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  • Hello world! Where I'm from in Japan, this is what a hotel is like. Nah, I'm kidding. I'm actually in Las Vegas

  • Except I'm not, I'm still in Japan and I know what you're thinking - Greg, you really splurged to this time

  • But no I actually didn't. This is one of the cheapest options I've had at this time of night and it is...

  • 11:15 p.m. At night. Thank you very much Fitbit

  • And I'm tired. Too tired to tell the story right now of why I am in a...

  • Love hotel all by my lonesome

  • but

  • after I have had my breakfast which will be

  • I'm going for the pancake set, because I don't feel like the Salmon no Tataki in the morning. So,

  • After I have my pancake set, I will explain. Good night!

  • Hello world, where in the world do you stay when visiting Japan?

  • There are so many options - regular hotel, business hotel, capsule hotel, Minpaku (Airbnb)

  • Minshuku, Ryokan, and yes, the love hotel. Well, I've been to all these places

  • So let me break them down for you, and give you the pros and cons

  • The do's and don'ts and yeah also teach you how to escape a love hotel

  • But first let's start with Japan's good old regular vanilla hotels

  • This is the easiest type of accommodation to explain it's fairly close to what you'd expect from a western hotel bed, mini-fridge

  • wifi, kettle, bathroom

  • But no shower

  • I felt like I should be doing something but

  • I'm tired

  • Okay, this particular hotel is a bit different. It's a special hotel that has a public bath attached

  • So the bathing facilities are actually shared. In most western style hotels in Japan

  • You'd usually get a shower in the bathroom

  • If you find yourself in a place like this

  • You'd grab this face towel and regular towel, go to the locker room, get naked and take the face towel with you

  • After that, clean yourself with soap and the face towel at one of the stations, then enjoy the bath or maybe relax in the sauna

  • Just don't put your towel or hair in the water. I'll link to a more detailed guide in the description

  • Often hotels have breakfast included depending on the price you've paid for accommodation

  • They can range from edible to delicious, but they generally skewed Japanese style. So be aware that it's probably not pancakes, eggs and bacon

  • Oh and a big thing anywhere in Japan if you see a raised floor like this

  • Especially one where there are slippers take off your shoes. Almost every single family or friend

  • I've had visit me in Japan has stepped with shoes in places where they shouldn't have. This is probably the biggest no-no

  • Did I just say no-no? I mean biggest screwup. How about that.

  • That a foreigner does that actually causes Japanese people trauma. Raised floor almost always means take off your shoes

  • Final thing to point out about Western style hotels in Japan is that there's also the business hotel

  • It's essentially the same thing as a regular hotel room, but just smaller. Think tiny dorm room and you'll have the right idea

  • Okay, let's do the pros and cons of western-style hotels in Japan. Pros. They are familiar

  • They usually include breakfast. The location is generally convenient and is in walking distance to a train station

  • Cons. Depending on the hotel,

  • they can be expensive. But business hotels are relatively affordable. Rooms will be smaller than places

  • you would find in Canada or the United States, especially in big cities

  • You often pay per person not per room and they're fairly strict about the number of people allowed in a room

  • Beautiful B-roll time. This was my morning view of the Seto Inland Sea and the reason why I booked my hotel here

  • Now on to capsule hotels

  • Yes, the famous Japanese capsule hotels where you sleep the night away in a pod.On this floor, there are actually 108 of them

  • They're fairly basic - a radio, TV, light, mirror, and of course, a bed.

  • There are screens you can pull down for privacy, but that's about it

  • Except it isn't. There are a bunch of common areas included

  • You have a hangout room and behind it, relaxation chairs, an eating area with a kitchen

  • So this capsule hotel will come with breakfast. You can even get bear and ice cream.

