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  • - So first of all, let me say

  • I had zero interest in being an author.

  • That, at a time when I was doing copywriting,

  • I was getting clients

  • and I was transitioning beyond just copywriting

  • I was doing consulting for some people.

  • And because I was 22, 23 years old

  • I just found that credibility becomes an issue.

  • And I didn't like to go to networking events

  • and hand out business card and meet with people.

  • I just find that that's very challenging for my personality.

  • And so, understanding marketing,

  • understanding positioning,

  • when you look at the word authority,

  • what's the first six letters, it's author.

  • So I thought, "I need to be an author."

  • So I wrote my first book called "Quick-Turn Marketing"

  • which is also, at the time, my company's name.

  • I still have that company today.

  • And it's not a very good title by the way.

  • It's a very bad title,

  • because when I talk to people at the time

  • like, "What is Quick-Turn Marketing?"

  • like, "What the hell is that?"

  • I thought it's like marketing that quickly turn,

  • you'd be like making profits, it was a dumb idea.

  • But I came with that title

  • and I self-published that first book.

  • So it's supposed to gold foil, shiny, luxurious,

  • turns into a matte,

  • dull,

  • brownish shit color.

  • That's how bad it was.

  • I didn't know how to do publishing right,

  • but I self-published the book.

  • And I think I ordered, I don't know,

  • a few hundred copies, I used that as a business card.

  • I think a book is a ultimate business card.

  • It's for you're a professional,

  • for you are a service provider,

  • instead of giving people a business card.

  • Here's the thing because when

  • you give people a business card, they throw it away

  • but people don't throw away the book.

  • It has staying power.

  • And you have 150, 200 pages to be able

  • to demonstrate expertise and tell your prospect

  • who you are, what you're about.

  • That's why since then I wrote my first book

  • I remember an incident, 'cause I still don't know

  • if this works or not, right?

  • So I was meeting with people and people would say,

  • do you have business card,

  • I would hand them books and stuff.

  • So, one time I was traveling to, I believe Chicago.

  • On the plane I was talking to a gentleman, a business owner

  • next to me and we're just talking.

  • And I say, what do you do, where you going to,

  • I'm going to a conference, cool.

  • And it's like, so what do you do?

  • Oh, you know, I'm in marketing.

  • You know, I write copy and this is what I do

  • and oh, that's cool and he was asking me

  • about different things and he asked me

  • do you have a business card?

  • And I said, well I don't have a business card,

  • but then I reached in my briefcase

  • and I pulled out my book, but I've got a book.

  • And I see his face, 'cause his face was like

  • you got a book, you're younger, you got a book?

  • I said, yeah, I got a book.

  • And he was kinda looking at this he was flipping through.

  • He was not even reading the book,

  • he was just, hm, that's cool, well, thank you.

  • Well anyway, we kept talking.

  • By the time we landed the plane

  • he wrote me a check for a gig.

  • Now, would that have happened if I gave him a business card?

  • I don't think so.

  • So, sometimes the power of the book is not even

  • if people read it or not.

  • Just by having it, the weight of it

  • carries so much more power, authority versus,

  • well here's my flimsy little business card, right?

  • So, that's when I learned and that's

  • from then on why I published more

  • and more and more books over these,

  • almost one per year for number of years.

  • Every single time I finish a book,

  • every single time, including the first one,

  • I say to myself, I swear to God, I'll never do another one.

  • Because it's too much work.

  • It is a lot of work to write, to edit, to publish.

  • At first I self published,

  • so you can use nowadays there are lot

  • of print on demand services.

  • And even this is before ebook was popular.

  • Nowadays anyone can publish an ebook on Amazon very easily.

  • Like, you want, you can buy.

  • And the great thing is people don't

  • expect an ebook to be that many pages.

  • You can write a 30, 40 page, something,

  • a book, a manuscript about whatever topic,

  • you can publish it on Amazon through

  • Kindle Publishing and you're an author, right?

  • And if you want you can go to

  • or some of these other print on demand sites

  • where you could have a physical book,

  • if you wanna, when you are meeting with people,

  • you wanna give the book away, that's okay too.

  • So you can do it.

  • It's so much easier today compared to back then.

  • So, I didn't have a publisher

  • so I would just do self publish.

  • Nowadays it's very, very inexpensive

  • because it depends on how many you order.

  • So you can sell me your manuscript, even on Amazon,

  • you can order depends on how much quantity.

  • You can just go to a local printing house.

  • I print books paperback as cheap as like $3.50.

  • So before the first book, everything

  • I did before copywriting, it was all

  • a complete disaster and failure.

  • Every single time I had a business card.

  • So, from then as a copywriter then I had my first book.

  • Then this business was kicking off

  • so I don't want to jinx it so from

  • then on I never had a business card.

  • From then on it's always a book.

  • So that's the kind of the history there.

  • So I think over the years, the book

  • either I was writing the book to get more business

  • or I was writing the book for positioning

  • or I was writing the book for exposure.

  • If I'm co-authoring with other people.

  • Or I was writing the book to generating a profit.

  • Selling it on ClickBank or on sites, right, on the internet.

  • "F.U. Money" I wrote it almost back in 2008.

  • For this book you can see the tome of it.

  • It's much more like, I have made it.

  • Here's what I think, it works.

  • Here's what I believe in.

  • Versus those kind of trying to

  • promote something so "F.U. Money"

  • is definitely my signature work.

  • And people get on Amazon and even this

  • 'cause I offer for free on, right?

  • This book has been downloaded probably like

  • a million times at this point.

  • A million times, we give it away.

  • And that's summarized by a lot of the philosophy

  • up to that point, like my late twenties by my late twenties.

