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"Robin, come in." "Robin here." Hi. James, from EngVid. Sorry. Reading "Batman: Black
and White". I almost wanted to say "Blackman: Black and White", but I didn't. Hi. So what
am I doing today besides joking with you? Look, I want to teach a lesson today -- and
already, the naysayers -- the "naysayers" are the people who say "no" before you finish.
So you teachers out there that watch these lessons, I know you'll go, "Oh, well this
rule isn't right because --." This isn't about that. I'm telling you now there are lessons
on the video -- and actually on EngVid -- that go into greater detail and explain very well
what I'm about to teach. This lesson is very specific. It's a quick way and a short way
for you to remember some grammar problems which are very common among many students.
If you teach English, you know exactly what I mean. If you're a student, you know what
I mean. And if you're somebody who is studying English on your own, when people look at you
strangely, and then they explain to you, you know what I mean.
So this is JamesESL's 80 percent rules. Three quick rules for grammar. And the 80 percent
現在讓我們歡迎James英教的「八成法則」----三個簡單的文法。 誰能忘記八成法則
-- who could possibility forget the best guy in the world? Because he's going to be our
percent sign today. Mr. E! Okay. Mr. E is the percent sign. So it's our 80 percent rules.
What do I mean by that? There are many exceptions to everything I'm going to tell you. I'm saying
this up front so you don't get confused later on. But you will be correct 80 percent of
the time without thinking if you master these rules. And the exceptions -- go to the other
lessons on the site, and there's a lesson for each one of these. I'm telling you. I
did this because it's easier for you to read, write, and do well when you know these rules,
okay? So let's start with No. 1. Very often, students
say, "I say him." And I go, "What?" "I say him, 'I go home, now.'" I go, "What?" "I say
him." You can't "say" him. Remember: "Say" by itself means "single". S equals "single",
right? "Single" means "one". "I say all the time." "He said to me." Right? Say and said,
可以嗎?Single代表「單一」。如:「我耳提面命」「他告訴(say to就變『告訴』)我」了解嗎?Say和said
past form of "say". It's for "one". One person is speaking. So when you just say "say" by
itself, think "single". And you'll notice I've got S and S. But then you say, "James,
I want to say -- I want to say two people or more. I say him all the time." Okay. Okay.
I'll help you. This is the James 80 percent rule. Say "to" him. "What?" Say "to" him.
"To" indicates a subject and an object -- a person is speaking to another person. "What
did you say to him?" "Oh!" See? Right? You add the magic "to", and now, you can talk
to more than one person and address it. "What did he say to him?" Got it? But if you say
something, "I say", "he says", "they said" -- single "say". If you want to add an object
某件事」,只要在I say、He says、They said的say後面加引號""就可以了!如果你是想「說給」某東西
or a person you're referring to, then we say "say to". And the "to" gives you the idea
of two or more. You like that? I got more. Okay. I don't even like saying "to". It's
兩人(two諧音)或更多。這樣的方法可以接受嗎?我可以告訴你更多喔!但其實我不太用say to,
so five-letterish. Why don't we just stick with four letters? "Tell". Think T in "tell"
means "two". You know how you say "say to", two words? You can combine that and just say
聯想「兩個」。你知道該怎麼簡化say to嗎?直接把它變成
"tell". "I told" -- tell and told. So we'll put "told" here because it's the same thing,
tell、I told。tell和told。我們把told放這裡,因為它跟say to一樣意思。
really. Past tense, just like "said" is here, right? "I told him." Right? Subject and object.
所以過去式said也一起放進來。「我告訴他(I told him)」。接「話題」或是「東西(物品、人)」。
"What did he tell you?" Subject and object. T stands for "two". So whenever you see "say"
or "tell", if you have "say" and "to" -- "to" means "two", right? You like that? And "tell"
-- T means "two". You keep getting this T thing, and you know it's "two" -- an object
and a subject is speaking to an object. Quick and easy. Dirty, clean -- I don't care. It's
yours. All right? You like that? I got more. See this sleeve? Are you looking up the sleeve?
Boom. Back to the board. Okay. No. 2: third person
singular. "Hablar -- hablar en español." You know, when you say "you", you use S. "Hablas",
"tienes" -- that's all the Spanish I know. You watched my other video where I say "bro"?
