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  • Hey friends, welcome back to a new lesson. Sometimes we need to say certain things that

  • may sound offensive or a little rude to the other person, right? So in today's class we

  • are going to take a look atpolite ways of saying, not so polite thingsyeah, like

  • I just said, we need to say some things and sound more sensitive when we talk about it,

  • so other people don't feel that we are being insensitive or we are being too rude or maybe

  • too upfront, right? So let's take a look at few things that we need to be a little more

  • sensitive about. The first one ispassed away”, now a passed away means the death

  • of someone, right? So when you make an announcement to your family you don't say, my grandfather

  • died, right? Though it's true, he is no longer aliveyou don't say he died you say he

  • passed away, it's a more polite way of saying he died, okay? So remember don't say he died,

  • you say he passed away, alright? Now there's another slang way of saying this and that

  • is, “he kicked the bucket”. Well I would suggest you do not say it this way, don't

  • use the slang by saying, he kicked the bucketbecause some people may feel that you are

  • being insensitive and you're making fun of someone's death, alright? So well be aware

  • that this slang he kicked the bucket means someone passed away, alright? So remember

  • when you talk about someone's death or when you want to say someone died, just say he

  • passed away, okay? Now let's move on to the next one, “he didn't make it”. Now sometimes

  • people meet with a fatal accident and by the time they rushed to the hospital, the doctors

  • tried really hard to bring the person back alive and the person gives up, right? Or sometimes

  • you are fighting a terminal illness and the medication just stops working and that time

  • when we lose the person we say, ‘he didn't make it’, okay? That means he died. Maybe

  • it was a very fatal injury or an illness and you don't say that, ‘oh, he didn't survive

  • it, you know the medication didn't work…’ you just say, he didn't make it. So we rushed

  • him to the hospital, it was too late and he didn't make it, alright? Well friends the

  • next oneput to sleep”. Now we mainly use this when we talk about animals or probably

  • a pets that are suffering, right? So sometimes when say for example a dog grows really old

  • he's 14-15 years and his body just gives up he cries in pain and your vet feels it's better

  • to put him to sleep, that means to terminate his life, right? So that he no longer suffers

  • or cries in pain, alright? Now put to sleep, the correct verb that we use for this iseuthanized

  • okay, euthanized means put to sleep. So you can choose whatever you feel, if you don't

  • want to be too harsh and say we euthanized our dog, you can say we put him to sleep.

  • That means you willingly terminate his life, alright? So we you don't say we kill them

  • because that's not what you're doing, you are just freeing him from the pain and suffering

  • by terminating his life alright, that means you put him to sleep or euthanized your pet.

  • Alright friends, so remember this is more polite way of saying that you have terminated

  • your pet’s life. The next onedifferently abled”. Now we use this when you want to

  • say someone is disabled, alright? But you don't say he's disabled or you may not want

  • to say he's physically challenged, okay or you don't want to say he is mentally challenged

  • or something like that they are different people who have certain inborn, you know,

  • disability and when you talk about them, you can just say he is differently abled, rather

  • than saying he has this disability or he is disabled, we just call them differently abled

  • means they are differently abled, it's the same meaning as disabled, okay friends? So

  • when you say someone is disabled or is mentally challenged or physically challenged, maybe

  • visually challenged, you say, okay he is differently abled and it's a very subtle and polite and

  • most importantly a non-offensive way of talking about these people, alright? Now let's take

  • a look at the next one, “lost one's marbles”. Now sometimes certain situations or events

  • in our life, kind of tip you off, right? And you just lose your mental balance and I mean

  • in the real sense. So when a mentally… a doctor who deals with mental patients, wants

  • to say that someone has gone mad or crazy, you don't say he's gone mad or he's crazy

  • okay, we just say, he's lost his marbles. It's a very polite way of saying someone in

  • the real sense, has lost his mental balance. Okay friends, but remember when you talk and

  • when you use this expression, be a little serious, don't start laughing because it's

  • really not funny. Be a little sensitive and say, yes he lost his marbles, okay? So this

  • is a more polite way of saying someone is cracked or he's mad and he's crazydon't

  • use those expressions. The next one, “exotic dancers”. Well we all know what dances mean

  • but when do we say exotic dancers? There are a lot of strippers or who do strip shows,

  • right? So you cannot call them, ‘oh, so you're a stripper, huh?’ No, they do not

  • like to be called that way, what they like to be called or known as is anexotic dancer’.

  • So an exotic dancer is not someone who does you know like, salsa or jive, it's just that

  • he's a stripper or she's a stripper and we do not use the word stripper we just call

  • them exotic dancers. Alright friends, so well a little respect to them also, remember to

  • call them exotic dancers. The next one, “powder my nose”. Now imagine you are at a dinner

  • with friends, with colleagues or family okay, and you need to use the washroomso you

  • may feel a little odd or embarrassed you know, well you don't want to say I want to go to

  • the washroom, so all you need to say is, ‘I'm just going to powder my nose’, okay? Powder

  • your nose doesn't mean literally this, but it means you need to use the washroom, okay?

  • And well know this remember, so all you need to say is, ‘powder my nose’, so I'm just

  • going to powder my nose, I'll be back in a minute. That means you want to go to the washroom.

  • Okay, so well a nicer way of saying use the washroom, ‘I'm going to powder my nose’.

  • The next one, “doing time”. Well doing time means you you've been in prison. So when

  • you talk about someone who has been in prison and you don't want to say it very upfrontly

  • or boldly or maybe directly, all you can say is, ‘he has been doing timeand it means

  • he has been in jail. Well we have a more polite expression here because when you use the word

  • jail or prison, it may be a little offensive to the people whom you're talking about or

  • maybe people whom you're related to, so the better and the nicer way to say is, ‘he

  • has been doing time’. So doing time means nothing but serving or serving time in prison

  • or has been in prison, okay? The last one, “light-fingered”. Well sometimes there

  • are people who are very, very smart and they walk into a store, they'll keep the storekeeper

  • busy and all they do is just slightly flick things away, alright? So a person who's a

  • thief, is very light finger because even though you're front of him and you're busy talking

  • to him you have no idea it takes him a second to just steal things away and that is why

  • we call them light-fingered. Well that doesn't mean his fingers are light in weight, just

  • means they are so quick with their fingers that you don't even know when they have stolen

  • something from your store. So when you want to say someone is a thief or has a habit of

  • stealing things, do not say he's a thief, okay? What you can say is, be careful of him

  • he's light-fingered, okay? Okay friends, so these are some expressions that you could

  • go ahead and use and remember they save you because you actually say impolite things or

  • not so polite things in a very polite way, okay? And well this brings me to the end of

  • this lesson, I hope you enjoyed watching it. Go ahead and use these expressions when you

  • have to, I'll be back soon with a new lesson till then take care and bye.

Hey friends, welcome back to a new lesson. Sometimes we need to say certain things that


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禮貌的英語短語說無禮的話。| 英語口語練習課--自信地說話 (Polite English Phrases To Say Rude Things. | English Speaking Practice Lesson To Speak Confidently)

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