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  • - Harvey didn't never made it home.

  • - Of course not.

  • - What have you done with him?

  • - Me?

  • I was right here.

  • Who did you leave him with?

  • Hmm? Your people?

  • Assuming of course, they are still your people

  • and not Maroni's.

  • Does it depress you, Commissioner?

  • To know just how alone you really are?

  • Does it make you feel responsible for

  • Harvey Dent's current predicament.

  • - Where is he.

  • - What's the time?

  • - What difference does that make?

  • - Well, depending on the time,

  • he may be in one spot or several.

  • - If we're gonna play games

  • - Hmm?

  • - I'm gonna need a cup of coffee.

  • - Ah. The good cop bad cop routine?

  • - Not exactly.


  • - Never start with the head! The victim gets all fuzzy.

  • He can't feel the next

  • See?

  • - You wanted me. Here I am.

  • - I wanted to see what you'd do.

  • And you didn't disappoint.

  • You let five people die.

  • And then, you let Dent take your place.

  • Even to a guy like me, that's cold.

  • - Where's Dent?

  • - Those mob fools want you gone so they can get back to the way things were.

  • But I know the truth.

  • There's no going back. You've changed things.

  • Forever.

  • - Then why do you want to kill me?


  • - I don't—I don't want to kill you!

  • What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers?

  • No. No, no!

  • No, you

  • you... complete... me.

  • - You're garbage who kills for money.

  • - Don't talk like one of them, you're not!

  • Even if you'd like to be.

  • To them, you're just a freak

  • Like me.

  • They need you right now

  • But when they don't...

  • They'll cast you out.

  • Like a leper.

  • You see, their morals, their "code".

  • It's a bad joke.

  • Dropped at the first sign of trouble.

  • They're only as good as the world allows them to be.

  • I'll show you. When the chips are down,

  • These, uh, these "civilized" people?

  • They'll eat each other.

  • See, I'm not a monster.

  • I'm just ahead of the curve.

  • - Where's Dent?

  • - You have all these rules and you think they'll save you.


  • GORDON Who's in control?

  • - I have one rule.

  • - Oh, then that's the rule

  • you'll have to break to know the truth.

  • - Which is?

  • - The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules

  • and tonight you're gonna break your one rule.

  • - I'm considering it.

  • - You know, there's only minutes left so you're gonna have to play my little game

  • if you wanna save one of them.

  • - Yeah?

  • - You know, for a while there

  • I thought you really were Dent.

  • The way you threw yourself after her.



  • Look at you go!

  • Does Harvey know about you and his little bunny?


  • - Killing is making a choice.


  • - Choose between one life or the other.

  • Your friend, the district attourney.

  • Or his blushing bride to be!


  • You have nothing!

  • Nothing to threaten me with.

  • Nothing to do with all your strength.

  • But don't worry!

  • I'm gonna tell you where they are.

  • Both of 'em.

  • And that's the point.

  • You'll have to choose.

  • He's at 250 52nd Street.

  • And she's, uh, on Avenue X. At Cicero.

  • GORDON Which one're you going after?

  • - Rachel.

  • GORDON We're getting Dent!

  • Go! 250 52nd Street!

- Harvey didn't never made it home.


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B1 中級

蝙蝠俠審問小丑 - 黑暗騎士 [4k, HDR] (4k, HDR) (Batman interrogates the Joker | The Dark Knight [4k, HDR])

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