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good evening, everyone.
And I'm saying good evening because I'm starting this vlog in the evening, which is actually really unlike me.
I have this weird thing where I can only start in the morning because I feel like I need toe start on the right foot when I've told you that our house is a madhouse.
In previous logs, I don't think I really knew the meaning of the words.
Because at the moment we have three men in my dressing room building that we have two painters.
We have plumbers, electricians, we have cows.
Sometimes we have carry.
And then we have us and to their babies.
So it's pretty.
It's pretty manic right now.
So I've had to wait all day until everyone has left.
And I mean, everyone has left.
Ali's going to the gym on Carrie's left on everyone's gone home on Dhe.
I decided I wanted to film this video, I think was a few months ago, but I've kind of had so much going on and so many bits and bobs happening that I've kind of put it off, but now feels like a good time to do it.
Basically, I wanted to give you a first look inside of my on suite bathroom.
It's my favorite bathroom in the whole house.
It's pretty much everyone's favorite bathroom in the whole house when they see it is one of those rooms that people walk into and they go, Wow, I didn't even realize it.
Maybe we'll do that.
But every time we showed people like around the corner, they go, Well, it is one of the rooms that we're really not gonna change much on, especially not any time soon, because it's just gonna be too much work on dhe.
We have so much else that we have to focus on like this bedroom.
So I thought I'd show you around, give you a little bit of a tour on dhe, show you what is going on in there basically and why it's my favorite bathroom.
Then I thought that I would also show you an evening kind of skincare routine and talk you through my kind of approach to skin care on DDE.
Things like that.
Andi, I also thought we could do a bit of a skin care de plata, but by the sounds things that's gonna be a really long video, so I might have to do the skin care de clutter.
Andi, like organization in another video?
Hopefully, no.
I'll let you know possible.
This could take three videos, to be perfectly honest with you.
Oh, hi, Louise.
Just come through the window.
I hope it.
Mommy talking.
Yeah, he did.
Good, girl.
You want some food?
She's coming here because we actually feed her in our own suite bathroom.
I think I showed on my instagram stories not long ago.
Some shots of skin care on my bathroom sink.
And there was also a pouch of Felix on dhe.
People were like, I love that there's a party.
Felix, look, she's gone in there.
She's looking for her food.
I'll have to go get that for her.
But basically, Lumi gets her food in here because lynxes began it, and he eats it.
Also, I'm gonna feed her on dhe.
Then we're gonna take a look around the bathroom.
So this is the entrance to our bathroom.
This is our on suite bathroom.
In it, it doesn't have a door, which some people find strange.
Allie and I, we're kind of used to it now.
so it doesn't really doesn't really faze us.
The tour also once mentioned the bottom hasn't been cleaned, so I'm really sorry about that.
It's cleaning day tomorrow, so if there's any sort of like water marks or makeup marks anywhere, that will be why.
But, hey, this is real life.
So as you come into the bathroom, I think the first thing that people notice is the tiles.
The tiles were just my most favorite thing about this room.
They're marble tiles on dhe.
They are just so beautiful.
And I felt so lucky to get a bathroom like this when we moved in, because it would cost so much for us to do this ourselves.
So the fact that really all this needs is some fresh kind of grouting on dhe, a different color on the walls, because I think that this is a bit too much of a warm grey for me.
I tend to go for cooler grays, and I think that the call a gray would look better with the tiles for me.
So that's the first thing that we noticed about this bathroom on.
Just fell in love with that.
I also really love the shutters.
It makes me want shutters in the whole house.
But we still undecided with that?
So as you come in, we got our lovely done.
L'm bathmat.
Andi, our shower is a really nice big shower is the perfect size.
We've got some e stop body cleanser on.
I'm currently trying some rahu, a shampoo and conditioner.
Basically, my botanical shampoo ran out and I got a teeny weeny bit of conditioner left.
So when these arrived, it's kind of perfect timing.
I've also got Mike's Foley ating there in there on dhe.
Then the rest is like some of Ali's stuff like that.
