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  • I am glad to say, that now I'm asking you

  • In university of Limerick

  • on tuesday april fourteenth

  • to please welcome on the stage

  • the president of University of Limerick, professor Don Barrey.

  • The founder

  • of Children in Crossfire

  • Richard Moore

  • and I hope you will give a resounding

  • ?????kidney laporta???????

  • to his holiness - the 14th Dalai Lama

  • Distinguished guests,

  • visitors

  • colleagues and students

  • I'm absolutely delighted to welcome you all to the University of Limerick

  • on this marvelous location

  • I know that many of you have traveled long distances to be here

  • from all over Ireland

  • from the UK and all

  • across europe

  • you're all most welcome

  • i would also like to give a warm welcome to the also reviewing online

  • this event is being streamed on the U.L.

  • website

  • to allow as many people as possible to join in the experience

  • we are honored

  • and privileged to have with us today

  • his holiness the 14th

  • Dalai Lama

  • we heartily welcome you, your holiness, and thank you for your gracious presence

  • here today

  • his holiness is respected around the world as a truly inspirational spiritual

  • teacher

  • whose energy compassion

  • and wisdom

  • touch everyone he meets

  • he is renowned for his tireless efforts to promote the peaceful resolution of

  • human conflict

  • and his message on the power of forgiveness will have a deep resonance

  • for everyone

  • throughout the island of Ireland

  • i think i should explain that the scarf i was wearing misplaced around my neck

  • by his holiness as a symbol of the blessings he brings

  • to us all today

  • this khata

  • has symbols of protection

  • freedom compassion

  • happiness and love

  • and i know that all gathered here today

  • are embraced in the good wishes that it embodies

  • it is fitting that his holiness should come to you well

  • we are committed to making our university pioneering interconnected

  • and that is part of our DNA to reach out

  • in pioneering ways to connect with those who need assistance

  • we genuinely want to serve our communities

  • and make a positive contribution to the lives

  • of our citizens

  • in the spirit of partnership

  • i am delighted to see so many representatives

  • of modern trade

  • and community organizations here today many of whom

  • have collaborated with the university

  • our staff writer across the university

  • are involved in many community outreach activities

  • that provide educational opportunities for all sectors of society

  • and U.L. is particularly involved in the regeneration of our beautiful city of

  • Limerick

  • improving the lives of others there's also something we have in common

  • with Richard Moore

  • i think we can all take inspiration from Richard's truly remarkable life story

  • and the charity Children in Crossfire which he founded to help children in

  • conflict situations

  • and for making this very special day happen i want to express my appreciation

  • and indeed your appreciation

  • to Richard

  • for bringing the Dalai Lama to Limerick. Thank you Richard.

  • And finally i would like to thank the many teams of staff students performers

  • and external partners

  • who worked so hard to make

  • today's event

  • come to fruition in such a wonderful way

  • ladies and gentlemen

  • i will conclude by expressing

  • on your behalf

  • our gratitude to his holiness for coming to be with us here in Limerick today

  • it is an understatement to say that we live in troubled times

  • however I feel sure

  • that the wisdom in insights we received from his holiness

  • will service well when in the challenges that we will face together

  • ??????????????????????????????

  • thank you president

  • and now

  • we will hand over to Richard Moore who will introduce his holiness the Dalai Lama

  • First of all, can I take this opportunity

  • to thank the university

  • for making this visit happen

  • we've met since

  • last june or july

  • to discuss a visit

  • and the university has cooperated

  • in every way to make this event

  • a special

  • as it can be for Limerick

  • i would like to acknowledge Craigan Terry Brown and of course

  • the president Barry for all

  • the support and cooperation

  • and assistance throughout the arrangements here

  • i would like to thank all of you

  • for comming here today

  • because without you

  • we wouldn't have an event

  • and in the end of the day

  • for me, his holiness

  • has come here today

  • to see you

  • i lost my sight in 1972

  • as you know

  • as a result

  • of being shot and blinded by rubber bullet

  • i'm glad to say

  • that the soldier who blinded me

  • is in the audience

  • and Charles, I just want to say - you're very welcome

  • so Charles and I have built a good friendship

  • with his holiness over the last...

  • That person, just in front of us..

  • wonderful 0:09:03.470, 0:09:06.290 So when I told him and Craigan, that Charles is comming

  • He said: is he comming to ?????????????????????/

  • So I get no sympathy at this university

  • But You know

  • there are many things in my life

  • that helped me to deal with blindness

  • and helped me cope with blindness and deal with loosing my sight in such a dramatic way

  • I always say if it wasn't for the fact that I've come from good family

  • a good community

  • on despite the poverty and the difficulties that existed then

  • i still had choises and opportunities available to me

  • the fourth thing about me was

  • the fact I've never felt any anger

  • or any bitterness

  • about what happened

  • and if you think about anger

  • and bitterness

  • i wouldn't have affected anybody

  • only me

I am glad to say, that now I'm asking you


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B1 中級

達賴喇嘛--寬恕的力量部分(1 of 7) (Dalal Lama - The Power of Forgiveness part (1 of 7))

  • 105 21
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日