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  • Thank you.

  • Are green energy policies jeopardising the economies

  • of developing countries?

  • This is a hot potato.

  • The answer at the moment is very clearly no,

  • because developing countries in truth

  • have implemented almost no green energy policies,

  • partly because, at least until the Paris accord,

  • they didn't really have any obligations to do so.

  • It was deliberately structured up to then as a system in which

  • the developed countries had obligations -

  • not that they did much - and the developing countries didn't.

  • Up until now, a lot of developing countries

  • have been saying that it's all very well

  • for the developed countries to essentially say

  • we need to stop all the oil and gas industries

  • in order to combat climate change.

  • But that's completely unfair because the developed countries

  • have already taken all the benefit from energy extraction

  • and putting all that carbon into the atmosphere,

  • and they've developed.

  • What about the developing countries

  • that have yet to catch up, and frankly

  • don't have the money to spend on alternative forms of energy?

  • It was widely thought that green energy sources,

  • like wind power and solar farms, were

  • expensive luxuries that really only rich, developed countries

  • could afford.

  • That started to change quite dramatically since about 2015

  • when, for the first time the amount of global investment

  • in so-called new renewables, that's wind and solar power,

  • not older ones like hydro power dams,

  • actually was larger in developing countries

  • than it was in developed countries.

  • Here, a very significant player is

  • China, which has invested massively

  • in solar energy production and battery production.

  • One reason is they think this is going to be the new Industrial

  • Revolution.

  • It's the next stage in human development,

  • as it were, in the energy system,

  • which is the core of any modern economy.

  • And they feel, the Chinese very much so,

  • that if they're at the frontier of the new technologies,

  • ahead of everybody else, they move faster,

  • they're going to dominate them.

  • Over the last decade, China has committed something

  • like $780bn towards wind and solar energy.

  • So that's quite extraordinary.

  • But there are other developing countries that

  • are really catching up fast.

  • In fact, last year, 29 countries joined the billion-dollar club.

  • That's countries that invested a billion dollars or more

  • into wind or solar power, and it's become much cheaper

  • than it used to be.

  • So going for a wind farm or a solar farm

  • is not just quicker and faster to build.

  • It's not just cleaner, but it's actually cheaper.

Thank you.


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B1 中級

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