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  • - Welcome to "The Daily Show: Global Edition."

  • I'm Trevor Noah. Before we begin,

  • some news out of the Vatican City.

  • The pope has suggested to followers

  • that they give up Internet trolling for Lent.

  • (laughter)

  • And that-- that's such a specific instruction.

  • It makes me wonder if the pope is getting bullied, you know?

  • Someone's like, "What else is gonna say?"

  • "For Lent, we should also give up wedgie-ing the pope

  • "when you see him in the hallway.

  • Please, Benedict, stop it!"

  • All right, now here it is. this week's headlines.

  • Some good news from Afghanistan,

  • a phrase no one has ever said.

  • America's never-ending war with the Taliban

  • might finally be coming to an end.

  • - America's longest running war could finally come to an end.

  • Over the weekend, the United States signed a deal

  • with the Taliban to end the nearly two-decade conflict

  • that gripped Afghanistan in the aftermath

  • of the 9/11 attacks

  • and the subsequent U.S. invasion of the country.

  • The agreement lays out a time table

  • for the full withdrawal of U.S. and coalition troops

  • from Afghanistan within 14 months.

  • In exchange, the Taliban agreed

  • that it would not allow Afghan territory to be used

  • by any groups or individuals to plot future attacks

  • against the United States and its allies.

  • - This is a big deal.

  • The United States and the Taliban might have a deal.

  • And this is huge.

  • Besides Taylor Swift and Katy Perry,

  • this might be the biggest peace agreement of the century.

  • It's huge.

  • And after 20 years and $2 trillion,

  • you have to admit, that's a lot of lowered expectations, yeah?

  • No, 'cause America went in to Afghanistan like,

  • "We're taking out the Taliban

  • "and bringing in Western democracy

  • no matter how long it takes!"

  • And now America's like, "Uh, we're-- we're gonna leave.

  • Um, just, like, don't do another 9/11, okay?"

  • (laughter)

  • Now, the deal hasn't been concluded yet,

  • because there are still some things

  • that need to be worked out, which makes sense.

  • 'Cause if you think about it,

  • these two countries have been entwined

  • in a 20-year relationship, all right?

  • We all know it's hard to walk away

  • when you've spent that much time together.

  • So, America, let me...

  • let me give you some relationship tips.

  • (laughter and cheering)

  • First of all, America,

  • let me just say I'm-- I'm proud of you.

  • You've realized that you're in a toxic relationship

  • with Afghanistan and... and you're ready to get out.

  • Now I want to warn you, for a while,

  • there's-there's gonna be a part of you that wants to go back

  • and bomb them in the middle of the night,

  • but you stay strong.

  • And you remember, no matter what you think now,

  • there are plenty of other Middle Eastern countries

  • out there for you.

  • (cheering and applause)

  • The Democratic primaries.

  • If yesterday was Super Tuesday,

  • today is What the fuck Wednesday.

  • So let's catch up on the fallout

  • of the biggest voting night in the primaries

  • in another installment of "World War D."

  • (music and cheering)

  • Going into Super Tuesday,

  • the Democratic field had been narrowed down

  • to four main candidates,

  • which is a long way from the original 6,000.

  • And as the dust began to settle,

  • it became clear there were two winners and two losers.

  • Elizabeth Warren, one of the night's losers.

  • You see, she failed to pick up a single state.

  • And to add insult to injury,

  • in her home state of Massachusetts,

  • she came in third.

  • Yeah, which is pretty rough.

  • It's like if you came home to find your parents

  • had replaced you with another child.

  • Just be like, "Sorry, honey,

  • we'd like Joe Biden to be our daughter now."

  • But she wasn't the only one with a disappointing evening.

  • Yeah, another candidate who hit a low point

  • was Mike Bloomberg, former New York mayor

  • and best person to sit behind at a concert.

  • Because after spending the GDP of a small country

  • on his campaign,

  • his quest for the nomination ended in failure.

  • - We come in with this Fox News Alert.

  • Super Tuesday made for a super shake-up.

  • Democrat Mike Bloomberg today dropped out of the race

  • after his dismal showing last night.

  • - Yesterday was a disaster for Bloomberg.

  • He spent more than $500 million

  • and won only a few dozen delegates.

  • Last night, campaigning in Florida,

  • Bloomberg tried to sound upbeat.

  • - No matter how many delegates we win tonight,

  • we have done something no one else thought was possible.

  • (imitating Bloomberg) - That's right, we spent

  • half a billion dollars to absolutely eat shit.

