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  • overseas.

  • In Europe, the race to contain the spread of the virus rages on French President Emmanuel Macron, saying that his country is at war.

  • Travel across the globe coming to a halt.

  • Take a look at this.

  • London's Gatwick airport, usually one of Europe's busiest, nearly empty.

  • And in Spain, the military was deployed in HAZ mat suits to clean train stations and supermarkets.

  • As every country in the European Union grapples with an increasing number of sick people and thinning resource is drastic, measures are being put in place.

  • Maggie Ruling is in London.

  • She has more As countries around the globe fight an invisible enemy one by one European nations air taking extreme measures and walling themselves off, Italy is still the hardest hit by cove it 19.

  • Despite the country's locked down, more than 2000 people have died eerie and sad sites across the country, a struggle to keep up with burials in Italy's north.

  • In Rome, Pope Frances pictured this weekend walking through the Eternal City, praying in empty churches for the end of a pandemic.

  • Other countries in the European bloc are seeing upticks and infections and deaths in France, a rapidly deteriorating situation.

  • Over 5000 sick.

  • The number of infected doubling every three days, a scramble to contain and protect populations.

  • As resource is dwindle, government officials are seizing medical supplies from private practices as hospitals run out of the essentials.

  • Lives put on indefinite hold.

  • Restaurants and bars closed.

  • Paris's mayor announcing the closure of all parks.

  • And earlier today French President Emmanuel Macron announcing the suspension of all travel between you and non you countries.

  • They starting tomorrow at noon for a minimum of 15 days.

  • I am restricting the movements of all people meeting people outside.

  • Whether it's your friends or family will no longer be allowed.

  • It's every nation state for themselves in the U is this unprecedented pandemic takes hold over in Spain, the country with the second highest rate of infections in Europe, a 15 day national state of emergency.

  • Everyone is confined to their homes.

  • Any movement outside must be justified.

  • Orwellian scenes in Barcelona police ordering people to stay home, getting fresh air, a luxury of the past that said that we're not allowed to run today.

  • On that were just allowed to walk for one hour in Germany, partial border closures and the UK not following suit with its European neighbours.

  • No lockdowns, no shutdowns, instead advising the most vulnerable to stay home for 12 weeks without drastic action, cases could double every five or six days, despite the inconsistent measures around the block and an uncertain future for all, some much needed lighter moments in shows of global solidarity.

  • No, and Maggie joins us now in London with more Maggie.

  • The EU is now blocking all non essential travel, but some of their approach appears fragmented at times.

  • Walk us through what officials are doing there exactly, Lindsay's.

  • This is a big first step attempting toe.

  • Start restricting travel across the U boat we're seeing is that each country sort of has their own measures that they're putting in place.

  • Some countries like Germany shutting down their borders, other countries like France and Spain going on a locked down with tens of millions of people put into isolation.

  • But then you have here in the UK, the government starting to take stricter measures.

  • But still restaurants and pubs and bars are open.

  • Schools are still open here in the UK, so you see all of these countries in such close proximity countries that work together that could have this united front.

  • Right now, it's still fragmented dealing with this pandemic.

  • Many are worried that a stronger stance, a collective stance, really has to be taken now.

  • Two months ago, China was, of course, the epicenter of this crisis.

  • Today people, they're starting to go back to work.

  • What worked well, Linda, this is the perfect example of maybe what's not happening in the E u right now, a country that really cracked down against this pandemic and some of their measures were controversial at the time.

  • We saw those videos of people being pulled out of their homes.

  • Millions of people put on lock down, forced into isolation.

  • But now, as you said two months later, people are going back to work.

  • Thousands of workers are heading back into factories, even in the hardest hit province where we saw more than 100 of death every single day.

  • There no into single digits of just people even being diagnosed with this virus.

  • So what a turnaround we saw there.

  • And many people are pointing to those measures saying If we take extreme steps here in Europe, there in the United States, Perhaps we can also turn this virus around.

  • But again, Linds, we're looking at at months here before we know that's going to happen.

  • Yeah.

  • Those single digit numbers in Wuhan.

  • At least a little bit of a silver lining for us.

  • Thank you, Maggie.

  • Appreciate it.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here.

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  • Thanks for watching.



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