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  • good money, everybody.

  • This is a very wicked way to stop sitting on the floor in front of the couch with this double, double handed bowl of soup.

  • But, uh, yeah, this is how we doing it.

  • Welcome to another bloke.

  • It's been a while since we've had just, like, a normal casual block of some everyday stuff.

  • But today I guess it's not really like stupid everyday stuff.

  • Today I'm going to renew my visa or I'm going to apply to renew my visa.

  • Um, as you might remember, last year's some bad stuff happened around this time.

  • But this year I'm planning ahead.

  • It's all good Gonna get it done in time.

  • I know what I'm doing now.

  • It's I just didn't know what I was doing last year.

  • So lead for my mistakes and I'm gonna go fly today had to be get a lot of documents for myself and for my company.

  • So I still have one document to print out, and then I also have to get my photo taken.

  • Likely will have some company because usually when I go to renew my visa, it's just by myself.

  • It's like four or five hours just sitting there by myself, So it'll be nice.

  • Anyway, come with me today on a Jenny to Immigration Bureau, and we'll have a great time.

  • Thio, I'll take you to the most fun place in all of Japan.

  • Also, I probably won't be able to film inside Immigration Bureau because laws and stuff, but i'll, you know, film throughout the process outside if I go out and chat to you guys, so I'll just keep you updated, however I can.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • Here we go.

  • Hey.

  • So, uh, updates on going back, harm.

  • I left my residents caught in my other pocket.

  • I think Eric's bring it to the station, but, uh, yeah, thanks.

  • Eric sucks.

  • Yeah.

  • Minute with Natasha.

  • Hey, hold it.

  • Is the monorail kills.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • So I just got sent another document that I need to add to my stuff.

  • So you're gonna go to a convenience store and print again, but should be OK on, then we're gonna maybe get a bit of food and then head to the Immigration Bureau.

  • Man, everything's going very smoothly.

  • Tash is like, Why?

  • Why do you still want to blow today?

  • Sure.

  • They're real stuff.

  • Today is already stressful enough.

  • But if we can go toe ikey afterwards and get some meatballs that would be sick in the booth.

  • Hungry for the egg sandwich?

  • I will concede that some illegal dude, I'm not supposed to walk any egg salad sandwich before we got them.

  • I'm so hungry.

  • I really have anything else to say myself.

  • That's good for me.

  • Um okay, so it's under an hour later, and we're done.

  • There was, like, 25 people in the and it took less than an hour, and it was so severe that now we're gonna go I ke s.

  • So even though you just started out as a no good day, this is now like, the best day of a sudden that cloudy and rainy Everything went wrong.

  • And now the sun is shining.

  • Guys, someone's gonna get meatballs.

  • Food again.

  • Meatballs.

  • I should have got more.

  • I don't know why I ate.

  • What am I thinking?

  • I deserve 16 on then potato with tomato sauce and orange drink.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I'm so hungry.

  • Natasha is looking for cutlery.

  • This is an exciting blood.

  • When people come visit me, you're not eating with your hands.

  • Yeah, it's good to have a couple and then you don't always have to do the washing up all the time.

  • It's true.

  • I'm trying not to get anything, but we'll see how it goes.

  • I'm gonna get something.

  • I know.

  • I said I wouldn't.

  • It'll also pole would be nice.

  • We've had the same soap holder for two years now, and it's, like, kind of nasty.

  • It's just from die.

  • So?

  • So we could upgrade.

  • Well, little 799 full of grains.

  • Natasha left cutlery some western.

  • Now we have to get back to the store to find it.

  • Okay, We're gonna get some dessert.

  • I'm gonna get the plant based stuff cream.

  • So it's a banana flavor is really good, but yeah, it's dairy free.

  • Vegan way new.

  • It's sold out.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Idiots in pick and mix because it's very sweet.

  • She becomes very expensive very quickly.

  • So I'm just gonna do my best.

  • Three in one grand.

  • Come on, you can do the math.

  • I know that math is really hard, but come on.

  • 100 grams, that's again.

  • Okay, I'm gonna be very selective.

  • I want to get like, I'm gonna try and get one of each.

