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Hello there.
I'm Gavin.
Welcome to this limo Guys.
Video now a Taser being fired is a highly requested me waving like an idiot highly requested video, but could never get hold of one.
So I flew to Scottsdale in Arizona to taste h Q to fire some Tasers.
This is the cartridge we're using its for the X 26 model.
It's a one shot cartridge, and, uh, we're gonna be using the B 25 11 which is extremely fast camera because Tasers are extremely fun.
321 This'll was recorded 1000 frames a second, unless you can see still way too fast.
So the V 25 11 will shoot 28,500 frames a second.
H d a z could see the penetration of the prongs.
It's pretty solid.
You wanna aim, sort to split the belt line?
That's where they usually am.
So one above one below the belt.
So there's a close up shot at 28,500 times a second.
Have a taste of being deployed front on shot three.
So you're probably wondering this point what's up with the confetti?
And these are actually known as the eighth IDs.
It's a good way of tracking which Taser has been deployed, who fight it.
Because each tiny piece of confetti has the serial number of the cartridge that fight it.
Very clever, because you could never pick them all up.
So Dan's not here today, but luckily, we got someone else called Dan.
All right, Dan and Dan, what do you What do you do for a living?
Uh, I play with these cameras a lot, and somehow you've been roped into getting exposed with a Taser and a slimmer guys video.
Apparently, they feel like, you know, I need some payback bringing cameras, these guys a Taser.
Okay, Dan.
You relax.
43 two.
Oh, Theo, wait five seconds.
And if I speed up this shot slightly, see that from the point of impact, His muscles contract from right to left across his shoulders.
Look at that thoughts.
Would you do that again?
Would I do it again if you had?
You told me a lot of So what would be paying some heavy price?
Oh, that is fully in there.
D feel it.
And you right now, I don't really feel the probes I feel like, you know, it feels like I'm you know, my muscles are locked up, is what it feels like.
How is that?
How's the stomach contents?
That it will remain not wet My life.
Was the noise involuntary?
No, I was just coming out coming out.
I think that was more.
It was funny.
It just I think that was more Just, uh my body convulsing and pushing the matter that it wasn't It wasn't like it was founded in separate Yeah, kind of Braveheart.
It wasn't like, Oh, look at that Ripple going through the back.
He's So you're keeping the trend alive of torturing people named Dan.
If Dan's not here, I guess a second I always willing to step up.
Have you enjoyed that video?
Thanks to Taser for letting become a film at the H Q.
You could buy show if you want, and this is a pretty grow shot of the prom being pulled out Their barbs.
They don't bounce out on impact.
So, uh, to get him out, you need to give him a nice little tug.
Or speaking of Tasers, there is a Taser in the super awesome upcoming movie Lazer team.
I'm in it.
It comes out in winter.
His some of the trailer.
Thanks for watching.
Why the hell would lays the team anyway?
Because I have a laser.
The rest of us don't, right?
You're the team part.
Nobody cares about your stupid name.
The helmet heightens all mental functions and other visual enhancements.