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  • hi guys welcome back to my channel today we are doing a video that I am basically

  • making a tradition at the end of every year and it's to talk about how to

  • reflect and plan for the new year 2019 is coming real fast and I know that a

  • lot of us are getting in that state of mind is just like this year I'm gonna

  • reach this and do that you'll probably like 99% of other people drop those

  • resolutions real fast probably by January 9th that's just my

  • prediction okay I want to talk about effective ways how we can reflect and

  • set goals that we can actually keep and I'm also gonna do a little reaction

  • video about my 2018 goal-setting video to see if I have achieved any of the

  • things that I put on my to-do list for 2018 that would be interesting so I want

  • to start out by saying a huge thank you to Skillshare for sponsoring and

  • collaborating with me on this video if you guys don't know what Skillshare is

  • it's an online platform and it has over 22,000 courses that range from subjects

  • such as cooking to photography editing self helps of development business

  • anything under the Sun you can find me and Skillshare we like this because I'm

  • learning quite a bit from all the courses that they offer online

  • Skillshare fits into this video because there's a lot of courses there about

  • goal-setting and productivity and I specifically want to mention a course

  • that I really like the subconscious go setting for rapid result trust me

  • you need to watch it if you guys are into learning more or just expanding

  • your knowledge and different topics check it out the Premium Membership

  • begins at around $10 a month but for the first 400 people that will sign up from

  • the link in the description box we'll get two months free on Skillshare those

  • spots go real fast so get on it step one when you are starting your 2019

  • I don't know I did that 2019 goals you have to sit down and

  • reflect take you know a few minutes and look at your past year 2008

  • and see what was good what was bad did you achieve any of the goals that you

  • set for yourself if yes how and if not why it's very important to understand

  • what happened and you know to see if there are any patterns maybe you

  • sabotage yourself in a way of not achieving those or maybe those were

  • goals that you thought you wanted but you don't want now we put together a few

  • reflective questions that I suggest you guys write down to help you with the

  • reflection process so question number one is what moment stood out for you in

  • 2018 and why question number two what happened in 2018 that helped you grow as

  • a person question number three what in 2018 are

  • you most grateful for question number four what in 2018 didn't work for you

  • and why and then question number five is what is your biggest takeaway for 2018

  • putting those five questions on a piece of paper and filling them out it might

  • give you another perspective about what happened in 2018 the second step is

  • asking yourself the right planning question so question number one is what

  • areas do I want to focus on 2019 I would be very specific and make sure that you

  • don't make too long of a list focus or maybe one to three areas where you

  • really want to put all your focus on for this year question number two is if I

  • accomplish only one thing in 2019 what would I want it to be question number

  • three is how do I want to grow and evolve as a person in 2019 question

  • number four is what do you think should be left behind in 2018 and then question

  • number five which is very important what do I need to do to bring myself joy and

  • happiness in 2019 focus on what really brings you that joy it can be something

  • very simple as drinking my lemon water in the morning to something bigger like

  • taking you know one big trip this year think about those and write them down

  • and again don't feel the need to fill up the paper with a whole bunch of

  • different let's try to keep it minimal now that

  • you have all this information in front of you you can start planning

  • effectively as much as it's nice to reflect and dream ahead if you are not

  • taking action nothing's gonna happen always keep in mind this phrase too much

  • thinking not enough doing started doing so I personally made the mistake of you

  • know making my resolutions and then feeling like I needed all to happen

  • right away and I have to follow through a hundred percent with all of them and

  • that mentality always always sabotage me when you are doing the planning you want

  • to make sure that you are very very specific I think that a lot of us who

  • put too much of a fake resolution out there when it's time to start practicing

  • them we don't know where to start and we get overwhelmed a lot of people say I

  • want to lose weight I want to get healthier this year they go get a gym

  • membership and we know how it all goes with the gym membership we'll go for

  • like the first two weeks and then we're like yeah but I need stuff working and I

  • have to feel like access needs attention put a little goal for yourself for every

  • month to start making it a habit you want to get healthier how can you get

  • healthier don't go into this whole like I need to change my whole life kind of

  • mentality start small this month I'm gonna focus on drinking lemon water

  • every morning every single day keep it up for the month and then for February I