See? I told you to look for ten. Here's one video where you've got "bro", okay? Try and
find nine more. Anyway. So you think third person, like "work". Well, "it" means "one".
"He" means "one". "She" means "one". S stands for "single". We're going to go back up here
again. S stands for "single". I told you, it's James' 80 percent rule. One word rules
them all. Or as my friends who like The Hobbit say, "And one ring shall control them all.
The lesser S means 'single' forevermore. Forevermore. Forevermore." That means "from now on", okay?
So you see S; you know this is a "single" thing. So it's got to be a "he", a "she",
or an "it". Not a "them". Not a "they". That's plural. There's no P in this. So "it works."
或是一個「它」。而不是「他們(受詞)」,也不消說「他們(主詞)」,因為這兩個都是複數。我們還沒請到P。所以這句應該是:「It works.」、
"She works". "I works?" No. Only for the third person singular, okay? And to help my Spanish
「She works.」。那我可以說:「I works」嗎?當然不行,因為s第三人稱的專利。至於講西語
friends out there -- mis amigos and amigas! Okay. Think second person. The "you". It's
的朋友們,mis(複數的我的) amigos(複數的男性朋友) and amigas(複數的女性朋友)。第二人稱
the same thing. Add an S. Okay? When I learn other languages -- Ruski or Urdu -- I will
teach you other rules, okay? I'm working on it. One lesson at a time. So S means "single",
just like we had up here. All right? So we use it for our single "he", "she", "it". Add
S; "It work?" No. "It works." "She works." "He works." I am special. So I have "am".
S「It work」?不對!「It works」、「He works」、「She works」。我很(am)特別,所以我獨得「am」
You like that? You should. Third one. "No, Teacher. This no work for
me. This is very difficult." I'm trying to think. "I not a good boy. No." Yeah. You know
you say this. You know you do. You know you do. We've worked on this. So I'm going to
work on something: the "no" words. Now, many languages have one word "no". "No hablar con
tú!" Yeah. I'm taking Spanish. Okay. "Non parler." All right. French, Spanish, you have
"no". In English, we have this crazy thing -- or we have two words which mean "no". Sorry
about that. Once again, it's the 80 percent rule. So all you guys getting up and going,
"Oh, James, adjectives, and --." I know. But we're going to keep it simple because it's
quick when you have time -- sorry, when you don't have time to think. You need something
you can rely on. Here we go. See the word "no"? See the word "noun"? No noun, noun no,
一個準則。讓我們繼續,有沒有看到這個字no?有沒有看到這個字noun(名詞)?No noun, noun no,
no, no, no noun, no, no, no. No. "No money." "No one." "No food." No, no. Okay? It's a
no, no, no noun, no, no, no. No. 「沒錢」「沒人」「沒食物」NONO。這件叫
product that they sell called a "No No" that gets rid of hair. That's another story. Okay.
But "no" goes with nouns. "No one came yesterday." "No person on the planet likes English" except
me and Mr. E and you because you're studying. "Not" is usually for verbs. Notice the T on
the end of this means "tense", "verb tense". "Not going", "not working", right? Now, there
are other little rules, and I did say to you: Go through EngVid, and you'll find it because
there is a rule that actually is not quite the same as this. All right? But master this
first because the reason I'm teaching this lesson, if you understand the very basic things,
when you study the other lessons, you'll find that it's easy to understand them because
you have the basics down. This is the core, what we say, "the root". Okay? The start.
And from there, you get the little exceptions here and there.
So this is JamesESL teaching you a quick grammar lesson with three -- oh, gosh! You don't know
-- very common mistakes. Okay. Mr. E and I are going to get out of here. He's helping
with the 80 percent rule thing. So remember: "say" -- "say to". "Say to" equals "two".
做這種事。所以回憶一下「say」----「say to」。「Say to」就等於「two(兩個)」。
"Tell" -- T equals "two". Third person singular -- S on the end of the verb means "he", "she"
or "it". "No" is for nouns. "Not" is for verb tense -- T for "tense". You're good to go.
All right? Listen. It's been a pleasure once again. Please
go to www.engvid.com, "eng" as in "English" and "vid" as in "video", where you can see
你可以到 www.engvid.com。Eng代表English(英文),Vid代表Video(影片),在網站中
me and Mr. E and do the test. Don't forget to hit "like". Chao.