  • A massage corner yay

  • There's also a work corner. Boo

  • But like the last place there's something special about here as well. You see these lockers

  • Well, this is where you get naked, because yes, this is a spa and capsule hotel combined

  • I was allowed to film everywhere but the public bath and sauna part

  • But this is what it looks like from the picture. I think it actually looks nicer in person

  • Anyways, it was at this point that I saw everyone getting naked that I realized that it was a male-only capsule hotel

  • Although there is female staff. Just so you know

  • But generally at a regular capsule hotel

  • You would put your stuff in a storage locker and then use the communal bathing, toilets, and sinks

  • So it's kind of like dorm living except people take being quiet in the capsule area, which has its own floor quite seriously

  • So really no talking in there

  • Alright pros and cons time. Pros. It's cheap and even a bit cheaper if you booked online

  • It's accessible at all hours

  • which is actually quite important as this is not the case for all accommodation types in Japan,

  • although checking times can vary depending on the location.

  • And it actually has a decent bed as counterintuitive as that might sound. It was cozy

  • Cons, there's limited storage space. Although you can usually get a storage locker for oversized items

  • People are very quiet in the capsule area, but there's the potential to hear others come and gang going

  • So if you're an ultra light sleeper, you might want to use earbuds headphones or use a different type of accommodation

  • It's not like sleeping in a coffin

  • I actually enjoy the pods but it's not for cluster phobic people either. You can't be loud and you don't really have private space

  • Let's roll our second set of b-roll footage right in the middle of a rice field

  • Relax, enjoy

  • Next up is Airbnb, or Minpaku. A Minpaku is basically someone's home that is not run as a hotel business

  • So no check-in desk, no fire safety equipment and so on. A Minshuku, on the other hand, is run as a hotel business

  • But they can still look very much like a traditional Japanese home. I'll explain more in the Minshuku section

  • This is an Airbnb

  • We stayed at and it's an old Japanese home that was converted into a daycare center and then into an Airbnb place

  • This is why you get this cute little toilet

  • The real adult sized toilet is behind. This one came with an old-school tub in the bathing room

  • But the kitchen looked like what you'd find in a basic apartment.

  • I really like these exterior hallways. All along it, it has these lovely sliding doors, although they are quite loud

  • The sleeping rooms were nice

  • You get the Tatami mats and you sleep right on the ground with a supplied futons. If you want authentic Japanese living

  • Well, you're getting it when you go with a Minpaku

  • Now to the pros and cons. Pros

  • For the space and quality you get, they are cheaper than other accommodation types. You get to experience authentic Japanese living both traditional and modern

  • Depending on the place, although it'll be a lot less cluttered than the average Japanese house. Trust me many places have laundry facilities. Yay

  • Depending on the host, you may be able to interact a bit and even grab a meal together

  • You have all the amenities of a house from a kitchen, to a dining table, to a washing machine

  • You probably don't have to meet other hotel guests and the location can be anywhere

  • Cons.

  • Sometimes you need to meet up with the host at a specific time which can be difficult to do with the unpredictability of traveling

  • At someone's house, so there's more pressure not to break or mess anything up

  • You're expected to leave things as you found them

  • Like if you use dishes you should wash them. If you have garbage you put it out on garbage day

  • With Airbnb there be clean and other fees so look closely at the final price

  • Every place has their own rules, so it can be a hassle to learn new rules everywhere you go

  • While it's nice that the location can be anywhere

  • You can also really be in the middle of nowhere, which is not convenient if you're traveling by public transportation

  • there's usually no breakfast, but many will have some basics like tea or coffee or some instant Miso or noodles

  • And one last con of these country homes are the spiders. We had lots of fun avoiding this one

  • Let's go

  • subtropical with the b-roll footage and I know you'll ask so I'll save myself a comment and tell you that this is Kouzushima,

  • a little island south of Tokyo

  • Whoever came up with this idea for a swimming hole has my respect. I just love the wooden structures

  • Now we find ourselves at a Minshuku, or guest house. Like a Minpaku,

  • A Minshuku can look or even be like a person's house, but they are commercial accommodations and more inn like

  • So think check-in desk

  • Dining area for everyone to eat breakfast, lots of toilets, some more toilets and a big bathing area

