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I'm Skeet.
All rich.
I play F B Jones, and I'm gonna attempt to catch you up on what happened in the 1st 3 seasons of Riverdale.
Wish me luck.
What is Riverdale?
Riverdale is a gritty reboot of Archie Comics.
And you love it.
Now we're going to get into the characters.
Archie is the all American football player that he starts off as the innocent girl next door.
But she's not that innocent.
Jughead is a brooding writer, A self proclaimed weirdo.
I'm weird.
Battles, crime and destruction.
Veronica is the rich, bad girl from the city.
My mom and I just moved here.
All the adults, the parents will get to them later.
Season one.
The big mystery of Season One is Who killed Jason Blossom.
Jason's body was found in Sweetwater River with gunshot knocker booze, hooking up with who?
Betty has a crush on Archie.
But Archie and Veronica, they get together.
Jughead and Betty start working on a newspaper.
And, as you know, Bug Head gets together.
Get back to the murder of Jason Blossom, who is suspicious.
Cheryl Blossom is Jason's sister.
Turns out she faked his death because he wanted to run away.
She's also the mean girl in school.
Stand down Now I have to explain the blossom family, so you get it.
Blossoms are very wealthy family in the maple syrup business, but is it moving on?
F P?
That's me.
What are you looking at?
Jug Head's dad figuring out how to run a biker gang.
An alcoholic?
I don't like my family.
Of course, I probably killed him.
Show really wants you to believe that I f p m the killer Don't trust the show.
Never trust the show.
F P is the leader of the surface Serpent King.
So what are the serpents who asked?
Serpents are biker gang.
They are on the wrong side of the tracks because Riverdale is divided north and south there on the south side.
Hence the Southside serpents there, your typical gang, they deal drugs.
They beat the shit out of people that you up.
Now here's the twist.
Jason was dealing drugs for the Southside serpents.
Jason was dealing drugs to make enough money to take care of his soon to be born baby that he's having with Betty's sister Polly.
The real reason Jason ran away was because of Polly.
Polly and Jason were engaged secretly so that the blossoms didn't find out because they didn't like folly was pregnant with twins, so they were gonna leave.
Are you with me so far?
The things we don't have time for our cheese music career.
Also, Artie was dating his music teacher, Mrs Grundy on.
Then there's Dark Betty, Betty and Veronica joining the cheerleading team in the whole Josie and the Pussycats Plotline and Fred Andrews and F Piece construction company hijinks.
Also Archie attending a maple tapping ceremony For some reason, oh also readies.
That is a blossom.
So Polly and Jason Baiting was pretty ancestral.
Welcome to River.
So F p confesses.
He says he took Jason for ransom and then he has to kill him when you shot.
When we were doing the table read, I was pretty sure that I was the killer.
Yeah, this is a big point, and playing F is to create the bad guy so that redemption is much sweeter later on.
But that's just a red herring.
And now another twist.
Jason's dad is the killer.
Our core for our heroes.
Find USB drive with footage of Clifford killing his son.
It turns out Clifford was just blackmailing F.
P so that he would fall for the crime.
So f P has to protect Jughead.
He does not take the rap for the murder.
Clifford Blossom will kill Jughead.
Spoiler alert.
Inside the maple syrup barrels, drugs, drugs, drugs and the big cliffhanger for the end of season one.
Jughead becomes a serpent and Fred Andrews takes a bullet.
Okay, All right.
Season two, which was even longer.
The big, overarching mystery for Season two.
Who is the serial killer?
The Black Hood.
So the Black Hood's modus operandi is to kill sinners.
Who had an affair?
Brings up a lot in Riverdale.
Okay, here we go again.
Season two.
Who's hooking up with Who here?
The love triangles.
Archie and Veronica Break up.
Jughead and Betty break Jughead and a new character, Tony.
They kiss Artie and Betty Kiss, and then everyone gets back together.
Okay, that's out of the way.
Who is suspicious this season?
Who could The Black Hood?
I'm in jail, so it ain't me.
Okay, so there's another gang in Riverdale.
The goalies.
They are the enemies of the serpents, you better get used to it.
They are the ones dealing drugs, and they have a new drug called Jingle Jangle.
Let's move to something with a little more kick.
Is that jingle jangle?
Yes, it is.
So Jingle Jangle is a cookie that comes out around Christmas in Los Angeles at a grocery store called Trader Joe's, and our writers got addicted to them.
So our drug, it's called Jingle I.
In fact, what do you mind a little sugar to spice up this party?
That's my theory, anyway.