  • (cheering and applause)

  • They said it couldn't be done, but we did it.

  • We did it.

  • (normal voice) I'm not gonna lie.

  • I still can't believe Mike Bloomberg

  • spent $500 million

  • to not be president.

  • No, like, I'm also not gonna be the president,

  • but I spent nothing, I... No, so, in a way,

  • I feel like I saved $500 million, you know?

  • (applause)

  • It really is. That's how I feel.

  • And the funny thing is-- the funny thing is,

  • right before he dropped out,

  • Bloomberg bought more TV airtime

  • that he doesn't need anymore.

  • But I was thinking, like, since he's already paid for it,

  • he should use it, right?

  • He should just come on TV and share his random thoughts.

  • (imitating Bloomberg) Hi, I'm Mike Bloomberg.

  • Have you ever noticed you've never seen birds having sex?

  • Kind of weird, huh?

  • Anyway, see you guys in the next ad break.

  • (cheering and applause)

  • He should just do that the whole time.

  • Now, the reason Bloomberg is dropping out now,

  • after just one bad night, is that-- you must remember--

  • he entered the race to be the moderate alternative

  • to Bernie Sanders.

  • But, last night, the voters were very clear

  • that they already know who they want

  • their moderate candidate to be.

  • - The night belonged to Joe Biden.

  • - They don't call it Super Tuesday for nothing!

  • (cheering and applause)

  • The former vice president with a massive comeback

  • on the biggest night of the primary so far.

  • - A fired-up Joe Biden celebrating his historic night,

  • racking up a string of commanding victories,

  • including a clean sweep of states in the South,

  • and a stunning win in delegate-rich Texas.

  • - The press and the pundits had declared the campaign dead!

  • Tell that to the folks in Virginia!

  • (cheering) North Carolina!

  • (cheering continues) Alabama!

  • Tennessee!

  • Oklahoma!

  • Arkansas!

  • Minnesota!

  • - Hey!

  • That's-- that's a Joe Biden we haven't seen in a while.

  • Look at him, huh? Smiling, full of energy,

  • naming states that actually exist.

  • No, 'cause let's be honest, let's be honest.

  • We were all waiting for him to give a shout-out

  • to "Pennsyl-chusetts"!

  • I'm serious.

  • I don't think I've seen Biden this happy

  • since that time Obama taught him how to ride a bike.

  • This has been a while. I mean...

  • And, of course, of course,

  • no Joe Biden speech would be complete

  • without a few moments where the Wi-Fi dropped out.

  • - It's a good night!

  • And it seems to be getting even better!

  • By the way, this is my little sister, Valerie.

  • - No. - And I'm Jill's husband.

  • Oh, no, they-- Oh, you switched on me.

  • This is my wife. This is my sister.

  • They switched on me. (laughter)

  • - No, Joe! Really?

  • Joe Biden called his sister his wife?

  • That's an awkward mistake.

  • And if you are gonna talk about your sister wife,

  • you should have done it sooner,

  • because then you could have won Utah.

  • (cheering and applause) Yeah.

  • Oh, and, by the way...

  • (imitating Bloomberg) Hi, I'm Mike Bloomberg.

  • I was thinking, how does a train turn around?

  • Anyway, see you guys next ad break.

  • (normal voice) Now, the sister wife thing

  • was just a silly gaffe that didn't derail the night.

  • What did cause a bit of concern

  • was when two protestors stormed the stage.

  • - During Biden's speech, protestors rushing the stage.

  • You see it there, coming within feet

  • of the former vice president

  • and Dr. Jill Biden, his wife.

  • One woman was swiftly removed

  • by the former vice president's body man.

  • Then, moments later, see it again.

  • A second protestor storming onto the stage.

  • - Symone Sanders, his senior advisor,

  • she just comes out of nowhere, - Look, she takes her out.

  • - Flies onstage and rips one of the protestors off.

  • - Dr. Jill Biden protecting her husband

  • by shoving off a protestor that was storming the stage.

  • Her response? "I'm a Philly girl."

  • - Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo! That... Jill Biden.

  • See that? Stepped in and blocked that protester

  • like a white lady Jackie Chan-- Bam!

  • I mean, I knew she was a doctor.

  • I just didn't know her PhD was in ass-whipping.

  • That was amazing.

  • And it wasn't just Biden's wife.

  • Yeah, his senior campaign advisor, Symone Sanders--

  • did you see that?

  • She handled that protester like a professional bodyguard.

