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Happy New Year, everyone.
We are back at Michael's hometown and I g We actually did a video here last year, but yeah, we're completely back.
We're in her living room, and today I'm bringing you guys as something a super special for getting a $1000 bento box, which is kind of more than I've ever spent on any food in my entire life.
You wanted to kind of start this new year off, right?
I guess spending a lot of money.
Maybe that's probably not the best way to start the New year's up, but I just wanted to show you guys what's inside.
All right, let's do this and open this.
Oh, Cecchi bento box.
Yeah, well, look at that.
This is actually pretty heavy.
It is properly wrapped in cloth.
Wouldn't be complete if I don't have my go to join with me.
So yeah, let's get Might go involved.
My go.
Can you come here?
We can open this together and ring in the new year.
01 thing before we start.
If you don't already know this, we're starting a second channel and it's called Tokyo Zebra.
That channel is coming soon.
Will be released.
Get video soon.
I'll leave a Lincoln description if you guys want to subscribe to that.
And we have actually got a special announcement for you guys, which quite excited about, so definitely subscribe.
So why did we do $1000?
Does set you get this?
I wanted to see it.
Okay, So, like, I'm born and raised in Japan and I never got just like a huge city like my family didn't even bite.
Thought many like people in a house for New Year's, you know, the main house eating that family tree.
So I'm so excited to open this thing.
Yeah, let's open this up.
Let's do it Nice blocks.
A nice look.
It's actually the re level.
The these boxes they're actually called bento Box on.
This whole thing is called City because it's like for the New Year, but each box is actually called jeux buckle.
So ju itself means, like pile on top of each other.
Oh, look at that.
I actually thought it was a family thing.
It's weird.
It's funny, like you only play me one thing.
This box for 5 to 6 people.
Maybe this is like the serving top sticks.
Oh, basically, I think this is probably just for serving.
Pretty cool on on top.
It has this furnace called Cheetah.
I see this unlike Little Shrine like when you put like orange to give to the bod.
Yeah, giving Thanks.
Let's open.
Sorry, it's taking open it The first layer for his level.
Wow, the first thing I notice is the shrimp in there?
That's probably one of them.
Or expensive pieces, I think.
What do you mean expensive?
Caressing you?
That's expensive.
It's actually supposed to be fish eggs from a mullet fish?
Not really sure.
Like only mullets.
I really know the people that were a mullet.
You don't want bullets are bullets?
No, the mullets were like When you grow hair on the back there.
Oh, yeah, yeah, Let's try it.
You know, you know, it's really showcases.
Really right.
Not really salty.
Oh, you used to put it in like a pasta and, like make it's lost.
Its really strong taste, like when you drink sake, we could take a little bit, but so before we get into, like the details of, like, what's in every box, let me just show you the different layers we have to see.
Happy birth.
Oh, wow.
That's so cool.
Just colorful.
Yeah, check it out.
And this one actually has equal right here you have equal, which is salmon roe.
They've used an orange peel as a bull, which is pretty clearly in Japan In red and white is like a like a new year thing And they have red on my hair right in my ear.
That's cute.
Oh, and you know, he says, Cole, it's knows me.
This year's animal.
We got the Retz.
That's a nice year.
The mouse.
All right, off to the next third and final layer of this $1000 surprise.
Okay, Theo.
Oh, my favorite.
What's my favorite?
How did you know they did save the best for last?
This layers, the darkest the color?
Well, yeah, it's, but it's it's meeting.
It's more media.
Another one.
So it looks like everything's on the surface.
But actually, if you look into it, there's, like, more on the bottom line.
Is there stuff underneath with flowers in this?
Yeah, it's a multi layered.
So we're back in the day.
Oh said she was used to celebrate and mark the transition between five different seasons and new years in Japan, each time giving thanks to the gods for bountiful crops.
But eventually, all said she was only served during the New Year's.
I guess maybe having six Thanksgiving dinners in one year was way too much of stomach.
Oh, and using fire knives or taboo during the New Year's.
So said she was prepared in advance and set out during the 1st 3 days.
Hence the reason of such a served cold.
It's like just like my That's family.
No, no, no.
They never have this box.
