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  • Hello and welcome to Cupcake Addiction's Totoro Cakepop Tutorial where I'll be showing you

  • how to make this gorgeous little Totoro Cakepop and our little Soot Sprite.

  • Tools and equipment that we will be using today:

  • I'm resting my completed pops in a polystyrene block.

  • I've got a pair of scissors. 2 zip lock bags.

  • And a little piece of either greaseproof or wax paper.

  • I've got a couple of cakepop balls. I've got some lollipop sticks and some toothpicks.

  • I've got some black candy melts. Some gray candy melts. Now the gray today,

  • I've used 50% white and 50% black to get that gray color.

  • I've got some of our black candy melts sprinkles. Now I do have a whole tutorial showing you

  • how to make these sprinkles. But it is basically just grated, hardened black candy melt.

  • I've got some melted white chocolate. A few of our little pre-prepared decorations.

  • As well as some Wilton candy eyes there. A couple of unmelted white chocolate melts.

  • A knife. And 2 spoons.

  • So let's get started. Now the first thing we're going to do is make

  • our little Soot Sprite. He is super easy. So we'll get him done and out of the way first

  • and then we'll move on to Totoro. So you want to take our cakepop ball. If you

  • don't have a great recipe for getting your cakepop balls to this stage, ready to dip

  • and decorate, I will leave a link in the description box below to our cakepop ball recipe. And

  • this one has been refrigerated for about 15 minutes so it's really really nice and firm.

  • So I'm going to take my lollipop stick and I'm just going to dip it in. and while I'm

  • dipping it in, I'm just giving those candy melts just a little bit of a stir so that

  • they're nice and fluid when it comes to dipping our cakepop ball.

  • And turning your ball upside down, insert your cakepop stick. So that can go either

  • just off to the side or into the fridge to dry. And you want to make sure that that seal

  • is really really nice and firm. We'll pop off to the side.

  • Now to get started on our little Totoro decorations, you're going to take some of those candy melts

  • in one of those zip lock bags, and just spoon in a little bit to make some of his little

  • whiskers. So you just want to push down your candy melts

  • into the corner of the bag. We're going to snip off just a really really tiny little

  • corner. [We'll that's] be quite fine. That's supposed to fashion it into a little bit of

  • a piping bag for us. Then we're just going to pipe 6 or maybe 8. So we'll only going

  • to use 6 whiskers. But maybe pipe 8. I think a couple of them get broken. And it's just

  • as easy as piping just 6 or 8 little lines. Don't make these ones too thin. You don't

  • want them to be too thick because they are whiskers. Those first two, one of them obviously

  • is not going to work because that's one a little bit too thin. You pipe them too thin,

  • you're going to have a nightmare of a time getting them on to your Totoro. Try to make

  • them roughly the same length. So pop a few extras than what we need there.

  • That seal there is really well-set now so it's time to dip. Now as always with candy

  • melts, I do like to give them a really nice little stir. Candy melts are quite thick to

  • work with and I normally add a little bit of Copha, which is a vegetable shortening.

  • You can also use Crisco if you're in the US. Otherwise, just any vegetable shortening that's

  • going to set hard so when you melt it, it comes down quite soft, quite liquid. But when

  • you.... When it comes back to a set temperature, it is hot.

  • Now, this is a really really easy cakepop as I mentioned. I am just going to dip my

  • little Soot Spirit ball there. Make sure that that candy melt meets all the way up with

  • that chocolate seal that we've made. And give it a quick couple of taps.

  • Now the other thing you want to do with this is just clean up around the bottom. So just

  • run your finger around the bottom and just make sure that you're getting rid of any excess

  • candy melt that might be there. And you want to work quite quickly here while that candy

  • melt is still nice and wet. Don't worry if you don't have a perfect ball. There's a lot

  • of room for error in this one. So you want to take those 2 eyes and just pop them on

  • the front -- 1 and 2. And then you're just going to take your candy sprinkles and just

  • sprinkle them on. This is why you want to do it while this is wet. It is going to make

  • a little bit of a mess. But what's cooking if can't make a bit of mess? But you want

  • to make sure that that candy melt is still nice and wet when you do this so that the

  • candy melt sprinkles have something to stick to.

