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  • Hello, everyone.

  • Welcome to another video.

  • Now, A couple of days ago, I got a text from my mom, which read, Dearest Son, No, it didn't.

  • I wish it said something along those lines, but honestly, it was just the text regarding a desktop PC that she was thinking about buying.

  • She wants a new system, a new family PC that she can do office, work on and perhaps play a little bit of a fortnight or over.

  • What?

  • Chung, I'm joking, probably wants to play Sims for all candy Crush on it, But nevertheless, I said, Let me build one for you or help you choose what system you want, She said, Don't worry, I've already found one.

  • I'm going to buy Adele Those words that no one wants to hear from their mother now actually found out that this system was being sold by a family friend who is moving away and selling all other worldly possessions.

  • So I thought, Why don't we give her the £300?

  • She's asking for it so that it can help toward the moving costs or a new piece of furniture in their house.

  • Anything like that.

  • She was obviously looking for a quick sale.

  • So the only piece of information I got regarding this machine was the photo that she sent my mom, which my mom then sent to me.

  • This was off the exterior of the machine, and I could just about make out the rise and sticker on the front.

  • I thought, for £300.

  • A rising based, down, pre built system probably isn't too bad.

  • And if the specs are a little weak, we can always upgrade it further down the line.

  • My mom and said, Why don't you review it for your YouTube thinking her exact words and I said, It's not really my thing.

  • We sort of tend to take a look at older computers or maybe even individual components as opposed to whole system's.

  • She said.

  • No, it will be something a little bit different, and I'm sure your viewers will enjoy it.

  • I know she watches the channel, so it seems I've got no choice.

  • This must be relatively new, as it's still got the plastic wrapping on, though there are a few scratches around the back, the specs going into this we're pretty much unknown to me, except that it was a rise in PC.

  • After looking at various pre built systems to try and re familiarize myself with a market, I've never been to knowledgeable off on discovering tons of reviews for various systems, it became clear that I had forgotten that pre built peces are and always have been, big sellers.

  • It's a market I often disregard and maybe sometimes shun because of how accustomed I've become to building systems from start to finish.

  • But there are millions of people out there who just want to go out and buy a Dell.

  • That being said, you'll likely find opting for a pre assembled machine proves to be a little more expensive in most cases.

  • And I'm told this system when bought new costs over £500 I have to say, I don't think I've ever built anything for £300 that's had a case this nice.

  • It's down to personal preference, of course, but I like the way it looks half peeled.

  • Furthermore, there are so many ports on this PC, whatever you need to plug in here can more than likely be plugged in.

  • Aside from the presentation, the chassis is also very sturdy, with a nice weight to it as well.

  • This very shop was the first time I'd open this thing up.

  • I knew it was a rising based system from the text, but the finer details were yet unknown.

  • My heart sank a little when I saw the graphics card because the tiny fan assembly made it look nothing like anything relatively modern, which would have been a bit of a shame.

  • But it turns out that it's actually Adele branded radio on our X 5 60 an entry level £100 or $100 card, though it does appear to be the cutback version of the Radio Rx 5 60 the card with 896 stream processes as opposed to 1024 of the original.

  • There was quite some controversy over this one aimed he launched the different SPECT card.

  • I'm pleased to see a micro TX motherboard in here, too.

  • Old Adele Systems used to use custom form factor boards, meaning that if they ever needed replacing, you need the exact same one.

  • The same goes for the power supply, which is standard 80 X here and also features to six PIN graphics card connectors.

  • That's nice, but 460 What's You have to be careful what you put in here.

  • It's still enough power for something like a GTX 10 60 though these two are accompanied by eight gigabytes of DDR four memory in single stick form, though, there is a spare slot, so another eight gigs could be added if you wanted to do so, and that just leaves the process, sir, to find out exactly what that was.

  • I decided to power that system on on.

  • When I did, I was met by this delightful blue hue emitting from the lower half of the build after last videos.

  • Alien Where?

  • Laptop And now this.

  • I'm totally sold on PC lighting.

  • I need way more RGB in my computer.

  • The CPU, by the way, is a rising 3 1200 A.

  • M.

  • D's first and cheapest rise and offering four cause four threads and a 3.1 gigahertz clock speed.

  • With the system powered on and the specs confirmed, it's time to see what they can do when working together.

  • As this will be my mom's main PC, I decided to use it for a few hours, just browsing the Web and looking at Facebook.

  • So which he excelled at This thing dominates in Microsoft Edge.

  • Seriously, though, I had a rise in 3 1200 in my main rig for a few months, and it always felt snappy and responsive, along with the eight gigs of RAM it was paired with.

  • Everyday usage will be no problem whatsoever on this system, And if it does ever start to feel a little sluggish, there are plenty of CPU upgrade options.

  • After establishing the model number, I looked it up and found that you can buy these new in the UK for £550.

