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I like Let you might puke.
I think you should keep it.
Hey, what's going on?
For first we feast on Shaun Evans and you're watching hot ones.
It's the show with hot questions, even hotter wings.
And today I'm joined by the patron saint of hot ones, Alexa Chung.
Camera one Camera two.
You know where is one of the fashion world's power players from her books, TV shows and self named clothing line.
But how does she handle are scorching hot chicken wings?
We'll find out today.
Welcome to the show.
Thank you.
Thanks for having me before we start.
If you allow me to gush for a second, sure.
Without Alexa Chung, there would be no hop.
Yes, so our creator, producer Chris Schoenberger, over there.
I know it's a big day for him.
He's wearing his nice shirt.
Oh, that's great.
I'm wearing my casual smoke dress from the 18 hundreds.
He was a big fan of your off beat pop world interviews, and even the name Hot Ones is kind of inspired big ones.
And then you've been a white whale of ours since we started.
The show took us two years to get you in the seat at the risk of just emptying a full clip into my foot before the interview even starts.
Have you ever heard of this thing?
I have fire Bianca.
Who's my publicist?
If that sounds, Wanke apologized.
Something's just gonna have them on Dhe, she said.
There was this thing going on and it was really cool and funny on loosely based on this situation that used to do on television in Britain.
Justus, we did with your countrymen Russell Brand and Ricky Gervase.
We're doing vegan nuggets today.
You ready?
Get going.
I am this.
Do this going away.
Have you got your little napkin that?
I suppose we can't do that cause of Mike's.
I'll put it here.
Fine, Joe.
So I want to start by taking it back to channel for naturally with Pop World.
Because that show, much like this show, seemed to be designed toe knock them out of their celebrity media training.
Yes, you know, when that's the conceit, it can either go really good.
You can either catch that track or it can go flying off the rails.
Yeah, we played a game called scraping the barrel with Amy Winehouse or I.
P, who is obviously a legendary icon.
And I absolutely loved her at the time.
And lovers still, but I suppose way were probably complicity in part for downfall, which was to mock someone that's like, on their ass, essentially.
So I really regret playing, scraping that we were like, What will she do to do this?
We'll get to scrape a barrel.
She literally had a pint of whiskey behind the thing, but anyway, she was great.
I should say she really funny.
I remember this really witty, like, just on it.
A good one would be was his Navy things and I would do in thing meatloaf.
He was great.
I asked him for some money and he gave me someone that I actually kept.
It was like a New York rich.
Could you lend me a tenor?
And he's like, Yeah, And then throughout the interview, wise ass for another tenner.
And he just kept giving me money.
And then you forgot to get it back.
And I was like, like, flush at the pub later, Like me, Love gave me some cash.
Um, most days.
How far did he believes Begin.
I've seen someone crying.
Kara, she cry?
Uh, yeah, she had a hard time, but she made it through.
Okay, so you lived a pretty transatlantic lifestyle since you moved to New York in 2009.
And the Alexa Chung Effect seems to be equally strong in London in New York, but not exactly the same.
So is someone who has a foot in both worlds, but I want to do is settled some age old debates saw give you a category and you can tell me which city reigns supreme.
Does that sound?
Perfect public transportation.
E both bad on the New York subway is great.
But then you wait on the platform 12 minutes and they don't really tell you on one's coming along in England.
Least you know where you stand.
It's like, one minute away, two seconds away.
Going to places that have funny names such as Cock Foster's.
Where is the better style?
I think there's a room for a reverence on dhe quirkiness in Britain, or it's expected and celebrated when people are eccentric.
This is going back from, like, you know, fucking King George or something people like it when you're a bit weird, whereas in America there's safety in uniformity.
It's still interesting over here, but it may be a bit slicker, whereas you get fewer looks for dressing like a freak when you're walking around in London.
Food America hands down or New York specifically in England, it's like Shepherd's pie.
And, like, really old timey things, they're all the same foods.
It's just potato based beige stuff on a plate.
Where are the prep locations?
Better London for now.
Allison, have you been to English?
Yes, I have English press.
So much false period American press.
But what's up with the dining built in price?
You know, like when I'm at the front, they charge me Maur.
Tonto, Eat.
It is a privilege, my friend.
You want to stand outside?
Walking along with it, going down your chin and you want to sit at the table?
You're gonna pay some more money for that.
But if I go to Brett downstairs and I want to eat in, they don't bake in a cost.
But maybe they're putting the cost somewhere else.
Maybe they're charging you for some extra mayonnaise or something.
So this next one is the secret art bark.