The barber club from Laurie Gelman, expert on then the shower shine stuff.
I would potentially, like Thio replace this door because round bottom, it's not really that nice, But I don't know whether that would ruin anything or, you know, I don't I don't want to do anything that will mess up the tiles.
Then over here, whilst gloomy is munching away.
We've got probably one of the biggest baths I've ever seen in my life.
It takes forever to fill this bathroom is ridiculous, but it's just so lovely and to be honest.
I don't use it as much as I probably should.
I'm just not really a bath person or that much like I have to really, really be like, exhausted or just struggling or ill if I'm having a box.
If you ever seen me having a bath to send me a hug, this cute little bath tray I got actually from Sainsbury's saying, every time where it's so good on this is like £15 this is adjustable as well.
So it means if you've got bigger bath or a small above, it kind of moves to fit on.
We've just got some therapy.
Celts on their on dhe, some job alone.
I haven't decided what to put in this jar yet, but I will find something, and then we have to off our wedding candles on the bath.
I've never been so glad that we did something in all my life.
These candles are scattered all throughout our house.
I never burn them because I couldn't possibly do something silly like that.
But just seeing them reminds me all the time of our wedding day.
And then there's also more Jo Malone stuff over here, and it's just kind of like a really cute little relaxation space that I probably don't use enough.
Then there's me, Hi, guys.
Then we come over to this area and I'm not gonna lie.
I feel like this should have been a his and her sink on.
Someone made a really lovely comment on one of my videos, but they said that for Ally's birthday, I should have that put in.
That's a lovely idea, and one day when I can get that past him, I will try and get that done.
But so far, this is really, really helpful.
This is Allie side of Toiletries on This Is My Side of Toiletries.
Now the elephant in the room here is this huge bag.
This is the stuff I want to organize with you on feed in and also like, kind of talking through stuff.
There's more back there as well.
There's just there's just so much on.
I have to kind of go through on organized things on dhe, take things that may be a bit old and need to bend things I don't use things I didn't get on with.
They get kind of phased out on DDE.
Moved on, basically, either into my giveaway box or they go to charity or they go in the bin if they're especially there on that This little countertop, Allie and I went to John Lewis the other day and we picked up loads a little bits from their marble collection.
They got, like, this marble bathroom collection.
So we got two of these.
This one has Ethan hand site in it, and this one has a molten brown body cream in it.
Because when I got out the shower, sometimes I just want to throw in a quick body cream on.
This one is lovely.
This is a little toothbrush organizer that we also got from the same collection.
This is a game changer because this gray surface, it's like gray stone surface.
When you put your toothbrush down, it gets a white ring around it.
No matter how much you rinse your toothbrush off.
So we pick this up and it is a game changer.
We've just so happy with that here.
We've got one of these light up light thing he's from I think I got a phone call Beauty.
We've got some e stop mouthwash with which is amazing.
I love it.
I think these air in here because of a photo shoot that we did on Dive just never taken Max.
They look quite nice on my cotton job stuff.
My compact, Jarvis's from John Lewis as well, Big mirror.
The toilet area is well here.
We have some various fragrances that we have some job alone line basil on Mandarin, which is one of my favorites.
We've also got the top host who drops, which I love, and I've actually made my own.
I'm just using Cem Flora on Dhe brought some little pets off of Amazon so I can have different fragrances to pop in the toilet.
I also got a marble toilet brush as well, which is down there that you can't really see.
It's just next to that little thing on dhe.
Then I don't know where the lights are from, and I don't know where the big mirror is from.
Unfortunately, because they were just here when we when we moved in, s so that's a little bit of a tour of my bathroom s o.
Now, I thought that we could possibly go through a bit of a skin carry Tina Bevan Evening one and just talking through some products that I'm using at the moment.
And then afterwards we have the skin care, and then we could do some organizing.
First things first.
Let's talk about my skin so my skin is very, very weird.
I'm massively affected by my time of the month, both both emotionally on dhe, physically on my skin.
I recently came off the pill actions, not recently from about seven months going now on DDE.
