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  • this video is brought to you by squarespace in this video I'm gonna share with you guys.

  • My top 10 go to foods at a Japanese convening.

  • So I haven't done a video like this in quite some time.

  • So I thought, maybe go back to roots and kind of go Are you, like, first started and share with you guys?

  • So my recent favorite picks out a Japanese convenience store.

  • A lot of you guys already know that Japan has one of the most amazing convenience stores because such a wide range of selection, there's new stuff coming out all the time.

  • So, like, what better time to do a video on this kind of stuff That now, since I haven't done it for such a long time.

  • All right, But before we start, if you want to help support the channel, that definitely check out the Osaka Merchant.

  • I know that a bunch of you have already purchased a toke emerged the ASAC emerge.

  • What?

  • I'd really like to see if he has to take a picture, tag me on instagram and let me know.

  • See how, like large this family has grown over the last couple years.

  • you guys have been awesome.

  • I love all of the support of the comments.

  • I do.

  • Top 10 videos do these day in the life videos.

  • I do hit in tours.

  • I do city guides.

  • Let me know the comments on what your favorite is.

  • Let me know if you like this video.

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  • Would you rather me being outside?

  • Let me know in the comments, cause I really want to I kind of like, make this channel for you guys.

  • Let me know.

  • I always like to hear your feedback in the comments.

  • All right, so without further ado, let's get our convene.

  • Aeon number 10 Nikko Hot Snacks.

  • You'll ka Toby from Oh, yes, A company.

  • All right, So this is the no potato chip potato chip with the reason why I say that is that it's not really fried.

  • You usually expect a potato chips to be fried.

  • This one is actually not fried.

  • What's even better is that it's made from our favorite thing in the world.

  • Oh, what's even better?

  • Even better, It tastes like our favorite thing in the world meet.

  • I mean, how can you go wrong.

  • You got potato chips and you got meet you.

  • Put them together and you get this.

  • So here's the chip itself.

  • You can see that it's kind of like nice, light and airy.

  • It's almost looks like a like Joan or pork rinds.

  • In the States, you can see kind of like the bubbles.

  • And when you take a bite, it's so airy that when you take a bite and just kind of all disintegrates in your mouth, just like completely just goes away.

  • Just amazing meat and lemon.

  • I mean, who doesn't love me?

  • And lemon?

  • It's almost like you're having a Korean barbecue.

  • Potato chips.

  • Yeah, 270 calories per bag.

  • So it's It's not like the junkie ist potato chip, because it's not non fried.

  • I just disappeared on the sea under that, studying me.

  • Thought You think it's fried?

  • Oh my God.

  • This unhealthy this'll one is nice because it is also a new potato chip that they have in the stores.

  • This one was probably released in the last month or two, at least when I noticed first man.

  • So I tried it and, you know, I like it.

  • So there you go, you're getting my tips Number two souffle putting from Family Mart and the next bad boy coming to you straight out of the desert corner.

  • Yeah, too much energy.

  • Maybe, Maybe not.

  • But we're about to have some more energy with this, So this one comes from Family Mart.

  • In fact, it's a Family Mart treat, so you can only get us a valley mark.

  • Forget this and it's a su play putting.

  • It says Happy taste.

  • So can't go wrong with a happy taste.

  • This is actually one of Michael's favorites.

  • That's why it's on this list today.

  • It almost didn't make the cut.

  • But Michael begging me and begging me.

  • And she's that Paolo, please.

  • Police open this right now.

  • Oh, look at that biscuit looking thing that it has, um, whipped cream at ASM putting it has little light souffle cake on top.

  • Take this fight, putting it a little bit eggy.

  • Not too much on the egg like strong, excited, but you can definitely tastes.

  • Have egg in there.

  • The top cake part.

  • It's kind of fluffy, but at the same time take a bite and it just kind of all turns into kind of like a thick mission.

  • Marshy mash could see why you like this calories is this doesn't have the calories on here.

  • I think that's Oh, damn.

  • 356 5 It has more calories than a bag of potato chips.