  • want to make sure that I go to the gym twice a week and literally book yourself

  • two classes every week attention and go it takes about four to six weeks to

  • create a habit trust me it's gonna stick so follow these five SMART goals you

  • want it to be specific so instead of saying I need to get in shape this year

  • make sure that you actually say I'm gonna go to the gym twice a week make

  • sure that it's measurable so instead of saying I want to get into shape put a

  • goal that you can get to so if it's I want to lose five pounds or I'm gonna go

  • to gym classes twice a week then you want to make sure it's attainable so

  • don't jump into this crazy new routine that will make you feel deprived and

  • then we'll be very easy to drop you don't

  • need to cut all sugar right away you don't have to go five times a week to

  • the gym number four is you want to make sure that your goals are relevant to

  • what you want to achieve in your life you can go back to the questions about

  • reflecting on your 2018 and to the planning questions for 2019 and you will

  • see a very clear idea of what you really want to achieve rather than what you

  • think you should achieve your answers there will guide you to make sure that

  • you're making the relevant changes and you're making relevant goals for

  • yourself and then number five is deadlines because when there's no

  • deadlines you really don't feel accountable or you really don't feel the

  • pressure of achieving those things I'm not saying that it all needs to happen

  • really fast even giving yourself a year if you don't have to go and if you want

  • to lose weight weigh yourself every week but telling to

  • yourself you know what every month I want to lose one pound or every month I

  • want to do a progress photo just to see if there's a difference so it's small

  • little deadlines just to see progress that will encourage you to keep on going

  • and before we're finishing this video I wanted to do something fun and just kind

  • of look at the video that I did last year and see if I follow through with

  • the things that I set myself or that I manipulate myself out of actually going

  • after those so yay okay let's get to my 2018 a new year resolution hainan my I

  • look so young and fresh but I woke up from a nap saying all these things I

  • want to do in 2018 but I believe that this will keep me accountable and at the

  • end of 2018 I'm gonna do a review if I accomplish all of these resolutions Wow

  • look at me achieve that I'm doing it yay so the first thing is no rain no

  • flowers type of attitude you know when something like bad happens or things

  • don't go our way we're just like get frustrated and really let it kind of

  • stop your hard work and positivity Wow yay no rain of flowers so basically it's

  • just kind of accepting the struggle with a reward and kind of loving the process

  • that's what I'm trying to say here Valyria forum 2017 was a little level 4

  • in English now I'm like level 5 I think that this year I definitely fell in love

  • with just the downs and lows and ups and in-betweens I don't catch myself anymore

  • being like I can't believe it happened to me I changed my mindset to being more

  • grateful and just kind of making more of a comedy out of it so when things happen

  • to me I'm just like of course it's gonna happen to me rather than I can't believe

  • it happened to me I kind of look at it more of okay this really sucky thing

  • that happened it's just you know another thing that I can laugh about in a few

  • weeks or months or years I really want to work this year on an attitude where

  • no rain of flowers it has to rain things don't always work out and when they

  • don't work out it's just a stepping stone I hope that this year I also got a

  • little more to the point always keep that in mind and say thank you for the

  • rain rain flowers got it move on I've been working a lot in 2017 to make a

  • gratitude a habit of mine and something that I do and practice every single day

  • it's such a beautiful thing not to only show my children and to pass on in my

  • family tree but it's also something that it grounds me that keeps me in a good

  • mood that makes me feel stronger and more in charge of my life can we talk

  • about the shinbone always focus on the positive and not the negative this is

  • something that I obviously want to keep working on just my inner strength

  • becoming my own warrior and start every morning with that type of attitude

  • gratitude attitude like a what but gratitude attitude so

  • resolution number two was keep practicing gratitude and inner strength

  • and I definitely feel that this year has been very much focused about getting to

