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  • Hey guys! So I get a lot of messages from people saying that they're really worried

    大家好! 我收到不少私信,當中他們因為體重原故

  • about visiting Japan because of their weight. And I really want to address this issue because

    而對於要來日本感到非常擔心. 在此我想談談這事

  • I have a lot of things to say about it.


  • A. You should never deprive yourself an experience because of how you look. You don't know what

    第一, 你不應因自己的外表而放棄一次經歷. 你不知道未來會怎樣

  • the future holds. You might not ever get another chance.


  • B. People are going to look at you anyway, because you're a foreigner. This will happen

    第二, 無論如何人們都會看你的, 因為你是個外國人.

  • less in the bigger cities, but it's still going to happen no matter what.

    你會較少在大城市被圍觀, 不過多少也會有這樣的事的

  • C. I can't say whether someone will say something mean to you, or laugh, but I can say that

    第三, 我不能保證有沒有人會對你刻薄或嘲笑你, 但我可以說

  • making fun of someone in Japan is such a bad thing that other Japanese people will go so

    在日本取笑他人是一件十分壞的事. 其他日本人也不會想承認他是日本人

  • far as to say that person is not acting Japanese. D. With a little bit of planning you can use

    第四, 只需要一點點的計劃

  • Japan to fairly easily lose weight.


  • Rachel, what on earth do you know about losing weight? Well, the first time I went to Japan

    Rachel, 你哪會了解減肥的事? 好吧, 我第一次來日本是在5個月前

  • I was there for 5 months. And despite already being at a low weight, I lost 20 pounds, or

    即使我本來已經偏輕, 來到這裡我仍是減了20磅/9kg

  • 9 kilograms, when I was there. I wasn't even trying to lose weight. It just happened. And

    更別提我根本無心減肥, 整件事發生很很自然

  • despite being skinny, I do have my own struggles with maintaining an active lifestyle and eating

    雖然我本來已經很瘦, 但我在維持一個健康的運動和飲食模式上

  • healthy


  • But Japan can be a fantastic place for these things, and I will tell you why.

    可黎對於轉變你的生活模式而言, 日本是個極佳的地方, 接下來我會告訴你原因

  • 1. The number one reason losing weight is difficult is because it requires a somewhat

    1. 減肥的首要困難在於你要有恆久的生活模式改變

  • permanent lifestyle change. And change is hard. Just getting started is hard enough,

    而改變絕非易事. 光是開始有改變也不易了

  • but even after you get started there is always that day where you come home from work, and

    更別提開始後的某一天, 你完成了工作

  • you're really tired and you just want to relax so you just say, "I really just want to relax

    你覺得很累只想休息, 對自己說:「我只是想在今天休息一下下...

  • today... Just this one time I'm going to skip going on a run and I'll just throw something

    只有這一次我不去例行跑步, 把一些食物扔進微波爐裡面」

  • in the microwave." And then it happens again. And again. And suddenly you can't remember


  • the last time you went running and you find yourself eating 12 bags of flaming hot potato


  • chips over Christmas break.

    不過日本是個與美國相反的地方, 整個城市的構造不一樣

  • But Japan is a completely different environment from America. The city structure is different,

    食物亦然. 搬去日本會強迫你改變自己的

  • and the food is different. Moving to Japan is FORCING a lifestyle change on you. You

    你根本什麼都不用做! 身邊的事物幫你去改變自己的. 最大的減肥難關在你的第一步

  • don't HAVE to do anything! It's being changed for you. That is your biggest block to losing


  • weight out of the way right from the beginning. If you keep that in mind when you move to


  • Japan, you can set up your new lifestyle as a healthy one.

    2. 第二大的減肥因素在於你的飲食. 撇開你的荷爾蒙不計

  • 2. The 2nd biggest factor in losing weight is your diet. Regardless of what your hormone

    如果你吸收的能源比使用的少, 你就要變瘦

  • situation is, if you are taking in less energy than you put out, you will lose weight. Period.

    這是科學. 再者在日本比美國更容易吃得健康

  • That is physics. And it's much easier to eat a healthy lifestyle in Japan than it is in America.


  • Japanese meals are heavy on vegetables, fish, rice, soy products, and noodles. And again,


  • because you're already beginning a lifestyle change, you can start your new life in Japan

    只需用那些健康的食材即可. 那麼以下是一些tips

  • by using those healthy ingredients. So, here are some quick tips:

    1. 你永遠都應用"Bunme'' 的方法去減肥,

  • 1. You should always use the "Bunme" system. ALWAYS. In fact, you should start using it

    從現在到永遠都用吧. 這個方法

  • right now and you should be using it for the rest of your life. The "Bunme" system is how

    是一餐中你在多大程度上填飽自己. 從1到10分

  • full your stomach should feel when you're finished eating, on a scale of 1 to 10. In

    健康來說, 你只應吃7分或8分飽

  • a healthy lifestyle, you should aim for 7分目 or 8分目, which is 7 or 8/10ths of the way

    這代表你還滿意, 但你應該可再多吃一點點

  • full. That means you should feel fairly satisfied, but you should still be able to eat more.