  • Okay, so this is apparently my favorite sweets, like, afternoon snap.

  • This is just so good, because it's mixture of, like, gooey pootie, uh, whipped cream.

  • And I said, Really moist souffle.

  • You know, it's so light.

  • Did you really just putting part?

  • It's like liquid thinking a little from May.

  • Okay, well, I'm gonna give meeting number three.

  • Moco Tommen.

  • Nakamoto McAra, Yaki Soba from 7 11 You guys have might have seen this this Nakamoto Roman before in one of my previous videos.

  • It's like my top spicy Robin video.

  • But in just the last few months, they release their Yaki soba version.

  • It's spicy.

  • It has that fire.

  • It has that mayonnaise.

  • It has that goodness to make you feel like you are alive.

  • So this is the finished product.

  • All I need to do first was hoping it up.

  • Take out all of the three contents for the hot water in and then close a lid.

  • Let it sit for five minutes while I let it sit for five minutes.

  • But there's like three different sauce packets.

  • Gotta take the good one.

  • You kind of like heated up on talk.

  • And then after five minutes, you opened the office inside the lid and you for all the water out there, like drain it.

  • Then you add the powder and equitized, which is the liquid, and you kind of mix that all up together.

  • Then you advice E missile mayonnaise on top like it almost looks like the second like a Yuri orange like a Halloween orange ring.

  • The alarm.

  • Who, because Paolo is going to town?

  • Good haul and spicy.

  • The liquid sauce is spicy itself.

  • You can see When I was putting it on, how much like red oil wasn't it?

  • I tasted it.

  • It's quite spicy, but the spicy miso man is on top, although it's a little bit spicy, gives it more of like a refreshing.

  • So it's not like fire fire.

  • Fire's gives it kind of a nice, tangy taste to it.

  • Overall, it is like a salty dish, but you would expect from Yaki Soba.

  • I have a little piece of the vegetables in here, which is nice.

  • He also have these kind of like beef chunks.

  • Hopefully it Real beef.

  • Dehydrated beef, I guess.

  • Rehydrated with water.

  • Now for a few 100.

  • The end to have this spicy the light tongue is starting to burn a little bit.

  • Sweat is starting to start.

  • So it's he they're really hot in here or the spiciness kicking it.

  • Yeah, you liar.

  • No, that's E.

  • I didn't think it was gonna be split ready.

  • Didn't think I was gonna be spicy.

  • I like a big bite gate.

  • That's my throw.

  • I know it's addictive.

  • Number four Carlito Tiwari Whom?

  • A snack from Lawson.

  • So a bit on the lighter side, we've got the pickle.

  • Pullem There's like one of those, like perfect snacks just to take on the go because it has the Ziploc and you could just kind of, like, put it in your bag, and then when you need kind of something a little bit refreshing, this is what I go to, and it's like super healthy.

  • So this whole entire bag is only 18 calories.

  • And what I really like is how it just kind of like crunches when you need it.

  • It has that soundness of the mayor has a little bit of that moisture still, so it's not like completely dried out.

  • So you get that crunch, that's that's an interesting pictures.

  • How do I describe this texture?

  • Like biting into a plunger like bouncy play in your mouth?

  • But then at the end just crunches because of all like the pressure from your teeth.

  • Does that even make sense?

  • Let me just show you how crunchy this is.

  • Let me just show you how crunchy this is.

  • You're at the store.

  • You want something that kind of like wake you up or you want something to snack on, But you want to be a little bit healthy.

  • This is a ticket number five Yaki Nico B B bup with nine kinds of vegetables from 7 11 So my go to lunch money save you Munch.

  • Is this baby in a box from 77 11.

  • We have should quote seven here.

  • So in the packet rice and the topping so separated after you warm it up you have deported topping on top of the rice.

  • And what I d'oh is I put the egg deal on top, and it makes it like, even milder.

  • It's important to make sense really well.

  • That's a meat that's more like it has none more so good, he said.

  • Like a mask.

  • I know how it tastes.

  • But the man's e, I think I hear.

  • But the visual loves are really crunchy.

