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Hey, guys, welcome to my new kitchen.
It is so bright.
That is natural sunlight coming in from outside.
I feel lit, the new places so bright, and there's a really nice breeze that comes through.
And if you can hear that, it's pretty quiet outside.
So I'm filming with the doors open.
I'm really loving than your kitchen in the new place because, you know, the last place everything I did was filmed in the dock.
I use a lot official lights because it was kind of it.
The back is the house away from the window, but this one is right next to a full window, and it's just like, Boom!
I know a lot of you guys be wanting an apartment, too, and you will get it is coming.
But I'm just being, you know, cleaning up when organizing things.
I didn't really want to do an apartment to a while.
We didn't have any real furniture that we wanted to use a lot.
I don't know, with books is everywhere, so it is coming.
I'm gradually getting there.
Yeah, basically, the kitchen's pretty much done ish, and also we have no chairs and, like the whole House, but we'll get that.
I want to give you a quick tour of the kitchen before we start catching chats because, yeah, I really want to heat this place on, probably get more in depth once I do an apartment to it.
But he's just a quick look at the location.
Okay, so the kitchen pretty much starts over here.
We have all about dry foods and cutlery in a drawing wreck when this thing that came with the place, but we'll probably upgrade to something nicer in the future.
We have knives on the wall that I put there, which is awesome.
What I'm doing with the covets is I'm putting wood stickers on them to make the match our desired aim a little bit more, but I ran out a stick is so that's why it's only half done.
We have a two burner stove with a grill in the middle, and some covets down here with a draw, nice sync and preparation space.
And we haven't you chopping board, which is word up here.
We have teas and sweetness and spices and ingredients for stuff.
Here we have a cute little black fridge, which on top we've got some utensils and a cactus, which I'm probably gonna move back here is tthe e hot water.
So if I just press the middle button that turns on the hot water, it's so much easier than during the whole system that I had at the other place, which was cranking a lever doing a bunch of stuff.
Yeah, just the push of a button.
It's way easier.
This is a cupboard that we bought and put together.
We ordered online from Dr So on top here was storing out plates and cups, and down here we have a microwave oven which doubles is my grave and an oven.
And down here is where we keep out cattle in a rice cooker.
Now a lot of people were really concerned that Esteem is gonna come up and hit the wood and make it warp in everything, which I totally understand.
So that's why that's why that shelf can pull out like that so well, we boil rice and hot water.
The steam will just flow away from the cupboard and everything's fine.
And next to it is a dining table, which we just got.
But we don't have any chairs yet, so it's just kind of sitting there.
Cool, but yes.
So that is the kitchen set.
Now that I've done a kind of long introduction of kitchen.
Let's get cooking today.
I'm gonna be making the best chocolate cake I've ever tasted.
You never could be making cakes together.
Not in the new place yet, but we did in your place, on we make this chocolate cake, and it was phenomenal.
I've tried so many different cakes in my life, and this one was just This one takes the cake.
I have been craving it ever since we had it last time.
So I thought today, why not keep things simple and easy in the new place and just make a good basic chocolate cake?
So I'm gonna measure out all my ingredients with first time my hair up so I don't get a Harry cake.
So I'm not sure the website that we got the recipe from, uh, but we wrote it down on a notebook.
Okay, So the ingredients you need, uh, 400 grams of sugar, 210 grams of flour, 90 grams of cocoa powder, 7.5 grams of baking powder, 7.5 grams of baking soda, five grams of salt, two eggs, 240 milliliters of milk, 120 milliliters of oil, 10 milliliters of vanilla and 240 milliliters of boiling water.
The reason that the measurements aside specific is the kids.
I think the recipe was in cups or something, and we didn't really have cup measurements.
We only have this this scale right here.
So I converted every single thing, whether it be T screens of cups to Gran's.
Okay, it's the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to weigh my dry ingredients and put them in same bowl, uh, and tell you how.
Don't just a quick reminder.
This is not a genuine recipe video.
It's just make cooking and having to go and have a chat with you guys.
But if you want to follow the recipe alone, feel Freddy that because this is a really OK.
But I'm going to do 210 grand's.
No, you guys like that.
Do you have to get it exactly on the grand lock?
Or you like so being up to a few things recently, One of the things that I've been up to is I went Thio place called Hitachi Seaside Park with my friends summits Summers and I met at a shoot.
We did a motion capture job.
We got along really well.
So she invited me out to the 36.
I talked, and we had a really great time.
I recorded a little bit while I was that.
So this is the kind of thing that we got up to.
Are you recording?
And I gotta get the head of a nice head.
I bought it myself.
What outfit?
Very good.
Wait to see the blue flower fields of customer.
Philip, I feel you.
But unfortunately, when we got that, it was still really beautiful, But we'd miss the people.
Like the peak season is supposed to be amazing, but it was still really, really beautiful, Just not as vibrant.
Um, So I need 7.5 grams of baking powder.
It's okay.
I've got some sake.
It's just no such good quality.
It's her sheets.
You can see the color difference, and then sugar is 400 grams.
We're going to walk.
That's a lot of sugar.
Okay, this is all about dry ingredients, so I'm just gonna mix him a little bit.
I used to have a big green mixing bowl, but that actually belonged to the last place it was already in the apartment.
When I got this, I left it behind.
But now I don't have a really big boat.
This is my biggest bowl, and this might be a disaster today.
Okay, so now I need to add all my wedding greetings together.
Except for the boiling water in which we had the end.
I swear I used to have a really pretty measuring jug like a glass one, like I rights.
But you know, that's what happens when you move.
You lose things going for milk 240.