  • Alright, so there you have your completed and really really easy little Soot Spirit

  • Totoro cakepop. We'll pop him in the polystyrene block. We'll have a little bit of a tidy up

  • and we'll come back to get in to Totoro. Alright, so our Soot Sprite is done and now

  • it's time to get going on the main character, Totoro. So I've got my cakepop ball. I've

  • got one pre-prepared and pre-refrigerated here. But I want to show you how I get this

  • shape. So for this shape, I'm just taking a regular ball and I'm just going to rock

  • it in the palms of my hand a little, kind of make it almost like a bit of a teardrop

  • shape, so a little bit fatter at the bottom than it is at the top. And just push the top

  • down a little bit so that it's little bit flat on the top. That's where his little ears

  • are going to go. So just something like that. And that's going to go into the refrigerator

  • for about 10 or 15 minutes so that it's really really nice and firm. Now as I mentioned,

  • I've got my one here which has already been refrigerated. So to save time, that one is

  • ready to go. We're going to take our lollipop stick. Give

  • those candy melts a little bit of a stir. Dip it in the end of... Dip it on the end

  • of the lollipop stick. And we want to push that lollipop stick into the base of Totoro

  • there. Now we're going to give that a little bit of time to set.

  • While that one's setting, we also want to take our knife. So I've just got a flat edge

  • or butter knife. And we're just going to slice on a bit of an angle. So you sort of want

  • this to go down on a bit of an angle towards the lollipop stick and slide it up towards

  • you. And not too big. This is just going to be so our candy melt sits nicely on there.

  • So you can see there, I haven't taken too much off. And I've really just made just a

  • little bit of an angle there. And that is going to house our... Just make a little bit

  • of space for our little Totoro tummy. Popping that one off into the refrigerator to allow

  • that seal to completely set. Alright, so while that one is in the refrigerator,

  • we're going to make our other little decorations. So taking that other zip lock bag and a little

  • bit of our gray candy melt, just spoon it in. Now there are few different ways that

  • you can make these decorations. You can do them out of fondant if you like. But I'm just

  • trying to stick to, I guess, things that we've all got at home or that we can all find at

  • our local store. So taking your bag, we're just going to cut

  • off just a very fine point again. And you can use little piping tips and all those sorts

  • of things if you've got a lot of decorating equipment. Taking one of those unmelted melts,

  • we're just going to make this detailing here. So it's going to be as easy as... Just make

  • sure that the tip of your makeshift bag is nice and clean. And just put in a couple of

  • just little...the tops of triangle. So I like to put 3 in the top row and 4 in the second

  • row. We're having had a look on the internet, it looks to me that Totoro only has 2 rows.

  • So leave the bottom half of his belly nice and clean. Pop that one off to the side to

  • dry. And for his ears, I'm also going to do the

  • ears out of candy melts. So you just want to fashion just a bit of an ear shape. His

  • ears are quite big in some pictures and quite small in others. So little bit hard to [work]

  • exactly what was what. And I've found I ended up making a few extras of these. Some of them,

  • I wasn't as happy with. Alright, so as I mentioned, with those ears,

  • do make a few extras because you're going to want to try and find sort of matching sets

  • with those so that you've got 2 ears that look quite similar.

  • So we'll go and grab our cakepop from the fridge and it'll be time to decorate.

  • So we're back from the fridge. That seal is really nice and set and our cakepop ball is

  • really nice and firm. So it's time to dip and decorate. Now you do want to work quite

  • quickly here because we've got a lot of little accessories that we need to stick on.