  • These are generally owner run. So like a bed-and-breakfast type of place. This one happens to be on an island

  • So they had a great area to hose down and clean up. Plus parasols and water toys you've used at the beach

  • Breakfast is usually served and it's not uncommon to get dinner as well. Let's hit up those pros and cons

  • Pros

  • They're not usually owned by big corporations. So expect a more local experience and maybe even a quirky owner

  • You'll get a fairly authentic stay in Japanese lodging

  • You might get some personalized services like being picked up from the ferry terminal or train station

  • It's more affordable than Ryokan which will cover soon. So sit tight

  • Cons. Many are cash only so be prepared

  • Check-in and checkout times can be fairly restrictive. So make sure to check those checks. There are set times to eat

  • So again check check check

  • As for location, they're probably not the most convenient

  • In conclusion, there is step above hostels, but not as fancy as the Ryokans.

  • But before we get to either let's have some more b-roll footage

  • This is of Edogawa River where our next hostel is located nearby

  • This is a unique place called Shibamata Futen.

  • It used to be the dormitory for city workers, but has since been converted to a hostel.

  • While I haven't been to many hostels in my life, this one seems rather on the upscale side

  • Here's the lobby and like with any other accommodation facility in Japan, foreign visitors are required to fill in their nationality

  • Passport number, name, address and occupation into a guest registration form. They'll also need to show their passport

  • So that a photocopy can be taken. It's the law for all accommodations in Japan

  • Because this is a former dormitory and it's newly renovated. It's unique in what you'll find

  • They have rooms that are more japanese-style so futons on tatami mats

  • Some quasi Japanese so futons on raised tatami mats. Again, you see the boundary, so don't bring in your shoes

  • However, they have a whole western section in this place. So in these rooms walking in with shoes is a-ok

  • All the rooms are hostel rooms. So no frills. It's just a room, a bed, and that's about it

  • But like the capsule hotels, there're lots of shared spaces.

  • In this one, there's a meeting room, although I don't think you'll be hanging out here

  • There's a hangout room. Although they may have said this was the library, but I can't remember.

  • And there's a very spacious and well-equipped kitchen and dining area. It's quite nice

  • Something that is quite convenient and affordable is the laundry room

  • 200 yen to wash 100 yen to dry

  • We have shower facilities, but not baths, which is quite rare for Japanese accomodations. Although I don't know

  • what's the norm for hostels in Japan. The sink room looks just fine.

  • And the toilets, they are the latest. So no worries on this front

  • one great thing I noticed is that they have a full-on barrier-free bathroom. Top notch.

  • And down the hall, they have a barrier-free room with two beds and while I didn't film it as it was being cleaned

  • There's a bathing room specially designed for wheelchair access

  • You can also rent wheels. Bike wheels that is, so that you can tour around like a local

  • How about some pros and cons.

  • Pros

  • It's a good place for solo travelers, although they do have rooms that can sleep multiple people and multiple rooms,

  • so it may not be a bad place for couples or small groups. In fact with this particular place

  • You could totally make good use of all the facilities if you had a big group

  • It's good for people who want to meet up and interact with like-minded individuals

  • It is a hostel after all.

  • And the last pro is that it's a hostel, so it's usually the cheapest type of accommodation you'll find

  • Cons

  • Locations of hostels are normally not as prime as hotels

  • They're not as quiet and calm as capsule hotels, even though it's a similar dormitory style

  • If you're in a bunk bed room and you'll have even less privacy than a capsule hotel

  • I should note though that this particular hostel has only private rooms at the moment

  • So you'll have no problems with privacy here, but they do have plans to build a bunk bedroom, which will be a shared room

  • Now on to the creme de la creme of Japanese accommodations, the Ryokan.

  • However, first let's enjoy this scenic river setting

  • A Ryokan, a.k.a., a fancy traditional Japanese inn

  • The characters Ryokan literally mean "travel building". There are modern and old ones

  • But this one is more of a modern family one

  • you have all the typical things like a Genkan where you take off your shoes, a sliding door and Futons on the ground.