But instead they have, like, huge bull of like he's like a little dishes because they have, like, so many visitors, this is not enough, right?
This is 56 people.
So, yeah, they have, like, big bowl like lady around on a table.
So I think it really depends on the family or like, size of February.
You have just good and like people come by, have drinks, they don't have big plates.
They're just, like, kind of use it as a mommy or like snacks.
Things like $1000.
But I mean I could probably eat e a lot of Okay, so let's eat some of this.
I don't think we're gonna, like, go through trying to rip it off.
You guys want to see everything?
Thank you.
Because I'm missing one box.
All right.
You know what?
I know it's not.
Probably should be using Visa serve each other, but I think we're going to go just a little bit more style and just use their own chopsticks and pick him out.
I think it's gonna be faster.
One of the things that was kind of interesting to me was a fried chicken.
So really, Adam and all of this, you choose French chicken fried chicken right there.
That's just gonna have a first bite of that, huh?
Oh, it was interesting.
I was expecting a lot better fried chicken.
It was okay.
It's not like the fresh, hot piping fried chicken.
So maybe fried chicken wasn't the best one to start with, because it's in a freshly made about freshness, like you just made it like, five minutes ago.
That's just for other people like you.
I think this is such a grown up food, you know, like very traditional.
And the kids would be like.
And I want this one Fried Jack and curry chicken.
Where you gonna try?
The thing is, this came from, like, super famous.
Do they know?
Did you see this?
It's like a bowl.
Still pretty.
It almost looks like an ornament from a Christmas tree.
Yeah, I've actually had those.
Like candy bowls.
It looks kind of like that.
What is that?
Like a fish cake?
That's right down.
Thank you.
Oh, strong.
Oh, boy, I want to try one.
It's almost like from what?
Yeah, thanks.
Sticky, but like no drastic gave me.
And it almost like a Citrus stay, Stuart.
Oh, that's right, because it's right.
Next thing you know, I'll tell you, this message is from there.
I know this one, king fancy.
So this one looks like salmon wrapped around with fish cake, which is pretty interesting, right?
So I think this salmon has actually been marinated a little bit and maybe kind of like a vinegar sauce.
Very tastes almost kind of a little bit like pickled, but it's pretty good.
All mostly need a beer with all of this food, right?
And I thought Mummy right.
Oh, let's see what's inside.
It's green thing, I think, is a banana leaf.
What is it?
A bamboo leaf wrapped in a little bit cold to the touch open a second?
Oh, it's like a green machi that it's like, you know, this reminds me of kind of like, you know, have you got, like, a box of chocolates and you look different.
Little surprises inside.
I think the reason why it looks just so expensive is there's just so many different types of Japanese food you don't get it this assortment with just like maybe if you spent, like, $100 something and it's packed really densely in this box, so you actually get in terms of, like, Japan your money's worth for, like, this type of selection.
So, yeah, it is kind of expensive.
I don't think I don't think we'll be doing it again in a bag.
I'd rather buy some new lens or something with the camera, but we wanted to show you guys share you guys like what kind of stuff that the do offer in Japan kind of like part of this entire channel is tryto have, like new experiences that you guys share them, but also kind of just enjoy, you know, sharing all this stuff with you guys.
Wow, you know, the oh, sweet.
I'm go right there.
And it's like it's like melting.
It's usually doesn't melt like that.
It's really, really it's like, almost Wow, that's crazy.
It's like a really liquefied uncle.
All rights.
Yeah, it's really, really smooth.
Like this one is almost liquefied to a point where it's just taking out.
It just kind of melts outside of the Machi.
It's in a different level I've never had.
It's so milky like this.
I've never seen a city with sweets.
You got okay.
I know it looks like a pump all from Julie.
Hey, go team, go!
Go team, go!
It's shredded, but the center is all kept together like a pump.
Oh, I didn't know what I thought.
Iwas is it pickled, pickled, very light.
Good Dexter.
It's like crunchy.
It's like a dome.
It's like it's so moister.
It's still kind of little water that it's been soaked.
Yeah, like the pickled sink, and it's gonna skim on all so there's actually two types of shrimp.
Do you have, like your regular shrimp like this.
Then you have this shrimp right here.