  • Hell, Biden's got more women protecting him than T'Challa.

  • Like, he's just killing it out here.

  • No wonder he's winning the black vote.

  • So overall, overall, it was a good night for Biden.

  • But don't forget-- this contest is far from over.

  • Because this race is all about winning delegates, right?

  • Not just states, but delegates.

  • And even with his good night last night,

  • Biden is still basically neck and neck with Bernie

  • in the delegate count, all right?

  • And up until this point, these two have been

  • super friendly on the campaign trail.

  • Laughing, hugging at the debates.

  • But something tells me those days might be over.

  • - This morning, it's now a two-man race.

  • Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders

  • already sharpening his attacks against Biden.

  • - One of us in this race led the opposition

  • to the war in Iraq.

  • You're looking at him.

  • (applause and cheering)

  • Another candidate voted for the war in Iraq.

  • (booing and clamoring)

  • One of us has spent his entire life

  • fighting against cuts in Social Security,

  • and wanting to expand Social Security.

  • (applause and cheering)

  • Another candidate has been on the floor of the Senate

  • calling for cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid,

  • and veterans programs. (booing, clamoring)

  • (imitating Sanders) - That's right. One of us is a bitch-ass!

  • The other person is me!

  • (laughter and cheering)

  • You know who I'm talking about.

  • Spread the word.

  • (normal voice) Yeah, people, you can see.

  • The gloves are officially off.

  • The dentures are in. (laughter)

  • And things-- things are about to get messy between these two.

  • Not just because there's Vicks VapoRub everywhere.

  • No, because this is the homestretch

  • to find out who will be the Democratic nominee.

  • And, Bernie, if you're gonna attack Joe Biden,

  • I wish you the best of luck.

  • But remember not to get too close,

  • because then, you'll have to deal with Jill.

  • We'll be right back.

  • - Welcome back to "The Daily Show."

  • Let's talk about the coronavirus.

  • According to WebMD, you already have it.

  • Now, every day, we learn more

  • about how this virus is affecting the world.

  • So let's check in on the latest coronavirus news

  • in our ongoing segment, "Is This How We Die?"

  • (music and cheering)

  • Last week, we learned that coronavirus

  • has been making its way through Europe

  • like a trust fund kid on a gap year.

  • And after throwing Italy into chaos,

  • the next stop on the trip is Paris.

  • - Big changes in France today.

  • The number of cases there has nearly doubled to 100.

  • The government there

  • really taking some pretty extreme measures.

  • - The French government banned indoor public gatherings

  • of more than 5,000 people.

  • That led to the Louvre Museum shutting down.

  • - The health minister advising people

  • not to kiss or shake hands when meeting

  • as President Macron did days ago with Italy's leader.

  • - Oh, come on, Macron! You serious?

  • Italy's got corona,

  • and you're kissing their prime minister?

  • And it's not just one kiss. It's three.

  • That's three chances to get sick.

  • Yeah. You're just like, "Healthy. Mwah!

  • Healthy. Mwah! Dead. Mwah!"

  • (laughter)

  • And that's right.

  • The situation is getting so serious

  • that French people have been told

  • not to kiss each other hello, which must be hard.

  • That's like such an ingrained part of their culture.

  • You know, it's like telling New Yorkers

  • not to jack off on the subway.

  • That's how we say hello.

  • (laughter)

  • But these protocols make sense.

  • Right? Greeting people with physical contact

  • is not a good idea right now.

  • And black people are the only people

  • who are really prepared for this, you know?

  • Everyone else is, like, shaking hands with you,

  • but black people, like, we have many different ways

  • to greet each other, you know?

  • We've got the distant head nod, you know?

  • It's, like, that whole thing.

  • Yeah, you know, you just...

  • "You look sick. Stay over there."

  • You know?

  • And even when black people shake hands,

  • it's so complicated that by the end of it,

  • the virus is like, "Yo, you lost me on the second...

  • "I-I didn't... I didn't get that part.

  • "That... yeah, you-- you got me.

  • I don't-- I don't know what-- I'm out, I'm out."

  • (laughter)

  • Now, while France is only beginning to grapple

  • with how to contain the outbreak,

  • Korea is showing the world how it's done.

  • - Outside of China, South Korea has the most coronavirus cases.

  • They've come up with a new, innovative way

  • to test for the virus in the form of a drive-through.

  • - This is a free service

  • that the city of Goyang is offering anybody.

  • I just took the test, actually.

