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  • only in Japan.

  • Welcome to Awaji Shima, or watch the island and local prefecture.

  • This behind us is the Akashi Keiko Ohashi, the longest suspension bridge in the world.

  • Kobe City is on the other side of the sea, just about 20 minute drive.

  • But we're hearing a lot of Yashima because over the last couple of decades, the population and the economy has been going down.

  • In fact, it's been like that all over Japan, especially when this bridge was built in 1998.

  • It made it really easy for locals to go across to the other side.

  • Ah, lot of them staying.

  • But over the last couple of years, this area has been undergoing a regional revitalisation, and it's been doing it in a pretty creative way.

  • Using Japanese pop culture.

  • Japanese characters like Hello, Kitty and join me in this report is can I?

  • And for the next 24 hours, you're gonna be investigating if this regional revitalisation is working.

  • Crossing the world's longest suspension bridge is the usual way to get there from Osaka are cold.

  • You're basically leaving the urban area behind for rice paddies and farm fields.

  • When you get to the other side.

  • The Kansai region is one of the most diverse in Japan.

  • In the sea between Kyoto, Osaka and Himeji is Awaji Shima, part of local prefecture, as is Kobe City.

  • The island is a place a lot of people have been driving, too, to get from home Shoe, Japan's main island tushie Coco, another island.

  • We're going to focus on the north part of the island, where all those solar panels are.

  • Down.

  • In the middle is a T shirt shaped patch, which is something else today.

  • This is our first stop driving, and we could see a lot of younger people hanging out around the building.

  • A short drive up brings us to one of the island's newest attractions.

  • Hello, Kitty Show Box.

  • This really is a unique building, quite stunning in the middle of a farm field here.

  • But it's when you go on into the air that you really start to see.

  • Things take shape.

  • It's one of those on Lee in Japan, moments when you see the natural world mixed with pop culture.

  • One of Japan's most famous ambassadors greets everyone from all directions.

  • Honestly, did anyone expect to see Kitty John hanging out in the middle of a farm field.

  • The contrast is so striking and you can see the community really challenging itself to attract more visitors.

  • People who normally drive by on the way to somewhere else or tour buses of visitors who want to experience both the non touristy countryside with, well, a theme park.

  • It may be what a lot of hello Kitty fans are looking for.

  • Let's have a look inside.

  • It's not too big, basically a building for dining and entertainment.

  • A stop for a couple of hours to enjoy both.

  • It sure seems classy, but how is the food?

  • It's 100% vegan.

  • Some of it looks like it could be meat, but it's not like this tofu meatball or this fish looking item.

  • It came in beautiful lacquerware, and visitors eat it while watching a show on the massive screen or live performances.

  • But why, Hello, kitty and why Awaji Island?

  • Is this the answer to revitalizing the country sign?

  • I talked with one of the managers in charge of helping with the regional revitalisation program here.

  • The hotel we stayed in had hello kitty themed rooms.

  • It seemed out of place, but maybe it isn't.

  • It sure would seem fun to stay in one.

  • Okay.

  • You are.

  • I mean, like I grew hair must take.

  • I hear about the communication.

  • If I could Do you know, missus So they all got that t j could you can show me How do I know?

  • Our fisherman chief also said Storm Otto at a medicated or Kikuko Kikuko steak coming all china today.

  • Roger that.

  • How does your mom crew Marga NATO each taking for your area?

  • Who can know?

  • In Kanto Gravity move She said that particular tradition.

  • So you're a mom that she can all saying we're human yet?

  • Tim, you people today How's your mom?

  • One of the first revitalisation projects here was transforming an old school into a restaurant with shops rather than building new shopping malls, they're making a unique experience without changing much of the landscape, utilizing what they have.

  • Pop culture is at the heart of the plan.

  • Famous Shonen Jump manga characters Naruto and Baruto have a theme park here as well as crayon.

  • Shin John Way drove to another hello kitty attraction not too far from the last one along the sea sign this'll one is called Hello, Kitty Smile.

  • You can see it down there.

  • And white, Big White.

  • Hello, Kitty Head is hard to miss.

  • Let's ask, can I?

  • Her thoughts on these Awaji Shima attractions.

  • This building really makes me curious to stop and see and probably spend more time on Allah Teshima.

  • I think it's farm in a little weird here in the middle of nowhere, but I like it.

  • They do seem out of place, but that's really what makes them both unique and fun and very only injured hand.

  • It's a cafe restaurant with a store that's more like a museum.

  • Hello, kitty Bling and Social Media Photo Snappers will love what they have on offer here, can I?

  • And I really enjoyed the beautiful views of the sea.

  • But is this enough to get you to stop to visit Awaji Island?

  • And is this a recipe for revitalizing the countryside?

  • Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure.

  • Awaji Island is really trying their best to challenge themselves and revitalize a beautiful, out of the way island between some of Japan's most visited cities.

  • Let me know your thoughts below if you liked it, hit that subscribe button and check out another one of our shows.

  • Don't miss my second live streaming channel.

  • Only in Japan.

  • Go and check out location photos on Instagram.

only in Japan.


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日本的流行文化在拯救鄉村|HELLO KITTY計劃★只在日本。 (Japanese Pop Culture is Saving the Countryside | The HELLO KITTY Plan ★ ONLY in JAPAN)

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