It's out of Portland.
You can tell because they're all works.
Kind of better.
Like they've had a bit more We'd like.
They're like, you know, be cool.
He should have his nose like is in the bottle.
Yeah, at school.
It's crystal Louisiana.
All uptight.
We're on time.
Okay, fun.
So you talked about already?
You jumped the pond in 2009?
Tau host MTV s.
It's on with Alexa Chung.
See, now I could see it coming when they said they were gonna call it that I was like, Don't call it that because there's an obvious pun that's gonna happen when this is inevitably canceled, which is subsequently Waas.
I got fired, and then it was it was off with Alexis.
I was like by friends and everyone I love family, et cetera.
I'm going to America to make it.
And then I got here.
I had no friends.
I literally not one friend.
They rebuilt this Brooklyn apartment to represent mine, which didn't say on.
They wanted me to talk about what I was doing every day.
But I know what I'm doing every day is receiving the script.
It MBM learning it in bed, getting up at six, coming back here and having a nervy B on.
The other thing was, I refused to buy a television, which was a big bone of contention.
So I never really knew who was all like there was There would be interviewing, like, 16 and pregnant people.
Or, like Bradley Cooper before Bradley people was Bradley Cooper.
You know who is this guy?
And they were like, he's on a thing called the hangover, and I'd like to sound terrible.
Okay, Bradley, you know, So there was a lot of that.
Unsurprisingly, they decided tow, curtail the action.
Scotch bonnet.
Have you ever shit yourself?
Just saying here so far, it goes right through me.
The other thing was on my MTV show.
We used to be Barone is a recurring guest because he wasn't like a big deal.
You know, you had heavy hitters left and right.
Yeah, entire bags.
Kim Kardashian.
Yeah, I guess they weren't really like, Well, Bieber was on the verge of, you know, tilting into being wasted.
We used to call him hug Boy, because whenever it's the same you used to give me a side heart.
Come with us, kid.
That's crazy.
And then years later is interviewing him on the Golden Globes.
Red carpet was doing.
That thing went terribly on dhe.
He was being too cool for me.
Excuse me, homeboy.
You're being a little too cool for May.
We used to be, but easy.
And, you know I'm sorry.
Yeah, that was funny.
I don't want to tell this.
Is this edited or is it just wrong?
This is gonna cut into a nice little out.
22 minute up.
Can I tell the Golden Globes story to just really clear up once and for all?
I think you should So hosted the Golden Globes.
Red carpet was after my MTV show was no more.
And I was just, like, literally this.
At my age, it was like we've got a job for you.
They want you to host the Golden Globes.
Red carpet on a live red carpet.
Situation is kind of anyone's worst nightmare.
They'll be like, Okay.
Got Angeline Jolie.
Angelina Jolie.
Sorry, Angelina.
And you just feel like a piece of shit.
They don't want to talk to you.
You're like you're literally like I'm a piece of shit.
It's awful.
And then, you know, in life TV, you often have to fill to make up the minutes.
I hear them panicking about what they're gonna do and they decide.
All right, Carson.
Throw it to Alexa.
Alexa, we're gonna run down with some idiot boards, which is like the board with words written on the light.
Speak about the pink dress and you're like a pink dress.
So I'm live.
I'm talking.
I see this flash card.
It says speak about Olivia Wilde's dress.
I'm like Olivia Wilde, another person that really beautiful tonight.
There she wasin a gorgeous gown.
Huge skirt.
So large, in fact, you could probably smuggle three humans in under that thing I said, humans, they heard Cubans cut my feet.
They're like, overto over to Carson.
I was like, Wait, what?
They're like mission d miking me.
No one really said by It was like a super weird.
They let me do the salute goodbye to the floating camera and then everyone sort of like just like I was like, Wait, what if I said it also had arrived there in like a chauffeur driven car.
And on the way back, my friend Tennessee pick me up in a Volvo like a tree.
She was like Boop boop!
Get in.
I was like, I don't know what's happened.
It's really weird, like what you're wearing, like a wave looking Chanel gown like, but I'm real with and in the paper the next day they were like, Who was that girl hosting that thing?
Firstly, it was really weird.
Two, she said.
You could smuggle Cubans into the, but he didn't say and basically got, like, blacklisted from any live hosting gig.
You may join souls.
Yes, we did.
How much does it retail for?
It retails for $12 at Heat.
I thank you for the thank you for the tie in.
I appreciate it.
I've subsequently made a career out of doing very subtle branding opportunities.
All right, So, Alexis, we have recurring segment on her show called Explain That Grammar.
