I thinkthat's anothergoodthingaboutthisplaceisit's pushedmetodostuffthat I reallyhateit.
I thinkAllright, that's enoughofthisarea, andit's gettingcalledin a bitwindy.
Solet's moveontothenextarea.
I reallydecidedwhat I'm doing.
Let's lookatthat, Taylor, beawesome.
MyfavoritedreamfromStarbucksisactually a muchof a lot, butwithsoymilkinsteadofregularmilk.
I gottheshortsizekids.
Sometimes I just I justdon't need a bigone, youknow?
Sothesecondsaid, I wasjusthangingouthotelbefore, and I askedhertoaskmethatquestion.
Nowtell a B tweetedmeandus, I'm a wasyourfavoriteplacetogotoget a doughnutinShinjuku.
Specifically, don't notplan.
It's neartheeastexitoption.
Doyougowithituntiltailbetweenmethattheywanted a doughnutontheway.
That's why I likethey'realwayschangingtheflavorsaswell.
Sothisone I gottodayisbananas.
I don't knowhow I feelaboutBanana, butwe'rejustgonnagiveit a go.
It's kindof a mixbetween, like, can't evenon a daylikeit.
Thankstothequestions, I wasgonnaanswermyquestion.
Let's go e.
But, uh, lastnight I mademyself a giantpartofnobody.
Justlikeputeverythingimportantneeded I madesomelastnight.
I thinkit's ahsoymilkincestmenowthat I got a bunchofstuffapartSongandit's a biggerbag.
Alsogot a ringlightfromKim.
Let's doanotherfrequenthousequestion.
That's a frequentlyelsequestion.
I askmyselfanotherfrequentlyaskedQuestionis, Whydid I movetoJapan?
Firsttime I cametoJapanwas 2012 with a schooltripandwe'rehereforabouttwoand 1/2 weeksand I waslike, Well, thisplaceisamazingAfterthat I camehereon a holidaywithmyfamilyand I have, like, a momenttowalkaround.
I remember I walkeddownthestreet.
It's a randomstreetinTokyo, Uh, justbymyselffor, like, 10 15 minutesandthefeelingofbeingbymyselfinthiscountry.
I waslike, Yeah, I reallylikethis.
Alsoonthatwalk I found a potatoontheground, I think a boxofsweetpotatoesandpullingupthetruck.
And I foundthepotatoonthegroundand I callitStreetPotato, and I keptitinmyroomuntilwehavetoleaveinthenightaway.
When I camehereagainwithanexboyfriendboyfriendofthetimeand I'm here, I just I justfeltathomeinthisplace.
YouTubeisalsodifficultin a waytogetusedtotalkingto a camera, becauseinnormalconversation, thewaythatyoufigureoutwhoyouarewiththatpersonisyouknowyougetfeedback, youtell a jokeandyouseethemreactin a certainwayandyourealizewhatthey'rehumorousoryoutalkabout a certaintopicandyouseethewaythattheyreacttothat.
I don't waittoomuchothers, but I thoughtaboutthat a lotbecausewhen I firststartedtalkingto a camera, I foundthat I wastryingtomimicotherpeoplewithoutrealizing I wouldstartit.
Belike, Hey, guys, how's itgoingtoday?
Andthen I realized I couldn't talk.
I waslike, thisjustsoundreallybizarreand I couldn't figureoutwhat I wanted.
So I thoughtaboutit a lot.
Yeah, and I realizedthewayintoreallyaccessingmyselfistojustbehonest, which I knowiscompletelydangerousontheInternet.
But a waythatgetsmeintoitis I getmycameraoutandevenIf I'm feeling a bitofforif I'm feelingcompletelyready, I'llgetmycameraoutand I'lljusthave a conversation.
I'lljustsay, I feel I feeltiredtoday.
I don't reallyknowwhat's goingon.
I feelsickand I I don't knowhow I'm gonnamake a goodvideotodayabouteight.