  • know myself and trusting myself throughout bringing another baby into

  • the family Maxie and building up this social media career I kept saying like

  • to become my own warrior and to save my own self I still believe in that and

  • something else that happened throughout that kind of inner work is to not feel

  • that need of doing it all self which was something I knew before

  • but actually started practicing more this year I started valuing the support

  • system that I have and the whole idea behind teamwork I've feel more grateful

  • than ever before next thing is don't stop myself from dreaming big I find

  • that sometimes when I share some of my thoughts and dreams and things that I

  • see myself creating and building in the future some people are too small-minded

  • to see the top of that mountain and sometimes that rose me back a little bit

  • and you know makes me question my own goals I'm super grateful to have a

  • partner in my life Gary my husband to have the same type of attitude where

  • there's no limit to how big we can do and and make and create now that I look

  • at it I think that rather than talking about how other people are small minded

  • I can see that I'm actually talking about myself I think that this year more

  • than ever I exposed myself as being the person that is in my own way it's kind

  • of a revelation that I've had recently I definitely started working on it now and

  • this is definitely still my goal for 2019 rather than letting other people's

  • opinions affect how I see my future going I want to tweak it to not standing

  • in my own way and that being small-minded about how much I can do and

  • achieve and be the next thing is surrounding myself with creative

  • inspiring people and that's something that I've been definitely doing this

  • year this has definitely been accomplished this year because of the

  • amazing team that we've built around valera Inc I can proudly and confidently

  • say that I'm surrounded with the most amazing creative supportive fun

  • authentic girls around now I see that I totally put that intention out there and

  • that's what happened this year so mission accomplished resolution

  • accomplished it also manifested itself with Mike

  • Unity online I am really close to a lot of you guys and I want to thank you feel

  • close to me I've been really amazed by learning more about you guys about your

  • struggles about your accomplishments I have so many girls that send me the job

  • that they God or the confidence that they feel that I just love everything

  • from your outfits to you know all these things that you share with me so Wow

  • I kill this resolution this year yay meeting more of you guys and that sounds

  • like that I'm really excited about and I'm definitely gonna put this into

  • action so I was talking about meetups so this is something that hasn't been quite

  • accomplished this year about I touched a little bit on this resolutions I did

  • have kind of the meet and greet at Sephora that Theatre in Toronto

  • I had a meet-and-greet in Israel when I went to visit my friends so I met some

  • of you there but it's definitely something that I wanna keep doing and my

  • goal honestly I'm putting it out there I want to create like this big event where

  • it's gonna be a meet and greet so I can meet all of you guys and we can talk

  • about motivation and self-love definitely gonna keep that resolution

  • for 2019 also I really want to just do meet and greets everywhere around the

  • world so going in April to India I'm really trying to make that happen I just

  • want to meet all of you so that's definitely something that will stick in

  • 2019 last but not least is using my platform to really do good I've been

  • really focusing and growing my social media and you know creating this

  • beautiful community I want to start really learning about more causes and

  • different things that's going on in the world

  • I definitely gonna do a lot of research this year and learn what I can stand by

  • and promote and educate my audience here I really wanted to get more into kind of

  • the charity aspect I would say I think that this year I definitely started

  • being more active in that area so I've got to know a lot of different

  • organization that I did a little social media exposure for them sound

  • thing that I started getting much more curious about it's this whole

  • environmental thing that is a big issue now but I didn't do anything about it

  • yet we're still looking for proper experts that can really educate you guys

  • and myself so if you have the organization that we did collaborate

  • this year with our hi lifeline with save a child's heart foundation jessee's

  • which is a shelter for young mothers there's definitely much much more that

  • we can do and I can't wait to do more okay that was the last resolution I

  • think that we did pretty pretty good I have to say I'm definitely gonna do it a

  • little smarter this year and now that I have the five smart gold rules to follow

  • and I will keep you guys posted before we're ending this video I wanted to ask

  • you guys what are your resolutions and if there's any resolutions from 2018 did

  • you achieve that your product please let me know I want to stay close to you guys

  • I know we're growing but we got it without a state like this okay thank you

  • guys so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed this video now go and get those

  • resolution and answer those questions and set yourself for success I love you

  • and I am rooting for you

hi guys welcome back to my channel today we are doing a video that I am basically


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我完成2018年的新年決心了嗎!? (Did I Accomplish My 2018 New Year's Resolutions?!)

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