    如果你要瘦很多的話, 你可以減吃到6分飽

  • If you have a lot of weight to lose, you can take that down to 6/10ths.

    2. 不要喝湯底. 你可以吃拉面, 可是不要喝湯

  • 2. Don't drink the soup bases. You can eat your ramen noodles, but don't drink the soup.

    湯底往往納極高鹽, 尤其餐廳的, 他們不健康

  • They're really high in salt, and especially in restaurants, they're not healthy.

    3. 餐廳裡賣的餐點大多不健康, 這點全世界通用

  • 3. Restaurant meals are generally not healthy, just the same as anywhere else in the world.

    所以少些出外吃. 4. 日本最常用的油之一是紫蘇油

  • So go easy on eating out. 4. In Japan one of the big oils they use for

    煮食時用這種油吧. 他的Omega-3 fatty acids就像魚油一樣

  • cooking is called perilla. Use perilla oil when you are cooking. It's really high in

    5. 吃光你的菜和魚. 即便你在自己本屬的地方不愛他們

  • Omega-3 fatty acids, just like fish oil. 5. Eat your vegetables and fish. Even if you

    你也在日本試一下, 你可能會眼前一亮

  • don't like vegetables and fish in your home country, try them in Japan. You might be surprised.

    我在美國時也不吃的, 但在日本的我卻非常喜歡, 反正對我來說嘗起來完全不同就是了

  • I didn't eat them in America, but I love them in Japan. They taste completely differently

    健康餐點的其中一些例子是: 沙津, 魚料理, 火鍋料理(有加菜和面的)

  • to me. Some examples of healthy meals are: Salad dishes, fish dishes, nabe pots with


  • vegetables and noodles, and fried rice with vegetables (also called chahan).

    6. 當然你不能碰油炸的食物囉. 可惜日本有不少的...

  • 6. Of course stay away from deep fried food. Japan unfortunately has a lot of deep-fried

    3. 好吧, 最後一樣是變得好動. 在美國

  • food.

    我從沒在一個有方便交通的城市生活過. 店鋪離我家非常的遠

  • 3. Okay, and the third and final factor I'll talk about is being active. In America I've

    但在日本不同喔! 你們大部分都會生活在城市

  • never lived in a city that has had decent public transportation. Stores are miles and

    可以買到任何你需要的東西, 只需走路,騎單車或搭交通工具

  • miles from my house. But not in Japan! Most of you will be living in cities where you

    可是你還是需要走/騎單車去的 所以要多動真的不難, 我同時建議

  • can get everywhere you need to go by walking, riding your bike, or taking public transportation,

    你們一到那裡就開始多走路, 無論是在你住所附近(如果你不住在繁忙地區)

  • which you will walk or ride your bike to. It's so easy to be active. I also recommend


  • taking up jogging right away once you get there, either right out your front door if

    在日本快步走非常非常的安全, 你真的不需要擔心太多

  • you're not in a super busy area, or if you are go to a park or something like that. Jogging

    請記住, 最難的是改變生活模式

  • in Japan is SO safe; you really don't have much to worry about.


  • Okay, so remember that the hardest part about getting healthy is making that lifestyle change.


  • So keep all of this in mind when you move to Japan, and you can start out your new lifestyle

    我吃得健康,動得多了, 也常常運動. 但那完全不難喔

  • as a healthy one. I personally am SO much healthier when in I'm Japan. I eat healthy,


  • I'm active, and I exercise all the time. And it wasn't difficult for me despite being a

    我在美國的時候總會胖10磅, 來日本時又會瘦回去

  • lazy person because I wasn't already stuck in an unhealthy routine. I usually gain about

    所以請不要讓你的體重障礙你來日本. 你的體重不代表你的身份

  • ten pounds when I'm in America, and I always lose it when I'm back in Japan.


  • So please don't let your weight hold you back from visiting Japan. Your weight does not

    你不會是唯一一個. 搬來日本可是會是

  • define who you are. And while it is certainly less common to see overweight or obese people

    對你健康來說最好的選擇. 至少對我來說是這樣的

  • in Japan, they are still there. You will not be alone. Moving to Japan could potentially


  • be one of the greatest decisions you make about your health. It was for me. Thanks for

  • watching guys!

Hey guys! So I get a lot of messages from people saying that they're really worried

大家好! 我收到不少私信,當中他們因為體重原故


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