out the questions that are likely to come up during your sales manager into you.

  • So I've given you those 29 questions, but I've given you answers to the same standard of all the all the ones that I'm coming through right now in this tutorial lets me want to the next one.

  • What is the strongest sales account you have closed and how did you prepare?

  • So you could say this is pretty much a make or break interview question because it demonstrates what you're like is a sales person.

  • Can you close a sale?

  • But more importantly, what was the thought process behind you?

  • Closing it?

  • Here's my suggested answer.

  • In a previous role, I was always looking for high converting leads in which to pitch our service is, too.

  • I conducted a research using linked in dot com to source a number of organizations who I felt could benefit from our service.

  • Now I spent some time researching one particular large organization, and I noticed they were not making use of a service like ours, which could help them to significantly improve their customer service levels and then reached out to their finance director on linked in.

  • And I spent time building up a relationship with her before suggesting we held a face to face meeting where.

  • But I could explain all service is the price of that meeting.

  • I spent time considering the possible sales objections so that I could demonstrate how effective our service would be for their business now.

  • At the end of the meeting, in which I presented an in depth, 30 minute presentation, the finance director agree toe to trial our product for a six month period, and after the period was over, they agreed to then renew the contract for a three year period, which was a massive success for our organization.

  • And the important elements in that response is that you're doing your research to find high converting leads.

  • You're using a good platform for sales business cells, which Islington you are then thinking about the objections you are contacting, and this is important you are contacting the person who effectively holds the purse strings has influence over the finance, the finance director and then you are building up that relationship before you are approaching him.

  • Because you know what it's like if someone contacts you, Arlington or somewhere else and they try to sell straightaway is massively off putting.

  • So you're actually going through this process and you're thinking about it, and then you're pitching your presentation based on the benefits of the product or service.

  • So those air things to follow in respect of that question that answer, What difference would you make to ourselves?

  • Team.

  • What do your objectives for year one within the road?

  • So how you gonna make a difference to their sales team is that sales manager and also what your plans within the first year of being in the role.

  • So here's my suggested answer.

  • I believe the success of the sales team comes from an inspiring, supportive and motivated sales manager.

  • The difference I will make to the team will be in respect of motivating them to be the best they can be finding them the right prospects that have the highest opportunity for conversion, providing them with the right training and support and also empowering them to strive towards achieving your objectives.

  • I will also ensure each member of the sales team is happy in their role that they feel valued and they also feel a part of the organization now.

  • To be an effective sales manager, you have to have the right personality that necessary.

  • DR.

  • To encourage your team to excel on my objectives in year one will be to ensure all sales targets is surpassed and to also create a sales team that is efficient, consistent in its results, and that also works tirelessly to achieve the objectives of your company.

  • Now, after one of another, one of my key objectives will be to ensure all sales team members work hard to build genuine trust between themselves and your customers.

  • Because if we can provide a great service and build long term relationships, it's gonna be easier to maintain themselves targets for a long period of time.

  • Now, I've deliberately made that response in depth because you are trying to be the standout candidate here.

  • What difference are you going to make you know?

  • Everybody else is gonna be seen?

  • Well, I'll make sure that I achieve ourselves targets now lead the team you know to be the best that can be.

  • And that'd be it.

  • Well, you're really thinking about what you going to do, and you're thinking about your objectives.

  • So you have a plan.

  • And that's why that answer is so in debt.

  • So don't forget you wantto get the 29 sales manager interview questions and answers.

  • Click the link below the video or I'll show you.

  • Now you just hang around.

  • This is the page that you will go to, and it will take you through to my website password into dot com.

  • On that page is 29 Sales Manager interview questions.

  • There's the answer.

  • There's answers to that one on.

  • I got 29 questions.

  • These the ones that I recommend you prepare for its quite a few, but it's also more common ones.

  • You know, a good one.

  • Do you have questions for the interview panel where you see yourself in five years?

  • Time?

  • What?

  • Your strengths.

  • Your weaknesses.

  • Why'd you want to leave your job?

  • What?

  • What have you had to overcome an objection while selling?

  • How do you monitor the performs?

  • If you take that is some common salesmen drink three questions in there.

  • I recommend you get hold off and you learn and you read through before your interview.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Watching.

  • Don't forget to subscribe.

  • And I would like to say I appreciate it if you hit the like button.

  • I love creating these videos for you.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Watching.

  • And I wish you all the best, but passing your sales manager interview Have a brilliant day.

Hi there.


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銷售經理面試問題及答案(如何通過銷售面試!)。 (SALES MANAGER Interview Questions And Answers (How To PASS a SALES Interview!))

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