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you came when I first heard that Silicon Valley had built the world's first fully automated burger robot.
I knew I had to find a San Francisco to see it with my very own eyes, not only to taste it, but to go head to head in a burger showdown.
Man versus machine.
And I brought along Mythbusters veteran Tory Bill H.
E to judge whether my years of cooking on the line would pay off.
Where else but ground zero of like Tech World's a little fitting?
It's fitting to have a burger robots right behind us, where you can see the engineers tuning it up.
There's no cooks.
There's no countries guys on their computers, chef coats, programmers.
In my career on Mythbusters, we would always build machines or robots to serve one purpose, and that was to get whatever experiment we're doing right off the ground.
I mean, you know, we seem precision robots building our cars, right?
But now I feel like they're moving into your territory, which is more of an art form.
Cooking is not putting metal screwing bolts together.
This machine is supposed to do everything from scratch, start to finish in like a matter of minutes.
They're only like, six bucks there.
There's $6 burger.
How did they do that?
No robot movie ever made.
Ended where?
Like the guy in the robot walked away.
Happy as friends, right?
The robot always turns on even except Wally.
But most of the time, right?
It never ends well for the humans.
Tell us how this all started.
I mean, I heard you use, uh, flip burgers for a living.
So I grew up in my parent's burger restaurant.
I mean, foot, probably several tens, thousands of burgers in my life.
You know, you do that day in, day out, and you're seeing all these people come through and see how they want different things.
And you got these, like, little opportunities where you see you could make the burger a little bit better.
But when you're trying to do 400 burgers and a lunch crush, you just don't have time.
So, while you're there flipping burgers one in time, thousands and thousands, you're like, Man, I wish there was a robot that would do this for me.
So there was sort of like this, you know, like There's got to be a better way.
Feeling right?
Like you know.
Okay, you got a great all right.
And your prep table.
And this is stuff we've been using for decades studying physics.
And they've got these labs with this instrumentation up the wazoo, all kinds of crazy, sophisticated something.
And then why can't we bring this up in the kitchen, right?
And start making some instruments will help us make better food.
And that's what this thing is to tell us more about this bad boy right here.
Let's start at the top.
The device will take these British rolls.
It'll slice the bunch order.
So instead of using the normal like pre sliced buns, these aren't exposed to air.
They're not trying out, and they end up being a little bit fluff here.
Spent sauce down the mill leader.
We've got 15 sauces, can't even decide whether goes in the top one of the bottom bun.
Then it starts getting the rest of toppings and the device slices all the toppings, or so literally a fresh slice.
You could get the cheese.
We great that directly on the run.
We have a season, er and there are 12 different seasonings.
We dispense that down on the ground to my favorite part was the meat, so it grinds chunks of state order.
There's a wonderful technique that Heston Blumenthal invented, where they realized that they could take the extrusion is coming out of meat grinder and keep them all kind of aligned, as opposed to just like smashing up into things that your teeth could hit the scenes way.
Take that.
We put that into the griddle.
It's pretty cool.
We cook on the top of the same time.
They're 11 temperature sensors and a bunch of algorithms that make sure it's cooking it correctly.
And here's your burger.
It's like next, love like technical to the point of like, How does it fit in my mouth?
Yeah, it's a really tough job.
We got a sample with your burgers.
I didn't get this body.
How long does it take a bigger burger?
And how many can you pump out in our beacon?
Do a burger about every five minutes from start to finish, and that's including fresh grounding.
It's like the other thing was that compared to a human?
I think I think we could give it a shot as faras, Like a five minute time period.
But it's very impressive being here talking to you.
Getting to know the products.
Like try to find out where the future is with this machine is helping me figure out whether I'm in favor of what you're doing here.
Because as like, a knucklehead kid who had nowhere else to go, I had a lot of discipline by flipping burgers.
And it just turned into a career.
The reality is that you and people like you set the statement.
You guys explore new areas, the culinary arts, and from there, then we figure out how to make that available to everyone.
Everywhere we try one of these burgers.