  • As always, I'm going to give my candy melts a good stir so that they're as fluid as they

  • can possibly be before we dip. And we'll take our Totoro. Now, you want to have at the ready

  • your little Totoro tummy, your ears, and your whiskers. So I've found it easiest to have

  • them all sort of separated so that you can just grab them quite quickly. First thing

  • we're going to put on is the tummy, then it's going to be the whiskers and then the ears.

  • So let's get dipping and decorating. In he goes into that little candy melt bath

  • and just tilt him from side to side to make sure that you've got a nice, even dip and

  • it is covering that seal. Give him a few quick taps. Don't tap it too long because you don't

  • want that chocolate to start drying on you. Alright, I'm happy I've got most of that excess

  • off. So like what we did with our little Soot Sprite, just run your finger around the bottom.

  • And taking your candy melts or your white chocolate melts, just position that on his

  • tummy, sort of push it in a little bit so that it blends in with that chocolate.

  • Now we want to take our little whiskers. Make sure that your skinniest side is out. And

  • you're just going to position them -- 1. Little bit of by eye with the positioning here. 2

  • and 3. Leaving a little bit of space in the middle for his nose. And then on the other

  • side. And then we're going to take those ears. Now I like to have the flat side facing forward

  • with the ears and a nice little pointed tip at the top. And you want to push those just

  • into the actual cakepop itself. So into the chocolate but you feel that it's actually

  • going into the cakepop itself. Just borderline on that drying on me there.

  • So here you've got so far your little Totoro and he s just ready for final details.

  • So for the finishing touches, we're just going to do a little nose and a couple of eyes.

  • Now I like to use the end of a spare lollipop stick. It just gives you a nice sort of, I

  • guess, a nicer size and shape for the eyes. So for the eyes, I'm just going to dip into

  • that little bit of melted white chocolate. Make sure that you don't have too much there.

  • And I'm just going to rest him on the bench so that I've got a nice, sturdy, I guess,

  • area. And you want to put those eyes quite low. So just 1 dot. It will have like a little

  • point on the end of it. So once they're dry, you can just knock that little point off with

  • the tip of your finger. Don't try to do it once it's wet or it will make a bit of a mess.

  • Space those eyes quite far apart. Now turn that stick over. Dip into your black candy

  • melts and we're going to make the nose. The nose is not quite a round. It's sort of almost

  • a bit of an oval shape. So once you don't want too much candy melt on there. But I'm

  • just going to sort just almost paint a little bit of an oval shape. You can do this with

  • cocktail stick or toothpick as well but it does take quite a bit longer.

  • If you love this tutorial, make sure that you subscribe to our channel My Cupcake Addiction.

  • We've got lots of great decorating tutorials -- cupcakes, cakepops and lots more. And we'd

  • love to have you stop by. Now I'm just going to, as I said, just knock

  • the little tips. It doesn't take long for them to dry. Knock them off or I'm just going

  • to press them down so he doesn't have little points on his eyes. Then take your toothpick

  • and we're just going to give him a couple of little eyeballs. Nice point on that toothpick

  • and just dab down 1 eyeball and the other. Now depending on how neat your little ears

  • came out. So as we pull these ones off the paper, you can see there, that one there is

  • actually quite neat. But then you might get some of these little air pockets or little

  • air holes in there. So if you want and this is a little bit optional, you can take that

  • toothpick. And it does just help to blend him in a little bit. Take that toothpick and

  • just run it up those ears. So it's sort of... It stops him from looking so smooth compared

  • to the rest of the pop. It just blends him in a little bit so they're not quite as flat

  • on the front. So there you have your gorgeous little Totoro

  • and the Soot Sprite cakepops ready to go. I hope you've enjoyed watching this tutorial.

  • And as always, thank you very much for watching.

Hello and welcome to Cupcake Addiction's Totoro Cakepop Tutorial where I'll be showing you


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龍貓蛋糕流行 - 使龍貓和蘇特雪碧蛋糕流行 - 一個紙杯蛋糕癮如何教程。 (Totoro Cake Pops - Make Totoro & Soot Sprite Cakepops - A Cupcake Addiction How To Tutorial)

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