What happens before my time of the month is I'll get it a random, quite aggressive breakout, which you might notice around here.
I've got some red patches.
That is, the remained ear's off.
What happened on D.
That's generally what I get is just kind of one area where more then it just dies down on my skin will get oily sweat a lot easier, like my body temperature rises so much.
This is all just a physical effects.
I'll probably get into the emotional effects another time on dhe once the moment that I start my periods and all of a sudden I would have been experiencing a few of the signs.
My body temperature will rise suddenly So I was reading my book the other night and all of a sudden my body temperature through the roof, and then I called down on all of my symptoms off.
My time of month just disappeared on my moves, my skin calm down on actually.
From there, my skin goes dry, so I kind of have to have skin cancer that seems to different types of skin a lot of time.
But I also really just enjoy trying different products of skin care as well.
So that's kind of a little bit about me personally.
And what affects me to give you a peek into this drawer in this drawer is kind of like the bit that I'll just tend to, like, grab and use and reach for on a day to day basis, just as a little f y I as well.
Sometimes when I'm working on products, you aren't allowed to see them before I start working on them.
So I've had to go through all of this and remove all of the products that are embargoed and under nd a.
So sometimes you might not see things on DDE.
That is because there's obviously a lot of legal legislation around beauty of the moment.
But in this drawer is kind of all of the bits and bobs that I'm kind of trying playing around with my love for my friends today.
I'm just using the animus Biotech skin energizing cleanser.
Now, you would have seen this before my channel.
I finished my loyal flying flowers one on.
You know, I love that.
I just decided to go back to this.
I haven't been able to use this when my damaged scientist was bad because it did flare up.
But now it's just perfectly fine with my skin, like no problems whatsoever.
I'm gonna be using this with my for a O unit to this.
I use this probably three times a week.
Now I've kind of build up.
I saw it, too.
And now I'm using about three times a week.
I can't give you a little bit about this.
That this actually isn't about this product is actually about the new Ferrero UFO.
But I'm gonna get that when I get to my mask.
This made me interested in this because I have been sent quite a beauty like these little Luna Place.
They're looking around in each other, believe and I've never really tried them on.
And quite honestly, I was a little bit like gimmicky.
I just I didn't think I needed it in my life.
And this is the good thing about Carrie, because Carrie go through like, my beauty box, and she'll find things in there.
I used things that she's been really looking forward to using.
And she got one of these and she got a sensitive one, which is this one on dhe.
She was like media, Just trust me on this.
It is so good.
And I was like, Carrie's not gonna like me.
Let you, Scott, No reason to lie like Okay, okay.
Carrie likes it nine times out of 10.
I like it.
She told me about Becker under right now.
I love it, so I started using it, and now I love it.
I just charge it when I tried to my toothbrush.
So it's no extra fast whatsoever.
Just in the same places.
Charge it on.
I'll use it three times a week.
I love using it before, like, I have a big day or something like that because it just makes my skin so must clean.
So smooth.
I even took this with me to Florence because I actually didn't want to know you've it for a week, even though it would have added to my baggage announce I didn't care.
So I'm getting really, really well with this.
Use it with my friends.
So I do want plans with this, and then I do another plans and use this just kind of, like, finish everything up.
So that's what I'm gonna be using today.
My cleanse, because I'm gonna be masking.
I'm not gonna use anything like my beloved liquid Gold because I'm kind of focusing on the masked here rather than the resurfacing.
Just go ahead and use the hasty, oaky 10 Tony instead.
Then, once I've done that, I'm going to use the four of us again Again.
One of these products are Where do I need that?
Like I I love masking like I love doing mosque on my face.
But I don't feel that I do them in find sheet masks sometimes a little bit of a fast, like getting them all in my face, and I pressed it.
I mean, I love him, but I do find them a little bit.
I was like, Is this gonna work for me?
Do I need this little thing that, like, heats up my face on Dhe?
Obviously, the answer is yes.
I lot This is so, so good.
Now, the Ferrero UFO comes with so many different masks.
It's ridiculous.