  • This low table on the tatami mat has Zabuton, or sitting cushions, which are on Zaisu, or sitting chairs

  • To the left is the Oshire, which is the closet where other futons are stored. Oh Futons are Futon

  • I keep on mixing my pronunciation so just live with it

  • Anyways, during dinner the staff pushed the tables aside and placed down the futons for our children

  • Then there's this nice sitting area separated by the Shoji screen door

  • Here we find the yukata, which I encourage you to wear around the Ryokan both inside and outside of your room

  • But please do wear your underwear underneath

  • When you go to a Ryokan, it's your destination, not your jumping-off point

  • So expect to relax in the hot springs, eat hearty meals, and enjoy your time

  • For a relaxing time make it Ryokan time

  • This was a family type of Ryokan, so it had buffing style eating in the dining hall

  • But the fancier ones will bring meals to your room

  • Here's what a non buffet meal would look like

  • although this was in a dining hall not in our room

  • When you see pictures of a nice hot spring overlooking a river stream

  • Well, there's a good chance that you're looking at a Ryokan's hot springs

  • The good news is that although Ryokans are expensive,

  • Some of them will open the door to the public during certain hours and you can jump into their water at a very reasonable price

  • Think maybe a thousand yen or so which is like 10 bucks

  • Okay, let's get to the pros and cons.

  • Pros

  • This is relaxing it up japanese-style

  • They often provide night dinners and breakfasts. And in fact, this can be a big factor in where people choose to stay

  • The more modern facilities will have game rooms, Karaoke, and even swimming pools

  • They are all-in-one entertainment facilities

  • They're usually located in picturesque places in small towns

  • Cons

  • Eating times can be quite limited. So they're not places where you show up whenever

  • Like this place. They're usually on the pricier side and they almost always with the exception of very young ones charged by the head

  • So it can add up for a large family

  • They're not good for quick stops, but are more for people who want to stay there and enjoy the experience

  • I'll just repeat this again. They're not jumping off points for adventures. They are the destination

  • Now on to the dessert - the love hotel, although not without another relaxing b-roll transition

  • Love hotels were at their inception a place where couples could meet up and hang out for an hour or two

  • And that's my PG explanation won't get more explicit than that in traditional Japanese homes

  • walls were thin, like paper thin sometimes. So the love hotels were a good place to go for privacy

  • However, in recent times I've discovered that some of them are going mainstream and I was surprised to even find them on

  • Yep, you can book them online like any other hotel. Not sponsored by the way

  • If they're being straightforward, they'll say adult only, but I happen to book one that didn't say adult only by accident

  • I should have known by the look of the room. But oh well while love hotels are mostly used for quick rests

  • They also have a stay option. Perhaps surprisingly staying overnight at a love hotel is relatively affordable

  • The best way I can describe a love hotel is to get you to think about what a themed hotel room in Las Vegas might

  • Look like with the few quirks

  • Which we'll get to with the pros and cons

  • Pros. You can check in at any time of the day nice

  • It's even priced according to peak demand times. So that's why the overnight stay isn't so pricey

  • Unlike other types of accommodations you pay per room not per person

  • Although it's normally expected that they're all only be two people

  • However, I have seen that there are group rooms in some places

  • In any case I'd check about occupancy limits to avoid any potential issues

  • There are a lot of amenities and even some I won't show you

  • PG remember

  • On the surface, all seems quite clean and for what you pay you'll get a spacious and well-equipped room

  • That was unintentional but I just realized what I said

  • Cons. In regular accommodations, you're usually allowed to drop off your luggage and at events

  • But because these are loved hotels I don't believe luggage drop-off is possible

  • But who knows, things be a changing, and as far as I know most people don't book in advance you just show up

  • So this can be a pro in certain situations I suppose, but it could be a con if you're trying to plan things out

  • Generally when you enter a love hotel, there's a boarder screen that you choose your room from

  • Although I know some chains have online booking so they're not being able to book an advanced thing

  • Maybe only for old-school places. The location might be really odd, but it depends on the city

  • Usually there are no windows or balconies and if they do have them, it's not a good view

  • You might get locked in

  • Testing testing one, two. Okay.

