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  • Is that the guy's ballsack?

  • [laughter]

  • Ballworms.

  • Oh my God.

  • So painful.

  • Parasite museum!

  • 10am to 5pm

  • Two floors of parasites.

  • Yes!

  • If Jun harasses you for not using a tripod, they say you can take videos but no tripods.

  • Oh! Sweet!

  • So.

  • Right in the brochure!

  • Where do parasites live?

  • Oh, it shows you which part of the animal they live in.

  • Eww! Eyeworms!

  • Wait, where's the one that got in, like, the appendix? And you, like, have to get surgery.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • Do birds have appendixes?

  • I don't know, but that could be an appendix. It's looking very appendixy.

  • So these are the animals that live nicely with each other.

  • I think this one attaches to, like, fish and eats off of the stuff under the gills of the fish.

  • This guy is really neat.

  • And these are parasites!

  • Parasites of humans...

  • Shows you where they are in the body.

  • So this massive jumbled mess of worms...

  • You follow it into the intestines.

  • Eww.

  • Eww.

  • Ewwwwww.

  • Ewwwwww.

  • These are in the liver.

  • That looks like a liver.

  • That looks like a liver to me too.

  • So these live in your colon.

  • Oh my gosh! This is so long!

  • Eww! It's one of the really long ones! It lives in your intestines!

  • How many worms have you had?

  • I don't know how many worms, 'cause we just-- when I lived in Ghana, we take the medicine every once in a while

  • to, like, flush out anything that might be living.

  • Eww.

  • Um, I had a parasite that latched onto my appendix when I was in Peru

  • so I had to get my appendix removed. That was fun.

  • Uh, I got another parasite in Taiwan, but I just took medicine and killed it.

  • Wow!

  • I wonder how many people have parasites and don't know about it.

  • Acari!

  • These are a type of arachnid.

  • Yay!

  • Acari are things like ticks and mites.

  • I would totally wear those as earrings.

  • Giant bloodsucking ticks.

  • We get ticks like that size on our dog in Indiana.

  • Oh, seriously?

  • I could get you some earrings. [laughter]

  • I'm dreaming there will be someday in the future when someone asks, like, me and another team of people

  • "Who can name five types of arachnid the quickest? Go!"

  • And then I would win.

  • I'll try to work on it.

  • [laughter]

  • Ugh, ugh, what's this?

  • What's this?

  • What is this?!

  • Oh my God, it's an 8.8 metre worm.

  • Ugh! Found in a Japanese sea.

  • Kinda creepy.

  • It's the same length as that rope over there, if you wanna see if it could, like, strangle you or something.

  • No!

  • Nooo!

  • What is this? Oh my God.

  • [laughter]

  • Ew, and it's even the same colour as the worm!

  • Oh my goodness.

  • Now I'm creeped out.

  • Can that kind go in humans?

  • So, like, maybe cows, bears, something like that?

  • This one's from the sea, so it's a little like a fish.

  • In a whale.

  • I didn't know malaria was a parasite.

  • This is a game called Guess What This Parasite Looks Like.

  • Eww!

  • Ugh!

  • Is that, like, the elephant one?

  • Cat poop...

  • From cat poop, and it can get into a person.

  • And that's kinda gross.

  • Don't eat cat poop, y'all.

  • [laughter]

  • Stop eating cat poop!

  • I know you people are out there.

  • Uhhh...

  • In someone's stomach.

  • Ugh. Ugh, look at the tissue.

  • Ughhh!

  • It's, like, living.

  • Living in this person.

  • This is heartworm. This is why you should always give the dogs heartworm medicine.

  • You don't want this to happen to them. Look at this.

  • This could be your dog's heart.

  • Give your poor doggy heartworm medicine.

  • Poor little doggy!

  • It's, like, bulging, bulging out of his head.

  • It's, like, headworms?!

  • Is, like, headworms a thing?!

  • Oh my God.

  • I wanna take a picture of this for Ryosuke.

  • [laughter]

  • An illustration for him.

  • He's carrying his ballsack like bamboo sticks

  • Does this mean this actually happens in Japan too?

  • I guess so.

  • Nooo! Noooooo!

  • What is this?

  • Nooo!

  • This is-- I mean, a lot of these are cured if you just take the medicine.

  • The right medicine?

  • Or just a blanket medicine that kills everything.

  • If you cook your meals and you don't get stung by mosquitoes.

  • Ever. Which is, like, most people.

  • [laughter]

  • I guess so.

  • So it's free to get in here, but it's nice to donate a little bit because of how they get all their money.

  • So definitely give them a little something.

  • Just stop by, 'cause this is really cool.

  • Thank's for joining us along the parasite museum! Bye!

  • Thanks! Bye!

Is that the guy's ballsack?


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B2 中高級

Tokyo Parasite Museum?! 寄生蟲博物館(東京) (Tokyo Parasite Museum?! 寄生虫博物館(東京))

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