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  • and across the country, many students are being home schooled for the very first time, in some cases by parents who are also working from home and now thrust into the role of teacher.

  • Johnny Rodriguez, a mom of four boys in Miami, all in different grades, documented what her first week at home was like.

  • So let's see how it all went down in the Merlot.

  • Rodriguez Household Day one of being at home with all four kids who are doing what we call here distance learning.

  • And I'm working remotely from home on my laptop on my phone.

  • And it has been pretty chaotic to get four kids to do four different grade levels worth of work done at the same time.

  • And that's what it sounds like at this table.

  • Everyone's trying to finish doing stuff.

  • How do you like to go work at home?

  • Great, because zero shook it.

  • How do you like doing your schoolwork at home?

  • Not very much, because some people are talking a lot Great line.

  • So Day three, I bought headphones for two of my kids, my smaller to keep them focused, and I just walked in there, and it was like W W back down.

  • It's been very difficult to do all of this because I have to be conscious.

  • Uh um, things I'm doing for work and my kids on the schedule.

  • I get to the end of the day and I'm tired.

  • Like I could not explain this exhaustion to anyone with a hard doing school work at home?

  • Yes.

  • Why?

  • Because I didn't do all this reading math, Spanish science, social stores did it pretty well.

  • They will get up with no problem at 7 30 and then they're ready to start school at 8 30 I am tired.

  • You haven't noticed?

  • I am exhausted.

  • But you know, what else could I do?

  • Millions of Americans with a renewed appreciation for the value of teachers.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here.

  • Thanks for checking on ABC News YouTube channel.

  • If you'd like to get more video show highlights and watch live event coverage, click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel.

  • And don't forget to download the ABC News after breaking news alerts.

and across the country, many students are being home schooled for the very first time, in some cases by parents who are also working from home and now thrust into the role of teacher.


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A2 初級

許多學生第一次在家上學。 (Many students home-schooled for the 1st time)

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