  • I really want be.

  • Yeah.

  • See how much that is?

  • A fund variety.

  • We may get a couple.

  • Sorry.

  • He's a very maybe beans.

  • He's got a You want a whole one?

  • You're gonna be a little heavy.

  • Okay.

  • How much?

  • Oh, my God.

  • Wait.

  • I didn't read this.

  • It's broken today.

  • Check the register.

  • We'll never know until I pay.

  • It's going to be expensive.

  • Oh, no.

  • Okay, a little post bag.

  • What a way.

  • But this is like 200 grand.

  • Who's going to be 600?

  • Wait, I don't have much money.

  • I didn't get cash out.

  • Oh, Natasha.

  • Oh, Natasha.

  • Oh, let's get out of the way.

  • The people.

  • Oh, no.

  • Oh, no.

  • A 150 next time.

  • One of these flavor is really good.

  • It's very stale.

  • It's like stupid Hot was it was really hot.

  • Went to Sweden and, like many years ago, to visit my system when she was on exchange them.

  • I really like Sweden, and pick and mix is insane.

  • It's like huge walls covered in pick and mix.

  • I think that all of these things travel a long way from Sweden.

  • The staircase that goes nowhere.

  • Okay, I think it's time to head home.

  • I think I've got to go get groceries so I can cook something for dinner tonight and do some editing later on and place today.

  • Dreamscape.

  • Oh, yeah, that's the dream.

  • Living the dream, but yeah, uh, getting your catch a train.

  • Now say goodbye to these lovely ladies.

  • I am a nice day.

  • Is you again?

  • Yeah.

  • Brookly beans.

  • We're home now.

  • We're cookin guts and groceries on the way home so I could be making, like, people's beef the court balls with G's.

  • See, I'm just washing the rice before I put it on Washington yaks doing all the dishes which I appreciate a lot because I needed a break even though Eric went to school day and make it a good idea.

  • Okay, I'll get to monetize.

  • It's usually what?

  • Music up.

  • Hey, what's going on?

  • I mean, arc of the system, it's really wonderful.

  • He always cuts things up for me because he's really good at that.

  • So I'll cut him up into little bits, got onions and leeks and beans, and then he admits some garlic.

  • And also we have meat here and the rice is already finished cooking.

  • So when we're making just some simple poke balls, it's just rice, veggies, pork.

  • All that's something.

  • I will be making a generic Japanese source sourcing for the fourth.

  • I mean, this is the best bit about my deal with Eric where he cuts the vegetables and I prepare it.

  • It's quite easy to prepare things, but cutting things takes a long time, and I get board.

  • So uh, yeah, very clever.

  • But it worked out like this.

  • I'll show you how I make my special style.

  • So this is meeting so skirt for, like, good when we have our soy sauce.

  • Sure.

  • You come on, brand about the same amount.

  • And then I'll just sounded like one to me.

  • Straight brown sugar.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • It's food time.

  • Uh, it's good, because I did it so wrong.

  • And it was I thought it was gonna be really dry.

  • Uh, thank you.

  • So we're gonna watch dark shadows.

  • But Johnny Depp don't go.

  • No.

  • You saw my cola.

  • It's my treat.

  • Don't look at that, Mom, if you're watching this start, look at that.

  • This is how it turned out.

  • Just ah, rest underneath super normal.

  • Ari, listen.

  • It's also This is our trash can that we use Is the table something now Eating frosted flakes with milk of my dessert.

  • How much of your dinner did you eat?

  • No, All of it.

  • I got full, but I'm no fool.

  • Enough with this.

  • Good.

  • Sorry.

  • I, uh, fell asleep by accident.

  • And now it's like one Something am so it's time for bed.

  • But, uh, thanks for following me along today.

  • If you enjoy this video, please give it a thumb's up.

  • Leave a comment and bullet hits this guy if you want to see more videos like this.

  • But thank you so much for watching.

  • And I'll see you in the next video connect guys.

good money, everybody.


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我生活中的一天!更新我的簽證+IKEA訪問! (Day In My Life! Renewing my Visa +IKEA visit!)

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