  • Doorbell rang

  • Okay, no joke people I was just gonna say there's the mystery of what this little door is for and then

  • This showed up a lady actually passed it through the door. You can open it like this

  • But I figured out if you try to open this door, you can't it's actually locked

  • So you're kind of stuck in here

  • I don't know how you get out yet, but I guess you could squeeze through this door if you wanted to

  • Okay, so this is breakfast folks and looked and tasted like the pitcher. Let's see if that's a real maple syrup

  • It wasn't. Alright, my breakfast is still waiting for me, but I'm trying to figure out how to get out of here

  • So there's an automatic button

  • How do I get out

  • Hmm

  • Okay, guys no joke. I have this card I think I'm supposed to put it into a machine

  • Here's the TV inexplicably playing Christmas music

  • To the charts check here. So let's

  • Oh, well that distant I got

  • Woohoo

  • All right crucial update. This card needs to go in with Seisanki, which is the settlement machine

  • and I was looking all over the room for it and I could not find it

  • and the reason is it's on the first floor and

  • I was trying to find it because the door as I showed before was locked

  • You cannot get out at night time, but I guess in the morning they allow you out

  • so I'm gonna going to try to open the handle and see if I can get out of here and

  • Well escape. All right the moment of truth

  • By the way

  • I used this machine to pay and then this door opened up so I can make my escape

  • This whole experience was interesting because like I said love hotels used to be for couples looking to be discreet

  • That's what these sign boards for. Your license plates are all about

  • But now some places have free drink bars or you can all meet up

  • so don't be surprised if you by chance find yourself treating yourself to some welcome sweets and lunch service on your visit to Japan

  • And now back to our regularly

  • scheduled programming

  • Whenever I travel I usually bring my headphones and some books to listen to on audible

  • Not only is it good for a plane or a train ride?

  • But before bed I find it helps get my mind off things and relax

  • That's of course after I plug in and charge all my devices. Look at this mess

  • During my trip. I was listening to Hank Green's an absolutely remarkable thing

  • He's an OG youtuber and a big inspiration of mine and these noise-canceling headphones worked. So well, I couldn't even hear myself

  • So I'm taking them off. Anyways, I can't speak to other youtubers who have gotten book deals, but this is a legit

  • Fascinating story. It combines a little bit of sci-fi, a bit of commentary on internet fame and, a little bit of mystery adventure

  • I really recommend it and I really enjoyed it because this video sponsored by audible

  • Let's do the ad thing

  • Give yourself the gift of listening and while you're at it think about giving the gift of audible to someone on your list

  • Right now for a limited time new members can get three months of audible for just $6.95 a month

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  • Journalism, literature and more and yeah

  • So you get two audible originals plus one audiobook every month with your subscription. Pretty cool.

  • And this is something that's just me here. You can cancel anytime

  • I know they have it small

  • But you really can you can also pause at any time if you need a little break from your subscription and the last thing

  • I'll say is that if you get into a book say you've read a few chapters

  • And it's just not for you, and this has happened to me

  • You can actually swap out for free for a different book. So really is risk free

  • Okay, what else can I say last b-roll seemed for y'all? Enjoy.

  • Thanks for watching. See you next time. Bye what are accommodations like where you're from?

Hello world! Where I'm from in Japan, this is what a hotel is like. Nah, I'm kidding. I'm actually in Las Vegas


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B1 中級

在日本的住宿地點|酒店, 旅館, 膠囊, AirBNB, 飯店, 旅舍...... (Where to Stay in Japan | Hotel, Ryokan, Capsule, AirBNB, Guest House, Hostel...)

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