  • Vehicles come through here, and you get a questionnaire,

  • you get your hands sanitized,

  • and then you go through a number of stations here.

  • - Damn, Korea is advanced.

  • They've got drive-through testing?

  • And apparently, using this, they have screened

  • more than 100,000 people for coronavirus,

  • which is impressive and probably the first time

  • people going through a drive-through

  • are getting healthier.

  • But also, why isn't America doing this?

  • Right? This is the land of the drive-through.

  • Yeah, drive-through fast food, drive-through banks,

  • drive-through liquor stores.

  • I mean, when I'm in a rush,

  • I go to a drive-through therapist.

  • You know? It's just like, "Stop being sad."

  • "Thank you. Goodbye!"

  • (laughter)

  • And, look, whether it's drive-throughs

  • or something else, America needs to figure out

  • how it's going to deal with this pandemic,

  • because it turns out not only is coronavirus here in the U.S.

  • Apparently, it's been here for a while.

  • NEWSMAN: Over the weekend, health officials announced

  • new infections in Washington state, Oregon,

  • California, Illinois, New York,

  • Florida and Rhode Island.

  • - A state of emergency issued in Washington state,

  • where 13 patients have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

  • Researchers in Washington telling ABC News

  • their analysis of samples of the virus

  • strongly suggest it's been spreading in the state

  • for the past six weeks.

  • Yeah, that's right, people.

  • There's a chance coronavirus has been in America for weeks

  • and nobody realized it, yeah.

  • It's like at the end of a sports movie

  • where the coach is like, "Guys, what you've been looking for

  • "has been right here all along.

  • "See, the virus is in your lungs.

  • "You shouldn't be playing basketball.

  • You should be at the hospital."

  • But this is really scary, and so for more

  • on this health crisis and America's response,

  • we turn to our senior medical correspondent

  • Roy Wood Jr., everybody.

  • (cheering and applause)

  • Roy.

  • I... I gotta say, Roy,

  • this virus has everyone so stressed out.

  • I mean, I'm keeping this can of disinfectant around

  • to spray on everything.

  • What else can we do to stay safe?

  • - Stop, stop. Stop with that.

  • First of all, Trevor, don't panic.

  • The most important thing to do is wash your hands.

  • Just wash your hands. And don't rush.

  • You got to wash them for at least the length

  • of one verse of a Cardi B song.

  • Yeah, I wash the back, then wash the front

  • Girl, I make healthy movesYeah.

  • And another thing. Don't touch your face

  • 'cause you can make yourself sick.

  • And if you are sick, remember to stay...

  • (coughing) ...stay at home.

  • (laughter and applause)

  • (Roy clearing throat)

  • Wh-Wh-What?

  • - Did you just corona-cough in my face?

  • - No! Didn't cough in your face.

  • No, I just had some peanuts a minute ago.

  • They stuck in my throat.

  • (laughter)

  • - Okay, I'm... 'Cause I'm-- I'm watching you, Roy.

  • Don't-- don't make me sick.

  • - I'm good, man. Come on.

  • As I was saying, it's important not to panic.

  • Check on your elderly neighbors, make sure...

  • (coughing)

  • (laughter)

  • (coughing)

  • (laughter and applause)

  • (clears throat)

  • There's no need for concern.

  • What you need to...

  • (coughing)

  • - Ah, corona! Corona! Corona! - No! It's peanuts!

  • It's peanuts! - Corona! Get out of here!

  • Roy Wood Jr., everybody. We'll be right back.

  • - Welcome back to "The Daily Show," everybody.

  • My guest tonight is a lifelong civil rights advocate

  • for people with disabilities.

  • She's also the author of "Being Heumann:

  • An Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist,"

  • and she's featured in the upcoming Netflix documentary

  • "Crip Camp."

  • - People were not used to seeing

  • a whole lot of folks in wheelchairs.

  • And you had to back up. I mean, you had to back up

  • if you were on the wrong side in front of that young woman.

  • - The news watch never stops.

  • This is WINS.

  • - They were announcing, "Paraplegics stop traffic

  • in Manhattan." (horns honking)

  • - There were only 50 of us.

  • But, basically, with the one street,

  • we were able to shut the city down.

  • - Please welcome Judith Heumann!

  • (cheering and applause)

  • Welcome to the show.

  • Thank you so much for being here.

  • Can I just say, reading-- reading this book,

  • I expected to be impressed by it,

  • but I wasn't quite expected

  • for how much of a badass you would be.

