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films with child actors play with nostalgia and people's understanding of youth.
Stranger Things Home Alone We all hoped to relive the magic of innocents.
Films Air Also a great platform for talent searching.
Many dream of making it big in the show business, but some actually get to live that dream.
But what we don't know is that the child actors air living a nightmare behind the camera, something only Stephen King can think of.
Girls Air Force to follow strict diets Boys are asked to play dumb and many you're punished just for feeling burned out.
Disney is particularly strict imposing draconian rules and ours.
Here are some of the strict rules child actors have to follow on and offset to make it big in the industry.
Number one.
Kids don't get to pick their clothes as Children we loved and drink to star in movies and TV shows.
But for some, those dreams did come true much sooner than others.
To one of the reasons was the fancy dresses.
But sometimes the kid actors they're not told what the wear and what not to and showing skin is a sin.
The studio picks out the clothes for the actors.
But sometimes the studio wants the actors to stay on their character, even outside the studio.
In their everyday life.
The stylist from the studio work for the kids to keep their image the same outside the cinematic world to like guest appearances in ceremonies, et cetera.
To some, it might sound cool and fun, but not all kids want to dress up completely.
When going out to play in the ground.
It goes too extreme.
For example, Disney asks the actors to keep their nails short and clean, and no nail art is allowed.
That is a bummer for people who love nail art.
Miley Cyrus opened up about it, and since the time she was 11 the studio told her that she was a pop star, so she had a blond hair, wear makeup and have straight hair.
Female stars are often seen in baggy clothes to cover their developments.
In growing up this way, the networks try to control the kid's body choice and what they wear.
And to be very honest, that sounds problematic.
Now, if you look at the lifestyle like this, not so fun, would you want this lifestyle?
I think the fans would be surprised that it takes so long to make an episode that I don't think people realize how how long are ours often are number two purity.
Purity is totally a thing in the showbiz world.
Remember when Jonas Brothers had those purity rings to show that they were pure and would stay like that until they matched the love of their lives that did not age?
Well, it's no surprise that filmmakers air fascinated with youth films with Children, exploit people's memories of their own youthful experiences.
To keep the magic of innocents alive, child actors should follow strict rules and morality clauses.
When talented Vanessa Hudgens had her hot photos leaked, for instance, she was about to get fired.
The Jonas Brothers weren't even allowed to have anything in lyrics that would sound on pure.
A sexual lyric was always asked to be changed by the studio.
Doing something outside of the job isn't anyone's business, but young actors have it a lot different.
Many child actors, they're not allowed to experience the power of love alarmingly, according to vulture dot com, big networks like Disney asked their stars to date within the mouse family to keep their fake innocence.
So where Selena Gomez and Nick Jonas actually in love?
Number three Long work hours.
Although child labor laws are strict, child actors are often forced to work long hours.
Sometimes young kids have to work for more than eight hours, just like adults.
While ours are not limited, salary negotiations are kids and their parents have no say in the world of entertainment.
So it's no surprise that some actors get very little.
When Miley Cyrus started, she was one of the lowest paid child actors.
Yet Miley is worth $200 million now.
Miley Cyrus suffered from vitamin D deficiency in depression, so she asked for a sun lamp to compensate for the harsh studio environment.
Child actors.
They're living in a controlled chaos world, too.
In addition to the normal difficulties that mark, childhood actors have to follow strict rules on set, they sometimes even compete with other Children.
Some rolls impact their lives in the long term.
Many Children develop emotional and physical problems.
Oh, good, I'm very ski.
I weigh about £62 like when kids in my class way about 97.
So they out waving Bye about like £30 take you to write doing bulk you up.
Number four Network can own their acting career.
Children are scientists who love exploring the world and their surroundings.
However, many child actors air forced to grow up in limbo.
It is common that the studio owns the kid actors acting career, meaning after working for them and getting in a contract with them.
The kids weren't allowed to star in other projects or play any other part Disney is known for.
This is they don't want their kid actors to be seen in movies or shows other than their own.
Many Disney stars, for example, are forced to stay in the infamous house of mouse and decline other professional projects.
According to the gamer dot com voice actress Adriana Castle Eddie, the Voice of Snow White, couldn't appear anywhere at any point in the future.
They even have restrictions on their social media.
We know most Children have a mobile phone by the age of 10.
Child actors, however, have limited social media use, and guardians often run their social media too.
After all the studios reputation is at stake.
Did you want to go into the business or did your momma die?
I think would be a good thing for you.