It's usually the best chocolate cakes that I have have oil instead of butter.
By the way, I'm using soy milk and oil.
So this cake is dairy free except for the icing, which has better.
Another thing that we did recently, maybe not so recently.
But just before we moved, Eric and I went to Disneyland because we've been wanting to go for such a long time.
Hey, guys.
Dizzy land Way candidacy was about a year ago we went to see together way had such a good time would just be, like waiting to come back Finally with back Uncontrollable.
We just finished the day.
Yeah, it was great that you have a good time.
Great time thinking my not going to use electric beata to beat together the wet ingredients.
Okay, I'm gonna preheat the oven.
Now, You guys get to It is a lovely reflection today about bed on the floor with a tripod legs, my hairbrush and camera bags.
It's a ring that someone who did eight.
I'm just gonna put it on for like, like an hour just Okay, So I'm gonna use the biggest thing I have.
Which is this source been to combine all the ingredients?
Oh, I should put Castle on.
That's what I should do.
So this is the kind of mix that we have even before we put the hot water and it's already quite like sludgy.
And so after we had the hot water, it gets really running.
Tsunami, Children, 40 milliliters.
We're only gonna grease this a little bit.
It's a silicon.
I think I'm just gonna pour it.
I think this might be a little bit too much.
Okay, that's that's a lot probably ever felt.
But I remember this happening.
Lost time?
Killed me last time.
It worked out well, but no one by myself.
I don't know if I can to it.
I need to put it in the oven.
It's in, Did it?
Who put in the oven?
Now I've put it on for now, but I'm gonna be checking it throughout.
Hard, Philippe turns out, gives it the last time.
It's really scary putting it in, and it's like basically a liquid.
And then it turns into something magical.
So hopefully this works out.
I take a quick break and I'll be back with you guys once cake is done, see how it's doing.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my goodness, no.
I made a big mistake.
I think last time we used 2/3 of the amount that I used and I used waiting much.
And now it's not like burning because somebody spilling off the edge and it's still, like, shaky in the middle.
I don't know what to do.
This is snuck it.
You know what?
I don't care anymore.
It's the bottom oven.
I guess maybe cool it.
Uh, we'll be fine.
Oh, it's sorry.
Not done.
I'll put it back in for a little bit longer, okay?
I'm taking the cake out of the oven.
It seems to be cooked all the way through.
I've done like a stick test.
Seems to be okay.
I'm just gonna leave it to settle on.
Before you put icing on some Listen to stop making thrusting now.
Okay, We're back.
It has been a long time.
It's being well over an hour.
So with the cake yet.
But I made too much last time.
I'm pretty damn sure that we made 2/3 of this recipe and put it in one container.
I think this is a full one.
If you want to make two cakes that you can stack with frosting in the middle because I can only take one kick at a time.
We just didn't want cake, so I think it was 2000.
That recipe said, Keep that in mind.
The cake does look a bit like it's a crutch.
Lava mountain road thing happening.
Smells delicious.
I'm sure it's gonna be okay.
Uh, it feels all right.
It's just offed inside cooling for the moment.
So while it's cooling, gonna be making some chocolate buttercream icing, buttercream icing.
I just use double the amount of sugar to the amount of Russia, and that's pretty much it.
I'm gonna be adding some cocoa powder, so I'm gonna use a little bit less pot of chicken.
We're just gonna whisk the heck out of it, and it'll be a good time.
I'm gonna be doing 70 grams of butter and 100 40 grands of powdered sugar a little bit less.
Okay, I'm just going to stop by making nice, but it it's so crazy.
I'm gonna add a tiny bit of milk just to make this price.
It's a little bit easier.
It's just I don't mean a little bit of Manila's.
Uh right.
So this is about a queen we got going, like, a little bit more milk than usual.
I think it kind of makes it easy to spread for me.
Oh, my God.
I think it turned out really well.
Oh, my God.
I'm so excited.
This is the cake.
It's so thick.
It's actually pretty cool on the outside.
So I think I'm gonna ice it.
I think it's time now, This isn't gonna be the prettiest cake in the world, but it's not really about how how it looks.
So Paste K, let's do this.
I don't even have anything to put on top.
That's like going to disguise it.
Okay, so it's done.
Iced everything.
I'm gonna I have nothing else put on top of it.
No strawberries, no nothing.
Just just a good old chocolate cake.
So I'm gonna try to make some nice shots and let's set everything up and eat.
I'm excited to try it.
E s o.
I don't actually own Chazz yet, so I'm just gonna have to crouch like this.
That's okay.
I still haven't tried it.
I just did the nice shots, but I didn't actually, but let's give it a gay.
Oh, my God.
Yeah, That is just as good as the last time I did.
It's really easy.
My uses really cheap ingredients.
And it's just It's so good.
Oh, my goodness.
Anyway, that's, uh, that's it.
We make the cake.
Well, pray, even though I've done stuff in the oven, it's totally fine.
It went well.
I found a similar recipe to what I used on line, so I'll link that one double R.
I think it's pretty much gonna turn out the same.
It's what I did owe.
You can use the amount of ingredients that I recommended.
Just maybe d'oh the the two layers do 2/3 of that recipe.
Yeah, Thanks for watching the video, guys.
And thank you for checking out my new kitchen as well.
I'm excited to share the apartment with you guys just after I set up a little bit more stuff.
If you guys have any recommendations of things you'd want me to try and make, just leave them in the common Sam Fuller, and I'll check him out, see if I could give him a guy, so yeah.
Thanks for watching.
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It's a kitchen chats.
I'm gonna keep doing it anyway.
Watching guys.