What's interesting about this?
A shrimp right here is they've left the legs on here.
That's like super long.
Yeah, it's a different type, and it's at the bottom, so maybe it's more sometimes things that are smaller.
They don't look very good, but usually been Japan's.
Things with that are smaller.
Have a lot more flavor and taste.
This is such a small piece.
There's a nice flavor to it.
It's been marinated as well.
This one almost has, like a sweetness to it.
What's this Look that one looks like a fish cake as well, but it has like different pieces of fish cake.
Ah, it's hard.
You know what sounds like a meat flavor to it?
It has a livable that's awesome.
That mushroom model, almost like a turtle show on top.
The little miss things.
A little less details in this.
Let's try it.
Oh, that's nice.
I don't think it hasn't been pickled, but the more boiled everything else is just the best one.
I think it's pretty traditional, like predicting, made with just not usually don't go for this yourself.
Trouble so I think this is pretty traditional city dish I used.
Don't go over this because I'm a sweet and like open.
It's not that gray if you make it at home.
But I just want to try this from a nice place.
Yeah, pretty good.
You know, this is Joe Gelatin things.
I think it's basically the smash version of the It's just not bleats, perfectly sweetened.
And it's a good thing this one looks like mashed potatoes.
I'm not really a fan of this like mashed potato kind of stains, beans, potatoes.
I'm gonna skip, though, and I'm going to go for this.
Looks a little bit more media to me.
It has some food.
McGee on the outer shell.
That's kind of like wrapped around, and I believe that's gobo gobo really strong in that one.
He really discover you can't taste so much of the unagi, which is hell, predominant flavor.
There is a gobo.
There's actually just so much I can't really try everything.
It almost kind of looks like some meatloaf.
What you got thoughts on top fists?
Eggs like fish, eggs?
Well, orange pieces.
Definitely carrots, I think so.
And the blackest bamboo you must really.
It doesn't look that you hold of fixtures.
You like this going down?
Well, it does have kind of like a meaty texture to the outside eggs that she referred to.
Taste like the kind of hard and kind of crunchy kind.
Like sesame seeds, Almost, but not system.
You see, it does have, like, a meat loaf quality to it, which I really like You.
You guys like, I feel like you're gonna get more diverse.
Like what is it?
Okay, if you keep going, put up money.
So I think this on outside is kombu and then inside, probably like, Yeah, I think it's probably like some sort of silverfish.
Not my favorite, but not bad.
What's cool is you can taste.
Kombu has, like, different layers.
So combo is actually a seaweed.
It's kind of like, really, really hard and dance, and they've taken it.
And then they put it into a little later.
So when you bite through it, you can taste all the different layers of density.
What's this?
Oh, they have a wallaby.
Look I found underneath.
I found some our B.
This is straight out of the show.
It's really, really like, Easy to eat.
Nicely marinated like a very mellow That's very, very light Marination in dodgy on.
And it has that after days of, like, just to Mommy show Mommy.
So I'm gonna try this really cute egg roll looking thing.
It's egg and fish.
Oh, thank you, Alma.
Really sweet.
Um, I well know what it's more like a sponge cake roll.
It's like, so decide for stealing a sweet category, right?
Like what?
And then, finally, I'm gonna just try This thing looks like a kind of like a plum, but it's green.
I've never had a green one before.
It's plum has it like a little bit sour nous.
But it has a little bit of sweetness to it, too.
So it's like, not really really that Yeah, it's almost like it's really, really fresh.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, good.
It's not like I was just thinking like the sour, sour punch to it, but not really.
That's our really.
It's the one that you put enough one.
All right, so basically, I think that's it.
We have so many more cool videos to comment this year.
He has, like this video help me out.
Hit that like button.
If you guys want to see what we're doing together in the new year and definitely check out our new channel Lincoln's Inn description if you want to What I'm doing on the daily, check out my instagram check out Michael's instagram and if you wanna help support our channels, check out the Japan merge and check on my YouTube channel.
Yeah, Thank you, guys.
So much for being a part of us all last year.
I appreciate all the support ready to start the new year, First day filming.
And you know this We get to share this lovely meal with the guys.
Thank you and catch you guys in the next one.