So what is Jingle jangle?
It looks like a pixy stick, but it's kind of like meth.
This all comes back to the Black Hood because he's killing centers.
If you're doing jingle jangle, you're in trouble.
Season two introduces Hiram Lodge, who is probably the most suspicious character Riverdale has ever seen.
Yes, he's a mob boss who's also Veronica's dad.
Hiram starts buying up property in Riverdale, but what four.
And as it turns out, twist Hiram is behind the jingle jangle.
Meanwhile, F P is exonerated and gets released from jail, and he is mad.
F P says he will never retire from the Serpens.
Also we introduced Chick, It's cheek.
We think he's Alison F.
Son, but it turns out he's an impostor.
He's a drug dealer.
A Web camera.
Okay, here, the things we're not gonna talk about.
Archie starts a vigilante group called the Red Circle to keep Riverdale safe.
Everyone is running for student government.
Archie and Hiram start working together.
Betty becomes dark again.
Cheryl gets sent to gay conversion therapy at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy will get back to them later.
They suspect the school janitor of being the Black Hood.
Andy Cohen shows up to endorse Veronica's mom for mayor and a gangster named Poppa.
Poutine also shows up.
He owns a chain of hot dog restaurants.
Go back.
We just want you hurt.
Cheryl joins the serpents Betty Striptease to Mad World.
Not talking about that.
There's a musical episode of Carrie, where the lead is killed by the Black Hood.
How is it all connected?
Betty's dad.
How Cooper is the Black Hood.
There's a black hood.
Season two Cliffhanger.
Jones isn't retired.
F P lied.
He retires from the serpents and hands it over to Jughead, and Archie is framed for murder.
What stretch.
All right, Season three.
The big mystery is Who is the gargoyle king and what is a gargle again?
People are dying in Riverdale this time.
It's by a blue poison kind of cyanide liquid.
Everyone gets hooked on a game called Griffins and Gargoyles.
Griffins and D'Argo's is kind of like D and D.
It goes back to the kid's parents playing it in high school, including Effie.
Cole had to play me in the flashback episode, and he had a lot of questions for me, none of which I would answer.
He tried to be as cool as I was in the nineties.
He couldn't do it.
This is a role playing game.
Oh, well.
Back to the Love triangle.
Season three.
Who's Hooking up?
Veronica and Archie break up after Archie's in juvie and then breaks out.
Veronica gets together with Reggie.
Artie gets together with Josie Jughead, Betty, stay together.
Archie and Veronica get back together.
Back to the mystery.
So who is the gargoyle king?
Jughead thinks it's Hiram.
Hiram is eliminating people who challenge him in Riverdale.
Hiram takes over.
The whole town, poisons the water supply with a drug called Fizzle rocks are allowing them to put these dangerous chemicals into their body.
Okay, what?
I need to explain this.
Do not confuse fizzle rocks with jingle jangle A sentence I never thought I'd say In my life Fizzle Rocks is making people hallucinate.
They think Griffin's and gargoyles is a really game, that it's really life, and they start killing themselves.
So the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, a convent is testing the drug on patients.
Who's behind that?
Hiram is using these drugs mind control.
And here's a twist.
F P becomes sheriff.
Who would have thought?
I figured as much.
So who else is suspicious?
There's also a cult called The Farm and Chad Michael Murray is the leader.
A lot of people from the town joined the cult.
By the way, the farm is harvesting organs.
Things were not going to talk about you.
Archie is forced into an underground boxing ring In prison.
Cheerleaders do a jailhouse rock show for the prisoners.
Archie and Jughead run away to a deserted old drug town.
Archie gets mauled by a bear, survives and dyes his hair.
Veronica opens a nonalcoholic speakeasy called Laban.
We underneath pops, they're more new gangs, the gargoyles and the pretty poisons.
Everyone has seizures because of fizzle rocks.
Moose's dad dresses as the Garbo king to scare his son straight.
Cheryl thinks Jason came back, but really the farm was harvesting his organs.
Kelly Ripa is a water inspector.
Cheryl Waterboard her mother with maple syrup tallboy a serpent also poses of the garden looking Betty burned her house down.
And there's another musical episode.
It's others and they all took the S A T s Wow, All that happened Twist Chick is guard.
Okay, so how never actually killed Chick Chick became House apprentice?
And who's behind it all?
Penelope Blossom.
She's the one pulling the strings.
Also, Penelope was behind all of the Black Hood's doings in Season two.
Big cliffhanger for Season three is Spring Break Senior year.
They're all covered in blood.
That's the best I can do.