  • Um, no, because you--

  • you don't just advocate for human rights

  • and-- and rights for people with disabilities,

  • but-- but you fight for them

  • and you fight for them with a passion.

  • Welcome to the show.

  • Before I get into my first question,

  • I guess what really blew my mind about your story

  • is that I, specifically, have taken for granted

  • so many things in life that I feel like were always there--

  • ramps, you know, for getting into stores,

  • uh, you know, ramps that help people

  • get into buses when traveling,

  • all-all measures that we put in place

  • to help everybody be part of society.

  • You lived in a world where that wasn't true,

  • and you fought to make those changes.

  • What was that world like before the world we live in today?

  • - So, I grew up in Brooklyn-- all of you from Brooklyn--

  • and, um... (cheering and applause)

  • At that time-- So, I was born in 1947.

  • I had polio in 1949.

  • There were no laws.

  • There were no federal laws that made it illegal

  • to discriminate against many people.

  • Obviously, the Civil Rights Act in the U.S.

  • didn't come about till 1964,

  • and as I got older, it became a bigger problem,

  • because the school in our neighborhood was not accessible.

  • My mother took me to that school, um-- P.S. 198.

  • At that time, it wasn't accessible.

  • After the laws came into being, in 1981, it was renovated.

  • The school became accessible.

  • But the principal denied me entrance into the school

  • because I couldn't walk,

  • and he said I could be a fire hazard.

  • - You know, as an able-bodied person,

  • I take so many things for granted.

  • We take things for granted where...

  • - I call you "non-disabled," actually.

  • - You call me "non-disabled"? Oh, I never know

  • which term it is, to be honest, because in the book--

  • - I call you "non-disabled" because we also, um...

  • Because the likelihood of you acquiring a disability,

  • uh, temporarily or permanently

  • is statistically very high, so...

  • - Did you just threaten me? - Yes. Definitely.

  • (laughter)

  • - Um... It-- it's been 30 years now

  • since the American Disabilities Act was passed.

  • Many would feel like everything has been done

  • and everyone has access to what they need.

  • What do you still feel needs to be improved,

  • specifically in the United States?

  • - So, I think in the United States and around the world

  • one of the big issues is that people with disabilities

  • need to feel proud of who we are.

  • Um, we need not to be ashamed of who we are.

  • We as disabled people and as allies--

  • like I know you are, 'cause you've done some great work

  • on your program, the mental health piece that you did

  • was fantastic, um... - Oh, thank you.

  • (applause and cheering)

  • - That's really, I think, what the objective is,

  • that we as disabled people need to band together,

  • speak out against depression-- oppression,

  • or discrimination against anyone,

  • and that needs to be the norm.

  • And, I want to just also say, you know, I live in D.C.

  • And, the Metro there, uh, some of the most frequent users

  • of the elevators are men and women

  • who have babies in baby carriages.

  • - Mm-hmm. - So, I think we really need

  • to also look at the kinds of accommodations

  • that theoretically have been made for disabled people

  • actually benefit so many other people.

  • - Oh, right, right.

  • - And, people don't even realize why they're there.

  • (applause and cheering)

  • - That's really beautiful.

  • I-- I honest-- I loved every part of your story

  • because of how fierce it is, because of how funny it is,

  • because of how interesting it is, because of how much

  • you learn-- I mean, I learned about stories

  • in and around the Disabilities Act, the story of America.

  • And I learned there was once a time in New York,

  • when there was no traffic on some streets.

  • So, thank you so much for being on the show.

  • I appreciate you so much for being here.

  • "Being Heumann," a beautiful tale from real life

  • is available now, and Netflix will feature

  • "Crip Camp" beginning March 25.

  • Judith Heumann, everybody! We'll be right back.

  • - Well, that's it for "The Daily Show: Global Edition."

  • But before we go, some really interesting news

  • out of Pakistan.

  • Due to a warming climate,

  • the country is facing an unusually large

  • infestation of locusts

  • that are utterly destroying crops.

  • And so in response, China offered to send Pakistan

  • a 100,000 ducks to eat the locusts.

  • (laughter) This is real.

  • And I'm not gonna lie, that's really cool.

  • Like, I didn't know that China can just send you

  • 100,000 animals or creatures or any--

  • Like, we should just tell them that we're being

  • invaded by bamboo so then maybe they'll send us

  • a 100,000 panda bears.

  • We'd be like, "Ha! We tricked you!

  • We just wanted hugs. Ahh!"

- Welcome to "The Daily Show: Global Edition."


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