  • If you love the mixture of like a crunchiness and the goodness right now, okay, you get a little bit of the say venous from the meat.

  • I think what I love about the bimbo in general is that it has all these different textures that has a crunch from what the sprouts and the carrots, spinach, onions.

  • It's just quite a lot that's going on, and it's like all tied together with this kind of sweet barbecue Korean sauce.

  • Overall, this is kind of like one of those meals that will satisfy.

  • You look like you don't need to get anything else because the competing you can just get this and you're going to be pretty satisfied.

  • At least I'm pretty satisfied.

  • Well, actually, no.

  • I probably would get busy and probably get like one more snack, but it is pretty satisfying in general.

  • It's so good because of one more by right before we continue time to get paid.

  • Thank you Square Smith's for supporting this video.

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  • Go take out square states now.

  • Alright, bring on two more food numbers.

  • Ex editor Chickie Mexican Taco flavor from Lawson Fried Chicken time.

  • I'll be honest.

  • Usually my favorite is the spicy Red El Chicken is so much better when fried chicken is a little bit spicy.

  • But today I kind of wanted to share something a little bit knew they just recently released.

  • This in Lawson is a little flakes right here are actually tortilla pieces.

  • And at the tortilla shell flakes, all embedded in the fried chicken skin.

  • You can still smell the lovely fried chicken.

  • This I'm sorry, guys like, let me know if you guys really don't like me doing fried chicken anymore in any of these videos.

  • And I'll stop because maybe you guys are getting sick of fried chicken because probably every other food video We have your fried chicken, but I just love it so much.

  • Something about fried chicken.

  • All right, let's take the first.

  • But what's nice that you could, like taste the tortilla shell like the hard tortilla shell, But it also has some spiciness something.

  • You guys see that red oil right there?

  • So does have, like, this spicy kicked as well.

  • There's kind of a spicy taco, not just like a taco, kind of like a spicy taco.

  • Mmm.

  • So it's kind of like taking one of my favorite things spicy fried chicken and has taken my other favorite things tacos.

  • And they put it together.

  • And they made one fried chicken number seven marinated quail eggs from Family Mart and Lawson.

  • Next is that quail egg hitter.

  • So this one has one of those, like, unsuspecting things that you would never, ever, ever, ever probably go to the community and say, Hey, let me try that.

  • But I did, and I love it.

  • These are packaged oil eggs.

  • This one is from Family Mart and this illness from Lawson.

  • I usually eat the loss and ones, but Family Mart ones are smoke.

  • So they like you did in flavors.

  • Maybe you guys could tell me which one you guys like better if you come here.

  • All right, so this one is like the standard which I always go to.

  • You can see that it's kind of like a little bit moist inside, as kind of like the juice is still there.

  • So it's nice and moist.

  • Uh, you know what today is?

  • It's like it's kind of like an acquired taste.

  • Some people might not like it, but I just love these.

  • I could eat a whole bag of these so easily.

  • I never had this before.

  • You see me eating at all that?

  • I know how.

  • It's weird stuff.

  • Like, let me like family.

  • This is weird, but, like, this is not something I don't know, like a girl, just, like pick it up like, Okay, I'm gonna get this during my I don't know, like work break.

  • Who do you hit?

  • The inside is more moist than I thought that the picture of the still drives.

  • I'm like a majority, but yeah, but like this is like more off drinking snack.

  • I think it's like a It's really good.

  • It's like you, don't you?

  • This one is from Family Mart.

  • This is a smoked quail egg, and it has a soy based.

  • So it's been kind of like marinated in, like, this original soy sauce that they have.

  • This one here is the original.

  • And this one is this moat like soy based one.

  • Have this one again.

  • Now this one is ever had, like those smoked sausages.

  • It almost like takes like that because of, like, the smoke flavor to it.

  • it's a little bit more firm than the original one.

  • Man.

  • It's so good.

  • Number eight Kozak Nico Outside Cheeseburger flavor from House foods All right, so this one is a little bit safe for you guys that don't like to be a little bit risky along just like a Paulo.

  • Can I get like a bag potato chips that you like?

