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  • When Facebook announced its ambitious new plans

  • to create a cryptocurrency earlier this year

  • it did so with a lot of fanfare and not much detail.

  • The scheme, we were told, could make

  • it nearly free and almost instantaneous to transfer money

  • anywhere around the world.

  • It could even, we were told, bring millions

  • of people without bank accounts into the formal economy

  • for the first time.

  • But at the same time Facebook told us

  • they had not yet secured the necessary regulatory approvals

  • for the project.

  • And nor had they finalised who their other backers would be.

  • Well, since then, regulator after regulator

  • has come forward to voice concerns about the scheme.

  • Many are worried that it could allow criminals to use

  • the platform to launder money.

  • And some are worried that it could

  • threaten the global dominance of the dollar.

  • That could undermine US monetary and foreign policy.

  • This regulatory scrutiny has become so intense

  • that some of Project Libra's prospective backers

  • are beginning to get nervous, especially those that already

  • have payments businesses such as Visa, MasterCard, Stripe,

  • and PayPal.

  • PayPal, in fact, did not attend a meeting here in DC

  • to discuss the communication strategy behind Project Libra.

  • And we've been told by people close to the company

  • that it is thinking of pulling out altogether.

  • As I speak, we are days away from finding out

  • what the final list of Project Libra's backers will be.

  • At that point we will know whether PayPal has joined

  • or not, whether others have joined

  • or not, and whether the momentum behind the entire scheme

  • has begun to stall.

When Facebook announced its ambitious new plans


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天秤座的支持者們表現出緊張的跡象|科技洗牌網 (Libra's backers show signs of nerves | Tech Wash)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日