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Oh, hey, Brian.
Put up.
I'm gonna go on a bit of a stroll.
All right?
Uh, yo, Rich Brian Joji.
We're celebrating the idea.
Rising head in the clouds Album and tour by cooking for friends at our end of summer.
Party house.
The thing is, though, I don't think we really not.
Welcome to the fees mansion.
Welcome to the feast mansion.
Welcome to the fees mansion.
Welcome to the feast mansion.
You know what of this vision, Brian is Joji.
So we're trying to step our game up a little bit for the party and we're trying to make, like, Mukasa sushi.
But we don't know how to do any of that s o way.
Brought in the legend, Mr Yo, Yo Takahashi solved five things.
We're gonna break it down piece.
Yeah, kind of fish.
Is this?
The king was kind of your hotel.
Oh, yeah, hopefully from music around.
But you guys never breaking up.
You never think I did it with my hands Once in the parking lot, Did you learn to make sushi?
And in Kyoto, Ugo I'm just picked them.
But I just want to be Oh, I like the way to go.
Yeah, well, just cut off the whole skin.
That was clean.
So we're having a party.
Can you teach us how to make sushi at home clothes?
I'm gonna do so Let's go.
Let's go, Tonto.
Same thing.
This is the the ass Bigger.
I've no idea.
Is this fatter?
That's exactly right.
Yes, sir.
That's pretty good.
When I was younger, I wanted to be a Fisher story because, uh, I like eating fish and catching fish, so I thought it was Yeah, you used to be go, like, confusing sometimes.
I used to go fishing a lot, So I'm gonna be exist for you guys.
All right, here's what's happened, but I bring that the other was at that charity.
Okay, so, champ, Huh?
Grab Liz?
They make dispensing between the use of bluffing.
Oh, threw away.
That's my four kind of couple.
Decide a student in this.
I don't even know what you're doing with so fast that some Rubik's Cube Shit.
You have your way.
Okay, hold that gravity.
Nice dude.
Yeah, they're throwing the lab.
You can go.
So, uh oh, hold it.
You're watching you build i ke a desk.
Yeah, yeah, It's gonna be really hard told Hole.
Okay, we've butchers.
This profession, action Bronson would beat my ass, right?
Is this gonna be like, Fuck, That's not so.
He mastered the nigari, but we gotta fill out that platter.
So will you teach us how to make sushi ones?
I haven't won yet.
What's your favorite time in California?
Okay, because that's why everybody okay?
Let's do that.
So are, like sushi rolls like this.
Something that people would actually make in Japan.
Wait, do more handled.
They'll have it.
Like the chain restaurants would have it in Japan.
You have ever told you my favorite, like thing ever is hearing you speak just like a little bit of Japanese wake up every day.
That's what I look forward, Thio.
Honestly, like can can one of you guys just teach me, like, a long sentence?
It's like I don't care what it means.
It's a book.
Yeah, you should go.
It means I'm a murderer.
We owe any kind of cucumber here.
Famous California avocado crab in the booth.
Are you trying to make a kind of square square square?
Okay, I'm down a trial.
So he said Good to see you.
Just got t.
Uh oh.
This one's kind of broken, I think.
Don't you go.
Is this okay, Chef?
Kind of kind of hesitated.
Should I put it like that?
No one in the middle of you already know Big cross station hours right here, Floor up.
This kind of rolling use, it's easy with.
So the thing that you know I don't know about me is I love weapons.
I know how to throw knives.
Like, don't ask how, uh, I'm just obsessed with those kind of things, So I feel like me with the knife is kind of like I feel like it's already the extension of my hand.
E can't do sharp things.
Like ever since I cut myself.
Like trying to shave my pubes once and then, like, it was just no good from there.
Like blades?
No, it's just That's a true story.
That Really?
What do you use to cut your freedoms?
Just razor Gillette.
You want to try both me and Jody's and kind of say which one's better?
You think he Oh, sushi shame is that disgrace?
Which one of us would be better off working?
And you're like, Wait, A Think you understand my job technique wise?
Now it seems like we've made a lot.
We definitely need to make more for the party now, Chef, I've been eyeing that for a while now.
What's going on here?
That's Ah, California spotted cultural.
Okay, can I hold on?
Oh, why don't you just fucking spin like that?
Oh, shit.
Oh, my God.
I did not expect to move like that.
That is so crazy.
That kind of season out right now, e.
I thought you guys see anything stopping there?
I actually bring the money.
Oh, I want the lost live stream.
You have a It's crazy because they can see us.
Oh, poor thing.
Is it dead?
No, not yet.
Not yet.
Thank God.
I've never seen, like, my food being killed in front of me, for it's worth it because it's gonna be delicious.
That's that's a little like, Yeah.
Oh, okay.
I remember that.
It was alive a couple minutes ago.
Yeah, fantastic.
All right, So we're now sushi masters.
And really good at it, and I'm very confident.
So now we're gonna prep for the party.
But, um, thank you very much, Chef thing, you shot.
You think about it.
And now you will continue a legacy.
And why don't we all just see now?
Because we'll assume she masters.
Now we all just hold up our knives and you can join in on this.
Yeah, she was.
Should've posted the camera.
Wait a bit.