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  • - I'm sorry about Rachel.

  • Doctor says you're in agonizing pain, but

  • won't accept medication.

  • That you're refusing to...

  • accept skin graphs.

  • - You remember that name

  • you all had for me

  • when I was at Internal Affairs?

  • What was it, Gordon?

  • - Harvey...

  • - Say it.

  • SAY IT!

  • - Two-Face. Harvey Two-Face.

  • - Why should I hide

  • who I am?

  • - I— I know you tried to warn me.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Weurtz picked you up.

  • Was he working for them?

  • You know who picked up Rachel?

  • Harvey, I need to know

  • which of my men I can trust.

  • - Why would you listen to me now?

  • - I'm sorry, Harvey.

  • - No.

  • No, you're not.

  • Not yet.

  • - It's crazy. It's... too much.

  • - You should have thought of that

  • before you let the clown out of the box.

  • - You want him?

  • I can tell you where he'll be this afternoon.

  • - No so crazy as you look!

  • - I told you, I'm a man of my word.

  • Where's the Italian?

  • - All tactical units will converge

  • on the location in 20 minutes.

  • I want auxiliary units to cover

  • all possible getaway routes.

  • - Wait, Joker-man.

  • What you do with all your money?

  • - You see I'm a guy of simple taste.

  • I enjoy, uh, dynamite

  • and gunpowder

  • and gasoline!

  • - What is

  • - Uh tut-tut.

  • And you know the thing they have in common?

  • They're cheap.

  • - I wanna know how much they're paying you

  • to say who Batman really is.

  • - This is our chance!

  • I want Lau alive. The Joker, either way.

  • - Hey, Jim! Get a load of this.

  • - Let's take the next caller.

  • - Harvey Dent didn't wanna

  • give in to this maniac

  • You think you know better than him?

  • REESE I think that... if we could talk

  • to Dent today he may feel different, and

  • - And we wish him a speedy recovery.

  • Because God knows we need him now.

  • - You said you were a man of your word.

  • - Aw, I am.

  • I'm only burning my half.

  • [dogs bark]

  • All you care about is money.

  • This town deserves a better class of criminal.

  • And I'm gonna give it to them.

  • Tell your men they work for me now.

  • This is my city.

  • - They won't work for a freak.

  • - Freak?

  • Why don't we cut you up into little pieces

  • and feed you to your pooches? Hmm?

  • And then we'll see how loyal

  • a hungry dog really is.

  • [dogs bark]

  • It's not about money...

  • It's about sending a message.

  • [phone beeps]

  • Everything burns.

  • - Who is this?

  • - I had a vision of a world without Batman.

  • The mob ground out a little profit

  • and the police tried to shut them down

  • one block at a time.

  • And it was so...

  • boring.

  • I've had a change of heart.

  • I don't want Mr. Reese spoiling everything

  • but why should I have all the fun?

  • Let's give someone else a chance!

  • If Coleman Reese isn't dead in 60 minutes

  • then I blow up a hospital.

  • - I want you to call in every officer.

  • Have them head to their nearest hospital

  • and start evac and search!

  • Call the transport authorities,

  • school boards, prisons.

  • Get every available bus down to a hospital!

  • The priority is Gotham General.

  • Wheel everybody out of that place right now!

  • You, you, come with me.

  • - Where are we going, sir?

  • - To get Reese.

- I'm sorry about Rachel.


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B1 中級

這座城市應該有更好的犯罪等級|黑暗騎士[4k, HDR] (This city deserves a better class of criminal | The Dark Knight [4k, HDR])

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