Do a deep dive on our guest Instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context.
So what I'll do is I'll bust out the laptop, I'll show you the picture, and then you just tell me the bigger story.
Does that sound good?
Yeah, I was told about this.
And then I was in the shower this morning, and then I thought of a really obvious pun.
Um, I've got it now.
What was that?
You need to call it that You had a better name for a 2nd 100% Sorry.
What was it?
A laptop, please.
It's a very slick operation.
Thank you.
Things first.
Larry, David, Larry, David, smooching votive.
Went to an eagle's gig in L.
To see the Eagles.
Just just there for the refreshments.
Andi, I was queuing up for the bathroom, which is a very curb situation to find Larry, David, my friend Remy and I were like, Let's ask Larry David photo.
I never do this problem.
Nick Cave the other day on Dhe, he was kind of grumpy about it.
But then in the photo, we started kissing him.
And then he was happy turning the tables.
So what's really weird about my life is I'm either really famous or not at all.
So if I go into top shop, for example, it's like fucking Beatlemania.
But if I am just anywhere else, everyone's like who, and there's always this embarrassing moment where a around 16 year old girl might recognize me.
But I only got and then sometimes shape and cry and be weird.
And the mom, almost every time is like, Who Who is it?
Who is it?
Who are you?
What do you do?
And then I'm like, It's really hard to explain, right?
I don't like that either would be knowing.
What do you do?
I'm like, I don't know why she's crying.
It could be one of anything.
It could be that I once met Harry Styles.
I don't really know what she's freaking out about.
One more for you, Poppy and Kara Sandwich.
So Glass.
Embry is this magical land in England when you find people in this field, which is when it's directed like one of the largest like towns in the UK, you're like, gloriously happy to happen upon anyone that you recognize.
It's not like foaming at the mouth and like wearing looks of hi di psychedelic, although Cartoon really is wearing a Titleist raincoat, her outsides of matching her insides in that moment, I have known Poppy since I was a teenager.
I used to model together, and Kara was always her little sister.
And then she's, you know, growing up to be Cardell Levin, Hot Ones Legend.
What's her name, huh?
Yeah, we're going for some dirty dicks the second time today.
I felt like someone did me a favor and didn't put as much on mine.
Maybe I wouldn't put it past Chris there.
He's beaming.
Today, it's on your future fashion Web series for Vogue.
Delve into some of the aspects of fashion that don't get talked about a lot.
As someone who's been in the soup since you were 16 years old.
What's one thing that really is as bad in the fashion world as everyone says It is Tokyo's being creepy photographers being created.
There's always just a little bit of a weird transaction.
Maybe it can not be because you're being observed and captured for a purely visual asset, and then they're the ones doing it's that power dynamic is always gonna be weird because they like your beautiful It is like the language they talked like Yeah, that's good.
Yeah, like that, Yeah, I mean, it just can't not be Well, it's just a little bit with Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah.
Just go right in, Right.
That's mean.
Because you like LOL else into a false sense of security and a boom.
But then, what's the alternative?
Alexa, would you rather I start cranking it up early?
No, no.
Oh, my God is like fucking crazy.
This is worrying because this is killing me.
And the next one's called quote unquote beyond insanity.
So you wrote a weekly column for the Independent in 2008 to believe that you should write a fucking weekly column on my life and hosted daily talk show on design clothes made well, then wrote a great Kate Upton profile that describes her and I quote epic breasts has bean on both sides of the coin as a subject and as a writer made you more empathetic to either side.
Um, it I can't see my tongue calm form words, right, Right.
That's the show.
That's the show I interviewed Emma Stone for doing name drop.
No, it was my job.
It wasn't like hang out, which is that story.
So I interviewed her and we went to this museum of cure steal something in Brooklyn where you can like, dissect mice and learn about the Titanic.
Lots of different mysteries on dhe on.
And she's amazing.
And so I thought we were, like, literally best buds.
By the end of the day, I was like, I missed my best friend on that.
I saw her another time.
I was like, I was like, Hi, But like that thing, you know, even an Oscar winning actress.
Like, fake knowing May I was like, Fuck, I guess you're right.
The back.
Yeah, I'm just using that as like a boss.
My tongue?
So I know that you're all about the music, but you obviously have a discerning eye when it comes to festival style.
You once described the crowd at glass.
Danbury is being a field full of experts and layering and practicality.
So done is we've pulled some crowd shots from some of the biggest music festivals.
I'll show you the picture, and then I have a style question for each image.
Does that sound good?
