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  • Hello.

  • Today's topic isn't really limited in Japan,

  • but it applies to many business men in Japan.

  • So, Rachel bought me some ties from America a few years ago.

  • This is one of them.

  • And I noticed that the directions of the stripes are different from the ties I've gotten in Japan.

  • As you can see, most Japanese ties have stripes that go up to the right.

  • But the ones Rachel gave me from America are all going up to the left.

  • It's said that Japanese ties are striped this way because Japan imported the culture of suits and ties from UK.

  • So, British striped ties go up to the right.

  • These ties are called regimental stripes.

  • They were supposedly created when the British military decided to get rid of brightly colored military uniforms.

  • The color combination showed which unit they belonged to.

  • On the other hand,

  • there seem to be two theories why the stripes changed direction in America as far as I could find.

  • One is that the American military also decided to adopt the tie,

  • and wanted to differentiate themselves from the British, and reversed the stripes on the ties.

  • Another theory is that Brooks Brothers, a traditional men's clothing store,

  • reversed the directions of ties so as not to offend British clubs and military units,

  • since wearing the tie of a club or unit that you don't belong to could be offensive.

  • Who knew tie stripes could mean so much?

  • Anyway, which direction are your tie stripes?

  • Please let me know in the comment section below.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • Wearing a tie on Sunday feels so depressing.

  • Let's work hard from tomorrow, guys!



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B1 中級

為什麼日本的領帶條紋是相反的? 你的條紋領帶朝哪個方向? (Why are tie stripes the opposite in Japan? あなたの縞ネクタイはどっち向き?)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日