I've actually kept the boxes of these just to show you, But I already used a couple of the glow addict enhanced.
Frightening, obviously, because it's infused with pearl.
But these are a few of my favorites that I've got out.
So I got to call it a night.
This is just a really nice thing to do before bed on dhe.
Then I also really like the youth junkie as well, because it's got collagen in and girls 30.
So, yeah, I'm just gonna leave that there because true to form, I'm just gonna go with my globe addict favorite.
So I'm gonna get cracking with these, and then I'm going Thio, have a little pick of one.
Better put on afterwards.
Just see how my skin's feeling on dhe.
Get an idea of what I think that it needs tonight.
So busy I don't have a full face of makeup.
So I don't have to do too much for a bagel, my eyes or anything like that.
But I do have my C C serum on some of the Becker under I highlight.
It's probably gonna do me good, thio.
Especially things.
It's been a dirty day.
Well, we got the gym back downstairs on DDE.
It was disgusting down there.
So it's like, you know, I've been cleaning.
Done, so Yeah, I need to the I didn't wet my face a little bit on here.
Okay, I just kind of into you.
Listen up over the data plan one done.
Obviously this video is in partnership with parade.
They haven't asked me doing things that's in my video.
I think, really, it's because I want because I actually really like it.
So I mean, it makes sense when I'm doing my thing, everything to show you what I, um actually using at the moment.
So I just pop it on and it tells you how long to you keep on each cheek?
So just massaging away in circular motions.
That's that done.
So go thio this cheek.
So this is kind of like a quick, easy way to Moss.
That's basically the best way that I could describe it because you could be done in 90 seconds.
You can carry on the treatment for as long as you want, and I always always press on me because it partners with my phone and it says, Do you want to repeat the treatment?
And I'm like, Yes, on They describe it as like a luxury facial home, but for me it does add a little bit more something to my Pam possession because it heats up, have a little massage to it.
So it doesn't actually make your little masking session that little bit more special.
You do feel like the products are getting into your skin a little bit better.
So what I'm going to do is open up mine mask on DDE What you do it comes.
I'm so short.
I thought it was gonna be like put up to you, like, squirted into it or something.
But basically, you lay the product onto the desk on dhe me around.
Everyone is texting me this evening.
I don't know why and by everyone I mean carrying Callum.
So yeah, so everyone, because there was so much blood is on your phone.
I keep one in my extras folder.
They asked you to scan the bar code on the back off the mark by doing that just gives you all of the right settings for particular mask.
So I scanned that, and then it told me to secure them off.
Stop treatment.
See, A smile is from my feet up, and that is probably one of my favorite things about warming up my skin like that.
It was, except says the green light helps even skin tone as well.
But the heat of this is just so nice again.
Still really nice warm my skin on dhe just super evening.
And it plays lovely little star music as well.
So now the treatment is complete.
See, I always repeat the treatment, so wait and you can either let that soak in a war.
You can kind of like massage in yourself, but your mind's already started settling into my skin.
So I'm just gonna let it do that.
Go get myself a glass of water and then finished off my skin.
So one glass of water on a battery charge later, I'm back to finish off.
And I think that I wasn't really yet.
My mask the second to my skin.
Now big on to the next step and take one of my little cotton paths e don't kill things on.
I'm going to pop some of the Indian eternal on.
Just swiped there over my face and neck for I must I'm using something a little bit different tonight.
This is one I used probably once a week I've seen all over Instagram.
This is the Summer Fridays from Marianne Hewitt, but for really luxurious and intensely hydrating mask I I love it.
So I put this on before any of the other products on my skin just to create a barrier so I don't get those slightly stronger products on my area on I just is so, like, thick and lovely.
Then I'm going to use this.
This is the Sunday Riley.
Juno, what needs this?
But I had to use this before.
This is This gives you an obsession with low while supplying restorative, cold, pressed to see antioxidant.
So this is gonna be nice nourishing on grains fall So off my land let women because I enjoy it.
I think I'm just gonna use a little bit of the harmonic cream.
A glow on moisturizing balm.
It's Nick.
