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  • It's so funny, Like walking around this house.

  • I actually feel like I'm just in one of my friends like you knock a countryside houses.

  • It's pretty cool.

  • You may not know this, but there are many troubles Islands where we are now, Mommy.

  • Oh, she It's located all the way in the South takes about two and 1/2 hours by air from Tokyo.

  • He's super nice.

  • At this point, you probably have no clue what this beautiful island is all about.

  • So in this flood, I'm going to show you how to enjoy Amami Oshima.

  • But before anything, you gotta rent a car.

  • It's pretty cool.

  • You can actually rent this thing for, like, 3000 yen on our, which is about 30 bucks an hour.

  • It's nice.

  • Mommy is not a big city like Tokyo or soccer, so don't expect the same level of public transportation to help you get around.

  • So my most everything to do here is up in surfing.

  • There are so many surf spots water's blue as the sky.

  • It's okay if you don't know how to certain.

  • Most hotels offer reasonable tours for water sports.

  • If you don't care about catching waves you can just cruise on a sub or even snorkel.

  • Other fun activities you can try is the mangrove tour.

  • You could enjoy a beautiful nature scene in the peaceful morning.

  • We loved it after getting some exercise.

  • Let's get some good local food.

  • My favorite restaurant is Basha Yama.

  • One of their specialties, you must try, is a que Han K.

  • On comes the toppings of shredded juicy chicken egg, she talking mushrooms, pickled papaya and orange field for flavor and rice and hot chicken.

  • Ah, but a summit.

  • It means oil noodles, but is nothing.

  • Close toilet more like stir fry thin soma noodles with lots of flavor.

  • And check out all this other cool stuff you can try.

  • So we're gonna check out the yakitori place called Pitch.

  • I'm kind of hungry, so let's go check it out.

  • Most restaurants are gathered in the city called nausea, but it's a bit far from surfing spots.

  • For those who don't like long drives, I recommend bash Obama and texture.

  • It's nice.

  • Second time John Specialty Chicken.

  • I ordered chicken sashimi for starters, eating sushi sashimi.

  • It's also a little bit chewy and crunching.

  • I also got the juicy yakitori booth sauce is so good I can't get another like I almost feel like you're just the right some sauce.

  • I could just eat that without chicken.

  • Another topping.

  • So it's not a good way can yesterday, But now we're gonna have cake.

  • Chicken based soup very light.

  • It's not a very heavy soup.

  • It's really good.

  • Taste like chicken and mushrooms on this are amazing.

  • One thing.

  • Culturally, it's okay acceptable to slurping noodles in Japan.

  • In fact, it's actually good sign.

  • You're enjoying it.

  • You see that behind me?

  • You actually don't see this in a lot of parts of the world.

  • Japan is called a bottle case.

  • What it means is customers at frequent this place, they can order a bottle of sake, and if they don't finish it, they can write their name on the bottle and then they just leave it.

  • That's a restaurant when they come back again.

  • Then they already paid for the bottles that they drink that bottle again so you could buy a bottle.

  • It's yours and will actually keep it for you here.

  • Pretty cool system in Japan.

  • I haven't seen in a lot of other places.

  • You can also check out this cool heart room.

  • You can only see it during low tide, so be sure to go at the right time.

  • And if you like fresh ice cream, this is the place to go.

  • So many interesting flavors to try.

  • It was so hard to choose.

  • So this is the mommy park.

  • Don't really know what's actually in here, but we're gonna see what's inside.

  • We're actually on our way to the airport just now, but we had a few minutes that kill.

  • So we're gonna hop in here and see what's actually inside.

  • We might find something pretty cool if you have a little bit more time before your flight check out this mommy Park.

  • It's only five minutes away from the airport.

  • Wow, This is like a huge stadium area.

  • And if you look just like right here behind me, there is some historical museum kind of like artifacts and stuff.

  • You can see Mike.

  • Oh, she's checking with telescopes, just kind of want the little kids do.

  • But she's into that.

  • I think people from a mommy really like the liquor as you can see behind me.

  • So this is like a traditional Japanese house.

  • It's cool.

  • It's like it's set a little bit of love and then you can actually go in step inside.

  • And it has a straw like ceiling.

  • Pretty cool.

  • Let's go inside.

  • It's so funny, Like walking around this house actually feel like I'm just in one of my friends, like not countryside houses.

  • It's pretty cool.

  • All right, so that concludes our log for this time around in a mommy.

  • If you guys have any questions or comments leaving comments section below, In fact, let me know what you guys like best about this video.

  • Let us know which place was your favorite.

  • Leave that in common section well and like always.

  • If you want to see more adventures in Japan and in Tokyo hit, that's a 7 10 We'll see you in the next one.

It's so funny, Like walking around this house.


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(Top 7 Things to DO in AMAMI OSHIMA Island Japan | WATCH BEFORE YOU GO)

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