Laptop, please.
How you doing, Alexa?
My mouth said a spice prison.
Uh huh.
Is so bad.
All right, First things first.
This is from gathering of the Juggalos So if you're a designer seeking inspiration, what do you get out of this crew?
I've seen that look, men tree, uh, wouldn't go away of us.
It has 1/2 life, Alexa.
It has.
Ah, as bad as you're feeling now is the worst it's gonna be.
Well, I've seen this documentary.
They all dress like shit.
I'm getting nothing from this Coachella.
Now, you're very generous when it comes to other people's style.
But is it safe to say that Coachella is the music festival with the highest percentage of brick outfits?
Okay, listen, um I don't know.
They made it two weekends.
The employees on commercial game over artistry.
It tipped.
And then we got more people, huh?
I don't know what happened.
Therefore, dresses like shit thesis from Burning man.
What's your position on accessorizing with Victorian era antique car?
I had a seven point argument, actually, during the Burning Man weekend when I was in and I was like, you going to burning man?
I had pulled it down.
I've not forgotten the arguments.
My tongue feels like it literally this integrated.
Do you think I'll die like, what's the worst thing that can happen you will not die, you will not die.
If I do, I would feel horrible about that.
And it would take.
You know, I don't think I could continue the show.
Yeah, so this one is Blair's mega death sauce with liquid rage about Pete.
How about just a little bit?
Just a tip.
Once said that deejay.
And for Lagerfeld, isn't fashion terms like being asked to entertain God?
So when you get booked to play, say, a Fendi party at Fashion Week, what's the process like for preparing for this?
So I burned all my CDs and I picked out play this and I went on, and then Kate Moss came over.
It was like, Hi, I'm Kate Moss.
I was like, Hi, nice to me.
And she said, Arrange for someone else.
Take really bad teacher.
Getting fined.
Understood, too.
That particular party you speak off lasted about six minutes.
Alright, Alexa, you get to dispense your own one of them.
It's funny that you say that this is the last Daph.
We call it the last DAB because it's tradition around here to put a little extra on the last wing.
You don't have to if you don't want Thio.
Alexa, I have to.
How you feeling?
Is it worse than you thought it would be so much worse?
You're kind of like semi responsible for all this.
You know, I like little people, which I think you should keep it.
Who's been the biggest pussy?
CJ callate by miles.
He tapped after three d.
It topped out all votes every season will just shuffle in new hot sauces.
But the third wing equivalent.
Well, wow, wow Sauce.
Was annoyed me for ages.
I was like I was cooking for the bake it.
All right.
Cheers, Lexan.
They're smart.
Alexa Chung, now that you've gone through 10 vegan nuggets, run the board back against the ropes, but still resilient enough to stay in your seat and not projectile vomit.
I have one more question for you and we're pulling a page out of the Alexa Chung playbook.
I want to take a wing to go down some completely made up fan questions which, in this case, may or may not be recycled from some of your own celebrity interviews through the years.
Does that sound good?
All right, up first Would you rather have a receding ally or a proceeding?
I couldn't get over that one when we wrote it.
Um, proceeding cause girl, come Hefe Ridge.
If you discovered you could bring the dead back to life, who had a Jesus and Vicious and Ronald Reagan, would you have a dry cappuccino with my friend beavers?
Right, That carbon behaviors to you don't even have to answer that beauty is in the question.
But Jesus, Winona Ryder, would you?
Uh really good.
That was from this thing.
That's a really funny radio show in England called Just a Minute, which is, like super old timey.
It's what Mom's listen to your radio too.
Imagine a peak of this.
Ah, nde um it's a pun game and they said it was something like, no one's got a horse.
11 owner, right?
Her Don't worry about it.
That's why we go out from I'm bumping up a storm.
Great Expectations.
A tale of two cities in David Copperfield.
Do you enjoy a good Dickins?
Hey, was that?
I do love a good Dickins.
Well, there you go.
You heard it here.
First clear in the board getting on top of being now, Alexa Chung, there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you, my friend.
This camera this camera for this camera Let the people know what you have going on in your life.
The plug times.
That's all right.
Nothing much.
Just I want a little bit asleep.
I have a fashion line is called my name.
The clothes is sick.
You should buy them on DDE.
Yeah, Thanks.
Hello world Shaun Evans coming at you to say thank you for watching If you like what you saw, please subscribe were hovering around the 3003 YouTube channel in the world It has been a childhood dream of mine to be somewhere in the mid toos were so close Help making adult bald man's dreams come true Please, Please, Please J k j k No pressure.