  • And honestly, that's not as much as I thought it would be, even though it would probably be possible to build something with similar specs for a little less even on the new market.

  • So I know what you're thinking.

  • Can this thing game?

  • It's probably not gonna be primarily used for such a thing, but we might as well see how such components work together when it comes to gaming, in case you want to build yourself or buy yourself a PC similar to this one.

  • First of all, I tried Assassin's creed origins, and you have to bear with me today because I used the onboard radio on relive capture software, which isn't usually available on the Rx 5 60 However, I was able to download a tweak that allowed me to use it.

  • And as you can see, it did cause a little bit of lag without recording Assassin's Creed.

  • Origins ran at 30 frames per second, pretty solidly with the medium settings.

  • And as you can see, pretty much the CPU on all cause as well as the GPU was maxed out here during my playtime, I just run around a little bit, got into a bit of mischief, as you can see on the game, held up pretty well in my experience, now informed out for a combined the average of a bit of town gang play or city game play, along with just roaming around in the wild and combining those averages gave us an average of 50 frames per second once again a 10 80 p.

  • With the medium settings, I think you'll find in a lot of gains.

  • The rise and 3 1200 Rx 5 60 combo can pretty much handle most titles from within the last few years at 10 80 p.

  • Low or medium, they're turning things up will mean that you'll see a few frame drops here and there.

  • I'm not sure how the standard 5 60 would differ in comparison to this one, considering it's the cut down 896 shades model.

  • But perhaps that could be an idea for a future video.

  • If you guys want to see something like that fallout for on this system, though, will it run pretty well on the computer?

  • Did start to get a little loud at this point there.

  • Most of the time.

  • This is what the fan sounds like.

  • Far cry five came off a little bit worse in the actual recording, but during just a normal place session with no recording enabled, I was able to achieve 40 frames per second on average in the CPU and GPU.

  • Usage figures were also a lot lower, though I have to say that even when you're not recording, the GPU will bottleneck the rise in three.

  • In most instances, I found again, I'm not sure if this is the case with the Standard Rx 5 60 but with the 5 60 d It certainly does help this process of back, though far cry Fire ran Okay, in my opinion, at the normal in game settings with Auntie, a listing turned off.

  • Next up, we have fought night at you guessed it medium settings at 10 80 p once again, and I was able to achieve 70 frames per second on average here, now dropping by this game play.

  • It looks like there were a few stutters to anyone viewing it, but I have to say that once again, this was down to the recording on during a normal place session with no recording enabled, the game ran pretty much flawlessly.

  • If you want to turn things up too high or even epic, then you'll probably have a harder time running this game, and there will be a few more frame drops here in there.

  • So I think 10 80 p medium is pretty much the sweet spot to maintain and even exceed a solid 60 frames per second during your game play.

  • Finally, we have player unknowns battle grounds with a mixture of low and medium settings, this time to see 45 frames per second on average running the game on this map.

  • Now I'm not sure how much the experience will differ depending on the map that you're playing on.

  • But I can say that he the experience was a pretty playable one, that you will have to turn a few things down to low instead of relying solely on the medium presets, which isn't too bad.

  • And the game still looks pretty decent in my opinion.

  • After capturing all this game play, I decided to give a quick bit of video editing ago.

  • As I mentioned before, I used to use the rise in 3 1200 in my system and always edited my YouTube videos with it and even going back to it.

  • After currently using Arise and five in my system, I'm happy to report that I could still easily use this on a daily basis.

  • Premiere Pro feels fast and snappy, and you should have no trouble editing or creating content.

  • Should you want to start making YouTube videos of your own, there are faster process is sure, but for theseventy pounds or roughly $100 that you're going to be paying for this CPU these days, I don't think it does too bad of a job, to be honest there, to try and see whether or not we got a good deal on this one, too, Mr Respect Machine.

  • And whether or not my mom saved money, as opposed to letting me build her something similar, I put together an Amazon based price list of all the internal components.

  • Of course, they won't all be an exact match, but the main internals are the same.

  • I either CPU amount and speed of ram on the hard drive size.

  • The set up list here uses a fully fledged Rx 5 60 though without the RS, it comes in at just under £400.

  • So I guess we did get a good deal here by buying this pre built.

  • That being said when you're purchasing a pre built PC knew that isn't always the case, they once you factored in the cost of the dress and the bundled office software that comes with a lot of new systems.

  • That gap in price does shrink a little bit, but it would have caused vary from system to system.

  • So as for this video, I hope you've enjoyed this rather unexpected review of my mom's new computer.

  • If you did leave a like on it down below, leave a dislike.

  • If you didn't subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already, thank you, as always, for watching, and I'll see you all again soon.

Hello, everyone.


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回顧我媽媽的經濟型戴爾預製遊戲電腦,違揹我的意願...... (Reviewing My Mum's Budget Dell Prebuilt Gaming PC Against My Will...)

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