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  • Have you ever been in a situation where

  • Now, the reason this happens is because many people assume

  • everything in personal growth applies to everyone.

  • Personal growth is like martial arts.

  • There are different belt levels.

  • And the tools you use at each level are different.

  • Somebody talks about the law of attraction and you're like,

  • "Yes, I'm going to try that." And it doesn't work.

  • The reality is, there are four distinct and unique levels

  • of consciousness in which we can operate from.

  • These are levels of how our consciousness and our

  • self-awareness relate between us and the world around us.

  • The tools are different in every level.

  • For example, if you're in level 1 and you try to do something

  • like vision boards or law of attraction, it's not going to work.

  • If you're at level 3 and you try to do creative visualization,

  • you're slowing yourself down.

  • Now when you understand the level you're at, not only can you choose

  • the right tool, but you can get better results and you can figure

  • out how to ascend to the next level, and the next level,

  • and the next level.

  • Now, when you look at personal growth from this lens,

  • you get better results faster,

  • and you evolve crazy, crazy, crazy fast.

  • Now, it could take 5 to 10 years to go from one level to the other,

  • but you can engineer rapid evolution, rapid awakening.

  • When we talk about awakening, when we talk about becoming wiser,

  • this is essentially what is going on.

  • Now, I started learning about these levels, I started exploring them

  • over the last 15 years as I

  • started working with countless spiritual masters.

  • And I started using my engineering mind to digest the frameworks and

  • the ideas that they were putting forth and put this into patterns

  • that I could use and I could also teach to the Mindvalley community.

  • Seventy percent of the world is at level 1.

  • Roughly 25%, I would estimate, is at level 2.

  • Four percent level 3. And only 1%, right now, are at level 4.

  • You get to level 4, the entire way

  • you show up in the world is different.

Have you ever been in a situation where


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A2 初級

關於個人成長,你可能不懂的東西|Vishen Lakhiani (What You Probably Don't Get About Personal Growth | Vishen Lakhiani)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日