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  • Doctor Bartels.

  • So much focus has been on the vulnerable older population, but we have new information about the risks of Children when it comes to the Corona virus.

  • You're exactly right.

  • We've really been focusing on the older population, but new studies coming out of China right now, you numbers.

  • He looked at over 2000 suspected cases of this corner virus and kids and found that a while about 39% of kids had mild to moderate symptoms.

  • 6% had severe illness.

  • I mean, that's that's a pretty important number is that's telling us right now that we can't take our pediatric population lightly because 40% with mild to moderate symptoms could still absolutely overwhelm our health care system.

  • Not to mention this could be really big issue.

  • And kids who have other diseases, what should people here in the US know about what they need to do to protect their young Children when it comes to protecting your young Children were going to do everything we've already been talking about, including all the basic hygiene and the social distancing, which is clutch right now, you know, I think a lot of people right now are starting to realize that you could have mild to moderate or even no symptoms and still be walking around and spreading this coronavirus other people.

  • So it's all important for young kids to know, and for parents to be really stressing on that top U.

  • S health officials are now looking at data coming out of Europe showing younger adults can also get extremely sick from the Corona virus.

  • The CDC here at home says out of the 508 novel Corona virus patients in the hospital, 20% of them our age is 22 44 which is kind of alarming.

  • And, you know, fortunately, the data out of Europe and here we're still seeing that the most severe cases in the fatalities are still not older group.

  • But that's not to say that younger people are not at risk, you know, in the same mortality report from the CDC, about half of the people who wound up in the I C.

  • U were below the age of 60.

  • These are big numbers, and so not only can this weed to again really utilizing our healthcare resource is hitting that max hospital capacity, but also we're seeing reports that people who recover from this illness can still have long lasting long damages.

  • Well, we're really seeing this virus hit people in really different ways.

  • You can have a 20 year old 1 20 year old who literally cannot barely breathe, needs to be possibly on a ventilator.

  • Then you can have another person who showing mild symptoms or no symptoms at all.

  • So we're absolutely seeing that this virus get hit people in completely different ways, and some of this has to do with then having a pre existing condition or some of it has to do with factors we don't really know.

  • I think one thing that's really surprising that came out was the MBA player Donovan Mitchell, who tested positive for fires 23 years old.

  • He said the scariest thing was that he had no symptoms and that if he wasn't tested, he would have been possibly walking around in unknowingly spreading the virus.

  • So I think the mere fact that it's hitting people in different ways, there's tells us that we all have to be extra vigilant right now.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here.

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  • Thanks for watching.

Doctor Bartels.


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