  • That's not so sour that doesn't have exorcise that smoked or just something that's just a little bit standard.

  • This one is for you, my Western compatriots.

  • This one is Oh, Zach potato chip bag, but is one of the like the lightest in areas potato chips here in Japan.

  • And it is a cheeseburger flavor.

  • Yeah, into the burger on their love.

  • How, like fluffy and area these ships are like that.

  • It has that cheeseburger flavor.

  • Didn't see the chip itself has a lot of bubbles.

  • See the salt licks season flakes as little holes, but I don't know how they make it, so that has burger and the cheese flavor.

  • That's amazing.

  • How did they do that?

  • Keeping.

  • We want something standard.

  • You want a good bag of chips airy, and if you're looking for that cheeseburger of labor like any clack, mister.

  • Oh, Zach, I wonder what they think.

  • So it's like it has eating feel now.

  • Does it taste like a burger?

  • What does it taste like?

  • You know you like, breathe through your nose.

  • You have, like, a freshness, dazed expressionist, if that's what it tastes like.

  • A hamburger Number nine Whom H E demon only giddy from Lawson again.

  • I had my picks but decided to let Michael win this on.

  • Because this is her super pick today.

  • So this is an oi naughty son.

  • Which means it comes in like this tofu skin bag like a tofu pouch.

  • But they've kind of locked, corrupted, and inside of the tofu pouch, you have the rice ball itself.

  • We just open this up for you.

  • You can see the little fish.

  • Little sesame seeds can see that room, eh?

  • On top is like licking my fingers.

  • It tastes like yaki soba.

  • You can taste The sweetness of the tofu pouch has been sweetened.

  • Take a bite.

  • Mmm.

  • Just so much flavor in there.

  • It's like it's sweet and I would expect really, really picks up a lot of flavors in here.

  • You get this, but May itself isn't so strong here.

  • It's kind of like a subdued, like a mild, mild fish you can old can barely taste.

  • It gives it a little bit of that saving this.

  • I think it does have that A little bit of saltiness, then The topo is probably like the star here, the one that, like kind of stands out.

  • Cordell We seen oil.

  • I think the rice is a little bit vinegary, this sour.

  • This is not coming from the myself, but from the rice.

  • They made it kind of like the sissy like rice.

  • So it's more like you feel it lighter than the regular when you get it also has the crunchy chopped up from humans.

  • Absolute picture.

  • This is like a whole goodie package and number 10 core Ito Eka non coats from Lawson.

  • This next one is my super super Japanese snack, because this wouldn't be complete without a super super Japanese.

  • It's another like Japanese snack that no one ever ever chooses to get.

  • I don't think anyone would, and it is a sweetened vinegar squid cartilage that doesn't even sound good.

  • So you can see here you have these like little pieces of squid, in fact, that you would think that they were dried, but they're soaked in like a sweet vinegar sauce.

  • Got we got 20 in the chamber, So let's try the 1st 1 It's sweet that has a sour nous to it.

  • Such an interesting structure is almost like a robbery picture because of the Sweden vinegar.

  • You just want to, like, keep on eating more and more.

  • It would be like another snack perfect for drinking.

  • You're to sit around with your friends and like, hang out and you can have just a packet of this or a tray of this just sitting on the table and have your chopsticks out and go into town.

  • I usually finish this like whole entire bag in one city.

  • I'll be in front of the computer and I just eat this whole entire thing so you're not going to try this like no one's gonna try this unless someone says it's good and I'm telling you, it's good.

  • It is an acquired taste, but it's so nice.

  • All right, so that concludes the video.

  • Hope you like it.

  • If you did help me on hit that light button If you want to see what I'm doing on the daily, then definitely check out.

  • My INSTAGRAM account helps support the channel.

  • Check out those soccer merch.

  • Finally, if you want to see more of my top 10 videos or Japan guides hit, that's a goblin, the bell button and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

this video is brought to you by squarespace in this video I'm gonna share with you guys.


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B1 中級

日本便利店必吃食品 (Japanese Convenience Store Must Eat Foods)

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