But not to think this is a new one.
Yeah, it's a lot like I was gonna go with Emma, but I think I'm gonna go with this one.
It's just a little bit lighter rule about the glow.
So anyway, that's this skin care done.
I do really want to do a little bit of organization because Alan E really hates this bag of skin hair.
We don't have enough storage for this big I would like to have.
So hey, he made me sort out would be quite route, which is good.
So as mentioned, this is like the bit of everything drawer on.
This needs a massive clear out just coming back.
The products that I've used this evening, these aerial 19 clean.
Now, on DDE something I think I'm going to start off by sorting this drawer out on dhe, trying as best as I can to feed things into these drawers.
Eso I keep like all my masks and treatment's kind of here thes air lip products of sea tampax on dhe, some of the facial wipes in this one again.
I've got Cem treatments and some soaps I got when I was in Florence.
Moisturizes some like cleansers and toners.
Thes are awesome.
That's a moisturizer That being there thes air some more like oils.
Andi treatment, but draw out my unit.
I'm gonna sell off by somebody living this.
Go into my dressing room.
There's just so much thought things into piles on, then hopefully I'll have to file them away.
Withdraw now.
So this is all empty.
I've given it a white down.
I think these marks were here before I was in this house.
I kind of sorted things out into body care stuff that just shouldn't be body care lipstick and just load this up.
It just shouldn't be in this drawer.
Doesn't live here.
Um, eyes.
These are things to go in the beauty giveaway box.
It's just things that maybe I don't get on with.
So well, I didn't really get on with the tattoo.
Harper cleanser just wasn't the right kind of cleanser for me.
So But obviously loves so many other things from the brand as well.
So now basically, it's about sorting things that I'm gonna need fairly easily on a daily basis into this draw on, then filing everything away.
To be honest with you, that wasn't that hard.
So now all of this stuff could be, like, filed away on.
This is the stuff that I know that I'll probably be using quite a bit off at the moment.
So yeah, that's that Easy wait feel waken made this moment.
Let's just these These are lenses I love, but don't necessary keeping it when I do check here I have a lot of ice is that I like key in stock, right?
Everything is organized now.
It doesn't look like actually, funnily enough, it really doesn't look like it.
But then this is not to be filed.
I've had a good organized off in here.
Looks like colorful and clean and shiny.
Really excited to try this as well.
I love magnesium like creams.
I just love them.
I went I broke actually broke my last one.
So I'm gonna use this tonight.
Hopefully get a good night's sleep.
So let's sort through all of this.
Get it all away on dhe.
Um, yeah, that's pretty good organization.
I would say Theo, this'll area is now clear.
My bin is very full.
This'll is the drawer.
So it's still not like organized, organized But it's got the things I want to like, try the things that I'm using at the moment.
Then here with things have got Tampax hanging out and last is mosques on lip products.
Oh, Oh, no.
This is one thing I hate in this drawer.
We've got a lot of stock items, So SPF items tattoo, Harper rejuvenate or actually, no, I didn't get on with that product.
The tattoo Harper illuminating moisturize that you have seen in my BT box is a Sunday Riley.
But Perry Elizabeth Arden heals all of the good stuff.
This stuff I'm going to load into this big yoke bag on.
I'm gonna take it around the house to the various places that it needs to be stored.
I always drink Valley that I need a handbag to go around the house.
Thio drop things off, and that is exactly what I'm doing today.
He's also gonna come with me and go back to my current dressing room.
So that is it for this block style bathroom tall organization on Dhe Beatty routine Basically I now started tired because it's getting on.
So I'm going toe, get rid of one of the rubbish bin and go and chill before going to bed.
If you are wanting to shop any of the items I've used in my skin care routine, including both the Ferrero lunar too and also the Ferrero UFO I will have linked to where you can shove them in the description box down below.
As well as all of the products are used on my face, I'm not gonna live for We're the ones I've mentioned throughout this video because I will never get a video.
But yeah, so I hope you enjoy this video on.
If you did, please give it a thumbs up on Dhe.
I will happily see you in my next video.