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  • When you think about the creation of money,

  • you think about places like this.

  • Or This

  • But what if money was created herein a Brooklyn loft, by a group of young entrepreneurs

  • and data nerds.

  • The company is called AirSwap.

  • The founders all met at either Burning Man or business school, and they envision a peer-to-peer

  • cryptocurrency exchange.

  • Today, they are launching their ICO or Initial Coin Offering.

  • An ICO is sort of like an IPO, but instead of buying shares, investors buy tokens.

  • This process is entirely crypto, so you cannot use, for example, a fiat currency like a dollar

  • to purchase our tokens.

  • So we're selling our tokens for ether, which is effectively a digital currency.

  • Most people buy tokens in the hopes that they will increase in value, much like shares of a company.

  • Because this is a global sale, we need to be available to people in different time zones.

  • So the sale's gonna run for 24 hours, and by the end we will have a approximately $35 million.

  • What will they do with all that money?

  • To understand this, you need to know a little bit about blockchain.

  • Now let me keep this really simple.

  • A Blockchain is a virtual public ledger that keeps any and every exchange watertight and

  • protected from fraud or hacking.

  • Experts agree that blockchain is poised to revolutionize the way we do business.

  • Using this groundbreaking technology, Airswap is building an exchange that removes all middlemen.

  • Lawyers, clearinghouses, banks and even governments will be bypassed with this new peer-to-peer system.

  • The same way that the internet and telecomm allowed for peer to peer information transfer, youre seeing

  • this now happen to blockchain where you have peer to peer value transfer.

  • I think one of the reasons why people are looking at this is, it really started in 2008,

  • when people's confidence in the financial system was really shaken to the core.

  • And all these intermediaries that people trusted fell short, and people are looking for an

  • alternative in which you and I can exchange value without the need of depending

  • on these institutions that we used to trust.

  • Demand for this new kind of value exchange is high- Something Airswap capitalized on

  • by using social media to build a worldwide online community in anticipation of their ICO.

  • This is basically a live world map of all the orders we have coming through the system.

  • It updates live and in real time.

  • This is the AirSwap community.

  • Yeah, they're very excited.

  • So they're posting memes.

  • We're probably about 23 million right now.

  • I can actually check.

  • Yeah, we're at 23 million.

  • The 24 hour long token sale wasn't without its hitches.

  • Several well-designed fake accounts tried to scam members of the

  • AirSwap community out of their ether.

  • Oh, this is a phishing scam.

  • Right now, I'm crafting an announcement to alert the community to several, what are actually

  • very well-done websites that are trying to convince people that they are us.

  • So we need to like actively expose them.

  • The imposters were eventually shut down, and sales resumed uninterrupted throughout the

  • night and into the next morning.

  • So where are we now?

  • Uh, right now we have just around 13 minutes left until the sale is over.

  • It's been a very tough 24 hours.

  • We have sold out our entire allocation.

  • Alright, we've got 5,000 token holders everybody!

  • By the end of their ICO Airswap had raised what is now valued at over

  • $50M of ether, issuing all of their available tokens worldwide.

  • By most if not all measures, uh, we can call it a success.

  • But the playing field is flooded with ICOs right now.

  • In 2016, there were fewer than 50 ICOs.

  • In 2017, that number jumped to over 250.

  • Now, everyone from to Kodak, yes, Kodak, has jumped onto the Cryptocurrency

  • bandwagon and launched their own ICOs.

  • No one knows who will survive the hype, and Airswap remains a relative newcomer.

  • But theyre optimistic that their global community of thousands of token holders will

  • push them to dominance,

  • all from this Brooklyn loft.

  • And in this bleary landscape of cryptocurrency, that’s worth something.

  • Hell of a morning.

  • Hell of a week.

When you think about the creation of money,


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在加密ICO中發生了什麼? (What Happens at a Crypto ICO)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日