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  • Do you see what I see?

  • It's a cloud in a shape of a rabbit. Cute.

  • No. Lower.

  • A rabbit in a shape of a cloud. Even cuter.

  • Higher.

  • Nick with a goofy smile on his face.

  • Nick with a goofy smile on his face?

  • Now that's something you don't see everyday.

  • Are you kidding? I love golf. My dad taught me.

  • So you're into it too?

  • It's like my favorite sport.

  • You know not a lot of people appreciate golf.

  • What's your favorite part of the game?

  • Hitting the ball through the clown's mouth and watching it come out his pants.

  • I'm kidding.

  • Good.

  • That's good.

  • Alright, see you in class.

  • See you.

  • Hey guys.

  • So what's her name?

  • Whose name?

  • The girl you're crushing on.

  • Crushing? What are you? Eleven?

  • I think her name was like Jenny or Penny or something.

  • Here we go again.

  • What are you talking about?

  • Nick, you always fall too hard too fast.

  • It's like you meet a girl then boom instant love

  • then boom you get dumped and then boom broken heart

  • and me and Kevin are there picking up the pieces.

  • Awww, it's Nick's broken heart.

  • That happened like one time.

  • Six times.

  • You know what? Don't worry because I'm taking things nice and slow.

  • There was like a hundred pictures of her in his locker, right?

  • That's what we thought.

  • Hey!

  • I was sitting at home

  • watching TV all alone

  • So tired of routines

  • The day goes on and on

  • So I pick up the phone

  • Call everyone I know

  • I say there's going to be a party

  • Hit the music here we go

  • Yeah

  • You gotta live to party

  • Bust your move

  • Everybody's in the groove

  • Tell the DJ to play our song

  • Are you ready to rock and roll?

  • You gotta live to party

  • Bust your move

  • Everybody's in the groove

  • Live to party

  • Arms.

  • So why am I putting this on?

  • It's gonna be Joe's and I want to make sure that when he

  • Joe's going to wear this?

  • Yeah.

  • And I want to see that

  • Joe's going to put his arms through these sleeves?

  • And his hands are going to come out of these holes.

  • These will be Joe's hands.

  • Macy.

  • Macy!

  • How long was I out?

  • So you know how crazed fans sometimes go after Kevin, Joe and Nick and rip and tear their clothes to get a little souvenir?

  • I couldn't help it!

  • Nick was standing so close. I had to have a piece of him so I grabbed

  • Macy, that was you?

  • You see?

  • A perfectly good shirt

  • ruined

  • This is why I created a new line of clothing I like to call

  • Stelcro

  • Patent pending

  • Now, when an overly excited fan grabs at the guys' jackets

  • the sleeve will just

  • break away.

  • Then, instead of throwing out a beautiful and expensive garment

  • all I have to do

  • is replace the sleeve.

  • Voila.

  • Less work for Stella.

  • More sleeve for Macy.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Do you see what I see?

  • Weird. That guy looks just like Nick except he's smiling.

  • It is Nick,

  • and he's more than smiling. He's smitten.

  • Awww.

  • And just when my gossip tank was running on empty.

  • I mean how crazy is it that you love golf and play guitar?

  • I just can't believe I'm even playing in front of you right now.

  • You sound great.

  • Well, I have my first real performance this Friday at Stevie DB's.

  • Wanna come?

  • I'm there.

  • Ok. Suddenly, I'm nervous.

  • Look, the trick is

  • just look really bored while you play.

  • Then, the audience thinks you really know what you're doing.

  • Let me show you.

  • Ok, so what's the trick to recording my first demo?

  • Do it in our studio.

  • Are you serious?

  • Of course.

  • I mean, read the fan magazines. I'm the serious one.

  • Thank you.

  • Look at them all cozy in there.

  • It would be just so rude of us to butt in.

  • Oh, we definitely got to do this.

  • Let's do it. Ok.

  • Oh, Nick? Didn't see you out here.

  • Oh really? Because this whole thing is glass. We're the only two people here.

  • This is glass?

  • And you must be Penny. We've heard so much about you.

  • No, they haven't.

  • All Captain McHappy can talk about is how wonderful you are.

  • No I don't.

  • It's nonstop.

  • No, it's not.

  • I apologize for their juvenile behavior.

  • Hey, I can apologize for my own juvenile behavior. Thank you very much.

  • Are these clowns bothering you?

  • Yes.

  • No.

  • Leave the guy alone.

  • He's hanging with a friend. I think he deserves a little privacy.

  • Ok. See you at home Captain McHappy.

  • Hey, I came up with that.

  • Thanks Stella.

  • Yeah, it's no problem.

  • Ok, so tell me everything. Don't leave anything out. Nothing is too personal. Start at the very beginning. Where did you two meet?

  • Stella!

  • It was so great meeting you.

  • You too.

  • I like the jacket better.

  • This feels a little stiff.

  • Oh yeah. I know. I'm still trying to work on a softer thread for the seam.

  • Oh I know! Ok.

  • You pretend you're one of the JONAS guys.

  • Oh golly! Which one should I be?

  • I'll be Joe. He's so cool just the way he walks.

  • Or maybe Kevin! He's so out there and wild like

  • Or Nick with all that intensity

  • What do you do? Just follow them around all day?

  • No. Of course not. Why? Do they see me?

  • Ok.

  • You're a JONAS

  • and I am a crazed fan.

  • [screams]

  • It's him! Oh my gosh! It's a JONAS! It's JONAS!

  • It's JONAS!

  • Ahhh!

  • This is why we test things.

  • There is nothing to see here.

  • Hey!

  • You want your shirt?

  • Yeah.

Do you see what I see?


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B1 中級

JONAS [HD] - S01EP01 - 錯誤的歌 (1/3) (JONAS [HD] - S01EP01 - Wrong Song (1/3))

  • 190 7
    李孟珊 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日