How'd it happen?
Well, just kind of popped up.
Number five beards are not allowed No matter how talented a kid is, Child actors admit they're often undervalued by their coworkers and agents.
Child actors are AIDS in conveying perfection, innocents and sweetness.
No surprise Children in the film industry have no say.
For example, beards are a big no no in the infamous House amounts and boys are asked to shave daily.
Joe Jonas told Philly mag dot com.
I had to shave every day because they wanted me to pretend like I was 16 when I was 20 and ended up being some weird slapstick humor that only a 10 year old would laugh at.
I t clearly shows that the studio wants the audience to be attached to the same character forever and doesn't support character development with age.
Character development is the key component in the TV shows.
But as for studios like Disney, which shows and movies for the young audience, they don't want the characters to age, so they go to extreme lengths to keep the character in shape as it was four years ago.
The studios were very strict when it comes to controlling them.
Number six Education Not a priority Kid Actors have to choose between education and acting careers due to the high levels of stress, many child actors entering the world of work ignore their education.
There is, said education, which is often done during set in camera changes.
Balancing work and education simply adds more pressure, and many Children simply do not get real schooling.
Child actors have to suppress their own desires and hide the course of nature.
Therefore, many kids spiral out of control when they leave.
They're acting careers.
Others simply start trying things adults do to keep going.
Miley Cyrus, for instance, admits that she started drinking coffee early simply because starring in Hannah Montana was way too exhausting.
This shows that the high level of stress just keeps on adding on the kid's life.
And they're going to extreme lengths to keep going, sometimes having to even live the lives of adults.
When these actors clearly aren't, the industry forces them into the lifestyle.
But while many actors develop bad habits to cope with the film industry, smoke free films and shows are a must, especially for Disney, which is considered the royal family of the film industry.
Many actors they're forced to hide their personal vices from their fans.
The funny part is, according to many reports, that won't Disney himself smoked three packs a day.
Number seven Reality TV kids can suffer long term harms with the growing interest in reality television, child actors are becoming in demand.
However, reality TV often impacts Children, and many become targets of online bullying.
Social media child stars there, also exposed to negative comments in trolling and Children or not, is immune to online harassment.
As adults, it is widely known that Children are simply not as happy as they appear on TV number eight.
Media training.
While acting, allows child actors to learn new skills and make some money, they're still Children who need some guidance on how to live, act in the outside world and also how to act in front of the media.
Some studios, however, provide more than guidance.
According to many reports, networks pull the strings to make sure their employees keep their innocent image.
24 7 Media training is a must.
Children are taught how to deal with media.
A k a.
How to play dumb Cos not only tell Children how to dress on and off screen, but control the way they talk.
For example, although nobody can stop the course of nature, networks can stop child actors from revealing the fact they're growing up.
Shake it up, star Bella Thorne told Harper's Bazaar.
She was forced to get rid of her husky voice and keep a high pitch accent.
Being part of the Disney talent machine comes with lots of requirements and fake perfection.
Funnily enough, autograph training is also essential for many child actors, according to reports such as the gamer dot com, Miley Cyrus had to change your signature to make her fans happy simply because actors they're seen as a mere product of the entertainment machine that is actually ruthless from behavior by the studios.
These actors are humans, too, and have their personal lives.
Number nine swimming.
Having its win is like a cheat code.
If you're trying to make it big in the film and TV shows industry, it can help the kid actors playing the roles as they're pretty strict regulations designed to keep the kids safe on set and in the studios.
Twins can use this as an advantage.
For example, Twin brothers Dylan and Cole used it to their advantage.
You probably remember them from the timeless shows Suite Life of Zack and Cody, but except that both of them have worked together many times to play the same character as in the movie Big Daddy and in the Show Friends.
Once one kid's Time was up as before, the kids were only allowed to work four hours a day.
The other twin would change in the role of the character and make it seem like nothing has changed.
Dylan and Cole are not the only one who used this trick to their advantage.
Mary Kate Nationally, Olsen have used this trick of their advantage to in Full House.
It helps in putting long hours on set, but sometimes even that isn't enough.
As both twins would exceed the time limit, they were allowed on set, so another child instead of Marion Ashley was featured in many scenes, which didn't show close to the character Michelle, which Ashley and Mary were playing.
Alan Rickman once admitted the same thing happened on the set of Harry Potter many times.
This is our list of the strict rules for Hollywood child actors.
What do you think about the rules?
Are they too much for Children?
Tell us in the comments.
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