  • The "Unlock It" book, so because this book,

  • it's one of those books where the title,

  • the message, it just works, it resonates with people

  • and I wrote it in my late twenties.

  • And after this book I really I had no interest

  • in writing another book because it's just so much work.

  • And to do another book I just felt like

  • It's just, I didn't have the time.

  • Because I'm focusing on my companies,

  • on my businesses, I didn't want to do it.

  • And it's only recently, last year,

  • that because of my social media, my following online.

  • You know, now we have millions and millions

  • and millions of people around the world

  • really study our work that

  • and every, almost everybody knows I have this book.

  • That this is the kind of the go to book.

  • People refer to it again and again

  • because so many downloads and people know me

  • and things like that.

  • The challenge is I wrote that book almost 10 years ago.

  • Just like, imagine if you're watching this

  • or if you're watching this

  • who you are today compared to 10 years ago.

  • You've grown, you've matured,

  • you're a different person, right.

  • If you're mom, you're a different mom.

  • If you're a dad, you're a husband, you're a wife,

  • you're different, you've grown.

  • So, I almost, as much as I love this.

  • This the "F.U. Money" book is not a good representation

  • of how I think and who I am today.

  • But because I don't have this.

  • So all people can refer to is this.

  • So I just think it's, even though I don't really want

  • to do it, I think it's necessary to do it.

  • That when people ask me all the time

  • "Dan, how can I be more successful?"

  • I felt it's time to have an updated version,

  • almost like a Dan Lok 2.0 to be able

  • to say okay, now read this.

  • This is okay, you can see the kind of

  • almost like the evolution of like myself.

  • But you will see this is what I believe in today.

  • This, these are the philosophies,

  • the principles I think you should follow.

  • Which is, if you look at "Unlock It" book,

  • really the subtitle is the master key

  • to wealth, success, and significance.

  • This book is all about success, "F.U. Money"

  • this book is much more about significance.

  • And also how to take success.

  • But it's just I want people to know

  • that this is kind of the Dan Lok 2.0.

  • Something that they can refer to

  • and that's why I wrote the book.

  • I think to avoid is in the beginning

  • when if you are not well known.

  • Like, you are just getting started,

  • you don't have a lot of credibility

  • then self-publishing is nothing wrong with that.

  • Then later on when you are a little bit better,

  • you have kind of a base, then you can consider

  • finding a publisher.

  • Like, this book is published by a publisher, "F.U. Money."

  • "Unlock It" is published by Forbes, Forbes Books.

  • So, like I didn't get to Forbes Books overnight.

  • It was self-published back in when I was my early twenties

  • until to this point, so.

  • I would say the mistake to avoid is

  • don't feel discouraged that oh, I'm not publishing

  • with like some major like Wiley or like a major publishers.

  • It's okay, it doesn't matter as much.

  • It's more getting your ideas, your expertise,

  • your message on a book and share it with people first.

  • Share it with the right people.

  • I have students who are entrepreneurs

  • that they're books, you don't find it anywhere.

  • It's on Amazon, doesn't sell a lot of copy

  • but they use it as a business card.

  • And it generates a lot of business for them.

  • It's a very niche kind of book.

  • But it works perfectly fine.

  • So it doesn't, it's not about how many books.

  • Unless you're writing like, "Harry Potter"

  • like fiction or certain types of books

  • that you will sell a lot of copies.

  • So don't expect to make money from the book.

  • Like, this book makes me zero money.

  • It actually costs me a lot of money.

  • Don't do it for that.

  • Do it for the for other reasons.

  • Maybe for me it's this book is for legacy.

  • If you're doing it for marketing and promotion, that's okay.

  • Knowing that the book is not a profit center,

  • it's what's after the book.

  • Maybe you get you sell your products.

  • Maybe you have consulting opportunities.

  • Maybe you have speaking opportunities.

  • Maybe it's use it to get through the gatekeeper, right?

  • Imagine if I am running a, a recruitment company.

  • To recruit talent and so me co-emailing CEO

  • and say hey man I can find you the talent you want.

  • Instead if I wrote a book, if hypothetically

  • I wrote a book on how to find top talents

  • for your company and I send this FedEx to the top CEOs

  • across the country which one's gonna get more response?

  • It's very simple.

  • Now I go into certain CEO conference

  • and say hey, I wrote this book on how to find top talents

  • for a company blah blah blah and boom.

  • Then you've, it's a totally different strategy.

  • So I think for beginners, don't expect

  • to make money from the book.

  • It's gonna cost you money.

  • But done properly, it's gonna open a lot of doors for you

  • and it's, still doesn't matter how much digital marketing

  • we do, it's still one of the most powerful thing

  • you could do in terms of marketing, I think.

  • That's why Richard Branson writes books.

  • Bill Gates wrote multiple books.

  • Yeah, a lot of successful people,

  • they don't need to write the book.

  • But they write it for a certain reason.

  • Legacy, exposure, PR, storytelling, whatever it is

  • that you know, you might be going after.

  • Yeah you get on unlock it,

  • You can get it on Amazon.

  • Also this book will be available

  • across North America in major airport.

  • Also you will also be able to get that as well.

  • So this is kind of the my first book.

  • Probably my last book but I said that when I wrote this.

  • Who knows when I'm 60 maybe I'll do another book.

  • But this is the book where it's now mainstream.

  • That you can get it from bookstores,

  • you can get it from Amazon, get it like in airport.

  • Everywhere, so this is kind of my, I would say,

  • my proudest work to this day for sure.

- So first of all, let me say


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A2 初級

如何自我出版你的第一本書 (How To Self Publish Your First Book)

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