Okay, so the burger wants you guys to try.
Right now, it's called Trainer versus the World.
And it's our homage to the California Classic.
Here we are, final products.
This is nuts.
This is so crazy.
So it comes split like this.
You know, it's a good burger when you see that.
Like seer, right?
This is where it's all that.
This This my art is there.
Take your lettuce and tomato.
What do you think?
I mean, does this robot burger stand up?
It's a solid burger.
If I were to compare this to any other, like fast, casual, fast food burger, it's up there.
It's just certain things.
Like as a chef.
You look at, I think that the shredded lettuce is a bit messy as far a seasoning is concerned.
I feel like it needs a little more salt, but the sauce is fantastic.
This is the first time I've heard about the whole vertical.
Yeah, steak.
It's a pain in the ass to do, man.
He hadn't told us what I'd be thinking.
This is easier.
T eat right now.
I think I think, er Patty, you'd be able to notice.
I mean, the fact that this burger is made as technically as it is, right?
Do you think there's anything lost on it because it's made?
I'm a burger romantic.
You know, we'll have, like, this whole thing that, like we developed through time of being in a restaurant, you feel like it might be lost.
It's automated throughout our history.
As technology started growing, we were always was like man versus machine, right?
How would you feel about going head to head with the robot.
I don't think in the history.
Maybe like the IBM, the deep blue computer that played chess against the human in one.
But I don't think any chef has ever gone up against a robot to me.
Oh, a burger.
Can you make a burger in the same amount of time?
Is the robot and can you make it as good?
If not better?
Look, I'm not gonna try to be a sore loser, but I definitely know that blind tasting.
If you're tasting it, you're gonna be able to tell what was made by me.
You're up for the challenge.
I'm way more than I'm confident.
Victor, are you ready for this?
Moment of truth.
Man versus machine.
Alvin Cailan for the burger Show.
The Creator.
Exact ingredients.
Exact measurements.
321 go.
So my thing is, is that the What's gonna happen?
That's why I take the longest is grinding.
The beef recipe calls for five ounces.
What's good about the noise behind me is that I can hear what steps they're on, and I'm already late.
Now, remember, this has to be vertically ground.
Try to keep the grind up.
Two minutes of pass on.
I haven't got the burger going, so I'm kind of nervous.
It calls for 6.3 grams of seasoning.
That's three three minutes have passed tomatoes.
Air slice.
This is great.
It's like I could hear my shop yelling at me, telling me to hurry up.
I'll throw this in there.
Let's get hot.
Crank it up, Tomato.
20 seconds left.
It's happening.
It's crazy.
The burger over there is done, and I haven't still flipping mine over.
I'm pretty sure I brought the bread, Huh?
All right.
Let that go.
Oh, shit.
The cheese.
That's needs 18 grams.
How to go.
Pickles, Tomatoes, onion.
Let us seven minutes.
30 seconds.
I just finished my burger.
It took the other machine five minutes.
I'm two and 1/2 minutes over.
Your five minutes is fucking fast, bro.
You did it.
Oh, my God.
The machines!
Faster, obviously.
Were you surprised by that?
I was.
Yeah, but two minutes after.
Isn't that bad?
Right, right.
Okay, just off the bat.
Can you tell what?
What can you tell what's different?
There's one little thing that might give it away.
But why don't we do this?
Let me.
I'm gonna close my eyes and I'm just gonna take a bite.
All right, then I'll hand you this.
No, it's a nine.
Day could be back.
No, they're very close.
I would have to say the 2nd 1 There's a definite char that I'm tasting, right?
Almost like burnt toast.
Yeah, that's that's me.
Ah, just to clarify if I have done this as much times as they put that thing through tastic, you'd probably be I have this child.
So what I'm hearing is there's a lot of excuses.
There wouldn't be a human factor if I didn't make excuses.
Still view I shouldn't have.
I shouldn't run the hostess with burnt button kind of throws that flavor profile.
So just say the robot wins for TV.
I would have to say that we owe for the TV.
I'm coming back for round two.
What's up?
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